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That damn moose again! — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Get to the last round? @Ravenna @Leotie @Blitz I'm imagining there's hills before thinsg go into the Heights, and they'll steer him that way.
though i'm empty when you go

Now moose were a bit different from deer and elk. They didn't mind going in the water. Rather it was a swamp, bog, or pond. So she had in mind the hills, just before it turned into the rocks of the heights. It would be a lot of work if he kept going, adding to their cause. If he did get far he wasn't as agile for the rocks.

Despite the smell of blood she pushed forward, motioning to her companions when she could her direction was the east. They'd get the idea, as the ground started to rise. Already the creature's pants filled the air, and his eyes drew upward. Seeing the trap. A short high pitched howl rose from her throat, half in glee, and the other her cue this was it. She would join in leaping forward, aiming another wound to the bleeding beast.

i just wanted you to know
[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Ravenna was quick to follow through with the direction the huntress steered the moose, keeping along his side and snapping at his flesh any time he tried to turn off into her direction. Her snaps were quick and precise - a snip at his underside, another bite at his leg... It was enough to make the creature bleed further and as the ground turned more rocky, the land inclining, Ravenna knew that soon the moose would be trapped between a rock and a hard place, literally.

As they neared and the moose slowed it's pase either because it was tired or because it didn't no where to go from here, Ravenna aimed for a more promising attack. She jumped up, biting at the flesh at the base of the beast's neck. She would be a fool if she remained hanging there for surely she would be struck by a hoof, so she only jumped up, grabbed and pulled back, jerking away to rip apart as much flesh with her too to leave a gaping wound behind. Blood flowed down the creature's neck and spilled onto the earth. Ravenna knew now their victory would be certain.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys
not looking for some fairytale bliss

Leotie kept one eye in the moose and what it was doing and the other on her pack mates for any instruction she may need to know. She kept her place at the large animals side snapping at when necessary. They had changed its direction to lead it to the target place. This would be the last thing the moose would see if any of them had anything to say about it. Soon it would all be over and their caches would be full. She knew what it would mean for the pack to bring such a large animal down.

Leotie saw Ravenna's attack once they had gotten the moose where they wanted him. She took that as her cue to help inflict damage on the creature. The more they weakened home the better this would all go for them. She aimed for a place just behind his elbow in hopes it would keep her from getting kick or hurt but the antlers. She jumped up just as Ravenna did meaning to inflict as much damage as possible. Her teeth ripped through flesh and when she dropped back to the ground she could see the terrible wound she'd left.

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Trix who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blitz Mizuno

Sharp eyed as ever, even in the thick of a hunt, Blitz saw the path in which Lilith began to steer the moose. Towards the hills, where the ground would work against the wounded moose. Perfect. Tirelessly pursuing his prey along with his pack mates, he allowed them each to take their turns, further inflicting more damage, landing blow after blow. The moose was losing blood at an alarming rate, thanks to the deep wounds littering it's neck. He shifted his point of attack, lunging after Leotie had, clamping down on the very same spot. Blood bubbled forth, soaking his muzzle, while the hairs on his neck stood on end. He thrashed his head back and forth, shaking viciously, all while hanging precariously several inches off the ground.

Then, the perfect moment presented itself. With a strangled cry, the moose staggered, his tired knees buckling from the combined blood loss and unsteady footing. Seeing this as the golden opportunity to end it's suffering, he jerked back, releasing his hold only once. "Now! We have to use our weight to bring him down!" And then he lunged again, this time at a chunky shoulder, where if his jaws hit their mark, he'd begin to pull, to topple their worn out prey.

Played by Switch who has 58 posts.
Inactive No Rank
though i'm empty when you go

They'd never participated in a full hunt together, but they had little trouble finding timing and rhythm. Something she could take delight in. They each realized what the plan was, and how quickly it needed to be executed. They each took turns doing what needed to be done. Wounding the moose as much as possible to end its life swiftly. But moose had a lot more blood to go around, and they needed some good fatal blows or they'd be at it for some time. A thought she didn't like. There was more probability for someone to get hurt and she didn't exactly feel like toying with her food all day.

Ravenna and Blitz bulk was great, eventually driving the moose to its knees. It needed to stay there. Blitz made a similar remark, driving forward and encouraging the others to do the same. The moose began to shake it's head from side to side, trying to keep them back. Lilith kept away, timing it all, before lunging at its huge snout. Sinking her teeth, and tugging to try to let the others get in. It managed to toss her back and forth, but only a few times. She was a heavy object and he had others to deflect. His strength was waning.

i just wanted you to know
[Image: g3SYtUY.png]
Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ravenna Archer-Lyall
Last post for Ravenna.

They were so very close to their victory now. As the moose had hesitated in his steps by both being tired, looking so much blood and being blocked off by the mountains ahead, his legs buckled. He fell, limbs folding under him and the only thing left to do was to swing his head back and forth to try and keep the wolves back.

The wolves remained circling around their promised kill, Lilith taking position to grab ahold of the beast's snout and allowing it's neck to stretch out. Ravenna struck again, aiming for the side of its neck once more, blood spilling over the earth. By now there was little to any chance of the moose getting free. With the pack of wolves upon it, weaker and weaker the prey became. It's breath was wavering, hesitant and weak.

Taking a step back, Ravenna lifted her maw, calling out to all of the remaining members of the pack who had not made it to the hunt soon they too could partake in the feast. Willow Ridge was victorious.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys
Last post for Leotie.

not looking for some fairytale bliss

After she'd fallen back Blitz had come forward attacking the same place she'd just let go and making the injury much worse. He dangled there for a moment, Leotie stayed close in case he needed protecting. Moments later the moose fell and it was clear that the fight was nearly over as the heads was left with only one defense against the pack of wolves came down on it.

It swung it's mighty head back and forth to try and deter them, Leotie had put her efforts into bringing the moose down her weight going towards it's front. Lilith for her part went for the animals nose, grabbing on and keeping them safe. Finally Ravenna went in for the throat causing a waterfall of blood to rush over the land. Only moments would pass before the pack could have their feast.

With nothing left to do but wait for the great beast to draw it's last breath she stepped back knowing he wouldn't be rising to his feet anymore.

i want something just like this
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Trix who has 96 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Blitz Mizuno

After what had seemed like hours, they had done it. The moose staggered to it's knees, swinging it's head back and forth. A last resort, but one that would be in vain. The hunters were persistent. They had been shadowing this very moose for a while now. He was their prize...hard won by their teamwork. As the moose fell to the ground, Blitz released his hold. He spied Lilith lunging for it's snout, while Ravenna struck at it's neck.

Blood was everywhere, coating their muzzles and the brown hide of their prey. With it's strength depleted and Ravenna summoning the pack to feast, he decided to act one last time. Quickly approaching it's exposed flank, he tore into the soft abdomen. While it may appear barbaric and even cruel, disemboweling the animal would bring about it's death quickly. A kinder, merciful end than being bled out or suffocated. Their moose had put up a good fight, and he would serve the pack well for weeks to come by filling many mouths. It gasped for air, it's movements soon ceasing as it drew it's last breath from shock and blood loss. Standing back, Blitz could only look over his team mates with appreciation in his eyes.
