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SkyWorld — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Jess who has 86 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Asriel Archer
Asriel could hardly believe how much the pups had changed in such a short period of time. From being completely helpless, deaf and blind, to being able to see and hear and beginning to take their first real steps. They faltered and fumbled, but were watched with keen, bright eyes. At his mother's question, he smiled lightly, but shook his head. He couldn't remember being so young and delicate; he could remember wanting to be bigger and stronger than he was, but he couldn't remember being this tiny. He couldn't remember faltering on his feet and falling over on a much rounder bottom. It was endearing, to see them try to stand, knowing that they too would someday grow to the point where they wouldn't remember these first few steps as being the biggest obstacle they had. How much gentler and easier life had been as a pup...He found himself smiling almost wistfully as he reflected upon the past winter. He would do his best to make sure his young brothers did not see the same horrors he had seen.

He caught the scent of Lunas, a wolf he did not know and his gaze sharpened slightly. Xetor was soon to arrive, and though Asriel did not appreciate the fact that the stare he gave to Lunas could have potentially caused tension- something he wanted nowhere near the den and the pups, he was grateful that he didn't have to be the one to make sure that this newcomer knew he shouldn't get to close. He relied on his mother's reaction, however, to dictate what he should do. Yet another new relative- the lovely Sorya- arrived, but she too seemed unsettled by the interaction taking place between Xetor and Lunas. The latter seemed to be somewhat befuddled by Xetor's attitude, and he hoped he would not have to do anything to clear up any miscommunications. He was pleased to see Rowan again, and somewhat relieved- he gave a welcoming nod to the other yearling to make him feel at home.

When Castiel spoke, he found himself distracted and comforted. His mother was quite relaxed, even with the tension between Xetor and Lunas and the nervousness exuded by Sorya, but he chose to remain calm, as he felt the pups might feed off any negative energy that came too close to them. He smiled at Castiel and lowered his muzzle to lick his brother's head gently. He could hear Xetor's voice and Lunas' response, but was most taken when his mother stood and moved out of the den. He too stood, and knew that the pups would likely go after her- so he waited, so he could usher them out if they chose to move. Deacon moved on wobbly legs, and went to approach Adelaide. Asriel sent a glance her way- not a threatening one, but one just to see that she'd noticed and keep an eye that she was being gentle with his precious younger siblings. Greer too tried to move, and made some success before he flopped back to the ground. "You can do it," He said softly, and nudged his brother's bottom, to encourage him to try again. Castiel seemed to be hanging back, so after he caught his mother's look, he grinned and moved toward the remaining pup. "C'mon tough guy, you too," He said, standing over his brother and lowering his muzzle to brush it against his side gently, urging him forward. He felt strange, herding his little brothers out of the den with such gentleness, but it was strangely calming, as well.

table by bryony
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

Deacon couldn't help but make a small grin as the blob started making sounds. He couldn't really understand them but something about them made him happy. Perhaps the light tone it held or the way they were soft and not loud and harsh.

Putting his head at a spot so that his nose lightly touch the blobs nose he yipped. An obvious sign of his happiness. He was already liking being outside of the den. It was interesting out here. Bright, bursting at the scene, and always holding something new for the boy. Sooner or later he would grow to love each and every member of Willow Ridge, whether they were here now or not. Little did the boy know that most of the pack was blood related to him.

Returning to his normal puppy thoughts he was focused on the blob he was touching noses with. Lifting one of his paws he went to bat her face like he usually did with his brother Castiel. He was eager to play with the strange, this left him with a small wagging of his tail and butt. The boy only wanted to play right now. He wasn't focused on making some grand statement, that would come later in his life. Making a few more whines or yips he was making sure to gain all of the blobs focus. Rolling over onto his back like the child he was he looked to the low blob with a silly look on his face. Tongue hanging out and eyes slightly squinted.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by Arla who has 556 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Greer Archer-Lyall
While he did not yet know what determination was, Greer was definitely determined. More wolves were arriving, filling the vicinity with an array of different scents that the Archer pup would fail to remember. There were a few that stuck out more than others, as they shared a scent similar to his mother’s, but the others would soon be forgotten. His baby blues were adverted away from all the blobs that surrounded him and his brothers – he was solely focused on getting this walking-thing down. There were voices overhead as the blobs talked amongst themselves, but Greer ignored them. He glanced over at his fuzzy brother, carefully watching the movements that he made before attempting to mimic them once more.

The slender-limbed pup began to gradually push himself into a standing position, his brows narrowed softly as he felt the nose of another gently encourage him. Feeling more confident, the boy took a hesitant step forward, testing his frail legs this time. After a brief pause his hindleg followed suit, and before he knew it he was slowly making his way across the loose soil. It was a strange sensation, to be moving without having to roll or crawl across the ground – he could see so much more from up here!

The little prince wasn’t sure where he was going, he was just happy he had accomplished something. An excited yip escaped his muzzle as bounced on his toes, his baby blues glancing around the many blobs that had come to welcome the three Archer brothers into the pack. Eventually he would know them all by scent, face, and name – but for now they were blobs, and he really didn’t care about anything else. Except for food…

[Image: ZvqKvOV.png][Image: ah_by_a_yellow_bird-db6f40a.png]
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer
You all have permission to kick me in the guts. and Lunas feel free to act rudely to his inserting himself before Elettra. XD

Tor took the males light comments as somewhat of an achievement in his eyes. It meant that the stranger didn't want to start anything with him despite his previous posturing. Though truthfully Xetor didn't want to go any further than stares and posturing in front of the pups anyway. He still had himself postured dominantly while giving Lunas a quick curt nod just to be nice.

"Yes the Archer family is large indeed, and only a few of us live here in this land." The male answered just before Lunas loudly proclaimed that Elettra had come out and the pups might be coming out soon as well. Jerking his head to the side in annoyance Tor's eyes lingered for a few seconds more before switching to the fluffy body of a pup who had bounded to the entrance of the den. A small smile twitched to the corners of his mouth as he spotted the little guy. Then he walked between Lunas and Elettra to greet the dark she wolf first. Lowering himself as he approached and careful not to get too close to the pups, Tor dipped his head in greeting and showed her his vital soft neck in good will.

Then the young man backed away and went to meet the other yearling who had also appeared. Though he was a bit calmer with this greeting as it seemed the Archer yearling also seemed to know him and trust him close to the pups. "Hello there, and you might be?" Tor came close but not too close to the pup Asriel was trying to goad out of the den. His greeting was towards @Rowan as Tor narrowed his gaze onto the younger male expectantly. Xetor hoped to get all greetings out of the way quickly so that he too could coddle the pups as they roamed.

(This post was last modified: Jul 24, 2014, 04:34 AM by Xetor.)
Played by Bryony who has 53 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Adelaide Belrose

Adelaide found herself unable to speak now, desperate to maintain the attention of the child at her paws. The fact that she had not frightened him off or caused his family any sort of discomfort was a blessing to the woman who truly had wanted nothing more since her family's pack had disbanded than to see another pup. Her silver eyes were liquid, shivering with some unnamable emotion, while tiny dark brows moved slightly over her eyes as her feelings ran wild. Their noses touched and she let out a light little laugh, breath huffing onto the child. She hadn't done much but speak a few words to him that he likely didn't understand, but the boy seemed pleased nonetheless. She was glad that she might help to make his first experience outside a pleasant one. These first steps were all too important, and the last thing that would be needed was much unpleasant interaction. Somewhere near Adelaide, a few wolves seemed to be trying very hard for Elettra's attention, and Adelaide simply did what she did best to distract the child at her paws.

She was somewhat startled when he batted at her face with a paw, and rumbled with amusement. He wanted to play it seemed. Her hindquarters wiggled in a playful manner that he likely wouldn't notice, but as he rolled onto his back, Adelaide lifted a paw. With very careful aim, she poked very gently at his belly with her paw before wiggling it in a tickling manner.

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by Melorama who has 46 posts.
Inactive VI. Subordinate
Castiel Archer Lyall

Castiel had no idea of the growing number of wolves outside the den that were all waiting for him and his brothers to make their appearance, however, one thing he did know was that his mother had disappeared from sight (not that it was very good) and he was desperate to be near her again. Mewling out his need and want for her, the Ridge Prince scrambled once more to his paws, wobbling as he fought to keep balance. He didn’t want to be left alone in the den, as Deacon had already left and Greer was not far behind.

A soft, gentle voice spoke smoothly from somewhere above him, and he felt something brush against his side, as if urging him to move forwards. Complying with the nudge, Castiel slowly half-crawled half-walked in the direction he was being herded, and before he knew it there was a bright light suddenly in his eyes. Squeaking indignantly, he squeezed his eyes shut and practically buried his face in the dirt to get away from the harsh light.

After a minute, he slowly opened them once more. It was still very bright, but as long as he didn’t look upwards, he would be fine. Crawling forward again, the Ridge Prince looked upon all the blobs with wide blue eyes filled with wonder and amazement. Some seemed far taller and larger than him, but others were more on his level, and he slowly inched closer to one right in front of him. He would soon come to know that the dark blob’s name was @Rowan, but for now, he was purely innocent to all of that.

Upon reaching the blob, Castiel hesitantly reached out a paw and batted at it, feeling the soft smoothness of fur beneath his pads. Squeaking excitedly, he pounced on some part of the blob (the face, maybe?) and growled playfully. He wanted to play with the blob, as his brothers were occupied with the others and didn’t want to play with him. The blob however wasn’t doing anything at the moment, and so Castiel decided he was going to play with it one way or another.

358 Words

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel
Played by Becca who has 285 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate

Deacon was happy and eager when the friendly blob played back. Feeling his stomach being poked he yelped at first a bit startled. Then though it made him giggle. As the motion against his stomach was in a more wiggling motion. Squirming side to side on his back for a bit Deacon continued to giggle. Every now and then he would try and lick the blobs face or bat at it with a paw.

After all his giggling he started to let out small hiccups. A bit confused he stopped his wiggling, giggling, batting, licking and all. His eyes went wide every time he hiccuped. Rolling back onto his stomach he looked at the blob wondering if the blob made this happen to him. Trying to rise to his feet again another hiccup came out about halfway through his standing. Falling down onto his hind he blinked rapidly. Whatever these things were he didn't enjoy them at all. They were annoying and they didn't let him try to even stand. They were like a bully!

The prince's hiccups soon seized. Just like he was shocked when they appeared he was also a bit surprised when they disappeared. He was left confused about how something like that could just disappear! His face was quick to frown and furrow his brows. How could it be? As much as Deacon hated those things, hiccups, he kind of wanted them back. Just to ask them how they disappeared so quickly.

the princes of willow ridge
Deacon & Greer & Castiel
have you checked out my player preferences?
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer

Finally finished with greeting the wolves he did not know too well, Xetor moved to glimpse the pups as they tumbled out of the den. His ears tilted forward a tad bit as strange noises a part from the yelps and squeals of playing pups encroached on his satellite-like ears. One of them has hiccups..He noted while looking over both @Castiel and @Deacon trying to determine which pup had the hiccups. Grayish yellow eyes fell lastly upon Deacon just as he had his last hiccup. Even Xetor waited in anticipation of hiccups continuing to emerge form the little child's snout. However they never came back. With a wag of his tail and a smile the dark Archer bowed to the pups height and looked at them cocking his head right and left as he watched them.

He let his tongue loll while swaying his back end back and forth opposite to his head cocking trying to entice the pups to come to him and play. Tor had plenty of experience playing with pups for the empire had plenty of children to play with. Back in Torbine he had always been made a pup-sitter while not studying. Now that he was away from the Archer homeland, Xetor still felt the need to play and wrangle with pups. Though now he wasn't the only youngster looking after them. There were other yearlings including these kids older brothers and sister to look after them. Tor would make sure Asriel or Skoll kept an eye on them. For even he knew that pups were a blessing that could be taken away at any moment.


Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
It was completely obvious that Adelaide, Rowan and their older brother, Asriel, were mesmerized by the new pups within the pack, excited to both see the new children as well as for some, their new family members. Elettra's attention danced between each of her newest little boys and the wolves which presented themselves before them, making sure nothing went out of hand or she would quickly put them back into their place. For the time being she was content to sit at the side of @Sorya as she watched. Of course, until she took more fully into noticing both @Lunas and @Xetor. The Second, on one hand, seemed a bit puzzled whilst the other, younger wolf accessing himself in an obviously dominant manner. It seemed likely a challenge to Lunas will, but if Xetor thought he was going to prance around here like he was boss simply because he was an Archer, he had another thing coming. Archers were bold, prideful, stubborn and aggressive, though each and every one of them had to prove themselves worthy of such a name and one of Hextor's bastard sons was no exception. Elettra Archer flashes her teeth to her nephew in warning, though keeps the growl silent as it seeps away in the back of her throat.

Ears perked then upright and alert, her eyes quickly darting back to her children. Castiel was off playing with Rowan, Asriel and Greer's attention locked and Deacon still seemingly fascinated with Adelaide who took to him very delicately. She was a medic within the pack, much as herself and when not healing others (as it not had been needed, the wolves simply died...) she took to scouring the lands for food or trespassers. @Angier had mentioned her taking to being majorly a pup sitter within the ranks and seconding for Elettra as a healer when needed and now as she watched the woman, could not disagree that @Adelaide was well for the job.
Played by TABs who has 49 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Xetor Archer
-keeps this alive-

His head cocks to the side as Xetor hears the reprimand from Elettra. Letting an apologetic whine slip through his teeth, Tor lowers his head and shrugs at the older she wolf almost in a "what'd I do?" fashion. Then once she was placated the dark male turns his attention back to the pups who were now all roaming around the den Soft growls radiated from his chest as Xetor voices his urge to play with the young ones. His two front paws slap on the ground before him as the young Archer male lowers himself into a play bow.

However after a minute and a half of trying to garner the pups attention Tor's play stance falters. He sighs wistfully realizing that the pups were too busy noticing everybody else around him and interacting with their elder half siblings. He plops himself down laying comfortably much like Lunas had been then thinks about what to do next. ,p>Heading back to my medicine den and making sure everything is stocked might take up an hour or so. Then maybe speak with Angier and Elettra to figure out where to go out to find the other herbs I'm not sure about yet. He thought quietly as he rested watching the kids play.

After a good ten minutes Xetor was rested enough and ready to go. He lifts himself up and shakes out his fur before smiling to the pups and his pack mates. Padding slowly past Elettra, Tor speaks a farewell and dips his head respectfully before leaving.

(exit Xetor)