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When I look at the stars — Luna Hill 
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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
It was very strange to have someone timid in his company. This had never happened to him before, but he had been a great deal smaller in his past wanderings or in the company of his family he mused. But for someone to seem so uncertain about him, it was weird, and he didn't much care for it he decided. He could not blame her. She had no idea who he really was, and if he was a wolf of his word. These were different times, he was different, and he only tried to show her he meant no harm. He was likely just making an ass out of himself, why couldn't he shut up?

An ear twitched at her huff, as he waited for words. He wasn't a great mind reader, and she could easily be thinking of turning around and leaving than talking to him. If it was the latter he'd let her be on her way. She was quiet for what felt like forever, and he had to clamp his teeth not to speak again. Soon he noted her tail appear more limp, and the shift of her head. She did not meet his gaze, but that could be a sinple curtisy. But most surprising was the softest of chuckles humming from her throat. It did wonders to calm his over active mind, and put him at ease though he still felt like an idiot of sorts.

If it had not been the dead of night he would have strained to hear her words. As it were but the hum of their hearts, and wave of their breaths he heard her perfectly. It was his pack smell she was intigued about. Hmm, something he had not thought about. <b>"I am actually, my brother's. Swift River to be more exact."</b> Wow, could that hae come out more horribly? The fellow smiled or kinda. Was she looking for pack? <b>"Do you know any of the Tainns?"</b> He said, not understanding why it'd be familiar to her unless she'd met one of his siblings.

He picked up on her interest, and she seemed to look much younger than she had minutes ago. His nostrils tensed, thinking she was not too much younger than himself by her specific aroma. When a name was given, he placed it to mind with specific information with a gentle dip of his head. <b>"Pleasure, I'm Triell Tainn. Sorry about early, I thought you were someone else,"</b> he sheepishly grinned, directing his orange-yellow eyes to the ground. He managed his own slow tail wag, hoping maybe it would not be so awkward between them.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
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Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

The silver wolfess listened carefully, both of her ears perked, attentive to any word the stranger could give for her to place in the back of her memory. Maybe he could answer the hundred and one questions that floated on her mind, forming a dense cloud above her focused eyes she could not simply disregard. The concept of pack was so remote and alien to her, she could feel her mind still struggle in the decision of fearing it, or wanting to know every aspect of it. But she had decided to ignore her irrational fears, at least for that night, and the succulent temptation of her restless curiosity was striking, and striking hard. For a second, she tried to wonder how would it be to live inside of a pack. But did they have rules? A leader perhaps? Unfortunately, all she knew about packs is what her father once told her: first, they’re dangerous for loners; second, one does not need them. Ever since she was a puppy, she had obeyed and followed her father’s instructions as if there was no other law in the vastness of nature, but now that she was older –and alone-, she could understand that, maybe, there were other opinions on the matter, and perhaps his father was not as right as she had always thought.

A solemn introduction escaped from the young wolf’s mouth, and the little loner soon found that he was incrementing her curiosity, more than satisfying it. Tainns? Her skull cocked in a slight movement, her wonders augmented. “Am I supposed to know them?” she interrogated on the spur of the moment, and then paused, asking herself if she had sounded too rude to the male’s ears. At least now she knew the name of her neighbor pack –and, more importantly, she discovered that packs had their own names-. Swift River. Peculiar name, she secretly opined.

Suvah put away her endless questions as she nodded to his new acquaintance. “Nice to meet you” she politely smiled “Sorry about me being… well…” the wolfess paused, not wanting to admit she had been scared. “I don’t know much about packs, and this is my first encounter with a member of any… I was unsure of how to act.” She smiled shyly, hoping the brute would understand her position.

Unsure. What a specimen she was.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The male chuckled at her reply, gently shaking his head. <b>"No, I guess not. It just seemed like it you might if I smell familiar. There are quite a few of us,"</b> he said, glad to see she had loosened up a bit. Though there was just something different about her, but he finally got an answer as to why. Packs were new grounds for her. His ear casually rotated backward, then upon her assuming that meant she'd never been in one. Surely she'd have had to have parents. His mind was on how it would be, to be just a family. Really that was what Swift River was. He'd never been without family or pack to fully know how she felt, but it softened his out look. From her perspective it must be weird, and unexpected. No one pack was alike, and he hardly knew about the other one that resided in Relic Lore. It happened to be the only one that had not originated by someone of his family. He actually made a mental note to check it out one day, or ask Indy about it.

<b>"Awe, that's understandable everyone is different. But pack wolves, don't act much different than other wolves unless you cross their territory. It tends to bring out the worse in us,"</b> he smirked, knowing how it was the truth. <b>"Ours is called Swift River because that's where we live actually. It's made mostly of my family, and a few others. There is actually another pack too called Grizzly Hollow, but I don't know much about it. Some time my other brother plans to start one, but I have no idea where it will be,"</b> he rambled wondering if he was saying to much. But he wasn't one to be quiet when his mind was buzzing with answers, especially when he wanted to get rid of the awkwardness.

<b>"If you don't mind me asking, if you don't have a pack do you live with your parents then?"</b> This might be too much, but she had intrigued him. She had to come from somewhere, without a pack it didn't leave much options. He had heard a lot of brother/sister travelings, and thought perhaps that was the case for her. He smiled trying to be thoughtful, as if she didn't share he would not pry despite his curiosity.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

All the tenseness that could inhabit the chilly air of that peaceful night seemed to disappear with every word the blackened male pronounced. Suvah’s ears flicked to spread once again, eyes attentive, her intention being that to keep all of the information he could give. Words were shelved into the hunger of her mind, and she soon found herself accepting the fact that this had been the only time she had been so close to the earth of Relic Lore. For months, she had wandered, hiding from others and ignoring all history the territory could possess. All her encounters with other relatives were restricted to tenseness and trivial chatting, and this was actually the first time someone had taken time to give a piece of their knowledge and understanding to her, which was something she was almost too grateful for, she had discovered.

Shyly, she nodded at him, dedicating a slight smile and a slow wag of her tail as soon as she realized how he had understood and fulfilled her curiosity so perfectly. “I see” she managed to bark, unable to think about thanking him in any other way at the precise moment.

Slowly, the Avani approached, more shy than hesitant now, and took a seat on her hindquarters over the stirred patch of snow Triell was standing on, not so close that they could touch, but enough to express the fact that she was not so nervous anymore. Eyes scrutinized the wide sky that brightly shone upon them, moving from one star to another, and then, dulled at the question of the male. He had asked for her parents. Her family. And she was now balancing her thoughts to find out if she was prepared to answer or not. Over the months of tough winter, she had had almost too much time to think about this question, but the truth was, this had been the first time someone had asked her something like that. Alone, she liked to think about her lost relatives as something far, something long lost that she had to forget, and she was making the best of works at it, but now that someone had asked, they seemed to be as real as they had been once in her lifetime.

The silver wolf shook the fur of her thoughtful head, and tilted a tad to witness the smile on the brute’s lips. What was the difference? Whether she was alone or not, they were part of her past. She was all by herself now, and she knew maybe too well she could make it. She was almost an adult now, and needed to be as strong as her lost parents had taught her to be. To hell with her gloom, they wouldn’t have wanted that, nor did she want. And he owed Triell an answer, too; after all, he had answered her questions without hesitation.

She sighed in an effort to get rid of the lump of her throat, and smiled, her snout facing once again the dark sky. “I’m alone, I guess” she stated as calmly as she could get her voice to be “I’ve been for a while now. My family and I were crossing the mountains, and then… I got lost. I tried to find them, but have you seen those mountains?” her digits played with the snow under her body, trying to remember the iciness of the mountain floor, and avoiding any sadness to flood her words “I guess should feel lucky for having crossed them all by myself.” Her muzzle finished moving, and she tried to hide any emotion under false proudness. In any other case, half of such a feat would have served as a legit excuse to be her arrogant self, but at the moment, it didn’t appear to be neither as fun nor as worthy. All she could do was pretend it was.

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

(This post was last modified: Jan 17, 2012, 08:19 PM by Suvah.)
Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<i>sorry for the wait my Triell muse was suffering</i>

<blockquote>His uneasy feelings disapated into the dark background. He talked, and she took it his words, replying another simple reply. He had a hunch she'd be alone for a time, because what he said seemed like it was taken as news instead of old information. Trying to be discreet he peered closer at her rib cage, and spine. His fiery eyes could not see the signs of long starvation, and neither did she seem frail. She caught him off guard once more, and his eyes snapped to her face when she loomed toward him. <span class='word'>Natheless</span> the tip of his right ear folded from the surprise. Somehow he kept an eased expression, and he decided he could reside to his haunches too. Unlike when she looked to the sky he looked to her, because he couldn't tell how much of her was black, and how much was gray. Her answer to his quesiton wasn't fast coming, and he shifted his yellow-orange eyes to the distant field to let her have some bit of privacy to think. She could deny any reply, when she did not make a sound he took it as a good sign she was thinking.

In the silence he waited, trying to make out the shadows in the distance for what they really were. His imagination easily transformed them to different creatures, and he quickly brought his muzzle in her direction, the smile on the edge of his snout.

Another sigh broke into the night air, unsettling the short pause that had come between them. He blinked, but could not draw his eyes from her when she started to speak. There was something to her tone that hinted the tiniest notes of sadness, and loss. Once she continued it was obvious why.

His triangle points would droop atop his head, and a let out an unpleasant sigh. He knew those mountains, and he didn't much care for them. There was something about them that was creepy. She had lost her family there? He supressed a shudder. He hadn't ventured upon them since he had helped Adonia, and the closest he went was Riddle Heigths. Despite what Indru had told him he did fear them, and could the willies thinking about them. There was something unholy about them since the Midnight Platuea pack had disappeared.

Softly he then clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, letting out another uneven breath. <b>"I do know those mountains, and they are damned thigns.You are lucky to have come this far, but that's sad - you're alone. I'm sorry for asking."</b> His words drew from his lips slowly, his dark brows knit together to show his remorse. He wanted to offer comfort, or say something nice like maybe she'd see them again. He did not wnat to give false hope. He had no idea if they would see each other again. He didn't exactly want to speak of his own experience to make things worse.

The awkwardness had almost been forgotten, almost.
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

OOC: No need to apologize :) I know that feeling far too well.

Dark slippery lips reflected the slightest of smiles as she heard his voice trembling once again against the half folded cartilages her ears formed. She heard carefully, and the tenseness of her mouth dropped just to tense once again in a whole different manner. It would have been unperceivable for the sight of Triell, her mind was almost sure of that –after all, even the greatest of tics would be mistaken for the mere fiddling of a playful shadow under the squalid light the starts offered-, but to her own perception, her slight movement had been a perfect cringe, a full grown of disapproval. The one and only thing that made her hide her sentiments now was the fact that they weren’t drawn to his oblivious companion. They were drawn to her and her only. Why had she done that? Why tell a stranger her most unwanted memories, the ones she had been trying to bury, to forget for so long? Now they had not only came back to her present, but made her deal with perhaps the worst of her enemies: pity. Oh, how she loathed compassion.

Fiery orbs were drawn back to her improvised confidant, and her inscrutable countenance turned into a grimace of playfulness and acceptation with a click of her slippy tongue. She wasn’t angry at him. Nor did she feel like regretting what was now inevitable. She had told him for a reason she did not fully acknowledge at the precise instant. Perhaps she needed to go through all of that to finally forget and break her undesired chains, or maybe it had just been the heat of the moment. Either of which, she couldn’t still decide. Her mind felt dense, and her thoughts had turned into a heavy tangle of chaos she couldn’t encircle. What was she to do now? Would she accept his condolences and turn her initially victorious night into another endless eternity of mourning and resignation? No. If there was something to be sure of it was her determination on this matter. She wasn’t going to throw these hours. Too much time had been wasted in her life at that point.

“No need to be sorry. I’m fine.” She barked after her seconds of hesitant thought, her initial fire now put out. It was going to be how it had ultimately been: she would ignore and forget, and then, maybe, she would keep up with her improvised new life. “I guess one day I’ll have my own pups and family, and then have my chance to get lost myself.” her vile satire flowed out of her mouth promptly, and she summoned all of her strength to actually grin at the black joke. Then, her attention was drawn to her words, and she found a sudden glee at the realization that her shyness had been left behind, unwanted. Perhaps talking about this hadn’t hurt her that much. At least she had put one of her claws in her future –even if it was just as a joke-, something she hadn’t even thought of embracing for a long time. It was a progress, in her opinion, and it didn’t feel as bad anymore.

Her mind ran again, rushing with pictures and her everlasting questions. Her rushed vision of the future had made her mind click one more time, and her curiosity itched deep inside, spreading and burning like wild fire inside of her entrails as she gazed at the ebony male. Despite all the information he had kindly donated to her, her mind couldn’t still comprehend all of the small questions her mind was formulating about the subjects of packs. He had mentioned something about his brother wanting to start a new one, and the only reminder of it was enough to make her desire run in circles inside of her mind, wanting to know his opinion on the matter.

“What about you anyway?” she started, pausing once again to hold her new lack of inhibition. “Are you going to stay with your pack?” She wasn’t quite sure of why was her mind so eager to know his response. One part of her wanted to know the opinion of someone who had apparently lived all of their life inside of a community, of a large family, while another part still questioned all of the learning she had gained from his pigheaded father. Perhaps living alone wasn’t as right as she had initially thought, and the right thing to do was to search for a pack to live with, or perhaps living with a pack was, indeed, as horrible as she had been told, and while loners lingered for company, grouped wolves sought for solitude.

Her tail gave a few slight flicks, and her skull looked down for a few moments, a smile showing over her faded muzzle as a reaction to her own ignorance. She had still so much to learn…

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>He had little idea he might have offended her with his apoligies. She was a quiet picture, not much reflecting on the outside in the changing moments. She had simple movments he could not discern. He did not know her, nor her habits, and he did not think anything wrong in what he said. He after all had not said I'm sorry about your family, but then again the sendiment had been implied. Empathy was not hard to come by. He had been on his own a couple short times, and he had not cared for it. His family was his world and without any of them he would have struggled. Was the answer to her first fearful hesitation? She did not know the world outside her family, and was merely just now finding out. His black ears would fold, relax, while his eyes were close to study her grey mask for what he was missing when she was quiet in thought. He saw no sadness, but perhaps a decision had been made.

He shrugged his large shoulders knowing he would lose no sleep over her circumstances, but still he wondered if she was putting up on a false mask. Or maybe her family wasn't one she really missed. He could not say, but had an inkling it could be his first guess rather than the later. Espeically with her second sentence, and makeshift grin. <b>"Life goes on I suppose, but I must admit if I were in your place I would not do so well,"</b> he added in an tone of indifference. He hinted at admiration how she was handling it all, and continueing on her way, living her life. Much like Indru,Ruiko, and Niija had after the fire. When he thought about it what other choice was there? He said no more on the subject, feeling she wanted no shoulder to cry on.

It became quiet again, but he was afraid to pry further. Talking about the sky, the snow, or where she was going seemed silly. Luckily she saved him by asking her own questions. It was his turn to think, chew over his muddled thoughts for a response.

Take his time he did.

He was in the process of deciding to stay with Indru or go onward with Ruiko,Kinis, and Volkan to something new, and unknown. What was he to tell her? The corner of his lip twitched showing his very little of his teeth in a nervous sorta twitch. Did he really have an answer? A long drawn in breath, he moved his appendages closer to his belly, and each other before he began. <b>"Well I went on my own once, sorta. It was okay, but being alone is a bit maddening at times,"</b> he impishly grinned, knowing he hadn't liked it at all. He'd been ridden with guilt about Cori, and the pups the whole time. He continued, <b>" Right now I'm trying to decide to stay with my pack or join my brother, Ruiko's, new one."</b> There that was the truth, probably boring considering what she had told him.

His right paw played in the snow, as he reframed his sight from her.<b>"Some wolves do good by themselves, but I'm not one of them,"</b> he confessed. He hated to admit it but he didn't like being alone. He spent a lot of his time in his own company, and he craved someone to talk to, joke with, and play. His chin slowly leveled, bright eyes meeting her more dominant orange pair. <b>"You think you'll join a pack or do you not like them?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Ksi who has 35 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Suvah Avani

Little darling, I feel like ice is slowly melting . . .

Bright optics shifted inside of their sockets to draw a concealed gaze at the brute’s face, searching out of the corner of her eyes for any sign of emotion or gesture. She was almost convinced that he had discovered her coward shield, and yet, she felt the thin breath of relief cover the nape of her skull when he decided not to mention anything about it. He worded his answer, quiet and emotionless, but with a hint of praise upon it. The onyx male left escape letters of eulogy amongst his sentence, and Suvah could not dodge a physical response to what he had said. She shouldered back a few inches almost as a reflex action, letting out a slight breath of proudness, more to her own self than to the male to hear. The young female could not quite recall when had it been the last time she had had a compliment directed to her –as forced as it may had been-, and to be fair, these words pronounced by Triell had triggered perhaps a trifling part of her buried ego, an ego submerged under the passing months of solitude and uncertain. Perhaps being around other did help her, and she was not as fine as she thought she was.

The sound of his voice was defeated by the echo of the quiet winter night again, and the wolfess continued with her scrutinizing hidden gaze, an observation of his features taking place even with the vast lack of light. It was then when the juvenile wolf expressed his answer to the given questions, and the female stood quietly, one of her ears drawn to his side in an effort of hearing him better. Judging by the time he had taken to think of his response, the girl stood in her wondering stand for another while. She seemed to have touched a risky spot of sorts, and yet her hungry curiosity wasn’t able to let her feel the slightest hint of guilt, so she continued with the task of the quiet listener; perhaps she could take more information from his kind words, after all. And indeed she did. The boy mentioned another pack of the area, one belonging to other one of his siblings, and Suvah widened her twin ears even more in deep concentration. “So you really come from a caste of leaders” she mushed in a deep bark, joking slightly at the information given. It didn’t make much sense to her after she had spoken, a sudden reminder striking into her brains as she finished her commentary: there was no wolf that didn’t come from the union of two leaders. She, herself, had known her parents as loners, but even so, she had heard at least once of his father’s stories as the alpha of his own pack.

Nevertheless, she shooed away her thoughts to keep on with her listening, her black lips smiling softly when the black brute made his confession, and later proceeded to interrogate her one more time, shooting at her a question she was, in her insides, expecting to receive sooner or later.

It was the brutal truth. Despite her apparent strength and determination about the matter, the absolute reality was that she had not the slightest of ideas of what to do with her life. And by reason of her lack of experience with any pack and overall shyness, it wasn’t like she had many options on her paws. She looked again, her young orange lenses pointing at him for the briefest of seconds before aiming to the sky again, breathing heavily, her face covered with hesitation. “I don’t know…” she finally barked “I can’t say I don’t like them… I just don’t know enough. Being out alone is harsh, and judging by what you’re saying, staying with a pack would be the right thing to do right now.” She gazed away, her eyes scrutinizing the bright layer of snow that covered the place. Winter was harsh, and judging by her lack of ability to hunt and the hunger she was passing through almost every day, it didn’t seem like she would be able to survive as healthy as she stood now for too long. “But still don’t know if I’d do well… as you’ve seen, I don’t do well with strangers” She laughed in hidden anxiety. Her confession had sounded harder to her ears than she had initially thought, and she took a brief while to swallow her words and forget about them. It was true, she was afraid… afraid of strangers. She couldn’t deal with the overwhelming feeling of being around them. And if she even reached to rely on others, to love others… then, what if she lost them once more?

Here comes the sun, and I say . . .

It's  a l r i g h t.

Lack of muse warning! Posts may come slow!

<center>Para que en las noches españolas
no dejen de escucharse
los hermosos aullidos del Lobo
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>Once more she was the target of his eyes. He was being silly (what he liked to think thoughtful) as he did not want to offend her by his words so he watched attentively to each little motion wanting to be sure. She did not say more, but the growing minutes she seemed much more settled, and sure of herself. Which was all he could expect. He was who he was, and he could only control his doings. Significantly he felt better in her presence. In turn it was a nice change to chat to somenoe who didn't know every little thing about him. She was her own mystery, intriguing him in return of her own way of life, what she would do now. Two strangers exchanging information.

Brows knit together he lazily shifted his weight onto the right side of his body. He was eager for her answer, but doubted she would help him. <i>Indru or Ruiko?</i> The question repeated itself, and he made an audible intake of air letting it fill his lungs before slowly releasing it into a disappearing wisp of silver. Her aprupt response he jumped slightly, but a grin twisted his lips, and he chuckled amused by the conclusion she'd come too. <b>"You could say that. My parents actually were the first wolves here. Even my mother's brother had the urge to start his own pack. I'm actually kind of afraid it's in my system too."</b> Sleek face was in a wince. He had no real want too do so, but at her mention was it merely in his blood? A gentle cough he gave a vigorous shake of his coat sending a few flakes of snow to scatter. He resumed his sit, this time sitting taller. He did had mentioned how his parents had died in a fire, and tried not to let those memories consume him as they often did.

He was clear to keep his focus on her.He was not shy, and found it easy to speak to strangers no matter their gender. Therefore he could not relate how it would be in her paws. He hadn't gone through that phase in his awkward adolescents. Or he'd like to think. He hadn't been afraid of Corinna or Volkan. He enjoyed talking, and listening. And yet with the coming of his second birthday he did realize he had a different outlook on things, and was begining to realize the bonds of love that went deeper than family. The young male was only touching the surface and held his own questions to life yet to be voiced. He wasn't sure who was the best canidate to recieve answers from. Indru was the first thought, but if he was going to leave he didn't want such a deep conversation to take place between them. Such were the ramblings of his thoughts when she seemed to be deciding on her response.

He would chew over her response, giving a rhythmic bob of his head. It made sense, and she seemed quite intelligent knowing she had choice her life counted on. He realized the touch of nerves in her laugh. If she went to Swift River he knew they would be welcoming. Would that overwhelm her? The pups weren't quite so small, and he could not forget how intimidating Marsh was. He really had no answer, or way to sort out her problem. The prescription was time. <b>"I know I'm pretty lucky. I've been with my siblings my whole life, they are my pack. I can't imagine what it would take to live with strangers. It makes sense where you're coming from."</b> Lips lifted with a warm smile, a single brow quirked. <b>"But if it helps, I know most around here are pretty friendly if ya don' tread in their turf. I think that's the biggest thing about packs. They don't like when their territories are invaded."</b> He wanted to offer her more, but he wasn't sure how to help. A quiet sigh, he offered her a smile. <b>"Well, I better go. If you want to find me, I'm just over the river,"</b> he pointed in the general direction. He dipped his head, and started for home.

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2012, 01:09 AM by Triell.)
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