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Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>ooc; lol, well triell wouldn't know flirty if it bit him on the nose.. or i can't imagine any way. and i love ozera she is a breath of fresh air. sorry my post are kinda blah, my mind is blah right now.

<b>"I'm sorry,"</b> He said, shaking his head of the dark thoughts. It was definately true there was not a thriving happiness in the lands. The lands held stories of grief, sorrow, loss. New, and old. <b>"I don't mean to be a kill joy.Um, Ozera. Just, well what would you wish for?"</b> He asked the simple question, stating her name so he'd better remember it. He did want to rember her, he would not forget. Maybe he would tell the story to someone important one day. Though he still doubted he would mention it to his brothers till a later time.

Nodding, he understood. He was still a child, but with a realistc perspective. Least most times. Her words sounded honest, and he truelly was glad he'd helped her. Smiling once more, <b>"Ozera, I'm glad I helped you. How about for my first, "wish" you meet me back here when the snow melts. We'll go for a nice swim."</b> He smiled at his cunning, tail scraping at the earth once more.</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2011, 05:38 AM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
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[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><b>ooc</b> → That's alright, I'm still like half asleep xD</li></ul>
"<b>Nahh, don't be sorry. Just try and smile more. I swear, after awhile you may start to feel better. For a long time I was nasty sad, but I just gave it up. I had to let it go before it killed me. It's a mind over matter world, Triell. You don't have to be sad if you don't want to.</b>" That was how Ozera had gotten over the grief of losing her family. Sorrow still laced the edges of her memories of her family, but she couldn't let that get her down, because her life had been so rich, and only because she had enjoyed it. She didn't <i>want</i> to be sad, so she just wasn't. For the most part. "<b>Hmmnn...</b>"

When Triell, the young shadow, had asked her what she would wish for, Ozera sorted through her feelings and memories. At first she didn't really know. How could she really know? "<b>Hmmn. I think I'd wish for a family. Maybe not my old one. One of my own. I'm getting so old, and I'd like a family,</b>" she smiled sweetly. Although, it was hard to imagine that there was another wolf out there that would really love her for everything she was. Then she noticed the smile etched into Triell's young face --that was better. It only deepened her smile. "<b>Consider it granted, Triell.</b>"
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>ooc; know that feeling.

Her words enlightened him, to this new what tenicnique he could use. He thoroughly believed her, and well he tried to be up beat. Knowing it didn't do good to dwell on the negative. Life was like photography you developed from the negatives. You couldn't change what'd been done, embrace it. <b>"Sounds smart, I'll do my best."</b> He grinned, and he was a pup of his word. He knew life was much to short to be miserable.

Family, the wish struck a note. But not her old one, a brand new one. He liked the idea, thinking she would make a sweet mother, a good one full of advice. He could see little ones scampering, crying about their woes and she cheering them up. That was probably the hardest thing for Triell, he had his elder sisters, and brothers but a mom who believed in you, and could make you feel could. He'd missed out on that. <b>"Well, I hope yours comes true. You would be a good mom."</b> He said, in all honesty. He laughed as she promised him, feeling it would be fun once it warmed up.He knew she'd given him three wishes though, and tried to think of two more. <b>"Maybe, for my other wish I could visit you....for advice. I..um don't actually have a mom."</b></blockquote>
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
"<b>It's best to be happy, but there are times when you won't be able to do anything but cry, and that's alright. But it's making a living out of sorrow that's bad for you.</b>" No one was going to be happy all of the time, she knew that. There was nothing wrong with a good sob now and then, just like a rainstorm in the summer. Wash off the dirt, the heat, and you would be left with a verdant word wrapped in emerald leaves bejeweled with dew under a sapphire heaven. When everything was broken, you were supposed to put the pieces back together, not try and carry the broken ones are with you.

Triell's words, so thoughtful, so beautiful, made her heart ache. "<b>Really? Do you really think that?</b>" Her tail, a brown wind sock, whirled behind her. And when Triell's second wish was for her advice, Ozera, half choked, walked up to him and licked his ear, "<b>I will always be here for you, Triell. Don't even be afraid to come and find me if you need me.</b>" There was that motherly feeling inside of her again. It was ferociouis, primitive, but very, very warm, full of fierce, protective love.

"<b>I suggest you save your last wish for later. You never know when it could come in handy,</b>" it seemed she punctuated every sentence with the curve of her lips.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>ooc;i'll probably have him go. we'll have to have another post though. ;)

Face grew serious with her words, nodding his head in a slow rhythem. How true her words were, emotions, feelings, they had to get out somehow. It was not good to hold them in, or ignore them. Misery always wanted company, and he preffered it not being him. She was wise in his eyes, and he stowed the information hoping he would never forget it. He did see crying as shame since he'd grown up a little more, but now he understood the action better. He hoped to pass on the wisdom, to his own children, or nieces or nephews. Maybe to whoever needed it.

<b>"Of coarse. Triell Tainn is no liar."</b> He said, very, very serious again. He wanted to be known as a straight talker. Good or bad as that could be. What was life without truth? The contact to his ear, made his face heat up, but felt nice like a comferting pat on the back or hug. Something he had needed, and hadn't even known.

<b>"Good to know."</b> He said, not quite feeling he could return the touch, as he was a little reserved. But he stood up a picture of gratitude and happiness. <b>"I'll save it, I don't know what else to want any way."</b> He said, his laugh high nor low gently playing in the air. <b>"I better get going though, my brothers will want me home. Again, thank you. I promise I will see you again."</b> He dipped his head to her, and turned headed for home. He didn't know when he would see her again, but he was sure he could find her.

(This post was last modified: Feb 05, 2011, 10:22 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Sarah who has 142 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ozera Ahote
<blockquote><ul><b>ooc</b> - of course :D</li></ul>
Ozera didn't care that the youngster had not returned her gesture in some way. Everyone was different, and besides, they had just met. Instead, she just smiled when in all his stoic glory he intoned he was not a liar. <i>Wouldn't doubt you for a second, kid.</i> Clearly, he had been raised by some upstanding, ethical hand. Ozera wished she could know who. She basked a moment longer in the sunshine of his laughter, feeling the years shedding from her body, warmth everywhere. For a moment she felt a stab when she realised he would be leaving now, but of course they would see each other again. "<b>Don't ever be a stranger, Triell,</b>" her voice followed him as he began to pad away through the jumble of stones and undergrowth.

Silent and alone, the ruffled streaks of an earthy, wild creature watched for a moment before she began to scramble back up the rocks.
