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Surviving the Ghost...
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Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

Pain. Thirst, Hunger. Hopelessness. Those were the only things that registered in the russet fae's mind. Her whole body hurt with the wounds that she'd been dealt by the devil wolf. Some were smaller and healed, others were larger and filled with infection. This was the cause of the fever raging through her body. Her throat felt raw with her thirst. How long had it been since she'd had water? Two days.. Three? Time meant nothing to her in this living nightmare.

Three more faltering steps and she could stand no more. Her gaunt form crumpled almost silently, multicolored fur sticking out wildly with caked dirt and dried blood. She had nothing left. She hadn't made it home and now she would die out here alone and bereft of any hope. In desperation she lifted her muzzle a few inches above the ground and with a heroic effort howled her goodbye to her brother, @Guiness. A second mounful howl went out to her queen @Elettra, begging her to forgive her for her failure. Then her head lay down in the fiery flowers, hiding her depleted form from view and her breathing came in shallow pants as the fire in her body raged on.

The deer had eluded her, leading her a merry chase. She'd hoped to bring back good news of a herd for the pack to bring down together, filling the caches. She'd lowered her head to drink from a small coll stream, quenching her thirst now that she'd given up the chase for the moment. She sighed heavily, wishing that she had succeeded in her quest. She was all the way on the other end of Fireweed Rise, with a long and fruitless journey back home ahead of her. With another sigh, she began the long trek back to the ridge when a sound caught her attention. Whipping her head around, she spied a large burly male with a ghostly white pelt staring at her.

In an instant her hackles were up. She was ever on the defence around males that she didn't know and this one had seemingly come out of nowhere. He gave her a friendly smile and introduced himself simply as Zeus Stone. Just as she was beginning to relax the tiniest bit at his cordial introduction, he turned his head fully towards her and she was a horrific scar on the side of his face, jagged, pink and ugly. As ugly as the expression that suddenly filled his icy cold eyes. She shivered and backed up a few steps, more wary then ever as chills traveled her spine. 'What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!' A vicious laugh escaped his scarred muzzle just before he launched himself at her...

(This post was last modified: Oct 29, 2013, 02:16 PM by Tempest.)
The Calm in the Storm
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
As Elettra routed the edges of the Drooping Willows, moving farther past the border lines of her home with a scent to her nose, Tempest's call would not go without being heard from this distance. Elettra's attention, otherwise enveloped by that of prey (an old beaver?), shifted to that of the call, taking note to it's sorrowful meaning of goodbyes and the familiarity of it. Tempest had not been within Willow Ridge for such a small amount of time that her sound would not go remembered as perhaps others who's time was fleeting within the Ridge and so with the acknowledgement Elettra dashed into the direction of the sound. Her jaws parted wide, a loud, high whining and yowling echoing her mug as she ran, seeking out the attention of @Guiness to this scene. Surely, the man had been worried over his sister's whereabouts just as much as Elettra had. Her assumption for a time had been that Tempest had visited their allied pack not far, too see her brother, or perhaps in trailing a herd she had moved days away in her tracking. But as more and more time passed, Tempest was assumed gone and Elettra, fairly busy with what life had handed to her, did not perform a search for the grown woman.
Slowly to a quick trot as she moved within the Rise, her nose wrinkled up to the foul stench of infection, mingled with dried blood and obvious decay of flesh. The woman, without even seeing her pathetic display, was obviously dying and the knowledge of it caused a deep whine from parted, panting lips. Was she far too gone to save? Would Tempest's goodbyes hold true meaning after all? Finally seeking her out within the tall fiery hued flowers and grasses, she moved hesitantly to the injured woman's side. "Tempest...?"
Played by Lightning who has 136 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Guiness Thorben

It was no mystery to him that his sister was nowhere to be found and though it hurt him dearly to not be able to go and seek her out, he knew it was his duty to stay put until any orders were directly given by Elettra. It was why for the past several weeks he had been doing his duty and guarding the borders, along with teaching her children what it meant to be a Guardian and how to use their intelligent minds. They were smart children which did not surprise him when he considered who their mother was. He was having a mostly peaceful few weeks, besides the ever nagging voice in the back of his head begging for his sister’s presence to grace his senses and things seemed to be going fine.

Today he had been out and about near the borders doing his job when a painful jab to his heart hit him as his sister’s weak voice carried across the lands. Stopping mid-step he veered back, looking in the direction of his sister’s voice for a nanosecond before taking off in the quickest sprint he had ever gone through in his life. If something terrible had happened to his sister he knew it was his fault. He should have asked for permission sooner; he was suppose to protect her. Elettra’s voice soon broke over his thoughts in a similar direction to what he was heading. Even though everything in his body was telling him to calm and screaming that they his body had enough he pushed himself harder, his breath coming in rapid pants.

Eventually the smell hit him and soon, he was looking at the bloodied defeated form of his sister. Inhaling and exhaling calmly to try to calm down his quickly beating heart he approached his fallen sibling, looking up at his alpha with pleading eyes. There had to be something that she could do. Guiness remembered briefly that Elettra had healing training from the few times he had needed something to be addressed concerning some scratches or bites. Surely there was something that the Archer could do for his sister. Breathing into her ear, she tried to get her to hear him, "Sister…you have to stay…with me, I am here." Desperately he held on to the hope that he could be saved, that the reason why he was still here would be saved. She couldn’t leave him….not today.

Pillar of Strength
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

She was a capable fighter, she truly was, but the attack from the ghostly scarred male was so sudden and so vicious that she didn't even have time to react before he had slashed her deeply twice in her left shoulder before he retreated as quickly as he'd surged forward. She couldn't help the yelp of surprise and pain that left her jaws and the sound of his wicked laughter would ever be etched in her mind. Why had he attacked her? She was in no one's territory and there was no food to fight over. The grin that covered his sinister face answered her befuddled questions even as she readied herself for another attack, crimson quickly staining her shoulder and foreleg. He fed off of the fear and pain of others. He seemed to take joy in the shock on her face and the metallic smell that surrounded her now as her blood oozed from her wounds.

A shiver passed over her and she glanced around looking for an escape. She knew instinctively that this was not a fight that she could win. There was nothing and no one around, only the sound of the stream that now lay behind her. Even the birds had gone silent with the snarls and yelps. She might be faster than him, being longer legged and of slighter build than his burly frame. But she had to get past his guard first. A cold shiver traveled her form with his dark chuckle. She'd never seen such evil in a wolf before, even from the ones that had taken over her pack. They had simply wanted power, he plainly wanted her death.

He lunged at her again and they danced a fierce dance of life and death. Over and over again he attacked and retreated, marking her repeatedly. She did manage to do her share of damage on him, but nothing near what he did to her. He was relentless, but he never pressed in for the kill. This was a relief to her at first. It gave her the hope that he might just leave her beaten but alive. But as time passed and she lost more and more blood, she realized that now he was simply playing with her before the kill. With one last attack he knocked her to the ground and her head hit a rock hard, making it reel with pain and dizziness. He savaged her neck, narrowly missing her jugular. His jaws were slippery with her blood.

Suddenly, he backed up and surveyed his handiwork. She lay panting, her breath coming in shallow, painful gasps. Blood was seeping from scores of wounds and dizziness made her gag from the pain of it all. There was no one here to help her and her wounds appeared to be mortal. She knew that any moment he'd come in for the kill and end it and a small part of her wanted him to. Just to end her pain and take away the chilling fear that rolled over her in endless waves. She saw the look in his and eye and knew that he saw her fear and desire for the end of her suffering. She closed her eyes and waited for the final blow until she heard his voice again. "Have a nice day, ma'am." Her amber eyes popped open just in time to see him disappear as quickly as he came, leaving her alone. Without a backward glance he left her to die a slow and painful death....alone.

Her paws twitched as she dreamed of the encounter, reliving every terrifying moment. He'd left her bloodied and beaten, but he'd underestimated the fortitude of a Thorben. She was a survivor and she'd nearly made it home. So close to her beloved brother and adopted family... yet so far away. In the end, the Ghost wolf would win. She would die alone.

Everything hurt as she waited, feeling the cool breeze wash over her too hot form. Sharp bones dug into the hard ground, padded only by the grass and fireweed that she lay on. Insects began to crawl on her, exploring her nearly skeletal form at will. Her body was ravaged and her mind had all but shut down. She didn't want to think of her immanent demise. There was so much more that she wanted to do... and now she never would. She let her body relax, inviting the end to her pain and pushing her last spark of will to live farther away.

Then something tickled her ear and she twitched it slightly, but the tickle remained, annoying her. Let me at least die in peace if I have to die alone! she thought crossly, even as weak as she was. The tickle went away, but it had served it's purpose. It had brought her far enough back into reality to register something else. A voice. One that she knew oh, so well and she thought that she must be dreaming again. She hadn't made it to the Ridge and Elettra would be home with her pups. She wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere calling her name.

Something wouldn't let her drift off again though to the sweet oblivion of nothingness, much as her body craved the release. What if it was real? What if Lady Elettra truly was at her side? It did not seem likely, but the thought ignited enough hope in the russet fae that she forced her ears and nose to do what her eyes were not yet ready to. She heard the rustle of the flowers around her and knew that it was not the wind. Her nose picked up the earthy and familiar scent that was none other than her queen. Painfully and almost fearfully her eyes began to twitch and she finally opened them reluctantly. The sight that met her took her breath away. The black and silver form of her Lady was looking down at her, concern filling her silver eyes. Somehow, she had found her and come to her in her final moments.

That though brought a tiny sense of satisfaction. He hadn't won. She would not die alone. That thought sparked the last flicker of fight left in her and she determined that she wouldn't even let him have half a victory. Somehow, she would survive. Elettra was here. She was her leader and she was a top notch Healer. with her help, she would somehow live. Weakly, she lifted her head, her glazed eyes met Elettra's silver gaze and she whispered hoarsely, "L-Lady Elett...ra....." before her head sank back down to the green and red carpet below her. Just as her head touched the soft ground another voice filled her ears. Guiness...Her eyes closed, but this time her breathing was ever so slightly stronger. Hope had been rekindled and burned strong within her breast.

(This post was last modified: Oct 14, 2013, 01:13 AM by Tempest.)
The Calm in the Storm
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
After her call sounded and her arrival was made to Tempest, the fallen woman's brother was right on cue, getting close to his sister with words of encouragement. Elettra's body tensed, her teeth flashing in a non-verbal warning to Guiness, commanding he be easy, that he not touch her. Any movement could open a scabbed cut. Any movement could cause the blood from her wounds to start flowing once more. Surveying the situation, matted, bloodied, dirty, it was hard to tell what was not injured in the fray. She was filled with many nicks and scratches, quick and handy work from what seemed another wolf of speed and smarts, able to dance around his prey and strikes vital areas they would make them bleed out and feel every ounce of pain to the fullest. A cunning warrior, a keen assassin, as those she had lived amongst - as herself. Sniffing around her, she takes note to the worst of it: a head injury, deep slashes in her shoulder, punctures to her neck... Elettra swallows, her eyes shifting to Guiness though does her best to hold back the uncertainty. In all honesty, this damaged, Elettra did not known if survival was possible. This was no infection to fight off. No cough, no sprained ankle or treatment of stress from a nursing mother. At this point Elettra and her healing techniques could only go so far but the majority of it was in Tempest's paws.
"She is extremely exhausted... I don't think she can manage moving any further and dragging her is too much a risk. She has already lost too much blood." She speaks, a snarl on her features as she claws away at the dirt around Tempest, disrupting the ants intentions to eat away at open flesh. "Stay with her tonight. Keep her warm even if she feels burning to fight off any fever. It will keep the bugs away, too and keep her wounds from being out in the open." Quickly she begins directing Guiness, for although this might be a lost hope, Elettra would not allow her faithful member to die without her trying her hardest. Not after what happened to Kanosak. Not after being so hopeless in his situation where she could do nothing to help. "I will go gather what I have and return. Tomorrow, we will take her home." Already turning on her heel back towards Willow Ridge, she tosses her skull over her shoulder, a sigh on her parted grey lips. "Guiness.... If she survives this, it will be a long and painful process. ...You'll need to take care of her." She makes certain he would know that this would be his first priority and not to worry about Guarding the borders anymore. Not until his sister was well enough to be left alone. Kasai was more then enough wolf to do the job and now with Narcissa, Muerda and all the others adding to the ranks as Scouts and Guardians, Guiness had all the time in the world to dedicate to Tempest when she was not able. Likely, Tempest would take the role was 'hopelessly useless member' for awhile in the same fashion Nina had when she had broken her leg, hauled up in the pack den for weeks. They would run out of herbs before she could fully mend, likely to take months upon months (as Elettra was still healing herself) but it would be worth it in the long run for the member whom had been so good to Willow Ridge.
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

She was so tired and everything hurt so terribly much. The myriad of wounds, the burning fever, her muscles from limping and dragging herself this far on sheer willpower. A part of her wanted to simply let go and be free from the pain, but as she basked in the attentive presence of her brother and alpha that part became smaller and smaller and she reveled in the pain merely because it told her that she lived.

@Guiness was here and wouldn't let anything happen to her, so she knew that she would be able to sleep deeply and not worry about some scavenger coming and trying to finish the job that the rogue started with her in such a feeble condition. How could she not fight now? As much as she had not wanted to die alone, she wanted even more not to die in her beloved sibling's paws. How could she leave him? He knew her better than anyone and she knew him better than anyone. They were two sides to the same coin and needed each other. His mere presence gave her the will to fight.

The tone that she heard in Elettra's voice, even more than her words strengthened her resolve. Elettra would fight for her. How could she do less? Making the efforts of her Healer and Leader a waste was unthinkable... so bit by bit she pushed back the desire to let go and slip into oblivion. Instead, she let her body relax, knowing that she was safe and for the first time in longer than she knew, her sleep was restful and truly healing as they went about the business of saving her life.

The Calm in the Storm
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Sorry for skipping, but I wanted to get this moving along. :3 @Tempest

Supplies were limited and as she ran back towards the heart of her homelands, she became calculating in her head what would need to be sacrificed in order to take in consideration what was needed the most. Of course, Tempest must have been horridly hungry, dehydrated, sour and swollen in her muscles from travel and of course, the wounds. Food would come in time, likely she not being conscious enough to eat anyhow and Elettra would hate to risk her choking to death on foods. With the heavy rains that had come in, @Guiness would know well enough to find some soaked leaves and such to wet his sister's whistle. Everything was wet and hydration would come easy. The very first steps was finding remedies to help get Tempest's fever down and something quick and simple to keep away infection on her most obvious, painful wounds. If her body was clear within, no longer holding fever and not fighting off infection as hard, then her external wounds would have a better shot.
Having gathered the most important things she could carry in her jaws with one trip, the woman went dashing off, long limbs moving quickly over the distance between the pack's territory location to the lands just south of them, the burning grasses. Her leg felt sore, her own muscle around her left ankle throbbing with each pounding step, though she refused to work the injury any less as she made her way. The both Leader, born in royal princess gowns, and the Medic, birthed in the blood of war, dashed back into the direction of her comrades without hesitance, tossing the various herbs along Tempest wilted frame and began getting to work. Seeing the woman finally sleeping, she beckoned Guiness with a jut of her muzzle to follow her lead, chewing up herbs in her mouth to a poultice before licking them onto the largest of the wounds. When this effort was finished, she would urge Guiness to wake his sister only long enough to eat and swallow at the (pre-chewed so it was easier to swallow) mass of herbs before her muzzle, a healing ingredient to help lower fever. The Helleborne, of course, had other helpful affects, including fighting off hypertension, pneumonia, headaches, and various pains. Sitting back, Elettra sighs, knowing she had done the best she can for now and that rest, most of all, was in Tempest best interest.
(This post was last modified: Nov 07, 2013, 07:29 AM by Elettra.)
Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

Tempest felt more than heard them moving about her. Elettra was placing things about her and she tried to fight off the sleep that had claimed her. She wanted to see her alpha and her brother once more, to assure herself that they were indeed there and not some conjured vision in her head as she perched on the brink of death. Slowly, consciousness came back to her, through sheer force of will. Her body wanted to give out, to just go to sleep and never wake up to the pain that wracked her entire emaciated form. But her mind, her hearth, the innate Thorben in her would not let go of life so easily. Not with Guiness and Elettra right here. Were they truly here? she asked herself again.

This time she did open her eyes, blinking them rapidly for a moment, adjusting them to the change from pitch black. She sensed the warm bulk of Guiness behind her. His silence now didn't faze the wounded woman. That was just @Guiness. Always the strong silent type. The thought brought a weak smile to her frail lips. Then they were encouraging her to eat something soft and moist... and not terribly good tasting. Her sunken tummy heaved at first for she had eaten nothing but a few berries in the last few days. Taking a breath and concentrating on the task, she managed to slowly choke down the medicine. She knew that Elettra would have it no other way and even on death's door, Tempest was ever the loyal and obedient wolf. Once she managed to swallow the last bit, she lay her head back down, exhausted from the simple task and lapsed back into sleep.

The Calm in the Storm
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Permission to PP Guiness as needed.

The late night had passed easy, at least whilst one was laying within the comfort of a pack den, situated amongst allies, friends and family. Elettra roused herself up early, taking note that Guiness was still missing from the area. This, to Elettra, was a good sign. Had Tempest died over night, likely he would have left her there and moved on back home to deliver the news. Elettra's movements had her out and trotting (after a good stretch) into the direction which they had found their old pack member last night. She brought no herbs this time for she had an intent to bring the woman home this day. After all, Tempest could not simply be left out in the open whilst so injured, allowing predator to bay at her weak body for a moment to snatch her up when Guiness drift off to sleep. No. The woman would rest and mend well within the comfort of territory lines to ether survive or to die. The Archer matriarch could at least promise her this comfort.
Once in close proximity to the Thorben pair, Elettra huffs, her attention drifting to Guiness who would offer her a silent greeting as always. The scent of death was not in the air, though Tempest still remained in her placement as she was before. Hopefully with some water delivered to her upon leaves and perhaps some food, Tempest would be able to move (although vary slowly) hope where she could be properly treated. "Tempest?" Elettra's voice sounds in question, coming up to the woman's side as she side glances to Guiness silently in wait.