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Faith, Hope, and the Bottom Line — Quaking Vale 
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Played by Kai who has 118 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Tikhon Artemieva
@Sahalie Tikhon​ is here to ask some questions but this could turn into a joining thread. He is a respectable distance from the border.

Just as Tikhon had hoped the deer had lasted him a couple of days and allowed him to regain some of his strength. It was just enough to help him keep the scavengers from taking his meal. The dark agouti had stayed close to where @Kuwindwa had found him even after the deer was gone. Their encounter had stuck in his mind and as much as he wanted to seek Lorcan out and warn him about Laike he knew she couldn't continue the way he was going. The thought of his brothers running I to each other and Laike doing the same thing to Lorcan drove him to keep going.

Each and everyday was a struggle and each night he considered what the Quaking Vale woman had told him. More and more he felt that if he was ever going to have any hopes of finding his brother he needed to find help first. He feared what would happen to him if he didn't get his strength up so that he could hunt. Now with spring having settled in the prey was more abundant. He would be able to take care of himself but for the time being even the rain was taking its toll on the Artemieva man.

So finally he made his decision that he would try to speak with one of Kuwindwa's Alpha’s. He would see what they had to say and hopefully he would be able to seek refuge in Quaking Vale. He didn't know what would become of him but for now he had to live one day at a time if he was going to survive. So cautiously he approached the border to Quaking Vale, keeping a safe distance as he could not afford to anger them. After a slight hesitation as he worried this might not be the answer he sought he finally raised his muzzle into the air. A call was sent for an audience with one or both of the Alpha’s of the pack. The weakness that he felt in his body was held within the time of his call and when it was done he sat down on his haunches to wait.

(This post was last modified: Jun 11, 2017, 04:42 PM by Tikhon.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

Now that they had two tiny, squealing mouths to feed things had gotten a bit more hectic in the pack. One of them they had accounted for, but the other had been completely unexpected and left a sour taste in his mouth. He had nothing against the pup, it wasn’t his fault that he’d been brought into this world, but Larkspur was old and seasoned enough to have known what he’d been doing. Damned be his “I went and got the kid, isn’t that enough?” he should have known not to commit the act in the first place. And now @“Sahalie” was stuck being the fill-in and he couldn’t quite get a read on how she felt about the whole situation. Of course Alastor was there with her everyday, getting her whatever she asked for. He’d yet to really get acquainted with the little ball of white fur attached to her stomach, being busy and all, but he planned to change that soon enough.


As he was checking a cache near Hal’s den, he’d started leaving Neha’s alone seeing that Draven had her more than taken care of, when a call rang into the air. His head lifted, brows rising in curiosity before turning with a snort and heading at a trot in the direction of the call. He had never been one for posturing too much, a simple lifting of the tail and a little crook upward of the chin did him well. His sharp gaze and large appearance did the rest for him. He let out a bark of greeting to the man at the borders, noting him a respectable distance away. He was smaller than Alastor, layered in the colors of the earth with eyes the color of hardened sap. The man took him in for a second as he approached then firmly locked eyes with the other. “Hello, my name’s Alastor Leigh. I’m one of the Alpha’s of Quaking Vale. What can I do for you?” he asked, then reminded himself to not look quite so...uninviting. He allowed a small smirk to tilt the crook of his lips.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume