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I'm Losing My Mind — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Panic wasn't allowed to hit through, though it might've been very useful. Her brains struggled between the pleasure and horror, the lack of oxygen that was always needed. Legs kept swimming, but to no specific direction. She couldn't reach the bottom, she couldn't break the ice above her, Rebecca couldn't get out from the water. And she felt good. Which was not a good thing. True, there was the feeling of need to get out, her lungs felt like they was going to explode from the lack of air, but her hormones tried to relax her, to make her feel awesome. They were doing well, but in her blurry head Reba knew she needed to get to surface or drown. But how to get to surface when you can't break the ice?

Almsot losing concious, giving up for the feeling of joy, to the feeling of letting everything go. Then, a pain. Not from her lungs, but on her shoulder. Why? Pulling, more pain. Ah, someone was pulling her! Who? To where?

Reba's brains tried to clear up a little, forcing her legs to help whoever pulled her. Then, ground. She felt ground under her legs. Shallower water. Legs were now just too weak to carry her anywhere, or to swim, so the ebony wolf let the puller to drag her. Then she took a breathe. Wait a moment... Air? Yes, she could breathe! Opening her eyes, gasping, coughing, legs struggling to find balance, feeling snow under her paws.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: exit post, if you don't mind ;)

Neither the throbbing aching of her temples nor the sharp pain of her ripped muscles left any thought to pass through her brain. Intellections stumbled one on another, tangling themselves in the impenetrable funnel that was now her mind. Her act of mettle had left her broken, rushing in adrenaline with every beat of her pounding heart, with every pant that escaped her lungs in desperate search of air. Falling in tiredness, her body let itself go, lumbering a few steps before bumping on the ground with a muffled thud. It was not the physical effort what had left her breathless; the emotion had been so strong, so overwhelming, all she could do now was lie until further comprehension of what had just happened arrived.

For what could have been either a few seconds or an entire eternity, her numb body stayed in the same spot, motionless entirely with sunset orbs wide opened, aiming to the same spot of snowy liquid for all of the time she stood in the same position. She could feel her once thick and impenetrable coat heavy, filled with water and absorbing humidity form the winter ground, her spine shivering with every wave of soaking cold that reached her tender skin. It was time to go, probably to the security to the spot she had taken as den, to dry and survive for another day. She wouldn’t die there, and if she stood for too long, that was probably what was bound to happen, her primal instinct told her. Then, with a shivering rumble, she stood as best as she could, checking on instinct for the safety of the other wolf.

“How are you” dull words fell from her blanked mind in an effort to liberate herself from her numb veil. It had been all by instinct, she didn’t even know the wolf well and yet she had managed to save her life without hesitation. That was something unexpected… and new for her. Desperate situations, she had lived quite a few, but this feeling of adrenaline filling her veins with every hint of breathing was something she was not accustomed to feel, especially since she only remembered having felt it just one time before, in the disaster that forced her to survive alone and separated her family and protection from her. She knew this situation was completely different, yet she couldn’t resist to vaguely wonder if she had done the right thing… for her own self, at least.

But that was not something to debate at the moment.

The wolfess shook her pelt in a corporeal impulse to escape from her soaking chill. Then, eyes gazed blankly at the ebony lady that stood next to her, perhaps her mind wondering if she had something to say or comment on the situation, contrary to what she was being able to do or speak. But time rushed, and if she didn’t find a warm spot to rest, she’d be in trouble.

“I… I’ll be going now” a whispering bark broke the calmness of the scene “… Rebecca” Rebecca. If there was something to be sure of, it was that, either if they met again or not, she would remember her name. “Take care of yourself” she then dropper, an overwhelming sincerity striking her words as she drew the slightest of smiles in her tense onyx lips. Then, she proceeded to pad into the coldness of the forest, weakened pace in desperate need of recovering.

{ Suvah exits }

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2012, 08:41 PM by Suvah.)
Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Sorry for short and poor post. Muse low... Luck that this is the exit XD

Her skin wasn't wet, but coat was covered with ice. Not so pleasant. Probably returning to her den and warming up wouldn't be a bad idea... Looking at Suvah gratefully. She had saved her life... Why, that wasn't clear to her. <b>"Thanks Suvah. For saving my life."</b> Rebecca said and gave a quick lick to Suvah's shoulder. She hoped that it was <span class='word'>idoneous</span> for this moment. Not that she would've have enough knowledge about manners to say what was right or wrong thing to be done or even think about it. Training would've been needed...

<b>"Take care..."</b> Reba asid after her, voice fading away. She felt... Depresses? No, she wasn't sure what she felt. Shrugging the ebony, icy wolf walked off.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">