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A Cold Breeze — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by TABs who has 107 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Follko Theizkei
K I'm Back!!

Follko didn't want to lie to the lady and tell her that problems and
fights didn't ever happen around him. Somehow he always got sucked up into
someones dispute within the pack. However he Also didn't want her thinking that he
wanted to purposely get into fights. Unfortunately as he walked by her snowy side
he realized by her tone that she thought he was the one who started stuff. Now he padded
along silently trying to think up a way to tell
her that he would not cause problems with the other pack members. Unless they didn't respect him of course.

"I didn't mean that I like to fight, it's just that somehow I always end up the
reason for a fight breaking out and most of the time I don't know why or what the fight
is about. " He looked down at the leaves that littered the trail. "At least that is what happened
with my family a long time ago." He finished with a sigh thinking about his old pack mates. He
realized that what he just said sounded just as bad as his earlier comment about keeping the peace, but
he had no clue how to fix it. Hopefully the alpha would realize that he wasn't trying to be confusing or just plain odd.

Follko looked ahead again, looking through the trees at a memory of his parents.
Why was it that they were always fighting about him? How come they always
yelled at him when he screwed up at trying to do good? That time was so long ago and
for a second the old wolf couldn't believe that all those years had passed. Maybe this place would
be far more different. He as an adult knew more now than he had way back in his puppy years.
Maybe Follko could be of more help to this pack than he was to his parents.

"Jedd huh? That old country boy..." Follko smiled and realized that he would at
least have one friend in this pack. If he could even call the other brute a friend and not just
some wolf who liked to make fun of him.

"I didn't think I would run into that wolf again." Follko looked up to glance at Jaysyek.
"I met him around some dried up meadow and we talked a bit." He smiled
a toothy grin and dipped his head while laying back his ears.

"Never met another male who would make fun of me as much
as I make fun of others, and to top it off the old cow fart actually decided to
hunt with me a bit." Follkos laugh bounced off the trees in little echoes around the woods.

"Well at least I know I will have some fun runnin around here chasin pups and makin
fun of that guy." Follko tried to immitate Jedds western accent and lifted his
head again as he chuckled. He was trying to make the alpha laugh. Being on her good
side would probably help him out a little when he met the rest of the pack.

I know Jedd has been killed but this frame of time was just before he was killed. So that's why I had the reference in there..
(This post was last modified: May 17, 2012, 01:49 AM by Follko.)
“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”
--Edgar Allan Poe   user posted image
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote>She was steady in her direction, and her stride was a fast walk. There was a need to be other places, and she naturally moved quick. She meant no suggestion he was a trouble maker, but thought making a point clear she did not tolerate things was simply a start...an understanding of sorts. He seemed to be thinking it over, and she kept her ears rested back to catch any response. He was not the silent type to bob his head, and fall into place. That was alright, she liked individuals not drones who didn't think for themselves.

She lead them around a twist in the forest, sticking to a rather unused coarse to make it home. Then he replied with an explanation, which she payed mind too. She could understand that, just bad timing. She had done that before. Wrong place at the wrong time, making the wrong things happen. <b>"I had no assumptions you stir up trouble without cause, just wanted it clear I have little patience or tolerance for such things. I do like to think I'm a fair and just leader so if something of that happens I promise not to make rash judgements. Sound better?"</b> She settled into her role of leader,care taker, peace keeper, and rule maker. There was not such a serious hit to her tone, just matter of fact to put his mind at ease. She sensed something in his past she would not be able to fix, and let the silence rest between them. She had her own thoughts of past, present, and future to fixate on.

"Ah, you sound like you have certainly met him,"[/b] she said with a sideways smile of sorts, but she kept her mismatched eyes focused on the goal ahead. Home it was just what eight more wolf lengths. An ear was cocked his way to listen as he explained further. She was happy to hear they got along on their short meeting, and hoped they would continue with friendship. She did not laugh at his change of voice, but it did bring out a larger smile to her face, and a change to her eyes that spoke of being humored. <b>"That was pretty good,"</b> she said with her broad grin, thinking Jedd would either get a kick out of it or be disgruntled. <b>"Home sweet home,"</b> she said pointing to the very miniature hill that was the main den. She halted, and turned to Follko, <b>"I must leave you here, but get yourself acquainted and let me know if you need something. My mate Borden I'm sure you'll run into at some point."</b> Her smile was brief, and she made sure to plant her scent with a brush against his shoulders. It was with a polite tip of her nose she disappeared into the cedar woods.

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