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Guide Me to Serenity — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
As the she-wolf finalized his teasing words, the tawny male offered only a short nod in response, his eyes drifting once more to the elderly male to gauge his reaction. Upon Rebecca’s inquiry, the girl began to enthusiastically question the whereabouts of the male – though to the tawny male it seemed completely random.

Before the other male could answer, Ruiko dipped his muzzle down, his tail giving an idle flick. “Forgive me, I must take my leave. Three hungry mouth’s back at home that need feeding,” he commented, happy to use his nephews and niece as an excuse to escape the random situation he found himself in.

Without another word, the male turned his back upon the other two wolves, leaving them to their conversation as he sought the direction of his home, his own nose roving closer to the ground as he attempted to track the possibility of an easy catch to feed the pack’s whelps.