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Wet Slippers — Iridescent Lagoon 
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Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
"Beautiful?" She ducked her headeven more embarassed.
I'm not beautiful! Especially with these stupid clumsy legs... She closed
her eyes in disbelief.How could he think that she was pretty?
Wait ...Why does he think I am pretty?And why's he so close. She was
starting to feel uncomfortable being so close to him. Their fur was touching as
Sloane sat next to her. She felt the warmth radiate off of him and wanted to cuddle
closer but she shook the feeling away. They shouldn'tbe sitting this close in the first place!
"Life could get better if we had a nice big deer carcass to share." She felt her belly growl
again and sighed. She wondered if he was a good hunter. She had only caught small
creatures so far. Her father had been teaching her to hunt as they traveled but it was
a very limited amount of knowledge that Narimé could remember.

She looked over to see him looking down at his paws. Was he embarassed too?
but at what? She had noted his voice crack before but she didn't think that would
have made him so nervous. But his embarrasment made her feel a little more
comfortable sitting next to him. She relaxed a bit and smiled again.
"It would be really nice if we could hunt together in the morning. I would like that."She
was getting used to him praising her for her ideas now. Her tail wagged happily
while she sat there.

"Too bad I'm just not tired yet. I think its because I'm thinking of food." She laughed as
another growl sounded from her stomach. Stay quiet dammit! She ducked her head again
and began grooming her chest and shoulder to hide her face.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
<i>"Beautiful?"</i> Her soft voice carried a hint of disbelief. He laughed and agreed with himself, <b>"Yes, beautiful!"</b> She seemed to get flustered as well for a moment and he really wished that he knew what thoughts were flying through her pretty head. Then she seemed to relax and he was glad. He would have left in a heartbeat if he was making her uncomfortable. Her stomach was giving a quiet growl every now and then and he wished he had some food for her. The chivalry in him couldn't let her remain hungry when he could do something about it. He stood up, gave her a smile and a quick nod and said, <b>"I will be back in a jiff!"</b>

He turned and quickly headed of into the treeline, searching. The pickings would be slim this time of night, with most animals holed up until morning. His eyes scanned the area and his nose went into overtime, twitching and scent sorting. <i>There!</i> He smelled a ground hog that was just venturing from the safety of it's burrow. Sloane froze, not a single muscle moving. Barely a hair even moved when the breeze brushed through it and he prayed that the wind would stay in his favor. Apparently, someone was on his side since he was able to get close enough to catch the little bugger. With a quick snap of his lethal teeth it was done and he returned to his little water imp with his present.

He walked up to her and lay the small creature at her feet. <b>"A midnight snack for you, Blue Eyes!"</b> He bowed gallantly and stepped back so that she could eat her small meal in peace. When she was done, he gave her a wink. <b>"That does not mean that you get out of helping me catch bigger game in the morning! I merely need you well rested."</b> He gave her a goofy grin and lay down near her, but not touching. He didn't want to invade her space, but if she decided to move closer he would certainly not object. With a smile still on his face, he closed his amber eyes. His large dark ears were still constantly flicking about, listening for any possible danger to him and his new friend.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina

"Huh where you going?" She watched him leave and wondered for a second where he was going. She hoped he wasn't just leaving her. His large frame disappeared for a moment into the trees that ringed the lagoon. She gazed after him waiting for the gray male to come back. Is Sloane seeing if he can find a meal out there? Surely everything should be asleep at this time of night. She sat and waited. After about a minute she began grooming the rest of her fur making sure all of it was dry. Her legs, paws, ears, and tail were given a vigorous cleaning. Then she drew her paws over her head and ears like a big kitten making sure the fur stood right and looked neat.

He thinks I look pretty? No... beautiful? she picked herself up off the ground and stood back onto the boulder. This time she made sure not to step on the slippery wet moss. Then she peered down into the sparkling water. Like when she gazed at her reflection in a puddle some days ago she was surprised at the wolf who stared back at her. The females eyes were a beautiful color, a color that seemed unreal. Her ears were shaped perfectly and set high on her long forehead. Then her snout was long and tapering like a noble wolf, and her fur shone like many threads of silver.
"I still can't believe this is me..." She said quietly to herself while licking her chest fur embarassed at the beautiful face reflected in the water. Closing her eyes she sighed and then backtracked her way to her previous resting place in the long grass.

She jumped when he showed up back in front of her. She had been day dreaming( or night dreaming) about her father and Sloane when he padded right up to her. A snack?
"Well at least I know you can catch a ground hog! We will combine your ground hog catching abilities and my squirrel catching abilities in order to catch a fawn or something!" She yipped and gave him a big toothy grin. Then she began shoveling down her ground hog into her mouth. It wouldn't fill her but at least the meal would keep her belly from going nuts and partying all night. She watched him silently as he watched for danger. Now finished with her disassembled ground hog she wondered how long he'd been a loner for. He seemed very good at it, or at least he was used to surviving on his own. She knew she wouldn't have been able to catch a ground hog at night. Quietly she moved closer to him and lay down absorbing the warmth from his fur.
"Thanks for that.." She smiled while curling up and shoving her nose under her bushy tail. This is so nice... and comfy.. She felt so tired now. Her lids closed on their own as her thoughts swished around in her head. Thoughts about her day but mostly about the lagoon and Sloane. She never knew when exactly she fell asleep, but soon she was breathing easy resting next to Sloane.
(This post was last modified: Jun 05, 2012, 02:42 AM by Narimé.)

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane didn't sleep right away. He listened to the night sounds and to Narime'. When she moved closer to him and curled up, he smiled to himself, secretly glad for her trust. When her breathing became even and soft, he knew that she finally slept. He was glad that he'd been able to help her even in such a small way. It didn't take him long to fall into a deep, contented sleep with thoughts of a little silver fae floating through his mind, splashing him with lagoon water.

The last hours of the night passed quickly and uneventfully. When he woke, he realized that he'd laid out flat at some point in the night and his long back was pressed firmly against Narime's side. He stayed still, because he didn't want to wake the young fae. She needed her sleep. He couldn't resist tipping his head up to sneak a peek at the sleeping beauty. She looked so comfortable and happy. It made him even happier himself, seeing her resting peacefully. Wanting to give her more time to wake when she was well rested and ready to greet the early morning sun that was just now peeking over the horizon, he lay his head back down on the cool earth and waited patiently for her to awaken on her own.

His amber eyes fairly glowed as he watched the colors being splashed across the waters by the slow moving sun. It was such a beautiful sight and he really wanted to share it with her, but he was loath to wake her. Maybe she would wake on her own in time to see it. He sure hoped so. He glanced back over at her, almost willing her to wake up without moving a muscle.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
She didn't know when she woke up. But all she knew was
that she felt warm. The warm feeling of another wolfs pelt touching hers.
Confusion clouded her thoughts for a second. Then she remembered Sloane.
He's still there? She smiled to herself and felt a warm feeling creep into her heart.
She almost thought that last night was a dream, that she was still alone in this place.
However she opened her eyes to see the big male looking at her. His soft gaze made her fur
stand on end. Why did he care so much to stay?

She suddenly felt embarrassed again as he looked at her and she at him. So she turned
gaze to her paws in front of her.
"I didn't think that you would actually stay with me for the night. I thought you would leave
while I slept. But you didn't." She murmured softly keeping her blue gaze on her light gray paws.
The sun was lighting up the sky with beautiful warm colors. Rosy reds, pinks, golden oranges,
and lurid yellows tore at the sky with their colors. Narimé was distracted by the horizon and
almost immediately forgot about her embarrasment. She gazed breathelessly at the beautiful
scene unfolding before her. Then she felt exceedingly happy that she could watch this with
another wolf beside her. Especially with a wolf as kind as Sloane..

"I..I guess we are waiting to hunt until after the sun rises some more?" She asked Slaone
quietly not wanting to disturb the beauty of the sunrise.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
It seemed as if she answered his unspoken summons as she opened her soft blue eyes to meet his gaze. A soft feeling of happiness came over the large wolf and he felt a tinge of not unpleasant warmth beneath his fur. Suddenly she looked away at her dainty paws shyly, expressing doubts that he would have stayed with her. His brows furrowed slightly and he wondered why she would think such a thing. He had said they would hunt together come morning and he meant it. He was a wolf of his word and he was in no hurry to part ways with his new friend. She made him feel needed and strong and young all at the same time. He wondered what else may have happened to her in the past that might have caused her bout of insecurity. He was sure that he'd not given her any reason to believe that he might simply abandon her.

Not wanting to bring a cloud over what was shaping up to be a perfect morning he shook his thoughts of and greeted her, <b>"You're not getting rid of me that easily, Blue Eyes!"</b> He gave her a large comfortable smile with a little wink to show her just how pleased he was to welcome the sunrise and the new day with her. Then he turned back to the beautiful colors that were blazing across the sky and painting the water in the lagoon. He couldn't agree more when she mentioned starting their hunt after the amazing display in the sky was over. He gave a simple nod of agreement, sure that she would see it despite her still averted gaze.

After more moments of the morning's beautiful display, the colors slowly faded away as the sun climbed into the sky after it's long kiss with the horizon. Now a brilliant blue looked down on them, reminding him of Narime's lovely eyes. He gave her a friendly nudge of greeting and said, <b>"Good morning!"</b> in a cheerful and utterly content voice. If it wasn't for the fact that his belly was also waking and grumbling at him, he would stay here for a while longer by the shore of the lagoon with this sweet silver fae.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
Every time I read your posts I go .AWWWWwwwwww.. lol
Also do you wanna end this thread and go thread a hunt in Hush Meadow?

Narimé didn't understand exactly what she was feeling.
but it was a really nice feeling. So she stayed laying beside him
until the sun began to rise further turning the sky a normal shade of blue.
Then she slowly piced herself up and took a few steps away from Sloane.
The silver yearling shook out her fur and stretched her back and legs.
She smiled each time he called her Blue Eyes. Her eyes were a wonder to her.
the alpha of her old pack had brownish amber eyes and her father had pure amber ones.
So she really had no clue where her blue eyes came from, but she loved them anyway.
They were truly the only part of herself that she admired. Her eyes and her perfect ears.

"So you ready to go yet Sloane?" She trotted around him doing a little dance and then
smacked the ground in a play pose.With her rear high in the air and her long front
legs stretched out in front of her. She was ready to run now. Her energy was lifted
being around Mr. Thorben. Maybe that small meal last night helped too.
"Where are we going anyway?" She stood back up and cocked her head to one side.
Her blue eyes sparkled and her curious look made her look very cute.

Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
(It's a good thing that they aren't parting ways just yet. He's not going to leave until she's safe!)

Namire' seemed as content as he to let the early morning moments tick slowly by. Then with a burst of enthusiasm and energy she bounded the her feet and hopped around playfully, ready to proceed with their hunt. She asked if he was ready to go and where they were off to. Remembering the few areas that he had been to so far, he gave some <span class='word'>pense'e</span> to it and made a decision, feeling confident that they would have success there.

He grinned at her playful pose and antics and said, <b>"Yes, it is time that we are off. I believe that the meadow to the east of here will yield us a superb breakfast, Miss Narime'!"</b> Her energy was somewhat contagious and he now found the excitement coursing through his own large body. He nuzzled her cheek affectionately and beckoned for her to follow him as he turned and led the way at a happy jaunt. Shortly after starting off, he glanced over his shoulder to see if the tiny silver fae was still with him was filled with happiness to see her joy for life lighting up her pretty blue eyes.
Knight of Honor
Played by TABs who has 837 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Narimé Lagina
She closed her eyes and and for the first time
she actually felt glad that her father had led them here.
If she hadn't come here then she wouldn't have met Sloane,
and even though she had only a few friends here in Wildwood; she felt that
these friends meant more to her than her packmates in her old pack had.
Back home she had always been in the way. Her brothers and sisters were
always treated like royalty. Even though she was the daughter of the alpha she
did not seem to feel like one. Here though, she felt accepted by those around her.
Maybe my real home is somewhere here. She smiled when Sloane nuzzled her cheek
and watched him begin to pad away. A meadow? I wonder if there are any fat rabbits
in that meadow.
She asked herself while trotting after the gray male with her head
and tail held high.
Narimé Exit

Pfff. Little post but at least its done.