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Silence is golden — Heartleaf Creek 
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Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
Pakuna grinned at the energetic wolf. She appreciated the amount of energy she had. <b> "Aye, met a few, got in some wee scuffles I have, nothin' serious."</b> She looked back to the creek now, seating herself. Her rump plopped in the wet snow, dark fur becoming wet. She craned her neck other the slow running waters, gazing at her reflection again. Within the liquids she saw her pale emerald eyes peering back at her. It wasn't often that she looked at her reflection... she just never thought about it that much before. Seeing the dark wolf yawn made Pakuna herself yawn. She opened her jaws wide, ivory fangs glistening weakly in the sunlight. Her tongue came forth before retracting, and her jaws closed back down.

<b>"Oi, I be a wee bit tired"</b> she claimed, lids half closing in a sleepy matter. All the traveling she had done recently had caught up to her.
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>"Well, I'm sure there's a place to sleep around here." Gladius stood up and looked around the creek bed, shaking her own tired head as she began off towards the edge of the woods. Her heavy paws kicked up gravel and snow as she padded about, sniffing and searching the underbrush for a suitable place to rest. The snow had seemingly gotten to everything, and she pawed at the ground, checking for any dry patches that remained.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Several feet into the forest she found a place under a couple felled logs, big enough for the two of them, and left dry from the recent snows. She waved her tail excitedly, and circling the den, marked the area so that no other would come upon them in their sleep. Kicking her back feet in the dirt to finish her marks, she went back to find Pakuna. "I found a bed for too hearty warriors to take sleep, well earned I'd say." She woofed, nudging Pakuna in the shoulder and motioning to where the den was. She padded back to the water's edge and took a final, long drink. "Unless you'd rather be alone, I can take my leave." She didn't looked heartbroken at the suggestion, she would be fine staying or going. Either way, today had been a filling one.</font>
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea
[ooc; Would you like to end it here? Pakuna and Gladius must surely meet up some other time- I really enjoyed them interacting :).]

Pakuna nodded slowly and waited for the wolf of the ocean
to return. When she did, she told her that she had located
a place to rest. A gracious look crawled onto the older she-
wolf's face and she agreed to join the wolf for some rest.
"It be a wee bit cold today"
she said, shaking her body,
to warm herself. "It would be best ta' sleep next to one
She followed Gladius willingly towards the
felled logs, and observed that it was very dry beneath.

"Aye, Gladius, t'was a pleasure to meet ye." She
smiled a full, truthful grin. "When I awake though, I
shall be on me way. We are to meet again!"
saying this, she crawled beneth the logs, curling into a
tight ball to fall asleep.

(This post was last modified: Mar 02, 2012, 07:41 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Sneezy who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Gladius Blacksea
[OOC: Sure :] and they certainly must, they are a good pair.]

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Gladius nodded, happy to have a bedmate to keep her warm in the chilly evening. She led Pakuna to the den, her tail wagging merrily as the she-wolf praised their meeting. "It was a grand pleasure to meet you too Pakuna. Mayhap you will see my warrior training through someday." She rumbled, watching the older wolf get settled in the dry den before she joined her.</font>
<font style='margin-left:20px;'> Gladius bellied in beside Pakuna, curling into a burly ball of fluff and muscle and tucking her bushy tail over her nose. A big sigh of air escaped her lungs, and her pale golden eyes flickered shut like two candles being put out in a dark room. Slowly, she sunk into a warm, happy sleep. The day was done, Pakuna would be gone in the morn, and Gladius on her way to her next adventure. Life was good for the young she-wolf, and never straying from excitement.</font>