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prayin' [for] daylight — The Wildwood 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant had had enough of the drivel but he was also still hungry. He had only eaten enough to take away the hunger pangs, but he was reluctant to leave Rhysis alone with this idiot. Not that he didn't think the younger wolf could look after himself, but because he didn't trust the other wolf as far as he could kick him.

In truth he was a simple beast, and prefered to focus more on his baser needs than to get himself too wrapped up in much more. He knew others saw this as a negative, but to him it was the best positive of all. He didn't have the stresses others had, he was footloose and fancy-free...free most of all.

He settled under Rhysis's gaze. He really wasn't that stupid and Valiant knew it, he had just allowed his tempter to get the better of him. He shifted on his paws, loosening his muscles in the process, no point to be wound to the point of breaking, not for this wolf...

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre was growing agitated, and bored. It was about time to put an end to this. There were more important things to be doing. There was little else to discuss at this point and he was eager to get away from the two lackwits and find more sophisticated company - someone with a brain who was capable of making intelligent decisions. But he kept those thoughts from his face, showing only a cold, hard stare with no emotion.

"You would name all of the conditions; my only condition is that my mate and I are left alone and alive once your pack is founded." He took a small step backwards, making it look as though he was shifting his weight because his side was bothering him. In truth, it had barely bled and it wasn't much of an injury; it would heal quickly. "I have my reasons for wanting you to be successful, but once your pack is formed there would be no contact between you or I again." Yes, he had plans and ideas running through his head, and he wanted this brute's pack to form because of those plans and ideas. It would benefit him in the end.

"My offer stands," he said in closure. "If you wish to accept, call and I will find you." With that he turned on his heels in a blur and pushed against the ground, launching himself into flight. He did not sprint, as he had before with the silver male, but instead set a steady pace. Yes, they could have followed him, but it would do them no good. He wasn't going home just yet, and when he did he would find a way to make his path untraceable. He did not know the name of the two wolves, and they did not know his, but he would recognize their voices if one of them happened to call to accept said offer.

OOC// Sorry I had to take him out. I'm losing my muse for Sabre, and this thread. I feel as though it will just keep spinning in circles if it continues.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Agreed, they don’t seem the sort to agree on much in their current moods! We'll have to sort it out OOC though, if you're loosing your mood for him it may be better to not go with this idea?

Rhysis said nothing more as the other spoke. It appeared he was happy for him to run things behind the scenes, but it all depended on how long it would be before they left. With the silence between them, it was little wonder the stranger made his exit swiftly. No doubt running back to his whore, Rhysis thought snidley as he saw the rear of the black male vanish. He lossened his torso then, unbunched his muscles and turned to glance at Valiant onc emore. Whilst Rhysis may have made the rules, he was still curious to know what the fluffy wolf thought of his offer. It was obvious to Rhysis that the stranger had another agenda, there was no logic behind setting up a pack and giving it away, it made no sense whatsoever; that might give them an advantage though, to know that something was going to happen in the future should they take this step into power.

<b>”So what do you think?”</b> he casually asked the lighter wolf. With another glance over his shoulder and a sniff of the air to ensure the other male was gone, he turned and headed towards their recent kill, gesturing for Valiant to walk with him. There may not have been much left but winter was a tough time and they should eat all that they could. Nothing like a romantic meal and polite conversation for two, aye?
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant followed the younger wolf back to the kill. "I think I smell a rat." he said honestly. He wouldn't trust the wolf as far as he could chase him and he imagined that would be a fair way. He had been playing particularly nice because he was having so much fun stirring the stranger up. "We'd need more than his word, that much is for sure. We'd be chased off as soon as he had others to do his dirty work for him. Typical bossy alpha for sure... You know I wouldn't follow his rules." he added as an afterthought.

It wasn't that he deliberately went out of his way to break the rules, he just refused to acknowledge them in the first place and the younger male seemed content to let him do as he willed if he was willing to be another wolf in the tally, and lend his muscle where it was needed.

He had his own plans with the kill once they were done, it had been so long since he had caused a decent amount of havock and knowing he had annoyed the male further would only make him feel better. He wouldn't be leading his bitch back here, but if he did, he wouldn't find much... But first to eat all he could, and listen to the younger wolfs plans. "Females aren't an issue you know. I don't like keeping them around any longer than I have to... but when the time comes I'm sure we could sort something out..."

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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
This is going to be amusing. xD!

Rhysis helped himself, as he often did to a chunk of flesh as the other spoke. His guard was dropped lower than usual as he lowered his head and allowed his pearly whites to tear into the little meat that was left. It wasn’t his kill, but he was going to eat it all the same now that the dark stranger had left. He might have pride, but it was still winter and times were hard. Between his chews he glanced to Valiant as he spoke; his words made perfect sense and he was glad to know that they had the same trail of thought.

<b>”I’m glad you think the same.”</b> he added casually after he had swallowed the tender and still warm flesh. Deep down he was grateful for the fluffy idiot, he was such a simple creature and wanted little in return. Muscle when he needed it, an opinion when he asked for it; he was the one wolf in his life who had yet to betray him, but that thought was always present. His own family had abandoned him and it was only a matter of when this wolf would do it too- still, he had to make the most of him whilst he could. <b>”Guys got a fucking screw lose if he thinks we’ll take him up on that. If he wants to spoil his whore with a pack then he can sort it himself.”</b> he added with a smirk. He could feel sorry for the stranger, being so under the thumb and all, but he didn’t like him enough to think of it again.

<b>”We do still have that problem though mate. We need to find one so we can get things moving... We either find one willing or take one by force.”</b> he said between another bite. <b>”I’m happy with either method, but keeping her prisoner would become tiring I’m sure.”</b> he thought aloud before he glanced to the fluffball again. <b>”It might come down to your... <i>charms</i> mate. It’s doubtful we’ll find one in this backwards area where they all have the sun shining out of their arse.”</b> Which was a true point for he had yet to bump into anyone who was on the same page as him and would be up for running such a pack alongside him.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
OOC: Ties in well with Val being such a hoe-bag up in the mountains atm ;)

He respected the younger wolf, that much he could admit. Some were made to be leaders and some were made to be loners, and it took a good leader to convince a loner to follow him. He had to admit the females here were harder than he was used to, he was going to need to pull out all of the stops if they were going to make this work.

"Maybe I should head out around the borders... see what I can fish up... Before they get down here and get all self-important." He was never going to say no to doing what came naturally, and he wasn't having any luck down here, besides, it would give him an excuse to hang around and do what he does best.

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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I'll end this here so they can seperate and get things moving along, that alright? I figured by having them join CRC we'd also get enough lifepoints for later to set it up.

<blockquote>With a curt nod, Rhysis agreed. It was the best action to take- they required a female and in the mean time he could deal with his other issues, such as his sister. <b>"Alright... go fishing mate, see what you can find. I'll be found at a pack here called Copper Rock Creek; there is someone there who's life I need to make a misery- if they'll have me that is."</b> he added with with a grin and glanced towards his companion. <b>"I don't think the Alpha female likes me much... I'll need to use all of my charms to get in I'm sure."</b> he spoke with a wry smirk. He wasn't too worried, he could charm the birds from the tree if he tried hard enough and although the female he had met had been distrusting, he was going to pull out all of the stops to get himself closer to his sister, and if that meant joining a pack then so be it. Besides, joining their pack had its benefits.

<b>"I think it'd be an idea for you and whatever slut you find to join me there; we could do with pack strength to build us back up. It would be pointless to take a territory in our current conditions.</b>" He stated simply. Whilst it wasn't what he had in mind, with their current condition and the harsh winter they were facing they could do with a few good meals in their belly.

With a final glance at the carcus he stood on all fours, he'd leave the rest for his companion as it seemed he needed it more then he did himself. <b>"If you need me in the meatime, I have a den in the Wildwood. It's the area which was burnt down a long time ago... leave something there with your scent and I will find you. Oh and Valiant."</b> he added as he turned to leave and glanced over his shoulder. <b>"Don't pick a moron... they're most tedious."</b> he said with a smirk before he made his leave.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 10:34 AM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]