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From the Highest Mountain — Panorama Peak 
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Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

I won’t, I can find my way back. Seven sure hoped so. He didn’t want to be responsible for a lost cub. The last thing the nervous yearling needed was for a pack to be sent after him. The thought nearly caused a shiver to dance down his spine, the fur on the back of his neck bristling. Unfortunately the boy’s determination didn’t ease the Selwyn’s worried mind. He was still going off on his own without actually knowing where he was going. The frown did not erase from his dark features, his brows still pinched tight. Just stay positive, he assured  the cub, a sharp nod accompanying his words.

When the agouti boy asked where he was going the espresso yearling merely shrugged, a lazy grin finally gracing his dark maw. Wherever my paws take me, little dude, he responded, stamping his front paws for emphasize. Don’t have any plans. He didn’t really want to trouble the strange cub with his missing sibling problem. The kid had his own problems and Seven didn’t want to involve him in his own. 

(This post was last modified: Dec 08, 2017, 07:31 AM by Seven.)

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin

The young Myrddin would have been lying if he said he wasn't nervous about going out in his own to find his sister. The truth was he was rather scared about it. Going places he'd never been with the chance he wouldn't find his way home. Meeting wolves he didn't know and that could hurt him. Everything was strange and new but at the same time it was something he had to do. He didn't like seeing his parents so upset and he missed his sister dearly. Elyan knew he couldn't let fear hold him back from the unknown and from finding his sister. “I am trying to,” he told, “But it's hard when I keep hoping and then that hope is stolen from me.”

He was curious where the man was going in his travels. The wolf before him wasn't the first loner he'd ever met so he knew they had places they wanted to go. This stranger didn't seem to have any particular place in mind which Elyan could understand that, he didn't either. “Have you been traveling long?” He had grown curious about the man which also helped take his mind off Arwyn for a few moments anyway. “See anything worth mentioning?”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

He nodded to show he understood. It was hard to have hope, especially when time passed so quickly. Even Seven struggled with it, for weeks had passed since he had last seen his own siblings. So he understood why the boy was so determined to find his sister. He wished he could have been of more help, but the Selwyn liked to steer clear of ferals, even though they usually provided useful information. He didn’t trust anyone but his own family, so it made it a little difficult maneuvering around the lands of Lore. But he would find them soon, just like the boy would find his sister. Because Seven wouldn’t settle for anything else.

Awhile, yeah, he answered with a shrug, his muddy gaze trailing away from the little agouti boy. He couldn’t really remember how far away the reserve was. It felt as though the trio had been travelling forever. Uh, not really? He answered, his nose turning back to the boy. Just kinda keeping my head down, steering clear of trouble. He didn’t remember most of the places he’d visited. Just the place where he had first arrived with his siblings: the tundra.

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin

Sometimes the boy wished he could see the future to know if he would find his sister. He missed her so much already but he worried it would be a long time before they found her. What would she be like after being away for so long? Talking with the man that stood there on top of the little mountain with him he knew he couldn't give up hope of finding Arwyn one day no matter what she was like she was still his sister and he wouldn't ever give up on her.

Talking with the stranger about where he was going did help to take his mind off what he was going through. As it turned out he had been traveling for awhile, “What's it like out there?” He would need to know if he planned on going further than he already had to find Arwyn. Which he fully planned to do. It was disappointing to hear that there wasn't anything worth mentioning but he couldn't dispute it since he hadn't been out there. “What about things I should maybe avoid?” He asked with a small lift to his puppy brow. “It's probably best to stay out of trouble," he agreed with a nod, “Mother wouldn't like it if I were to get hurt out there.”

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.

What’s it like out there? He frowned. How was he supposed to answer that? The peppered Selwyn was an anxious mess most days, which meant he was utterly terrified of the feral world and those who inhabited it. Seeing new sights was excited, yes, but it did not make him any less frightened. Uh, he started lamely, his brows pinched in concern, it’s okay? That wasn’t really an answer. Not a good one, anyway. It’s big. That was a bit better. And it was all the tawny cub was going to get out of Seven, for he wasn’t really sure on how to answer the question any further. Part of him wished they had never left the reserve, but he was also glad he had. Life outside the silver fence was much more freeing, even if it was scary.

Just avoid wolves who don’t seem friendly. That was the best advice Seven could give the boy. He’d been pretty fortunate to find helpful wolves during his stay in Lore, but the yearling knew there were just as many rude wolves as there was nice ones. And a lot of the mean ones played nice at first. 

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin

He knew that his parents wouldn't agree with it, him striking out in his own to find Arwyn. He had to though, he had to do everything he could to find his sister and bring her home. It was the decision he'd made on the little mountain that seemed so much larger. He hadn't finished training he knew that but he could get better, he had the basics. His father had been teaching him about plants so he could heal himself if he needed to. However, if he was going to go at it on his own he needed to know a few things he needed to know and he hoped the stranger could provide that for him.

His head told to the side as the man spoke of it being okay and big. Elyan looked out across the vastness laid out before him that he could see from a top that hill. “It's a lot of ground to cover,” he stated before turning back to the man, “But she's my sister." The advice that was given seemed sound which earned a nod. It did leave him with one question though, “And how will I know if they don't seem friendly?” He asked because it was very important, he hadn't yet met a mean wolf.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Arla who has 88 posts.
fade with yours or my next one? :B <3

Seven did not like the idea of the boy travelling on his own, especially when his sister was already missing. What if he, too, ended up missing? Then his parents would have two cubs walking about, easy targets for predators and unkind wolves. What kind of parents let their kids walk around, unsupervised, anyway? Sure, the boy was quite big in size, but that didn’t mean he was invincible to those outside his pack.

He could have offered to accompany the boy, but he had his own siblings to look for. And, while he was concerned for the cub’s safety, it wasn’t his problem.

You’ll be able to tell, he assured the boy, a soft frown creasing his dark lips. It’s all in the way they talk. And the way they look. He shrugged. It’s more of a feeling.

He took a step away from the agouti pup, his muddy gaze lingering. I better get goin’, though. I hope you find her. Seven had to continue on his mission—no more distractions. He had a few leads and now needed to follow through with them. As much as he would have liked to help Elyan further, Seven was still new to the lands. He was unfamiliar with the terrain and the locals. There wasn’t much else he could do for the boy. 

Played by Kai who has 131 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elyan Myrddin
Fading and archiving

He'd made a decision right then and there and he was sure his parents wouldn't like it. Whether they did or they didn't wasn't something that mattered to Agouti boy. He couldn't just sit around in the territory and do nothing when his sister was missing. He hoped that they would understand and forgive him for doing what he had to do.

He knew he had a lot to learn about the world out there and so far he hadn't run into trouble but there was no telling what he would find. He nodded taking in everything the man told him about bad wolves. “I suppose it's one of those things I will know when I am faced with it.” At least he hoped he would know.

When the man went in to excuse himself Elyan realized it was time he did the same. “Safe travels and thank you. I should be going too and go look for my sister, It was nice to meet you and thank you for your help." He then went on to move to the furthest side before starting his descent.


Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you