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Don't Riot Yet — Beaver Dam 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
She wished she could have supplied the name, or something more. She was afraid a physical description might be confusing, as brothers they could be the same. The tiny scuttles of mice cast her left ear back while the girl collected thoughts. Jayse had a strong feeling she would know both brothers with her position in the pack. Hopefully, she could always use more information about the packs. Limbs shifted closer, head raised, and ears level to catch every word. Indru Tainn was put in the list of info. This was the wolf the male had been speaking of- the other brother. Ruiko Tainn was the wolf she had meat. "Oh," The small syllable slid out with a nod of her head. She'd figured it come down to a fight. She was starting to understand the whole brotherly love thing to be competitive all right. But Ruiko did not have his pack any more, she repeated in her mind. The tawny wolf was a loner, that was much to hold onto. Would he try to form another pack ? This was something only he could answer, so she kept the thought to herself. "Thanks for telling me. I wondered how they'd settle it, and hope they did for the best." She gave a brief smile, it slowly faded. Face was drawn with small wrinkles, it was clear she was thinking much over. No worries, just her own peculiar thoughts on the matter.

The girl was nice enough to share why she was lead female. The news had given her an offbeat because first Jayse would have assumed that'd make her Ruiko's mate. It was when she didn't smell strongly of him she was bewildered. The change in leadership itself answered that, but it was good to hear cause she was the best girl of the group so to speak. "You must be tough, and sweet then." She answered with a kind smile. After their little escapade she didn't doubt the girl could handle herself. Jayse thought her rather sweet. What'd it hurt to say so?

This girl had her own questions, and Jayse must smell more like him then she'd thought. She laughed at their odd connections. A pleasant grin, it was weird to be sharing this kind of information, but she'd return the same courtesy. "Awe, Borden," she stated trying to decide what to disclose. She was sure she didn't smell like the mountain much, and wanted to be clear she wasn't a loner who visited him there or something. Packs frowned on such things, and she wanted the record straight. "I met him in a rather unpleasant mood a month or so ago, and after a little talking he told me of Midnight Plateau. I followed him home with his permission of coarse," The wolf grinned at this, eyes looking into the woods. "We had some ups and downs, but ultimately in truth he's my mate now, and we have left the mountain." Gave a thoughtful smile, eyes wondering what her response might be.
(This post was last modified: Mar 09, 2011, 06:44 PM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

If wolves could blush, then a tinge of red would have spread onto Cori's cheeks as Jayse paid her a high compliment. The Swift River female had not wanted to boast of her position within the pack, because in all truth, she was merely there by chance. Indru was the true leader of Swift River, she was merely there to back him up and provide him comfort. Though that particular role had been becoming more and more blurred lately, as emotions began to run away with themselves. As time had progressed, she had found herself seeking out her leader's companionship, and she had noted with pleasure that he had sought her out in return. For now, she was leader out of chance, but she hoped that soon she would no longer be a leader of fanfaronade. "Thank you, I certainly try. Though truth be told, there's only two or three other females around, and they're either still too young or otherwise unable to pose too much of a threat to a stable hierarchy." Her own toughness had very little to do with it, but still, Cori smilled plainly at the white female, and her tail wagged once or twice, clearing some of the dirt beneath it.

She was glad to listen to the other female speak, absorbing the information as she did so, wanting to keep note to it so she could inform Indru later. Her question about Borden resulted in a rather curious response that made Cori cock her head to the side in curiosity. But she soon became satisfied as she listened to Jayse's story unravel, though the last bit came as a shock. "Congratulations to you and Borden, then," she started, pausing for a moment before continuing. "But if you've left Midnight Plateau...where does that put you now?" It was part of her job as a pack leader to keep information about what was going on within Relic Lore up to date. She had been blissfully unaware of what had been happening up there on the mountain, but the knowledge that Borden, Alexander's second, had left introduced a whole new plot twist. It had been a while since she had seen him, but maybe it would be time to seek him out. "I didn't realize that there was this sort of action afoot," she commented aloud, shrugging her lithe shoulders as if to say, "Nobody can be on top of everything all the time."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Jayse gave a small knowing nod, with a pleasant smile and thoughtful look at the girl's modesty. Shrugging her shoulders she replied casually, "Well I'm sure you earn your place non the less." Own tail beat against the dry ground, knowing the girl wouldn't let anything go to her head. And Jayse was merely happy to talk to someone, learn of their own place in life. Made her feel more real, that there was more to the world then her and her worries. There were wolves in their own pack trying to figure out their place. Coarse she couldn't help but grin coyly and ask,"You don't have any advice do you?" Tone came off as teasing, and yet she was curious all the same. Her position was be the lead female too, a role she'd never could have concieved herself having. And that was her place now, by Borden's side helping manage a new pack.

There was a mild note pinned her brain to ask Borden of his own encounter with Corinna. Shewas always learning something new, and she wondered how they'd met. It seemed the must have left on good terms. Ears distinctively flipped foward, as congrats were spoken. They were much appreciated. She was the first wolf to say so, and Jayse would take it as sincere. "Why thank you." She said. Now her turn to feel heat in her cheeks, and a pleased humble smile. Coarse the question that followed did not surpise Jayse. She was sure everyone wondered what Borden had been thinking. Giving up a secure second place in a pack for a girl. She could hear it now. She supposed she would have asked the same thing. Seeing the Swift River as an possible ally, new leadership or not. She carried in a short memory, once again choosing her words to share. "We left because he wants start our own pack, our own family," Our own life she thought, but left it out continueing,"And he didn't feel Alexnder would accept the family part so much, and last meeting he resigned." Coarse smile had vanished, words indfifferent remembering her last Alpha's reaction.

"I didn't realize that there was this sort of action afoot," An amused expression lit her face. "Honestly, I don't think anybody did. I don't know anyone who isn't surprised." A wary sigh pressed hard from her lips, and was replaced with a thin smile. What did she care what others thought? She wasn't an ersatz. She loved Bord, and was sticking with him thick or thin. They thought less of her, it wasn't her problem. The heart to share, she spoke up further,"Right now we have claimed land in the Cedar Forest and have one member. We are merely trying to find more in want of a home there." Borden and Jayse worried alike in their new standings, but she had faith things would work out. Casually stretching her limbs, she gave a shake of her head, resting her ears back. "I'm sorry for the long story, it is rather nice to have someone outside this to speak to though. I hope you know I appreciate listening ears."
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

As weird as it seemed, Jayse was one of the first females that Corinna had the opportunity to actually sit and chat with. Thinking back on it, the majority of wolves she had come into contact with had been male. She was not a whore, she did not intentionally seek out strictly male company, it just happened. So it was nice to sit and listen to Jayse speak - some how the majority of the wolves she had met just never seemed up to sharing information behind the bare bones. Maybe that was the difference between the two genders; one liked to elaborate and make things interesting.

Chuckling as she was asked for advice, Cori simply shrugged her shoulders. "Not really. You just have to be who you are - make it pretty clear who is in charge," she offered. That was what she did anyway. She approached Ozera, Borlla, and Junai with stiff legs, her head and tail lifted, and she made it clear who was the top dog around Swift River. "I guess most importantly, you just have to make sure that they know you're not going anywhere." She added after a moment, tossing a smile in with it. She doubted that the white female would be, she was Borden's mate after all, and she had already proven that she would leave the security of a pack to be with him, and there was no doubt to the Swift River female that Jayse would not take kindly to others attempting to usurp her position. She had only met Borden once, but he seemed like a true gentlemen, as opposed to a ersatz of one.

The words coming out of Jaysyek's mouth were filled with information, and Cori drank it in greedily, storing away the information. She felt so out of the loop with what was going on in the woods, that it was nice to hear what was happening. So the Cedarwood Forest was being claimed now...that was good to know. It was no where near Swift River, which meant that what resources there were would not be strained. "Hmm, I'll make sure to tell Indru. And I'm sure your pack will flourish just fine; there's so many lone wolves walking around now, it seems silly that they wouldn't potentially join up with you and Borden," she responded quickly, the first sentence almost to herself as opposed to Jayse. "And of course! It's nice to be able to chat with others. Sometimes I feel like I don't get out of Swift River enough, so I miss out on what's going on in this world of ours," she ended with light laughter and she wagged her tail on the ground again good-naturedly. "That's what we need more of, pack communication. We live in these bubbles sometimes, I think, where we're so separated from everybody else, we forget what more there is."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
Humored laugh of the girl made her grin. Glad to see, she'd taken it with ease. The answer she gave reassured Jayse she could do just that. When she said, the not going anywhere, a lively laugh paraded out. "I agree with ya there." Right then she thought the world could use more wolves like that. She greatly appreciated how Corinna was light, and easy-going much like herself. It was a pleasant change Jayse needed. Vlar she was grateful for, but it was awkward between them. Instead of a casual conversation it was often times the role of leader and pack-member. A moment of decision and contradictions. She wanted a casual talk but was struggling with how to do that exactly. The only thing they had in common was Borden. That subject was like taboo, Jayse wanted to end that, but was afraid.

Fluidly she shifted her hip that been out of the sun into light. The rays had done a decent drying job, coat was fluffy from natural drying. Underneath, she was faintly brown but had no mind to return any where near the river. She'd take a different route, and wash in the stream. Little dirt never hurt anyone. Eyes lingered on Cori's face, reading each expression. Waiting for good words, after the spill of information. Like the good leader she was she stated she would report to Indru. She would have done the same, and nodded thoughtfully. Alexander knew, and it would even things out. And Cori at least didn't seem to take offense to another pack, hopefully Indru wouldn't either. Had Borden met Indru? She took it as not, or maybe it would have been mentioned. The reassuring words of Cori, lit her face with a simple delight. Someone rooting for them, seeing it as a real possibility. "Thank you, that means a lot." She said, in modest tone, cheeks trickled with a happy humbleness.

Jayse understood what she'd meant, in a different world. On the mountain she felt she was non-existent to the rest of the globe, or anyone for that matter. Probably why Borden and her had got along so well. There was no disputing how genuine and sweet he was, but she'd spent a lot of time with just him. Clearing throat, tail wagged with the offbeats of Corinna's, and she laughed in understanding. "Yes, it is sad to say that happens. I'm so glad to have met you, perhaps we could keep in touch through the coming seasons? It'd be nice to have friend.." Coarse she smiled, white banner hitting down on the ground more times. She didn't see frequent meetings, just now and again as the seasons changed. It would be nice to become allies, have an ally, though Borden and Indru would have to officially work that out. Or she'd thought that was the proper etiquette. It was nice to think of potential things, two separate packs, but on friendly terms. She wasn't sure how warm Alexander was any more. Not likely. However Alex triggered a memory, Ozera. Maybe, just maybe she could find out if she was okay. Triangle points pressed against her skull, "Corinna, that reminds me, there was a member of the mountain who we're afraid we lost, Ozera. Do you know this wolf? Do you know if she's alright?" Concern was evident, it adorned in wrinkles around her facade, it was rich in each word- fearing the worst had come to the poor lady.
(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2011, 06:08 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata
<b>OOC:</b> Eek, I didn't forget, things just got busy. xD <3

Gone Tomorrow

The she-wolf's fur was beginning to dry, as she had been out of the water for a little bit now, and her resting place had come with sunlight. Cori was not a fan of feeling damp, and she knew that there would be a few more hours of discomfort until her pelt was completely dry and could return to its task of keeping her warm. For while the seasons were beginning to change, it was a slow change, and spring was slow to awake from its yearlong slumber.The run through the woods, however unexpected, had the added benefit of keeping the she-wolf warm, but now that they had been sitting for a while, she was beginning to feel the chill. Maybe she could run on the way back to Swift River, and the energy she burned would translate into heat. The Donata female would see, she was enjoying Jayse's company far too much to leave just yet.

Creme and gray tail wagged behind Cori's body as the other female commented on keeping in touch, and she dipped her head in earnest agreement. "I would like that a lot," she replied, a smile on her black lips. Maybe not frequently, but every once in a while would be quite alright. She cared deeply for Indru, potentially loved him, but every once in a while she needed the companionship of somebody else. And by the next time they met, who knew what kind of changes might have occurred in their lives?

Head cocked to the side in her usual display of confusion, Cori listened as Jayse asked a question that was certainly not apposite to the discussion at hand. About Ozera of all wolves. It was funny how the two females seemed to be so connected, with very few degrees of separation between them, and yet they might never have met if a young bull had not been up to no good that day. Nodding her head, Cori slowly straightened herself so that she was not posed at such a silly angle. "Why, yes. Ozera is a member of the Swift River pack," she informed, her voice not bothering to hide her curiosity as to the source of the question. "Indru brought her back, and I haven't had much time to speak with her. But she's alive and well." Now that Jayse brought it up, Cori did remember initially meeting Ozera and noting the banged up body, but she had not asked at the time what had caused the injury. "I didn't realize she was a member of Midnight Plateau originally."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
ooc; no worries. :) sorry i took longer and for the randomness. i was trying to hard i guess lol.

She was unware of the time they spent talking, but did not feel anything reason for an impendent leave. She was safe, sound, and had quite needed this. She'd never realized how much she'd missed the frequent talks with her sister, and how good they'd been for her soul and mind until just now. This was better, for the conversation was exchanged fairly, and no one was shooing her worries away mindlessly. Though eventually she supposed she would need to head back in the dark corners of her mind she knew she wouldn't have this. Once she became a mother, and sides carried indication so she would not be as able to move about so freely. At least not alone, or far from the forest. She would soley have the company of their pack. Right now that company consited of her mate, and two siblings she really didn't know. In the coming months she would try to change that fact, hope it would change, and believe more members would come.

Tongue coarsed long her wet limbs. With a humble thought she silently mused that what were the chances of two females meeting, and getting along. She'd thought it be more possible to get hit by lighting. Here they were, she was proven wrong again, and life showed her it could throw anything her way. Wagging her tail, she smiled in return at Cori's words. It would be something to look foward to, see what had changed for the Swift River leader.

On the other hand she was a bit taken chance by her question, but Jayse could feel this built in pressure release. Ozera was alive and at Swift River after all! She wanted to yelp out a happy note, actually dance around knowing she had not killed the lady. She contained her excitement, replaying it in her head to be certain. Ozera was alive. Face was washed smooth by relief, a sigh of much pent up emotion drawing from her lips. And her pale form looked relaxed now, and her eyes were lit up from being overjoyed. "That's makes me so happy to hear she's okay. I met her when she joined, but well she fell from the mountain, month or so back and I've been hoping to find her alive. To think she has been at Swift River.." Sentence faded, she should have looked there she told herself. More scolded. She could have helped her, known sooner, at least she knew now. She would hope the lady was healed. She thought briefly about seeing her herself, but she didn't want to terrify her. Cause a falling out. The timing would have to be right, when she could meet her alone or something. She'd speak to Borden see what he thought, she eventually wanted to tell her she was sorry for what she'd done. Clarify things. If she couldn't be forgiven so be it.

Stretching her legs, she pushed off the ground for her stomach to get air to it. Lips drew open, brows creased for a moment. "Would you mind telling her, we hope she's doing alright." It felt odd coming out of her mouth, she wasn't sure the proper thing to say. She only knew Alexander was worried about her fate, and she had been tenfold. The we seemed appropriate. Quietly she observed the still surroundings, lost in thought, and a bit shocked to think she finally knew Ozera was okay. Minutes ticked by she collectly herself inwardly and smiled sheepishly. "If you don't return soon does your pack send out a search party or do they trust your okay?" She asked in a teasing manner, trying to lighten the mood.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

It was amazing what could happen in such a short amount of time. What had started out as Cori venturing after a lone bull had turned into what was looking to be like a good friendship. While it was not something that Cori had been expecting, she was perfectly happy with result. They were to have more in common than they had suspected, no doubt their similarities would be revealed in their future meetings. But even now, sitting away in the sun trying to dry off, the Swift River female was enjoying herself, and her pleasant demeanor was well advertised by the smile on her face and the open way her body was positioned as she sat there listening and talking.

"Oh my..." the startled gasp escaped from the she-wolf's muzzle before she could stop it. She had no idea that was what had happened to Ozera. She had simply noted the injuries that the older female had come into the pack with. Indru had not given her more details, and she had not wanted to pry into the other female's business. But, the knowledge that Ozera had fallen from the mountain...it would have perverse effects on Cori. She already had a fear of heights, as she had professed to many who had trekked through Relic Lore and met her, but knowing that one of her pack mates was a victim of the mountain and the heights for which it was named, it made her all the more secure in her fear. now she could point this out to Indru if he attempted to make her scale the heights like he had once promised. "Indru accepted her a while back, I didn't realize that's what had caused her injuries. I'm surprised Alexander has not come looking for her." Which in itself was an interesting thought, why had the Midnight Plateau leader not ventured out to look for his pack mate?

Joining Jayse as she rose to her feet, Corinna lifted herself up. She was loath to leave, but she knew it probably about that time. "Of course I'll tell her. I'm sure she'll be delighted to know you were concerned for her," she said eagerly, flashing yet another smile, already thinking of tracking down the elder female to give her the news. Chuckling, Cori shrugged her shoulders as the silence was broken by Jayse's next question. "You know, I have no idea. I haven't ventured too far beyond Swift River since I joined," she chuckled, picturing Indru out with the whole pack searching for her. "I imagine if I'm gone too much longer they might become a bit concerned. That's Indru's way, he's over protective of everyone." Family or not made no difference, her leader would not rest until he knew that his members were safe and sound.

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
The truth of the inccident was not fully out in the open, but least some what. It was a delicate matter and she wanted to take care of it best she could. She felt it would be up to Ozera to pass judgement on her before anyone else did. She really wanted Borden's perspective, she needed it. Right now she was riveting with the fact Ozera was alive and able. Ears pressed against her skull, at Cori's gasp. Eyes shifted on the ground sadly, studying upon the flecks of dirt. The guility grip hung in her chest, and a striking thought crossed her mind. Did Ozera know what had happened? Did she remember? She was more struck by the sincere compassion of her new friend. Ozera was in good hands at Swift River, and it gave her more peace. Swift River had to be much safer, and Indru appeared as kind as Cori. Ruiko may have been indifferent, but she was sure he would have done anything for his family or pack. Surely the same values were Indru's. No the lady was much better off there.

Jayse herself never cared to go on the mountain again. It scared her for more then one reason. She was all the more grateful Borden had wanted to leave it. She could look at it's splendor from a safe distance. Alexander's name, cupped her ears forward. She knew the reason, he hadn't found out till much later. Would he have really looked for her if Jayse had told him sooner? She struggled with the delima, and weakly cleared her throat,"I think he assumed she'd left," swallowed back own self-digust,"until we found evidence that wasn't entirely the case." She somberly looked upon the gray female, so cast down by remembrance. "I should actually tell him the good news," she muttered quietly thinking how ironic it all was.

Cori's movement broke the silence, and the melancholy air. Jayse placed a firm, grateful smile on her maw. "Thank you, I sure hope so," she spoke and her tail swept at the ground once more. Maybe the small fact would be good news to the lady, not aweful. Hopefully this would be the end of it, till she knew what she should do about the mess she'd made. Her head was starting to pound with all the new pressing dwinlings of life. It was getting time to go home, and rest. A warm smile enveloped her lips, and she laughed. "Sounds like Indru is a fine Alpha to have. I'm sure he's lucky to have you helping him." She stood up then, giving a vigorous shake of her coat. Briefly a yawn stretched her jaws, and she looked to Corinna thoughtfully, with kind eyes. "Well I'm pretty sure if I don't get back soon they'll have one out for me." She said, lightly giving a laugh. "It was nice meeting you Corinna, take care. I hope to see you again," she stated this sincerely than dipping her cran in respect, she turned, and made direction for home.
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Shadow who has 477 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Corinna Donata

Gone Tomorrow

The fear of heights had been a barrier for Corinna since she was younger, and the gray and creme female shuddered thinking of how Ozera nearly met her end thanks to the dangerous peaks. In her mind, the older female's misfortune and subsequent injuries were a fitting justification for her own reasons to eschew scaling the peaks of the mountain. As if the name the local wolves had given the mountain wasn't ominous enough. Who in there right minds would live on something called the "Mountain of Dire"? Maybe if they wanted to intimidate, in which case they had succeeded with the Swift River female leader.

Ears perking, Cori cocked her head to the side once again in her typical manner when something didn't make sense to her. Why would Alexander not keep better tabs on the wolves of his pack? When she had met him, way back when, he had been Honijo's second, but he seemed very attentive to detail. But, who knew. Ozera was certainly old enough, it wouldn't seem right to give her a baby sitter. But knowing now that Ozera had originally come from Midnight Plateau, Cori began to wonder if perhaps she would leave. Once she was fully recovered from her injury. Given the generosity of Indru of taking her in, Cori doubted it, but one never knew. "Yes, somebody should tell Alexander. Just in case," she commented, her thoughts a mile away, wandering if perhaps Swift River would lose another member to the pack that had been its offshoot.

A grin emerged on Cori's black lips, pulling at the edges as she smiled. Indru was a fantastic leader, in more ways than one. But that was a whole other can of worms, one that she was not going to open today. Nodding her head in like fashion, she flicked her tail in contentment. "It was a pleasure meeting you as well, Jayse. We'll have to catch up again at some point," she answered. With a final smile, she too turned over her shoulder and headed back the way she had come, though this time taking great care to avoid the section of the creek where the mother moose was still protectively looking over her son that had caused the beginning of this friendship.
