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Ain't that Unusual? — Hidden Tree 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
<blockquote>Her comment about the pack treating him nice bought a smirk to the silvery mans face as he remembered a conversation he had the first night he met Jayse... <i>Pack not playing nice?</i> <b>"Its...a pack. With all the drama and heartache you could ask for..."</b> he didn't know how else to describe it. It pissed him off the way Borden was carrying on and Kade was just letting him do it. They needed to track each other down and have it out, instead of beating the arse of every pack mate on the way up, himself included.

When she asked where he had been, the truth was almost everywhere but the place he was supposed to call home. Oh sure he stopped in occasionally, did a casual sweep of the borders, picked up some more of the scent that marked him as theirs and then he was on his way again. <b>"Grizzly Hollow is in the Cedar Forrest, but I find myself on Fireweed Rise a lot."</b> It was true. He didn't know what it was about the place that drew him to it, but it felt... Like peace to him. Until that stinking idiot fouled it up with his cowardice. Soon enough though. Soon enough.</blockquote>
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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Finn looked at Valiant, admiring the look in his eyes as he spoke of Fireweed RIse- it was a peaceful look. Tail wagging slightly, the small gray woman spoke words of her own "I enjoy spending time at Bramble Falls...something about the water..." She cut herself off, light brown eyes locking onto Valiant's. Little did she know that she was to be torn to bits at her favorite relaxation spot- by her own brother.

"Maybe you'd be better as a lone wolf?" She did not know why she had asked this, but it seemed to her that Valiant was unhappy within Grizzly Hollow. Finn gingerly padded forth now, her head lowered to shoulderblade height. With her ears pressing back, she came around the side of Valiant, gently touching the top of her head and muzzle to the underside of Valiant's chin. Pulling back slowly, she looked at the ground, towards her white paws.
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino
Gonna wrap this up :) Feel free to reply/archive as you wish.

<blockquote>She sure was touchy wasn't she? <b>"Yeah, maybe... I like being in a pack, and Grizzly Hollow is lax. If I were in another pack I'd hardly be able to ramble where I wanted..."</b> he admitted with a grin. As much as it tore at him he really needed to be getting home. There was a wolf he needed to keep an eye on now that he knew. He didn't want the slime ball having any chance to hurt poor sweet Finn.

<b>"It was good to see you again... But I should be getting back. I was going to round up a few of the boys back home for a hunt. It seems we can't keep our caches full enough."</b> he said with a dramatic roll of his eyes. He graced the little wolf with an affectionate lick across her muzzle. He would have to keep an eye out for her if she ever went loner again. If he ever started his own pack she was someone he might want around... Quickly pulling himself away he began to lope off amongst the trees back towards the Cedarwoods. There was a spring in his step that had been absent for some time. He still had it.</blockquote>

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Played by Bridget who has 90 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Finn Millinae
Her chocolate gaze focused on Valiant as he spoke. Her head automatically bobbed as his voice filled her ears. The quick swipe of his tongue graced her muzzle, and she grinned, tail flicking. She offered a kind lick of her own before the gray man turned on heel, staring toward the Cedarwood Forest. Finn tilted her head in wonder of what the man thought of her. With a quiet sigh, she turned her small frame, heading back in the direction of her pack's den site.

She padded along, light body carried silently on small white paws. she moved like a ghost through the wildwood. Thoughts began to whir through her mind as she loped along. Oh, how dreary her life was about to get. The jaws of her brother would seek her flesh, leaving her for dead. And thus, she would become shaken, thriving with a newly found paranoia throughout her recovery.
(This post was last modified: May 13, 2012, 05:46 PM by Finn.)
"If a man knows anything, he ought to die with it in him."