Aquene was watching her daughter grow up so fast before her eyes. Though it was her third litter, it never ceased to amaze her how fast the children grew into half-adults, and later full adults… in these moments, she thought to her eldest, hoping she was okay… knowing that she was a grandmother and that her daughter had disappeared on her own daughter… it hurt to think about, but she liked to think that she was fighting like hell to get back to her.
It was what had her seeking out her youngest. As she grew, she tried to introduce more skills to her… and this time, she happened to know of a warren of rabbits that had settled within the territory that the young girl could practice on, even if she was perhaps too young to be successful in her hunt.
“Eclypse, darling… do you want to go on an adventure?” She would pose when she caught sight of the tiny black-furred girl. “I want to show you something.”