There was no doubt in the pale fae's mind that Ravenna was tough. The girl had somehow worked her way up through the ranks, and then continued to hold her place as a yearling. If Celandine had been in that spot at her age, there's no telling where they'd all be by now. "I wonder what she's got in mind." Maybe she had a suitor or two? That would certainly cement her place. At least for a little while.
Morganna's following question caught Celandine off-guard. Truth be told, she hadn't given any thought to spring, or how that would work if she challenged up. Maybe it was because she was under the impression that Morg would have the kids, but her? "Yeah, once we're settled in the new place I'll challenge up. Give Niles a little bit more time, ya'know?" And then the more pressing question. "I don't know about spring, or who I'd even have. I figure we'll cross that bridge if we get to it?"