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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The reaction that she received with the news she had just delivered had been one that Nina had been expecting. Sloane began to show all the emotions that the golden brown woman had felt at the time, only she had been much more in control of the situation. As a Healer, it was always an important part of her duty to stay calm in stressful situations, which ended up being exactly what she did anyway. No more words were spoken by her as her best friend continued to pace and snarl in her face. The alpha watched on with her single eye, ever so patient and waiting for Sloane’s temper to calm down. She could understand why he was so angry. He had given an oath to the Secret Woodlands wolves just as well as he had given his commitment to his new life. She was sure he felt guilty but she knew that eventually the Whisper Caverns male would know that he wouldn’t have been able to do anything.

After many more moments of sitting in silence, Sloane seemed to have calmed down and continued talking to her. With her ears lifted, she pondered his question before answering it to the best of her abilities. "She’s doing better." Nina said quietly before looking back up into her friend’s golden amber gaze and making sure he got her meaning, "I took care of things." It was true that the male that had raped Ashanti had been killed in battle and it made everything so much easier on Nina. It would give Ashanti some peace at mind and the Woodlands pack would be able to relax a little bit more. When the young girl found out she was pregnant, Nina had cared for her to the best of her abilities and welcomed her son into the pack with open paws. The golden brown alpha had always been open-minded and even though it was against law…Nina knew that the young girl had not deserved the hand that had been dealt to her, and Nina planned on protecting her to the best of her abilities.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Sloane continued to force the rage that had filled him out of his body. Of course Nina had taken care of it, he had never truly doubted her capabilities to do so in the least. But, his one major flaw was his extreme overprotectiveness of those that he cared about and pledged to protect. This likely stemmed from his inability to protect those he loved when the rogue band murdered his father and destroyed his pack in one way or another, whether outright murder or subjugation. He'd vowed to himself at the tender age of one to never let that happen again. He knew in his mind that there was no way to protect everyone, but it broke his heart that Ashanti had been brutalized in such a manner and guilt still filled him at the terrible thought.

Nina's reassurance that things had been taken care of went a long way to sooth his mind, but this news only strengthened his desire to make the trip north to visit. He'd have to be sure to discuss it soon with Narime'. He doubted that she'd have any objections, but her opinion mattered greatly to the huge male. Her happiness and that of his children, came above all else. Thinking once more on his little 'fit' of anger, he nuzzled his friend's cheek apologetically. "I'm sure that you handled it perfectly well. Thank you for putting up with me and my temper." He gave her a chagrinned look as heat crept up his neck at his earlier behavior.

Wanting to lighten the mood again he asked her, "Would you like to come and see the others?" He knew that she might like to visit with Narime and Simeae, and if Narime' permitted it, perhaps she could meet the children. He knew that Nina would never harm his pups, but a mother had to make that call if it came down to it. Narime's maternal instincts might still be relatively new, but they were extremely strong!

Knight of Honor
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She awaited his response patiently and when it came she calmly waved it off with her tail. They had been best friends for awhile now and she would have none of it. Surely both of them had their moments when they lost their temper but neither of them usually would comment on it. Sloane and Nina generally had a better understanding of one another, perhaps better than even their own mates knew them. There was good reasoning behind this though, as Sloane and Nina had spent most of their time together when they had been within Copper Rock Creek. It caught her off guard slightly when he asked his next question, but she did not flatter and answered quickly, "I would love to see your children!"

A slow wagging of her tail indicated how excited she was at the possible opportunity to see her best friend’s children. The alpha of Secret Woodlands knew that if Narimé was not alright with it then there would be a high possibility that she would not be able to see them. The woman longed to though and she clung onto the hope that Narimé trusted her enough to let her see them. After all, Nina had let one of the Whisper Cavern’s wolves into her own territory and very close to her pups when they were only a few weeks old. Nina had been surprised that Hollow’s sister had come at such a time but had welcomed her none the less. Now the golden brown lady could only hope that Narimé would express her own kindness.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Jen who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sloane Thorben
Of course she understood. She always did. He had his flaws, as any wolf did and as his friend she took them with a grain of salt and a healthy dose of good humor. He was so happy to see her and hoped that @Narimé would allow her to see their children. His mate was fairly protective of their young pups, but she would hopefully be able to look past instinct for their mutual friend. Nina's excitement at the prospect of seeing his brood was fairly palpable and he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped at her obvious excitement.

"Give me a few moments to see if I can catch a fish for her breakfast before we head back to the Caverns. I'm sure that you are more than familiar with her dilemma. She never seems to be sated, providing for the little ones!" He could only imagine the toll that it took to eat for all of them, for the most part. The pups were getting older now and were getting bits of meat given to them by the others much of the time, so the toll was not as great on his mate, but it was as good an excuse as any to give a treat to his beloved.

He waded into the water and it seemed that luck was on his side, since there were a few fish swimming around his long legs within just a few minutes. None were large, but he was just as excited for his best friend to see his children as she was to see them, so he caught the first one that swam in range. Rather than flip it onto the shore as he normally would, he kept it in his mouth. stilling it's struggle with a firm squeeze of his jaws. He walked out of the water and waited for her to join him before he led the way back towards his home.

Knight of Honor
Played by Staff who has 4,813 posts.

Look Out!

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

Sloane soon set a nice pace for the both of them and the two walked in a companionable silence. That was the way it had always been with them when they traveled together. The need to talk was squashed and neither of them felt uncomfortable. That was always what their friendship had been like and Nina was glad that even the distance that separated them hadn’t changed that. Letting her toes curl underneath her when they would stop for a moment, Nina watched as her russet friend came to a stop by an almost frozen pond, shaking her head when she watched him as he submerged himself in, what she was sure was ice cold, water. Scanning the area, she let her eye take in the small takes of what seemed to be multiple rabbit tracks. Considering her choice in her head, she knew it would be a thankful treat for her allies and perhaps the Queen of the Caverns. So while her large friend was fishing, she left her muzzle lower so that she could successfully track the animal that she had once found joy in hunting.

Snorting under her breath she succeeded in tracking the animal before raising herself up. Hiding behind the snowy bushes, she watched as several rabbits hopped around in the area. Trying to find were their burrow may have been, she came up empty. Perhaps their burrows were somewhere further away from the area and they were trying to find what last food they could find. Considering that prey was become much scarcer in the Lore, finding these rabbits were like a blessing. Readying her muscles for a possible long run, she pushed herself forward, emitting a loud bark from her muzzle as her prey scattered in many different directions. Nina already had her single-eyed gaze on one rabbit that seemed to have an oddly twisted leg and her predictions were correct. It held no effort in her to catch up with the injured rabbit and take it within her jaws to finish it off. Satisfied with herself, she picked up the animal by its throat and headed back towards where Sloane was. Seeing as he was already out of the water she lay down the rabbit gently, flushing slightly, "Sorry for keeping you waiting, my dear friend."

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.