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darkness falls — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Nightingale couldn't feel bad for being nothing but honest with the other, but wouldn't go on until she went blue in the face about it. The wolf relented at last when the other mentioned she would tell her mother next time. Satisfied with this, Nightingale would harp no more on the subject. She even offered a smile, quite happy to hear this, very much so appeased. Gale was not in the habit of making demands, but when she did she felt it was never for much. That the youth agreed solidified this self-made opinion.

The others assurance didn't help her own feeling on the matter, but she had promised herself to let it go. The other was determined. Nightingale didn't think it worth touching anymore, but she could not help but think the other could be quite incorrect. Why, the youth going missing would be another added thing to her mind, and thus become a worry. The songbird was nothing if she was not honest, and while she knew she could press the other a bit more... there was a part of her that simply had no desire to.

I'm being selfish in keeping you with me, Nightingale wanted the other to know, and frowned, Perhaps I am not so good a friend to have. Was she? The three year old felt some measure of angst towards the question. Well, she had up and left the wolves who had cared for her without a goodbye. While, yes, she didn't think they'd let her go freely, they had still aided in her survival and she had known them (so they said, so she believed) all of her life! She (selfishly) followed her compulsion in feeling like something was missing, something she didn't even know, searching for something that might not even exist...

The onslaught of these thoughts poured in at her from every direction. The only thing to draw her out was the word hunt, to which Nightingale responded to with an eager look. It was just the word to make her come to; the only thing that could dominate her confusion and her self-remorse was her hunger, which felt like a living thing at present. It was dull inside her, but she did not want it to sharpen. A hunt... yes, that sounds good, she nodded her head, and sniffed the wind for telltale signs of prey.
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna was glad that they had moved past discussions of her mother and while she did feel somewhat bad for not telling her where she had gone Inna also though that it would be understandable. There was a lot going on back at the den site which she could not discuss with the woman as much as she might want to. It was a rule after all that she had to follow because it was there to protect her pack and her pack was important to her just like it was to her mother. She felt worse about not being able to explain to the woman why she didn’t think that her mother would be too worried about her then but she also didn’t think that it wise to mention exactly who she was either because as nice as she seemed Inna still didn’t know a lot about her.

Still she had given the opportunity to get to know each other a little better by prosing the be friends and hang out. Inna had tried persistence and even some nudging to get the woman going but she had only doubted that it was the right decision, “How is it selfish if I am choosing to stay?” she asked curiously not really understanding the logic behind that one. “I’m sure you’re a great friend you just need to give yourself a chance,” Inna told her though she had become a little worried about the woman with the way that she was now speaking. Perhaps she should consider taking her home and having her looked at.

After having been hunting most of the day Inna had to admit that she was rapidly becoming hungry and cold as well. She thought they needed to get moving and so she had tried what she thought that might work to get the woman going by mentioning a hunt. She wasn’t expecting it to work so quickly and to the effect that it had but it had and that was all that mattered to the youngster. Inna smiled when the woman started to sniff the air, it was a good start, “Great, we can catch ourselves a late lunch,” she suggested, “Are you a good hunter?” She asked the woman.

Inna did hope so, perhaps she could learn a few things from her while they hunted up a rabbit or something. That should give them both something in there belly and it would give her the chance to make sure the woman didn’t need any sort of help. “Do you want to go down this way and see what we can find?” asked Indicating the direction she’d been heading with her paw. She wasn’t sure what they might find but wasn’t too picky about where they started just then.

<center>~Table by Mimi</center>
(This post was last modified: Nov 18, 2015, 10:00 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn
Because I am thinking of my choice to keep you from your mother a little while longer, she smiled, though the expression did not reach her eyes. Yes, it was the others choice, too; a mutual decision made. But Nightingale paused, a scent in the wind... blood? Maybe, she decided, her voice faraway, maybe she was a good friend. Nightingale did not know. There was a lot, she was finding, she did not know. Not really. The scent distracted her, but Nightingale looked back to the other. Maybe you're right... Nightingale did not know the other well enough to tell her of how much she was not sure of. Nearly everything. Her mind had been lost.

But she was distracted by the scent. Saliva pooled at the edges of her lips, perhaps painting her in an unattractive light. Nightingale acknowledged this. I'm sorry, I just... d'you smell that? Nightingale turned her head, sniffing a little louder, her olfactory nerves working overtime. Nightingale turned and headed toward it. Her tail waved. The suggestion to hunt made her pause. She had said... but, well, surely the other might be eager for free food? Maybe not so eager as she herself. Perhaps a chat over leftovers? Her voice raised an octave, soprano in the query. I'm a lone wolf; we need to conserve our energy... free food would be foolish of me to pass up. Fatal, even, came her deadpan voice, and then she looked to the other. Would she still want to hang out? Be friends?
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna nodded to show that she understood the reasoning. While it could be viewed as selfish she still didn't agree, "I don't think it's selfish when I offered first and you agreed," she reasoned. That was the way she saw it anyway. Inna didn't think that it was wrong to want a friend after all she had friends of her own, her brother and Lekalta. Naia was she felt her friend too. She felt she could go to any of them with a problem and they would help her. Inna frowned slightly when it seemed the woman wasn't sure of her abilities as a friend. "Maybe you just haven't had the chance to see how good of a friend you can be?" She suggested. Even though she didn't know really anything about the woman she thought it was possible she may not have had a chance to see how good of a friend she could be. "I suppose there's only one way to find out," she replied when told she might be right.

The mention of hunting seemed to distract the woman, Inna watched her closely. She still worried about her some. The prospect of a hunt and possibly learning what she might be doing wrong brought her back to getting the hunt started. When asked about a smell Inna lifted her nose into the air and sniffed not really sure what she was looking for right up until it hit her. She'd smelled that scent before when her mother had brought her food and later when she'd gotten her own. "Yes, I think so," she replied, "Shall we go find it?" Inna was curious what could be giving off such a delicious scent. "That's a great idea and maybe we can get to know each other a little better." It only seemed the right thing to do if they were going to be friends. It made sense why the woman was alone after the woman declared she was a lone wolf. She'd never met a lone wolf before at least not one before they had joined the pack. "I think that's an important rule to live by being on your own," said Inna thoughtfully. The words she'd spoken about the life of a lone wolf were ones Inna didn't think she would forget.

<center>~Table by Mimi</center>
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 01:26 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Inna's justifications tuckered out even the idea of refuting the thought any longer. It wasn't a topic she wanted to stick to any longer, either, because it wouldn't do her any favors to dwell on it. As for the others words, Nightingale thought on it. She didn't voice the contrary, but she felt it. Hadn't she done just that, in leaving her friends of the Caldera without a word? And worse yet, that it felt... okay, to do that? But she bit her tongue. Her honesty was spent and it hadn't come cheap. That wasn't to say she would lie. Gale simply wouldn't tell her everything, as she so often felt compelled to do. Even now she felt that, but she swallowed the painful set of words and she felt amazed that her throat did not bleed for the sword she thrust in it.

Nightingale was more than happy at the others willingness to come with her, and there was no hiding the rapid beat of her tail. And better yet, she accepted her own situation. Nightingale was relieved at that. Why did she feel like she feared being antagonized...? It had never happened (her memories slammed on the steel gates, but to no avail).

Sweet! Nightingale squealed before trotting in the foods direction. Her eyes gleamed with a bright, eager light as she followed the scents trail... and there it was! Eaten already, she could see, but there was plenty of nutritional bits left that she could see even here. Nightingale sniffed heartily as she drew slowly near, but paused. A lynx brought this down, and her eyes perused the surroundings, her senses on high alert to see if it was still near.

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 04:10 PM by Kite.)
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna was only slightly disappointed that they wouldn’t be hunting but at least they would be getting something to eat. After the traveling that she had been doing that day she was starting to feel the hunger she’d been ignoring start to creep in. Most importantly they would have the chance to talk while they ate whatever might be left when they found it. Inna also reminded herself of the words that her new friend had said about being a lone wolf and she couldn’t ask her to expend energy when it was so important to her. Inna felt in that respect she was sort of lucky because she didn’t have to worry about such things.

She wondered if the woman had ever considered joining a pack she felt her life would be much easier and especially with the coming winter. That was something that was always on Inna’s mind anymore. She hoped she was merely exaggerating how bad it could be because she hadn’t been through a winter before but she feared that it would be just as she thought that it would be. Inna had also accepted that she might not be able to leave the den for days at a time so it was best to get as much exploring out of her system as possible before then.

A smile crossed her features at the woman’s remark before she followed her in the direction that the scent seemed to be coming from. They didn’t have to go far before finding what was left of a recent kill. Inna couldn’t really recognize what it had once been as she sniffed at what was left. Like the woman Inna used caution as she approached. “A Lynx?” asked Inna, “Do you think it’s still around?” She wasn’t exactly sure about lynx but she felt that it might be a bad thing.

<center>~Table by Mimi</center>
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 04:39 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

The others query was responded to with a loud series of sniffs, first, and then Nightingale shook her head. This is its kill. It's been sitting here for some hours now. The winds have simply shifted that we were able to catch wind of it, Lucky, she thought. Nightingale had contended with a cougar at the Caldera, with the pack; she imagined that all felines were as feisty as the one they had fought. And there was no longing in her to find out the truth of that.

So she sidled next to the deceased thing and began to eat. It wasn't warm as a fresh kill would be, but it was satisfying for her to eat anything at all these days. Nightingale was a lean wolf as it was, so she fortunately didn't require too much to sustain her, but she had went without for long enough to require this meal now. So she ate freely, pausing long enough to realize her gusto might be a little unsettling to watch. She couldn't apologize for it, so she simply licked her chops and snrkd. Y'think I'm hungry? She joked, knowing the answer as obvious. The skin of the dead thing lingered atop her muzzle and Nightingale caught it with her tongue. My names Nightingale, by the way, she introduced, in realizing she had no idea the name of her companion.

Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

Inna didn’t have any experience with a lynx but she thought it best to commit the scent that it had left behind to memory in case she ever did come across one. She was glad to hear that it seemed the creature was long gone from the area and all that was left was the scent that had been carried in on the wind. This meant that what was left of the meal was theirs and they wouldn’t have to worry about the lynx coming back to claim it. “Then we don’t have to worry about it coming back?” She questioned just to be sure that her assumption was right. She didn’t want to make the mistake of assuming something and being wrong and then getting into trouble, that would be very bad.

When it was clear that they didn’t have to worry Inna moved toward the leftovers and took herself a small portion to calm her tummy before moving to the side to allow her friend to have her fill. She thought it only fair since she had food to go home to when she was ready. She watched the female eat while she chewed her share and was a little surprised by her manners though she assumed that it was because she was very hungry. “I guess so,” she replied in response to the womans question. After Inna had finished with her meal the woman introduced herself, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Inna,” she said introducing herself and then a question came to mind, “Have you been on your own for a long time?”

~Table by Mimi
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2015, 05:34 PM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Steph who has 279 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Kite Tainn

Nightingale continued to scarf down the meal, noting that the other had taken her own portion to the side. At that, Nightingale slowed down a little. Her desperation might be unseemly... but, well, it was clear she was nothing if not honest. The question the other asked was answered midchew: Nrt trdy, and after she swallowed, she translated: Not today. She panted from the effort of her gluttonous eating, though had more room in her stomach to spare she felt. Before she dove in for her final course, she explained, It had its fill. There'd be no reason for it to come back to the food for seconds. Unless this was its turf but... in coming here, there was no evidence of that, and then she dove back to her meal.

Inna, she caught with a mouthful of the dead thing. And when she had eaten enough to feel stuffed and sleepy by it, she withdrew at last. There was a great deal less of the creature than before... ah, well. The bloody remnants clung to her lips as she acknowledged the question. I guess that depends on your definition of 'a long time', Nightingale spoke with a little heh. Couple weeks now, though. Plenty long enough to be hungry and lonely both. Nightingale shrugged her shoulders to loosen them up and revealed, Pack life is better, by a long shot. But I needed to go my own way. If even for just a short time.