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She should know better
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
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Morganna Archer-Lyall

Lift up your head Princess
If not the crown falls

How quickly they were growing. She had watched with fascination as Asriel’s eyes darkened and Sköll’s got lighter... not realising a similar change was taking place with her own eyes. Sitting by the calm little stream just inside of her mother’s markers, she could now appreciate the lighter tone her eyes had taken. Far from the puppy-blue they had all once shared, her eyes were warm like her oldest brother, but lighter too. Prettier, she had decided with a delighted smile. Yes, she was a princess, the prettiest little princess the Willows had ever seen!

Swatting at her reflection with a giggle, peach hued eyes spotted a pretty bunch of reddish-purple flowers that had seemingly come from nowhere... Just the other side of her mother’s markers. She knew she wasn’t supposed to venture outside the borders, but since the recent den move - she also knew that her mother kept all sorts of plants and leaves stored away (for what purpose she had no idea).

A more knowledgeable wolf like her mother or @Angier might know that the plant was called a Nootka Rose and had no medicinal purpose beyond it’s alluring scent, that even from this distance called to the young princess. Taking a furtive glance about and realising she was, as far as she could see, completely alone, she daringly stepped across the borders that marked her home and ran to the flowers, snatching at the stems with her jaws in an attempt to free them from their roots so she could gift them to her mother before she was caught somewhere she shouldn’t be.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
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Angier Lyall
angier lyall
You can't use plants for every trick!
Oh... @Elettra was going to kill him... Kill him! While he trusted Skana to keep an eye on Asriel and Sköll, he had gone off and had accidentally fallen asleep while looking after Morganna. Idiot! Shaking the sleepiness from his head, shoulders and limbs, Angier Lyall set off from the den site, nose to the ground and tail in the air. She shouldn't have gone too far, he tried to console himself, sweeping across the forest floor along the princess' scent trail. It had only seemed like yesterday when he was trying so hard to teach Sköll how to talk, and now he was frantically trying to locate Elettra's only daughter... who had seemingly gone missing under his watch.

Some minutes later it dawned on him as to where she was going and he hastily tested random spots of grass, tree roots, and willow branches just to make sure Morganna had not been stolen away by some unwelcome stranger. She hadn't... and the rustle of leaves against strained, panic-stricken eardrums drew his attention to where the Willow girl was. All his fur stood up on edge as his brain quickly registered that she had disobeyed her mother's rules against keeping within the pack lands. The Lyall watched as she grabbed at the object of her interest, ultimately relieved that she was all right. Catching his breath he strode up to the borders he had marked several hours ago in the night and barked out to her sternly in a tone that suggested his disappointment, "Morganna Archer, ya c'mere this instant!"

On the verge of becoming all too aware of just how far the girl had wandered from home, Angier called to her again, wanting to test and see just how much influence he had over the youngest Archer, "Morganna.... I'm gonna give ya to th' count o' three and if you're not here by the time I finish, your Mama is going to hear 'bout it." He took a deep breath... "One..." A slight glare started to form on his masked features, "Two..."

template base by GINNYSAURUS

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

Lift up your head Princess
If not the crown falls

The voice, decidedly stern came to her and her ears folded flat in revolt. She would not hear what she did not want to. She wanted the flowers for her mother and although her teeth were sharp she did not have the strength to pry them from their stems so she would have to find another way to get them. She heard the man begin to count and dropped the stems with a huff, the poor flowers bending in half where her teeth had bruised their flesh. Her tail shot over her back in imitation of her mother and blazing peach hued eyes locked on the man who was attempting to order her about.

“An-gur!” her voice was bordering on a frustrated whine. “I want them for mar-fa! Mar-fa likes the fwowas and I git for hur.” She declared in her sternest voice, planting her paws firmly apart to emphasize that she was not moving until she got what she wanted. “You git dem for me!” she demanded, only adding as an afterthought with an overly forced and toothy smile “Pwease?”

Truth be told, the flowers were all but ruined at the stems where she had gnawed them, and although Elettra was known to collect many various plants for different reasons, Morganna could not know that Nootka Roses were not on her list of desired useful gifts. Still the girl was set in her mind, and as a servant of her mother, An-gur was also a servant of hers and if he did not give her what she wanted, her stance clearly indicated that her mother would hear about it.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
angier lyall
You can't use plants for every trick!
The girl dropped the task at hand and her ears fell flat as he paused for a long while before he even thought about pronouncing the "th" sound in the word "three." His own dominant display was met with one of her own and it was a look of surprise that immediately replaced his disappointed scowl. So, then, she was going to challenge him... Oh-kay, then... He blinked once, patiently awaiting her next move.

The flowers behind Morganna lilted and bent in half, its petals planting themselves into the ground. Her eyes met his and he held his breath. "An-gur!" the sound of his name made him crack a less-than-serious smile, already impressed by the nerve she possessed. He already knew that Sköll and Asriel had quite bold spirits and to expect their sister to be less demanding or even gentler was simply unheard of. "Morganna," he answered her calmly, his arched tail falling into a gentle wag.

"I want them for mar-fa! Mar-fa likes the fwowas and I git for hur." His eyes went to the poor plant that the young princess had mauled and he slowly strode forward to meet her. She wholly demanded with all her being that he get them for Elettra and Angier let out a soft sigh as he noted just how firmly Morganna placed her forepaws into the grass. He was just about ready to lean down and attempt to nudge her with his nose when the most persuading “Pwease?” came to his ears. Well, then... if this was how she was going to play, then he was ready to run along with it... The ball was in his court now.

"What fuh-lowers?" he asked, careful to enunciate the word in a way that hopefully Morganna would imitate. He turned his head and stepped to her side, pointing with large paw towards the plant with spoiled stems. "These flowers, Princess?" He arched a brow and clicked his tongue at her with a few gently scolding tsk's. "You don't want those," he partially chided, stepping around her before looking over to see if she would actually follow. "Here, let me show you what your mother would really like."

template base by GINNYSAURUS

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

For my will is as strong as yours
My kingdom as great

Disappointment marred the young princesses features at his disapproval. She had been certain that the pretty flowers with such and enticing scent would be perfect for her mother, but now she was questioning herself. The once beautiful plant which had been proudly standing now looked terribly mangled and dejected, the blossoms that she had thought of as the rose’s heads dipped to the dirt with shame. Maybe he was right. Perhaps she didn’t want these flowers after all. After all, her mother was proud and beautiful and perfect, and whatever she decided to gather for her should be the same.

She drew in a deep breath, her face devoid of any indication of which way she would jump. Would she scream? Would she demand that An-gur didn’t know anything and she was the princess so she was right? Her peachy eyes met pale gold and she simply nodded once, convinced that there was no trickery afoot. “Otay. You show to me.” she said in a determined tone. Skoll had his mowse, but Morganna would get something super special that would make her mother even more proud.

Moving forward so that she could walk obediently at an adults side (after all she wasn’t meant to be outside the pack lands), she allowed her eyes to rove across the big wide world. It didn’t look that different from home. She had heard stories of places far far away, but she could hardly fathom the thought of terrain without willows. “An-gur...?” she began to question, her tone somewhat distracted as she tried to drink everything in. “What’s different Fuh-laowahs do?” It was a very, very broad question indeed, but she had already exhausted explanations of why the sky was blue, and why water was wet, and why dirt was dirt until it got wet it, then was mud... but mud was just wet dirt...?

She simply wanted to learn.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY
[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by Grey who has 439 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Angier Lyall
angier lyall
You can't use plants for every trick!
Well, that was easy. Just like that Princess Morganna obliged and Angur found himself taken by surprise when she began to follow at his side. The utterance of his name in a questioning tone brought his attention back to her. "Yes, princess?" “What’s different Fuh-laowahs do?” she then asked. The Lyall tipped his head to one side briefly before righting it again. "Well, they can do a lot," he easily explained, wondering if she would get his gist. "Sometimes they make ouchies go 'way. But sometimes they can be bad, bad plants."

He patiently led her through the vivid green curtain of willow branches, entering the shade but stopping short to keep the veil parted so that she could enter shortly after him. "I will teach you one day," he promised. "When you're older, but for now..." He approached the base of the willow's dark and rough trunk, pressing a large paw against its uneven roots. "Your Mama would definitely love some of this." The memory of trying to teach her brother Sköll the word "willow" came to mind and it made him crack a smile, curious now if she could pronounce the words much better than he had.

"Morganna, this is a willow tree. See this?" Angier proceeded to rake his paws across the bark sideways to peel it away from the tree, visibly straining against it but barely grunting as he utilized every bit of strength he could manage. Once he was able to pry a decent piece off of it, he placed it down in front of the princess, watching and waiting for her reaction. "Here, this is willow bark. Your mother would like it very much if you brought her some of this instead."

template base by GINNYSAURUS

Are you watching closely?
Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)