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New Beginnings — The Wildwood 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I'll leave this open incase anyone has any more questions for Rhysis- else this will be his exit post as I think we're pretty much sorted for now?

<blockquote>Rhysis had to fight the smirk that tickled his lips as the stalker declared to travel with Valiant; he found it most amusing that this troublesome female was going to continue annoying him- he didn’t mind too much, so long as his mind was still focused on the mission at hand. He couldn’t have her distracting his <span class='word'>liege</span> from his true purpose and he’d have to speak to Valiant without her listening to ensure that he could handle the situation.

The small, silent female surprised him as she volunteered to travel to the last pack which would not have had a pack wolf join had she not offered so readily. She may be small, but so far she’d been nothing but reflective and agreeable- he found himself liking her more and more. She was easy going, did as she was told and didn’t seem to like the other female which was obviously a good thing as Rhysis didn’t much like her either. He gave her a brisk nod and met her gaze with a half smile, satisfied that they had at least one suitable female on board.

<b>”Then its settled. Join your packs... get strong and we shall meet here when the next full moon rises.”</b> he added with a final glance to each of the wolves. <b>”If you should need to make contact before that date, this will be where we meet. As you and <i>...her</i> are travelling together I will assume you can take care of each other.”</b> he glanced then to the tiny female. <b>”As for you, if you need to make contact leave your scent and a tuft of fur at the border of either Copper Rock Creek or Grizzly Hollow and we will track you down. Alright?”</b> he asked without really listening out for an answer. He took a few steps away from the small female then and took once last glance to the wolves gathered.

<b>”Valiant, you and I shall have to meet in a week or so. Here.”</b> he said with a final nod before he sauntered casually towards the edge of the clearing. He’d take his leave now unless anyone else had any questions.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2012, 11:52 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Valiant couldn't deny that he was looking forward to their meeting in a week or so. He needed some guy time. While being surrounded by women may be someone's idea of heaven it certainly wasn't his, and given the tension he had endured on the trip here it would be a welcome release. <b>"Perhaps it would be best for me to go ahead to the Hollow first to allow you an in. I already know the leader, she may accept one at a time more readily than two."</b> he stated rather than asked. Even a day of freedom would help him to continue to endure her drama.

As the dark male left he turned to the two women who despite the tension, hadn't yet run off. <b>"Well, shall we get on our way then?"</b> he asked, already leaving the gathering place. This was turning into more trouble than it was worth.</blockquote>

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Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Yup, all sorted out(: Sorry for ruining the post order.

Everything was finally rolling along. All the packs were to have a wolf in their ranks, gathering information. Athena was to travel to the Swift River pack and ask for acceptance. Hopefully, everything would go smoothly with her and no trouble would arise.

Listening to Rhysis’ last words to her, she merely nodded, noting his words in her mind for later. She most likely would come to Rhysis than Valiant. She didn’t want to deal with the headache of Hawke that would be at his side.

As Rhysis began to depart, she glanced at him one last time meeting his gray gaze. Soon after he took his leave, Athena had no desire to stick around. ”Good luck.” She said to the remaining two wolves. Finally, she took her leave, trotting towards the edge of the clearing. Darkness was beginning to fall on the world, animals burrowing in their dens; while the predators of the night, emerged. The white lady trotted silently towards the lands of her future temporarily home, soon to be named Swift River.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||