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Valentine, spurn my sorrow — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
AW! || Dec 2nd, North Ghastly Woods, Early Morning, Cloudy, 3°F (-16°C)

Leaving the north behind had been too easy. The land grew dense with life and offered the traveling group shelter from the world. Forest branches tugged on messy unkempt fur. The snow had made an attempt at washing away the blood that stained a once ivory pelt. Regardless how much was flushed out the scent was still flooding her nose when she curled up at night. She knew she needed to wash it out before she reached the Willows. Piety could not show up a mess delivering their wayward child.

Her thoughts drifted to the girl. Adeltra had been sweet and strong to stick with them. Of course, when the scarred dove had offered to personally see that Adeltra get home she hadn't imagined it like this. Her mind tumbled once more. Who would be in the Willows waiting for them? Her son? An ex-lover? It wouldn't matter once they were close enough to drop off Adeltra. Piety had no plans on sticking around for long. Morganna would be at the Lagoon for her. If she couldn't find her then she'd seek out Greer on the mountain. It had all been talked about with affection before the fall of Wraith.

How unexpected the world could be.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

After making her choice to follow Piety and Cyril once the lake woman decided she couldn't stay at the Monadnock she'd stayed with their little group. She'd done just as she'd promised herself despite her own grief after they had lost Wraith. She'd kept watch over the children. Young Cyril had grown rather surly, Cheedo let him be but stayed close by a watchful eye in him. The other pup Adeltra she didn't know but she watched over her too.

Cheedo didn't know exactly where they were going and they had passed through so many places that she had not seen before. She didn't particularly care where they were going, she was with the two wolves she considered her family now and that was all that mattered to her. She wasn't ready to give up the only thing that had meant something to her. Whitestone was dead and she missed it and Wraith dearly but she knew that there came a time to move on.

Standing in the wood with the group her gaze fell on Piety who still had Wraith's blood in her coat. Cheedo had not pushed for the woman to clean herself up, she understood. “How's today look?” She asked stepping toward the pale woman.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

He couldn’t really feel anything anymore. Not the cold snow dusting his back and crunching between his paws. Not the warmth of his mother’s pelt when she brushed up beside him. His head was numb, a dull white noise ringing in his ears, his lifeless yellow orbs fixated on the path they took. The group headed west, around the edge of the mountain in hopes of dodging the worst of the snow. Blood still clung to his fur, heavy and uncomfortable, but he did not try to remove it. He allowed the snow to do it for him, piece by piece, erasing the last pieces of Wraith Kael.

The sullen shadow had not spoken since his father’s death. Even thought of exploring new territories and seeing things he had never seen before left a bitter taste in his mouth. Adventure was supposed to be enjoyable but this—this was torture. His beloved home had been brutally torn away from him, the wolves he had known to care about strewn across the tundra. There was no home in the north—not for the battered family.

He kept his distance from the group but did not stray far, always making sure he was within sight. Cyril knew he had to be there for his mother, but his tongue refused to move, his thoughts repressed. Separating from her was not an option—she was the only family he had left. 

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
They were a ragtag bunch, that much was for certain. A lost pup, two wolves barely putting one paw in front of the other, and another that she wasn’t quite certain of. The woman, Cheedo she’d found her name was, was nice. She had been the only one to accompany them, leaving behind two others who’d mentioned they might join them again in the future. She assumed that she herself would never see those wolves again, that brief meeting being the first and the last time.

They’d been heading south for the past few days, venturing down from the lowlands into a space she was much more comfortable with. Given this forest wasn’t as bright as her willows, but it was a forest nonetheless and she groveled in it. Deliberately brushed against the trees and felt them tug at her fur, leapt over fallen logs with ease and finding her paws were much more accustomed to the soft forest floor. But, she did not speak unless it was to ask if she could go hunt or if she were asked a questions which wasn’t very often. She respected their need for silence, their need to process, and even though she tried her best to keep up her cheerful attitude in hopes of lightening their spirits even a little bit she was still saddened for them. She hoped that they found some sort of happiness wherever it was that they were going. 

She’d been out hunting and had managed to catch a rabbit hunkered down in a burrow from the snow. It had taken her nearly an hour to flush it out and another half an hour at least to chase it down and finally snap it’s neck but this one had seemed to be particularly fat and perfect for her purpose. She’d noticed Cyril not eating much. Well, none of them had really eaten since they’d left but she wanted him in particular to make sure that he at least had something. She thought that if he ate it might be a two for one: her friend would get some nutrition and Piety might get some peace of mind(along with Addy of course). She carried it back, it’s legs dragging against the forest floor. An aud flicked as a flake of snow landed along the fine hairs inside but she kept trudging before making it to the area that the ground had gathered. 

She’d let Cyril have his space as all of them had, but this time she moved toward him. The rabbit was set down in front of him, black nose nudging it toward him wordlessly but amber-yellow gaze hopeful that he would accept her offer. He didn’t have to eat a lot though she’d be more than happy to let him have all of it, even just one or two bites would be enough.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
The mother did a head count at the sound of Cheedo's voice. There was three of them but then the dark girl came into view. Back from her hunting and offering the rabbit to Cyril. A sigh escaped her. She hoped that for his and her sake he took the offer. Piety didn't want to have to start forcing Cyril to eat. Her gaze looked over at Adeltra with a silent thank you.

"Today looks well. We should stay in pairs or as a group through this forest." She softly ordered. The place didn't look like it was going to lighten up on foliage anytime soon and the last thing she wanted was for someone to get lost. "Few more days hopefully and we'll have you home." The words left her as her gaze sought out @Adeltra. She would be sad to see the girl go truthfully but it would be one less wolf to worry about.

She thought to ask them to be on the lookout for Morganna's scent but perhaps it was best if she left that to herself. They weren't close enough yet if she remembered the land correctly but who knew what that Archer may be up to.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

The last three days had been hard traveling and a lot of silence between the four wolves. Cheedo had to hand it to Adeltra, she was trying so hard but it was a hard time. They had all loved Wraith and though she knew that her grief couldn't compare to Piety or Cyril’s she still grieved him. She did what she could to support their small group, she tried to he strong for them though it felt so unnatural for her. She wasn't the strong one, it was why Craw had called her fragile. Even in death Wraith was still teaching her things. That thought brought a small smile to her lips.

She caught sight of the little Archer returning from a hunt with a rabbit she was presenting to Cyril. Silently she willed the boy to eat something. None of them had eaten much but it was Cyril that worried her most, he was a pup and he needed nourishment. Piety's voice brought her attention back to the pale woman, “We might be able to travel far then. Each of us could take one of the children if we travel in pairs?” She suggested. Cheedo didn't ask how the woman was doing because she knew the answer and it would only make things worse.

Her gaze went back to the girl as Piety spoke to her, “I expect she will be glad to be home,” she commented quietly. Cheedo missed the Monadnock so much already.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cyril Kael-Santoro

His nose wrinkled at rabbit dropped at his paws, his yellow gaze trailing from the limp body to the girl behind it. His stomach lurched at the thought of eating, his tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth. He could feel the piercing gaze of his mother, anxiously waiting for him to take a bite. The thought of it was enough to bring the taste of bile to the back of his throat. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d eaten. Days had passed since his father’s passing. Had he even eaten that day? He swallowed, his stomach turning over once more as he returned his gaze to the meal at his paws. One bite, just to appease his mother. And Adeltra.

He chewed the piece of meat longer than he needed to, his ears pointed at his mother as she spoke. Few more days. And the ebony cub he had grown used to would be gone, back where she belonged. A frown creased his dark features as he swallowed, his shoulders sagging. At Cheedo’s suggestion the boy returned his gaze to the lost princess, the corners of his eyes falling. While he respected the agouti and enjoyed spending time with her, Cyril did not want to be separated from his mother or the girl. He took another bite, this one smaller than the first, before nudging the rabbit back to Adeltra. He couldn’t stomach the whole thing, but he appreciated her trying.

He then looked to his mother, his yellow gaze fixated on her pale frame. Let me stay with Adeltra, he pleaded silently, hoping his mother would get the message without needing to hear the words.

Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adeltra Archer
The girl’s eyes connected for a moment with Piety’s, the silent thank you not going unnoticed and she gave a small shrug of her shoulders. She didn’t mind it, she just hoped he would take it. She agreed with them staying in pairs and she quietly hoped that her and Cyril would be able to stay together. She might be directionally challenged and her companion might be perpetually glaring at the ground but together they’d manage. Her heart constricted when she mentioned her being home in a few days, mixed feelings of happiness and sorrow mingling there. She pushed them aside, and watched Cyril out of the corner of her eye. When he slowly went for the bite her tail wagged minutely behind her small frame. Her plan was a success! Even though it had only been one bite, it was progress. When he pushed the rabbit back to her she went forward happily to take it, snatching it up and moving a little ways away to lay down and munch. She’d leave him alone for now, happy to lay around and listen to the silence or the quiet conversation. Whichever happened.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]