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; castle on the hill — Whitestone Monadnock 
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Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael
Calling all members of Whitestone Monandock.

I was younger then. Take me back to when...

The upheaval within the pack in the past few days left Wraith with a splitting headache. Damn the bastard who left him with this burden. If he'd actually been here for @Morganna in the first place, she never would have taken the children and left. But Wraith would not crumble under the responsibility. Not like before. He'd already put those ghosts to rest and they'd stay that way forevermore. One day, he would tell his mate the story. On some rainy day when he was feeling not quite so vulnerable, perhaps. When the story wouldn't hit so close to home.

But for now...lives were depending on him to lead them, to give them direction and purpose. Spring was already a time of change across the land. Snow would soon give way to the prickly tundra grasses with the rare summer blossom trying to make an early start. At least they would be heralding in the new season with a new outlook as well. And a new family.

Wraith bent his large head to nuzzle his mate to his right and snuffled with pride at her swelling belly. "I guess it's time to make some big speech, huh?" he asked @Piety quietly as his stomach flipped with nervousness. Was she as anxious as he was? This leadership had been thrust upon the pair of them so suddenly, but Piety looked serene. "What the hell do leaders even say in these damn things?"

No point delaying. Forcing himself headlong into leadership - as he was currently imagining thrusting himself off the top of the Monadnock - seemed the only way he would get started. Lifting his dark muzzle to the sky, the brute called to the members of Whitestone to assemble at the top of the monolithic structure. As wolves trickled in, the male wagged his tail in a warm manner though it was curled over his back in a dominant posture.

"Thank you all for coming. To those new to the Monadnock, I'd like to extend an official welcome to the family. To those already familiar..." There were so few left, he realized. "This is our new start." Fondly, he smiled. "Spring has always held promise, and so too will this one. The herds are starting to return as they migrate through the lowlands. And we have packs that have taken up residence nearby since our foundation that are long overdue for a visit. I expect everyone to treat wolves of neighboring packs with utmost respect. We should keep our relations strong and not invite adversity."

Head canting towards Piety, golden eyes looked to her for anything she may add or something important he'd forgotten. He was certain there was more, but really, he just wanted to get to know the wolves around him. It would come with time, of course, but learning strengths and weaknesses was something worth knowing.

"Is everyone settling in well? Any problems so far? Don't be afraid to speak up."

...I found my heart and lost it here, made friends and lost them through the years.

(This post was last modified: Apr 01, 2017, 02:09 AM by Wraith.)
[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Having been accepted into Whitestone Cheedo worried that she'd been on her own so long she no longer knew how to be in a pack. She knew hard work was ahead of her but that had been her life since she'd left her birth pack. She had the choice to go with Craw to another new place after she'd gotten used to the tundra.  Cheedo didn't want that, with Craw leaving it closed that chapter of her life.  Took the choice between him and Mitt away from her, she no longer had to worry about the repercussions.

Now she was faced with these two strange wolves as her Alpha's. There was only one thing she hoped for, that they did not know she was once one of Craw's wives.  Cheedo feared that would not go over well after what the spider had done.

When the call went up to gather on the Monadnock she didn't waste time getting there.  She did not feel it would look good if she were late being so new to the pack. With this being a new start in her life she wanted to make the best if it and wanted it to work in this pack.  Even if it had once been Craw's it was under new leadership and Cheedo was Keen to see if living under their rule was different than living under her former husband's.

She approached this meeting as she did everything else that made her nervous, tail tucked under her, ears flattened against her skull. Cheedo didn't carry herself at her full height as she found a place in front of the alpha pair. The man, Wraith, she'd heard his name me ruined before the group had come to the lore.  His size was intimidating though he presented a friendly demeanor.  The woman, Piety, who had welcomed her into the pack seemed nice but Cheedo still had her reservations.


That was what she needed to become comfortable in this situation, at least she hoped that was what she needed.  It didn't take long for Wraith to get to the point, a message for their new start.  Like her the pack was getting a fresh start too, she would heed the large man's words and found that she was looking forward to what might come.  Cheedo kept her head low despite the man wanting to hear how everyone was settling in. Was she settling in well? Maybe it was too soon to tell that too, it had taken her weeks after all to become comfortable on the tundra, she didn't expect any less here.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
Piety was partially dozing off with Wraith nearby. She had indulged in some of the deer leg that Cheedo had brought so with a full stomach a nap only seemed right. There were things to attend to but Piety would only do them when Wraith was ready. So when she felt his nudge she let her tail wag for a moment as she lazily rose to her paws. "I guess we'll find out." She laughed softly and planted a kiss on his chin.

The dove followed her mate at an easy pace. Her position mimicked his. She let Wraith do the call as she kept her eyes peeled for those to arrive. Cheedo was the first to make an appearance and Piety happily offered a woof to the small female. She was eager to see the woman grow in skill and personality. Such a timid kind was welcomed wholeheartedly from Piety. Soon the others would trickle in. Her eyes were mostly peeled for Saradathia but she wouldn't be surprised if the girl was out there working herself to the bone. The leader knew she'd need to have a talk with her new second about, well, everything.

She was drawn out of her thoughts as Wraith started to speak. While her eyes looked out to the Monadnock wolves her mind was truly on her mate's words. She nodded her head here and there to show she agreed with everything he said. For someone so nervous he seemed to have his stuff together. It made a smile creep onto her face. Piety looked towards him with warm eyes as he gave her room to speak. "I'm excited to see where this new start takes us." She spoke to everyone as her eyes scanned those present. "Some of you have already proved yourself so I hope it is only up from here." Piety's tail wagged for a moment as she made time for herself to say something. "I would like to see everyone working towards something, though. Whether it be a role or a mere goal is up to you. Those who are interested in roles will need to prove themselves further but please don't hesitate to speak up for what you have in mind." Her eyes glanced over to Wraith to make sure he was okay with the direction she was taking. This was a partnership after all.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor



Word Count: 362  

Roose had already been heading back towards the Monadnock when he heard the call.  He paused, ears pricked to pick up the message. It would seem his new alphas wanted to hold a pack meeting.  He began moving again, his pace a little faster than before but still not a jog.  He saw no need to exhaust himself for something that didn’t seem to be urgent.

He arrived after Cheedo but before everyone else, which surprised him.  What sort of lackadaisical wolves were in this pack?  He settled off to the side and a little back, where he could watch everyone as they arrived. His surprise abated when he realized how few were left.  With just six of them, the elder wasn’t surprised that Wraith had called them together.  There were certainly going to be some changed.

Roose turned his eyes to the ruling man as he began to speak, welcoming them. He nodded along as he instructed them to be polite with their neighbors; it wouldn’t do anybody any good to have enemies so close to home.  

Then again, Roose thought, eying Morelli with distaste, nothing is worse than having a sleeping enemy inside the den.

It was then that he realized that not only did the other man outrank him, he was the beta.  So close to danger already! Roose’s fur prickled in quiet malcontent. He wasn’t an aginner, but he also didn’t like to think what his former partner in leadership had planned.

Once her mate had finished, Piety added her own greeting, encouraging them to each work towards a goal. Be careful what you wish for. He warned silently, glancing once again at the Morelli man. He stood, nodding in respect to the ruling pair. “I have seen much and therefor learned much. When I officially joined this pack, I offered you my wisdom. It has been useful in the past, and my hope is that you will find it the same.  With your blessing, I would like to pursue the title of advisor.” He bowed his head to them, offering his deference with his words. If someone like Craw could be shaped by his words, how might this young pair be able to use them?

"Speech"  Thought

Played by Becca who has 47 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Mittani Morelli

He had been lurking about when the call went up. The pale male was never far from the eyes of others. He had already done some damage that he didn't need to be doing much more. With the absent of Craw (and eventually a handful of others he had no concern about) he had shifted upwards in rank. He was now a second with that snobby Roosemooth below him and Wraith above him. Sure the thought of trying to take the throne for himself crossed his mind but he was sure the giant's mate wouldn't take too kindly to that. Not to mention with her current state he was positive she was capable of raising all hell.

Taking a place in the back he watched Cheedo carefully. She seemed comfortable, close to the alphas. Making herself known. He couldn't have been more proud. Had it not been for him she would have likely been dead back in the north. It was an unsettling thought but he supposed that was also how life went. The pale man assumed that had it not been for his own harsh experiences he too would likely be six feet under.

His mind slipped out of its thoughts to carefully listen to the duo. A small smirk tugged at his lips as the old man spoke up. Advisor. Oh how so very fitting. The green-eyed man just couldn't leave himself out of anything.

(This post was last modified: Apr 04, 2017, 01:59 AM by Mittani.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Vet who has 367 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Wraith Kael

To see the wolves assemble on top of the Monadnock brought back to mind Whitestone's first start. Back when they were closely knit, when they would do anything for each other, and interactions were a constant. In the past few months, it had felt like a pack within a pack. Himself, Morganna, and Piety grew only closer while the rest of the pack grew apart and spread. Initially, it may have felt like a spread of Craw's domain. As if there was no where in the North a Monadnock wolf couldn't be found. Wraith saw it for what it was now. A splintering. A loss of pack bonds as everyone grew farther and farther apart.

It wouldn't happen that way again. He vowed it. Never again would he allow the wolves of this pack to be so far removed from each other that they didn't even know each others' names.

@Cheedo was among the first to arrive and Wraith smiled kindly upon her for it. She had come to this place for Craw. Wraith hoped she could find new purpose under his guidance. Not rule. The black brute didn't see himself as a King. Even as Alpha, he was not some ruler lording over all. He was just a male looking to protect his home, his family. All those gathered here now were part of that family.

@Piety, the beat of his heart and as beautiful as ever, stood at his side and spoke alongside him. His wonderful, amazing mate spoke with clarity and confidence as she addressed the others about roles. He hadn't even thought of that. Turning to look at her, he grinned with pride. He wagged his tail and bent to nibble at her cheek in approval.

As @Roosemooth asked to be made advisor, Wraith gave him an appraising look. The male was older and a great deal more wiser. He'd survived the rise and fall of packs and would be a strong asset. Nodding with a smile, Wraith gave his assent. "Granted, Roosemooth. We invite you to share your wisdom when you can. I ask that you share with the others any teachings you can as well."

Wraith's gaze tracked over to @Mittani who was oddly quiet. The white wolf didn't strike him as being shy in front of a crowd. In fact, he tended to grandstand in the brute's experience. The man was his Second now, though Wraith couldn't say the roll suited him. A Second was meant to be trustworthy. Trust was the last thing Wraith felt comfortable placing in Mittani's paws, but maybe the male would prove him wrong.

"What about you, Cheedo? Any role in specific you'd like to work towards? I'd be more than happy to help you in any way I can." A glance was spared for the Morelli man. "Same goes for you."

[Image: wm2_by_becuffin-dblzotz.png]
Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She would be lying if she'd said she had hadn't hoped to come to the meeting unnoticed, she would much rather have slipped in and took up a seat as the rest of the pack was noticed for their arrivals.  As it was that wasn't the case on that day, a wolf from Piety and a kind smile from Wraith was returned with a chuff and smile of her own.  Having been noticed she didn't see any reason to hide herself so she took up a place in front of them.  Sitting back on her haunches she waited with her alphas for the others to arrive.  Roosemooth was next, Cheedo watched the older male as he took his place as well. The scent of Mittani caught her attention, she turned her head to find him behind her.  Her tail thumped a couple of times on the ground before she turned back to her Alpha's and what they had called the meeting for.

After Wraith had spoken about a new start and the nearby pack Piety also spoke. She encouraged each wolf to work toward something whether it be a role or even just a goal.  These were things Cheedo had never considered before, what would she be good at? Roose brought her attention back to the meeting as he spoke of being advisor. Surprise, surprise, Cheedo might have known she would step forward for that position. The small agouti wasn't entirely comfortable with him in that position but she couldn't voice that opinion.

The small agouti was a little surprised when Wraith spoke to her directly which caused her to shift a little uncomfortably.  For a moment she wanted to be pressed against his side for the reassurance that would give her.  It wasn't an option so she had to just figure it out.  Hunter would be a good choice for her, she wasn't exceptionally skilled but she was good enough.  Cheedo stopped in that train of thought however, this was a new beginning and perhaps going out of her comfort zone was important now.  “Scout, I think would be the best choice for me,” she said with a nod, “I would appreciate any help you could give,” she added offering the large man a smile.  This would he the role that could help her to become more comfortable with herself and strangers and situations. This could be just what she needed.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Piety Santoro
super sorry about holding this up guys! @Wraith @Roosemooth @Cheedo

She soaked up Wraith's approval but only let it show with a small smile. Later on, she would be able to truly shower him with the love he deserved. Here in front of the rest of the pack was certainly not the time nor place to do so. Deep breath in, deep breath out. She reminded herself within her head. Composure was everything when multiple wolves looked up to her. Soon there would be a small child or children that would look up to her as well. Along with her gentle giant, of course. She could do this. It would jut take time was all.

A small graced her features as Roosemooth spoke up. Her head nodded softly as Wraith granted the elder male permission. The pale Kael made a mental note to talk to him one-on-one later. If he was to be an advisor it only made sense that she learn more about him and attempt to form a bond. Her muddy eyes looked towards Cheedo. Scout. It wasn't perhaps the role Piety was hoping for the female to speak of but she didn't mind it at all. A scout would be needed when she and Wraith were busy with matters in the borders of the Monadnock. "I'm mostly familiar with the lowlands, Wraith might be of more help outside of them as well as inside of them." She cast him a glance for his approval. "A scout would be a welcomed addition. Thank you, Cheedo." Her head nodded softly as her gaze finally settled upon Mittani who was deathly silent.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Flywolf who has 37 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roosemooth Boor

OOC! Sorry for the wait again


Word Count: 204

There wasn’t much for Roose to say; he’d offered his wisdom twice now, and twice it had been accepted.  This alone showed that he was not foolish for placing his confidence in this pack. He was not an ultracrepidarian, and as such he knew it was likely the pair would find something useful in his knowledge.

What truly worried the old man was the fact that the Morelli man seemed to be staying silent.  He usually had quite a bit to say; that he was doing otherwise suggested to Roose the other dark man was planning something. Or perhaps he was just as surprised as he was that Cheedo was not only sitting close to the alphas and making herself known, but also volunteering for an official position in the ranks. His ears twitched in interest. That this quivering lump of mewling flesh would suddenly be bold enough to speak in front of the entire pack… it was worth investigating at the very least.  It likely meant she would not be as easy to manipulate for his purposes as he’d been anticipating, but then again it could turn out to be useful.

He wondered if the Morelli man had anything to do with it.

"Speech"  Thought