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April Showers — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Tell me about it! Maybe wrap it up in your next post? It's getting so hard to back write with so much going on!

<blockquote><b>"Yeah... the loners around here are pretty crazy. Myself excluded of course."</b> he said absently as his eyes focused on the falling droplets. His silky ears twitched as he listened to the fellow dark wolf talking but he kept his face frozen, emotionless. Yes, he'd had enough run ins with the loners around here. A few had attacked him for no reasons; others had just been plain crazy and rambling nonsense. Was no one sane these days?

He almost smirked at the mention of his long lost sister. No... he hadn't seen her either but for the time being he was leaving it that way. He had been patience this long, waiting a bit longer wasn't going to kill him. Besides, he had other things to be getting on with... he was certain that one day, maybe tomorrow... maybe years from now, he would bump into his grey sister and then he would have his revenge. It was odd, thinking back on it now and how he had been thrown this way and that with her. At first he had been angry, upset; lashed out in the only way he knew how. When he got closer, to the borders of her pack almost, he had been excited to see her again. She might have left him alone in the world but he couldn't help but feel nervous about seeing her face again... but his access had been bluntly denied and Ruiko had chased him from their borders without evening listening to his reasoning. It wasn't long ago that he had ran into Kanosak, the two had gotten along quite well but Kanosak had warned Rhysis to stay away and that the Creek wolves were gunning for him.
He'd been hurt by it all. Yes alright, he had wanted to hurt her but had he gone through with it? No. When he got closer, he just couldn't. Rhysis was as ever, all talk and no action. Hell, the guy wanted by the Creek wolves hadn't even comitted murder of his own kind, yet here he was... bounty on his head... thanks to her. <i>Whore.</i>

<b>"I'm sure you will see her soon, Triell."</b> he said, keeping the malice for her out of his words as he spoke and even offered a half smile in his direction. In some way, he felt sorry for Triell; he was better then Volkan, the coward, the liar. He had tried to give him warning, yes some of it may have been a little harsh but then again no one liked to hear the truth. Maybe that is why Rhysis was so hated.... because he did nothing but tell the truth.

The rain continued to pour, but the sky continued to darken. He couldn't sit under this tree all night and home was a long way off yet. With a side ways glance to Triell he finally stood, a little awkwardly with his damaged paws but he showed no pain or shame as he rose.
(This post was last modified: Apr 23, 2012, 03:39 PM by Rhysis.)
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Sounds good. Might be some powerplay.

    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

He had never pinned Rhysis on the end of the sane scale as crazy. What Triell had acknowledged of him he was logical, and very self reliant. He bobbed his head in agreement, not everyone was running on all cylinders around here. It was in these times he was grateful he was a pack wolf, rather then a rogue facing one of those loonies. Then again, he was just as bound to meet them out here in his wanderings, and hunts. He didn't let the thought have to much weight, no one had attacked him yet. He half hoped Rhysis might entertain him on his own adventures, but he did not. Triell decided not to be disappointed.

He was quiet about Volkan, something that bothered him. If he'd been looking for a sibling he would have been desperate to find them, and if he gotten any hints he would be pursuing it. The dark, tight lips made him suspicious. It was not that Rhysis lied, it was more he obtained from telling truths, and the rest of the story. Surely something was keeping him from reuniting with her. Why wouldn't he be ready to meet up with her?

"Maybe," he would reply because he was sure he would. The when was the real question. He was half tempted to ask if he'd gotten any leads. Something inside him was against speaking words of it. He remained quiet, thinking maybe it was alright Rhysis had little to say today about his silver sister. However, when he stood up Triell was surprised. It was not letting up, and where the hell did Rhysis think he'd go. He had to have hurt to some point, the cold weather making it worse. "You know you might as well stay here for a little longer. I can keep my mouth shut," he half grinned. Then the two black wolves would sit together in silence, resting from both the rain and conflicts they each faced.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]