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wanderer — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
The female backed away from him, and perhaps with good reason; Ice was tall, thick, and a pack wolf. Hells, sometimes others had been afraid of him simply because his eyes were pale. Without changing his demeanor much he watched her, not certain what to say. "No you didn't disturb me you just woke me up from my sleep"? That was as much a lie as he'd ever heard.

Corinna's arrival saved him from having to handle it on his own.

The moment he became aware that she'd come up behind him, in his tracks, he sank down just a little. For a tall wolf as he to be lower then her all the time he'd have to severely compromise his stance, and with two wolves so near the borders, he hoped she'd forgive him his physique in light of the fact that he wanted to protect. However, his tail quickly dropped to press against the side of his leg, ears disappearing at the back of his skull and when she came up beside him, he pressed his nose against the corner of her mouth and gave a low whine as a greeting. Hoping that it was enough of a greeting under these circumstances he let his tail back up, though nowhere near as high as Corinna's, and his head was lowered beneath hers. In silence, the large wolf stared at the pair of loners, pale eyes alternating between them. Both were young, eager - and foolish. For a moment, he mused on making some sort of joke to give them to Indru for eating or something, but then he remembered that Indru didn't like to eat wolves. No sane wolf ought, but still.. a harmless joke... Angrily, he clamped his jaws together. No saying stupid words now.

At lest they had enough sense to own up for what they'd done, which showed a remarkable backbone - or just honesty. Ice liked honesty. Lies and sarcasm was usually too much for his poor brain to keep up with (though he certainly could, if he wanted to). Ice's eyes narrowed more, two slits of gray. They were young, foolish, honest, and..what? What was it that was required to be a part of Swift River? Ice had given only loyalty, unto his death. There certainly wasn't any sort of admittance test with intelligence, because if so he'd be rotting on the bottom of the river by now. Was a sincere apology and a heartfelt wish to be part of a pack enough? Curious, cautious, not entirely certain what he thought, he craned his neck to observe Corinna for a moment, before looking back to the interlopers. What would she do?
.ice aesir
(This post was last modified: Feb 09, 2012, 02:18 PM by Ice.)
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The Swift River she-wolf did not back down. She bid only a moment to nudge Ice's cheek in greeting as he gave a low whine in a greeting. It seemed that the presence of the two River wolves was causing some of the commotion to settle down, but watching the two younger wolves, Corinna was not particularly impressed. Ears flicked forward, and the growl in her throat did not cease. They made pathetic attempts at submitting, which helped ease the tension some. But their words were falling on deaf ears. They had nothing to offer her or her pack. Winter was not yet over, and Corinna had no desire to feed more mouths that could not pull their own weight. Staring down the pair, Ice at her side, she wanted nothing more than to chase them out and hope that they would learn their lesson the next time they were near pack borders.

Opening her mouth, she prepared to tell them to get lost when the male did something truly outrageous. He sat down. Head cocked to the side in disbelief, and her green eyes widened in shock. She had been leader of Swift River for almost a year now, and as such, had dealt with her fair share of lone wolves at the border. But never had she come across somebody with such audacity. Her reaction, after a short recovery, was swift in coming. Growl escalated to a snarl, and her brow furrowed further. Lunging forward, she snapped at her teeth together, intentionally hitting empty air. She merely wanted them to go away, there was no reason to physically harm them, unless they decided to put up a fight. "Get out." She didn't offer them an explanation, but she didn't have to. Corinna merely wanted them gone so she could return to her den and relax.

Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt moved so she stood in between Puzzles and the female, she didn't want him hurt because of her mistake. Her tail was still tucked between her legs, ears flat against her head, and head lowered for the femme. Hartt met her stunning green eyes before she spoke. "We are not on your packs territory Ma'am, we don't have to go anywhere." She knew it was a mistake to speak to the female that way. She didn't want to challenge her and she certainty didn't want a fight, but if the female attacked them she would protect her new friend.

Hartt looked back at Puzzles to see what he wanted to do, if he wanted to leave she would go with him. She liked finally having someone around.
Played by Pebbles who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Puzzles Mc White River
Puzzles cocked his head at Hartt."I thought we were in there territory ?"as Hartt spoke to the female,Puzzles thought that was a bit of a silly mistake,but he would never show it.He did admit it though,he never understood how to act around a pack.Puzzles nodded at the Swift River female."I understand." He cleary didn't,but wasn't going to dare to ask."Let's go,Hartt.I don't want any fights or confusions around because we're here,there's no point in sticking around while we are not wanted."He said to her while tugging the white female.He had nodded goodbye at the two.

As Puzzles padded away,he never understood how Hartt never had been aloud to join that pack, she was the perfect female to join Swift River,that's what he thought anyways.He had dashed far away from the pack territory,wondering if Hartt would follow him.
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
He could feel the tension returning like hot wires snaking around them again, and in response his own muscles grew taut, ready, as his eyes narrowed and his lips peeled back ever so slightly. Merely a heartbeat later, Corinna lunged forward with a snarl, her teeth clipping the air. Without thinking, he followed suit; a low rumble whispered in his chest and he placed his paws wide for balance, though he remained where he'd stood the entire time. Corinna held the reins, but she need only say the word and Ice would .. do something rash and stupid. Through narrowed eyes from a lowered head he watched the pair, and the young female spoke up. Foolish. Not on their territory, well, darned close enough. Two yearlings against two fell-wed, larger pack wolves? They didn't stand a chance. "If you don't move your dainty backside, I'll move it for you," he growled out, indicating that, despite his friendlier approach earlier, they wouldn't be able to target him and expect pity. Corinna wanted them gone, and if they didn't leave of their own free will, Ice would make them leave. The male, he seemed more sensible though, understanding that to provoke the lead female and her, for now, guard would be unwise. Hopefully, he'd be able to take the mouthy girl with him.

As the male fled, Ice grew silent; he didn't relax one inch, but he'd give the female the chance to follow suit and scamper off after her loveboy. If she didn't, and Corinna kept up the aggression, he'd follow up on his threat of forcibly removing her from this part of the Grove. All in all, as he stood there with narrowed eyes and hunched shoulders, he felt quite strange; he did what he thought was best, but he wasn't certain what Corinna expected of him - and likely, he was too shy to ask. And so he let his heart count the time with its fast beats, wishing that he would not misstep in this dance. He also found himself wishing the female would run off, because if she refused to, things could get ugly - no, would. If she didn't flee when stared down and barked down, there was no other way but to turn to violence.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The female's posture didn't give an inch; she was in control of the situation and she knew it. Her demand to get out was seconded by Ice and she found herself grateful for her presence. Should the two yearlings decide to get cocky, things would not turn out well in their favor. They were far outmatched. Bigger, healthier, more experienced, and all together more intelligent, there was no doubt in Corinna's mind that if things turned ugly, the Swift River leader and her pack mate would be the ones leaving triumphant. And the given the brashness of the girl, it seemed that this encounter might be heading that way.

Not bothering with words, the she-wolf lunged forward again, the sharp snap of her teeth growing ever closer to their marks. Clicking together in the air, her ears flipped forward and her snarls increased. Ice spoke for them both. They would be physically removed if they decided to stay where they were, that was guaranteed. It seemed that the boy had more sense than he had originally shown. Tugging at his partner, he left the scene, bidding her to go with him. Green eyes stared down the younger girl. "Better listen to him," she snapped, body tensing as she resisted the urge to lunge at the pair again.

Played by Courtney who has 39 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Hartt Theos
Hartt looked back at Puzzles as he spoke to her. It probably was best if they left, she didn't want a fight either.She still didn't understand why they weren't allowed to join and the female probably wouldn't have given her an answer even if she did ask so Hartt kept her mouth shut. She nodded a goodbye to the two pack wolves just as Puzzles had done and took off after him.

She had begun to really like Puzzles and thought she could stay with him if he wanted her to. If not, she would be fine on her own. Hartt crept up behind Puzzles and tackled him, attempting to pin him down. She smiled at him and laughed before she spoke. "So where are we going?"
Played by Fenrir who has 639 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ice Aesir
I hope no one minds me breaking posting order, but since Hartt and Puzzles have left Ice and Cori, I didn't think it mattered much anymore. :)

you do not know who is your friend
or who is your enemy
until the   ICE breaks.
Fangs did the talking once more as Corinna lunged, teeth clicking together in thin air. The growl in Ice's throat woke again, vibrating through his chest like thunder - and somehow, it was comforting, to hear that noise, and stand there by Corinna's side. It tasted like purpose, like usefulness, things he had not felt in so long a time it was nearly eradicated from his mind. But now, it came back, rushing in like a flood, drowning out his thoughts. All that existed was he, Corinna, the girl, and their immediate surroundings. Every growl and snarl that came from his leader seemed to bespeak a familiarity with skirmishes, and simply to know such a thing inspired a sort of confidence - not arrogance nor twisted vanity, but simply the core-deep belief that, together, they could do anything, overcome everything.

The moment of heightened sensation, the feeling of purpose and nearly divinity, faded and left as the pale girl fled after her friend. Ice lapsed into silence as he watcher her white body disappear among the thick trees, and when she was well and gone, he heaved a tired sigh. The fur of his neck and back flattened and he resumed a normal posture, giving his head a miniscule shake. Now that that was over and done with, his tail drooped low and he seemed to fold in on himself as he moved lower to the ground - he didn't think about it, it simply happened. With another toss of his head, he took a couple of steps forward, paused, and looked to Corinna. "Let's go home again, Cori?" was what he said, something that might've been a statement if not for his questioning tone. It had been so nice to doze on this day.. and as strangely exciting this encounter had been, he found himself wishing for a warm patch of sunlight to stretch out in and to pass the hours sprawled in the golden glow.
.ice aesir
let the stars above shine in your soul
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

Corinna's eyes watched every movement made by the duo. The male retreated first, seemingly not as stupid as he had originally appeared to be. After a moment's hesitation, his pale friend also decided it was time to leave. A wise move, she did not particularly appreciate smartasses around her family and those that she loved. She was in no particular mood to fight today anyway, and she hardly wanted Ice to be exposed to that. So as they left, she couldn't help but smirk and the tip of her tail wagged easily as she relaxed some. "Respect, Ice, it's a virtue that cannot be undervalued."

Grinning at her pack member, who had gone into a slouch now that their unwanted guests had disappeared. Trotting forward, she nudged his cheek. "Yeah, let's go home." Back to the sunbathed ground outside of their den, beside the frozen river that kept them protected from miserable company. Pausing only to urinate on a tree trunk, a reminder if the two yearlings decided to come back, the leader trotted off in the direction of the pack den, waiting for Ice to join her.
