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Empty out my memory — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

A pale, silver wolf was quick to answer the lost princess’ call. Her enthusiastic greeting would have, under normal circumstances, brought a smile to Cyril’s dark features and caused his tail to wag frantically behind him. But there was no reaction. Only the deafening pang of grief, for he was about to lose another wolf he cared about. His lips remained tight, his ears pinned forward as his mother spoke, explaining why they had arrived with Adeltra in tow. She then asked for a Ravenna, a name that the ebony girl had shared with them, after announcing that she had news to deliver. He gulped. News of Whitestone. The fallen empire.

Another pale wolf came forward and immediately the boy grew tense, his claws digging into the soft, forest floor. His voice caused his scowl to deepen. Who was this wolf and why was he acting so rudely to his mother? Words caught in the back of his throat, threatening to spill off his tongue, but they did not come. Cyril was no idiot. He knew when to speak and when not to.

Adeltra was quick to chime in, greeting the wolves respectively, and giving a further explanation of her absence. His tail flicked proudly behind him as she mentioned how well she had been treated in the north. How she had been brought into the packs care without hesitation and tended to as one of their own. It had made the boy wish he’d grown up with other cubs his age, but he also liked having the monadnock to himself.

Another arrived, silent and observant, before the first silver female spoke. She offered them a place to stay for the night, and his yellow gaze quickly flitted back toward his mother, curious as to whether she would take them up on the offer. However his topaz pools reverted back to the trio of wolves, his muscles becoming tense once more. Eldest son?! So this was the brother Morganna had told him about. His nose wrinkled.

Played by Becca who has 524 posts.
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Piety Santoro
i tried to format my post the best i could to everyone's so if i missed something/you need something clarified please PM me!

It seemed her call had warranted a crowd to form - which was no huge surprise but she'd be lying if she said it didn't fill her with dread. The most familiar and rudest tone was the voice of her other son. Followed by some tawny figure unknown to the pale woman. Piety would have laughed or rolled her eyes at the words that fell from her oldest child if these had been her own borders. "Well I was going to wait until Adeltra and business were taken care of before seeking you out. But I suppose now is as good as ever." She said honestly. Sven had not been her first priority on this visit. Getting the lost child home and informing the ridge of what happened had been.

Her attention was focused back in on Ravenna. "I understand," Her head nodded softly. Alone time would be needed with the dark nosed son. "And while I appreciate the hospitality I'm afraid I'll have to turn it down. Me and my son, Cyril," Not the introduction she had been wanting but the one she was giving regardless. "have a friend waiting for us." Her gaze looked towards her youngest son silently ushering him closer to her side.

"My news is that Whitestone Monadnock is no more. The death of my mate and co-leader was too much for the pack to burden. And the ruling spot was never mine to have anyway." She did not give the gruesome details. They didn't need to know about the stag and what the pack had bared witness to. "My question is in regards to Morganna. She said she was going to be at the Lagoon but would leave information with you if those plans had changed. So I'm curious if they had before heading that way."

Once these things were settled she would have her moment with her eldest son alone. Piety would accept no spectators or unnecessary bodies present.
[Image: 5mjdmLH.gif]
# C W T
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
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Sven Archer
the devil is & always will

Leotie had followed him, which was not a surprise. This time, however, her presence could not calm him. Adeltra suddenly rebuffed him, her defiant tone and glaring eyes making it clear that she was enraged that he ask his mother why she would not seek out the son she had not bothered to make contact with since the second time she had abandoned him. The girl didn't know the story, and Sven was honestly sick of explaining himself, so he chose instead to ignore her attitude.

"I'm thankful for you, Addy," was the only assurance he would give the child, tone low and far softer than it had been prior.

Ravenna, as always, was diplomatic in her own response. Her recommendation that Piety spare time for him was touching to Sven, as it mattered that she at least was considering his feelings. His own mother would not pattern her own words in such a way. His silver eyes lifted to her face as she made her disdain for him evident, the choice in words and emphasis making his lack of importance to her clear. He shouldn't be surprised, honestly shouldn't have even been bothered at all, really. It wasn't as though his mother had faked interest in him until now. From the first time she had left him, her actions had spoken louder than words. He'd kept expecting so much more, however, defended her vehemently, even isolating himself from the family that had actually been there for him to protect her memory. But as she went on, gave her news, asked after Morganna, he felt his anger fading away to cold indifference.

In those moments, Sven Archer fully accepted that he did not have a mother.

Without a word, he turned away and left them all, as he no longer had any interest in remaining in the presence of Piety and her replacement for him.

be a gentleman.
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

She'd come to offer support to Sven and Ravenna while greeting their guest, it was what she had always done. Even in the draw she'd always greeted their guests and for some reason it felt more important for her to do it now that she was a part of Willow Ridge.

This time however was much different as the Agouti woman soon found out. She stood at Sven's side her eyes moving across each of their visitors. Adeltra was back, Leotie knew that would make Romanov very happy and she hoped that Enoki would be soon to follow. Ravenna had thanked the woman who had brought her and even offered her and her son a place to stay for the night. She felt that it was the least they could do considering what they had done for the ridge pup.

Everything slipped into place for Leotie when Ravenna revealed that the woman standing in front of them was Sven's mother. "Sven," she said quietly as she pressed her nose against his shoulder just as reassurance that she was there. Then the woman spoke to him and the way she spoke, well it took everything in the Agouti woman not to raise her hackles. How could she speak to her son in such a way? His mother should cherish him just a she seemed to the pup at her side.

There were plenty of things she wanted to say to the woman about what she has done but it was not her place, she knew that. A glance at Ravenna and she knew she leader wouldn't have any of it. A subordinate causing problems, it was times like this she was aware that she wasn't family and she wasn't a part of it. All she could do was offer an ear if needed or whatever support she could. So she remained quiet and observant.

Leotie expected more from Sven if she were honest with the way he had spoken about how things might go on their trip. That she might see things that could change her mind about him. So when he turned and left without a word...well she wasn't expecting that. Her gaze watched him as he went before turning back to the woman and her other son.

She then took her leave to seek Sven out in case he wanted to talk or not talk, whatever he needed she would be there for him as promised.

Leotie exit

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Kristen who has 301 posts.
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Adeltra Archer
She noticed a figure move in the foliage and for a moment her eyes moved to see who it was, praying it was her mother, father or Romanov but again it wasn’t. Instead, a woman she didn’t even know stood there. Where were they? Why weren’t they here…didn’t they care? Her nostrils flared, checking to see if they were nearby but she couldn’t detect anything. More alarmingly...she couldn’t smell her mother. At all. Why couldn’t she find Enoki’s scent? Maybe she just hadn’t come to this area for a while…but that would be very uncharacteristic of the friendly and active matriarch. Suddenly she was looking at Ravenna, looking at her posture and noticing the very same stance that her mother used. Why was she standing like that. Where was her mother. Her auds fluttered backwards for a moment and she bit back the panic, swallowing the bile that was pushing it’s way up her throat. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go, this was nothing like she’d imagined. She couldn’t breathe.

Ravenna spoke, partially snapping out of her thoughts. At least the pale woman seemed to know how to act, a small bit of relief filling her at the offer given for the trio to stay the night. They would have a big more time together, just a bit was all she needed. To curl up next to Cyril and clear her head, try to fix the jumbled mess it was becoming. Then, her cousin mentioned eldest son and she clenched her jaw to keep it from dropped. Sven was...Piety’s son? What the heck was happening? The girl took a step back, removing herself from between them. Piety was speaking again, returning the same cold gesture that she had been given and it was topsy turvy. The pale woman was refusing their offer to stay. Addy’s breath hitched. Other words that were spoken were tuned out for a moment, her ears ringing before she sucked in a giant gulp of air. She stuffed it down, down, down until it was buried in the pit of her stomach to sit like a rock. 

The dark girl turned toward Piety, a small smile playing on her lips. “I guess this means it’s probably time to go for me, huh?” she said, willing with everything she had that she wouldn’t cry. Not here, not in front of everyone. “I’m gonna miss you...a lot. Send Cyril over when you get settled down so I know where you are, yeah? I’d like to visit every so often, if that’s okay,” she said before moving forward to give the pale woman a lick to the chin. 

Then, she turned to Cyril. For a moment she just stood there, then she moved past him hoping he took the hint that she wanted him to follow. Just a little ways away from the group, away from all the prying eyes for some sense of privacy. “I’m gonna have to break our mutual vow of silence here for a sec, okay?” she said, trying to laugh but all that really came out was air. Suddenly, she was moving forward and colliding into him, wrapping her neck around his and pulling him tightly against her in a hug. “I’m gonna miss you too. Make sure you eat, okay? Stay out of trouble and find lots of spots to show me when I come visit. Come find me when you get settled down...please,” she said quietly, a small quiver shaking her body. She willed him to allow her to stay like that for another moment before she pulled back, bumping his chin with her nose before turning around and heading back to the group. She stood next to Ravenna, watching Piety and Cyril and attempting to burn their images into her mind. 

Until next time.
[Image: sW4OLm.png]
Played by Arla who has 387 posts.
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Cyril Kael-Santoro

His mother’s clipped tone with the other son almost brought a smile to his dark features but the boy remained composed, his expression neutral. Clearly the scarred dove wasn’t fond of him. She had never mentioned him before—Cyril had only learned of his existence as a result of Morganna’s big mouth—therefore the boy didn’t think this Sven was important. Why else would his mother have kept it a secret?

He was not surprised to hear his mother decline the offer to stay, although Cyril would not have protested. One more night with Adeltra wouldn’t have been awful, but he knew that his mother wanted to get moving. To find Morganna and her band of wolves. As she shuffled into the news of Whitestone his eyes averted to the ground, his claws curling into the ground, his tail slack between his legs. She kept the news short and to the point, much to Cyril’s relief, before asking about Morganna’s whereabouts.

The bastard son didn’t say anything more. Instead he left. Turned around, without a word to his mother or the other females, and left. His frown deepened but his amusement increased, bubbling furiously within the deep cavern of his chest. The tawny female that had appeared behind him disappeared, without a word, following behind the sulking male like a lost puppy. He snorted, unable to stifle his amusement any longer. Rolling his yellow eyes he turned back to his mother to watch her reaction in the male’s sudden departure.

However, he was distracted by Adeltra, who begun issuing her goodbyes. He took a step back, his throat tight as the lost princess spoke to his mother, professing how much she was going to miss her. The girl then turned to him, padding past him as an indication for him to follow. Cyril didn’t want to say goodbye—it would make it real. That the girl was leaving, returning to her home, where she belonged. Where he and Piety weren’t. But, the boy obliged, joining her away from the group. A breath of air escaped him as she collided with his chest, his ears still pinned to his skull. His eyes burned as she spoke and he struggled to nod against her coiled neck. He embraced her, not willing to let her go just yet. His chin fell into open air as she pulled away, offering a final bump to his chin before stepping toward the group. He stepped in front of her, shoving his nose into the scruff of her neck. I’m going to miss you, too, he whispered into her fur, his voice hoarse from lack of use and low enough for just her to hear. He stepped back, allowing her to return to Ravenna’s side before he retreated to Piety, his nose touching her shoulder to signal it was time for them to go.

Played by Vami who has 488 posts.
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Ravenna Archer-Lyall
After Ravenna's words, it didn't take long for the members of her pack to clear the borders and head back into Willow Ridge territory. She could tell Adeltra was getting worried, antsy, as likely she wondered where her brother, father and mother would. Ravenna could only assume such, granted it was the same thing she was thinking as well.

While Sven and Leotie left the scene silently and Adeltra and Cyril took a step back in order to talk to each other, Ravenna placed her full attention back to the white, scarred woman before her. Her expression was grim, though she didn't speak on behalf of her mate having died and the pack Morganna had created coming to an end so soon. ...At least it felt soon to her for even though the pack had survived quite some time, nothing compared to the stretch which Willow Ridgehad endured. It seemed, too, the coming of winter was a bad time for love life.

"My sister is east over the mountains in my brother's pack, Quaking Vale." It was all the information Piety needed to know to get her by and if not, surely she would run into her OTHER brother and his pack who could help further guide her. Turning her attention back to Adeltra, she took a few steps back toward home, her eyes suggesting it was time to go. Adeltra needed the words of her father and brother now.

[Faded exit.]