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in case of rapture — Lost Lake 
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Played by Sarah who has 290 posts.
Inactive No Rank
<blockquote><ul><span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>uhm, so we can either end it here and do a continue or not. Idunno if a continue is necessary. </span></li></ul>A thunderous monster rumbled in the depths of his beaten soul when she spoke, a monster that he had lashed and shackled and thrown away into the darkest recesses of his soul. He was determined it would not see the light of day again. Oh, but how it raged against it's chains, desperate to escape and reek havoc against the living once more. Hell and back. The monster was screaming inside of him, throwing itself against the chains. <i> I'm here! I'm still here!</i> He was alive, triumphant and defiant, and only partly, secretly still a monster. Jayse continued to speak, slowly waxing more agnostically curious. However, Kiche had to shrug it aside, before the monster could grab a hold of that tiny wisp of hope. "<b>It's a coincidence, is all. I don't think I believe in reasons anymore,</b>" his smile was slow and shy, as if he was afraid to admit aloud what he had believed silently for so long now —or half of him had, at least. Jayse of all heathens would understand what this meant to Kiche, who had been such an ardent believer. But now he didn't know.

In an instant, Jayse's words parted a dark curtain that had veiled his heart, and now the light poured in. Hissing and spitting, the monster retreated farther back into Kiche's memory, shrinking it's presence and folding in on itself, hiding. That she wanted to help him, had always wanted to help him, made all the difference. His furtive smile deepened and creased his face, although it was still wary —this was too good to be true. "<b>No, no!</b>" He couldn't let her finish speaking, couldn't let her speech taper off into those other horrible, hypothetical options, "<b>No, I want to come home with you. I... I think I need to come home with you.</b>" Otherwise, he would likely fade away into dust. "<b>Please let me come home.</b>"
(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 05:29 PM by Kiche.)
[Image: Kiche-porcisig2.jpg]
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>we can wrap it up here i think ^^) i'll let you archive it.</i>

    what a shame we all became such fragile broken things.

She would not argue with his comment though she thought otherwise. It was like someone trying to tell her her own life was worthwhile. She would deny it too. She hardly saw any part of her life an accomplishment or worthwhile. If she were dead someone else would be around. It was actually his somewhat sheepish smile that had her full attention because she'd doubted she had witnessed it before. Would she finally get to know the real wolf inside? She had a feeling maybe Kiche wasn't aware who he was either. "It is hard to decide," she muttered with a wary sigh, starting to shrug her shoulders, but pausing in the motion when she flair of pain shot against the bone. Damn ice. Released breath she shifted slightly closer to the brute. Life was cruel, why some lived and died she wouldn't understand. She somehow felt closer to the ginger male feeling they were on similar grounds where before she hardly counted him being the same species something in common.

Waiting for his answer, she tried to keep her mask indifferent as not to make it any hard. His smile only shaped his rough features further, and she smiled in return delightfully surprised by his intervening he didn't want to stay. Grizzly Hollow was actually home to him. She couldn't hold back her light hearted chuckle. He thought she wouldn't let him? It was clear he needed to return to the forest, and there was a glimmer it would do good to have him back. Though she was starting to realize just how full of testosterone the hollow was gaining. "Of coarse you can come home, as long as you can walk there." She half teased, yet her eyes holding a serious haze to their mismatched depths.

(This post was last modified: Feb 04, 2012, 05:57 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]