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creepy zombie ships — Skyfall Glen 
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Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle
For @Hazelnut!
Late afternoon, clear, -30C/-22F

Viorel had woken from his afternoon nap with a singular thought on his mind: they had been here almost a year. The winter had arrived and it was only going to get colder, and memories of waking up retching in the dead of the woods with his brother and cousin haunted him. So much had changed, but he still had so many questions that had no answers, and today for some reason he couldn’t shake this thought from haunting him.

He had tried to throw himself into work, there was certainly enough of it to keep him busy, but the gnawing feeling of unease in his belly could not be dismissed. So, he was playing hooky. He had been to this lake once before, and it held a sense of calm despite being located in the middle of the creepiest woods Viorel had ever seen. He thought maybe if he got back there he could get the calm back.

It wasn’t working, he had spent an hour laying on what he assumed was the shoreline, but the lake was covered in ice and snow. Without its flat, reflective surface, the area was missing something. Getting to his paws suddenly, he started desperately scratching away at the snow and ice, he needed to see the lake. He needed answers.

Played by Pinn who has 43 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Subordinate
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

By seven months old Hazelnut had grown into her small frame.  No longer were her ears too large, or her legs too short for her proportions, but honestly she probably would have kept the too-big ears if it meant adding on a few more inches of height. Though she was the oldest of the cubs, she had somehow ended up being the smallest, which wasn't really a problem, but it wasn't not a problem either.

Though she had set out that morning in hopes of finding someone to play with, the scent of a hare on the wind pulled her away, out past the borders, across the river, and into the forests beyond. She followed it for quite some time before the trail just.. stopped. Now, Hazey wasn't the most experienced hunter of the bunch, and while she struggled with the whole 'waiting for the right moment' thing, she wasn't too bad at tracking.

When her nose failed her, Hazey used her eyes, noting the hare's tracks had been intersected by.. well, a bunch of small creatures. The area seemed like a hotspot for all sorts of little things, which made deciphering the pawprints even harder. Frustrated with this new turn of events Hazelnut chose a set to follow at random and began the hunt anew. This set took her further north and east until they intersected a larger set of tracks, and that larger set carried a familiar scent!

Abandoning the hunt altogether, Hazelnut followed the new set, her tail wagging all the while. Eventually the forest opened up to reveal her query who seemed to be almost frantically digging at the ground below. Her pale brow furrowed as confusion and intrigue danced over her features. "Whatcha doin', Vi?"

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel was frantic. He ignored the protest of his toe pads as he dug through the snow and ice chunks that had frozen, part of him knowing this was futile but ignoring that voice. His claws had just finally struck the smooth ice of the lake when a familiar voice broke him from his concentration. Gasping in surprise, he whirled around, in his confusion he missed the sight of his sister’s white pelt in the snow. Looking back across the shoreline slightly more calmly, he spotted her.

His stomach twisted uneasily. Hazelnut was a welcome member of the pack, and he always made sure she was safe and fed, but had been purposely trying to have minimal contact. The sight of her reminded him that his mother had taken the time to get knocked up by a dad who disappeared instead of looking for them. Then…. There was the more recent development of her disappearance without a word.

But, none of that was really her fault, was it? ”Oh uh, I was trying to get the snow off the lake….I wanted to see the ice I guess.” Maybe she would take that explanation and leave, go back to whatever it was that she was doing, which was….. Something. Furrowing his brow he called back, ”Are you by yourself? What are you doing out this far?” Maybe Clover has taken her looking for herbs, or Sharlee on a scout, but then where were they?

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 43 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Subordinate
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Any unease that Viorel might have felt around her was lost on the girl. She'd spent much of the time since her mother's disappearance just existing, neither putting herself out there or hiding herself away. She just was, and that was okay. Her mother would come back soon, Hazey was sure of it, and in the meantime the girl just needed to wait.

Viorel's explanation only served to interest her. "Oh! Do you want help? I can help!" Excitement filled her voice as she stepped forward, but his questions caught her off guard. "Yeah, I was.. uhh.." Was she not supposed to be out this far? Or.. was she not supposed to be alone? Hazelnut wasn't quite sure what the rules were now that her mom was gone and she certainly didn't want to get into trouble. "I was.. I was hunting, and then I smelled ya, and I thought maybe you might be bored, so I followed you, and now here I am." Surely that wouldn't be grounds for getting in trouble. Right? "But I'm not alone anymore." Her ears slid back, an apology ready on her lips in case that last bit wasn't good enough.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
A young fawn has gotten separated from its herd. Hunt Opportunity, +8 Health
Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Did he want help? Uh, no, not really, would be the honest answer, but Viorel did not want to hurt his sister’s feelings either. It still stung him deeply that his own brother and sister had up and left them, why was he trying so hard to push his remaining sibling away? Sighing slightly, he gestured with his muzzle to call her forward, ”Alright then, but be careful. The ice is thick but if you hear any cracking run back to shore as quick as you can.” Not that he would expect that to happen with how cold it was, but you never knew.

On the off chance his mother ever returned it would not be a good look if he had let his baby sister drown.

Snorting slightly at her explanation, but not too concerned he answered, ”I suppose you aren’t,” alone anymore, he meant. The children were old enough to wander without supervision and while he wouldn’t have liked any of his own to go quite this far, she wasn’t his kid. Frankly, she could do whatever she wanted as long as she didn’t get hurt, or do anything to endanger the pack or any of its members. It was not his place to discipline her.

Waiting for her to come closer, he pulled back another few pawfuls of snow, revealing the smooth dark ice beneath them. ”See? If you get rid of the snow you can see yourself in the ice, and sometimes things that are under the ice.” They were out too far to see anything other than darkness, but if they were closer to shore they may have seen rocks or fallen logs.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]
Played by Pinn who has 43 posts.
Paradise Falls XI. Subordinate
Hazelnut Donata-Valle

Hazey couldn't stop her tail from wiggling once Viorel accepted her help. It felt nice to have something to do or to have some sort of expectation to uphold. She heeded his warning with an enthusiastic nod and flung out a quick, "Ok! I'll be careful, promise!" to let him know that she would listen and began making her way closer to him.

Thankfully he wasn't mad that she'd left the borders and followed him so far out, a bit of information that she would tuck away for later. Perhaps she'd start spending her time exploring outside the borders when she could? But then again, maybe it would be a good idea to test it one more time before really committing though.. just in case, and really she didn't want to be too far away when momma came back..

She watched with excitement as Viorel pulled back a few layers of snow, revealing the thick ice underneath. It was true too, since she was able to note the slightly skewed reflection of her brother against the ice. "Oh, I see!" Trying her hand at it, the wolf began vigorously digging, throwing powdery snow between her legs as she dug her way down. It didn't take long before a pale face with bright eyes stared back at her, her own reflection. "Wow. That's me?" She'd never taken the time to really pay attention to herself before, to note her features on the water's surface. It was.. weird.

Played by Ghost who has 641 posts.
Dead Empress Backwater I. Leader
Viorel Valle

Viorel could not help but grin a little, turning his face to hide the expression as Hazelnut bounded across the ice towards him. Something about the excitement and the way that she moved just reminded him of his own children, and he had to chastise himself. She was not his kid, she was his sister, and it was not his duty to put that smile on her face or make sure that she had a good childhood. That was his mother’s job and she had left her behind.

He looked at the way her reflection appeared next to him, and was struck by just how differently they looked for siblings. It was not like standing next to Andrey who was practically his twin, or even his tawny sister who reminded him of their mom. Instead she looked exactly like her father, the one who had heard he was going to be a dad and took off.

Sadness swept him then, Hazelnut really did not have parents did she? At least he had had a mom growing up, sure, it turned out it was all a lie, but he had been happy when he was her age. Nodding despite his frown he murmured, ”you look just like your dad.” It slipped out before he could stop it, and then he wished he could take it back.

[Image: s38i5ZS.png]