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A New Reign — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
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Inali Wayha

Inali heard the howl as soon as she entered the far edges of the territory. No matter her speed, she was still going to be late. She hated being late to pack functions. Stretching her lithe limbs, the scarred woman was determined to heed Nina's call in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, she almost collided with Korrin in the process. Managing to turn just in time to avoid hurting herself against his massive form, Inali couldn't help but vocalize her frustrations to the boy. 'Late' was not meant to be in her vocabulary. As the scent of wolves became stronger, Inali quieted. Along with hating being late, she also hated feeling crabby.

Peace was an emotion she always strived for, not only within herself but within others as well. Strife was not really needed in life. But with spring on the rise, and the 'itch' that was bound to come with it, the woman felt just a wee bit annoyed at the world. But, there would be time to feel crabby later. Pushing the awful emotion away, Inali walked into the clearing and separated from Ash's child. She looked at her alphas with an apologetic gaze, licking Nina's chin in greeting and in further apology. Nodding at Miccah softly, she swiftly moved to Bane's side. Pressing against him comfortingly in greeting, she looked up at the dark man with warmth in her gaze. Turning her attention to Nina, Inali waited patiently for her to speak.

HermitCrabStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
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Nios Tainn

They were summoned – and the swarthy male hesitated for only a moment before his paws drew him toward the one-eyed regal. It would seem fate was playing an interesting prank upon the Tainn – no sooner had he been reunited with his brother at long last did Mirren drift away, promising to return.. and thus far hadn’t. Vaeta as well had disappeared.. and even his niece, Lyanna was now gone.

So what held him here, besides Nina?

The wolf came upon the group, his amber eyes flickering over those before him. None were a familiar face, spare Nina and Belladonna – at least until his gaze settled upon Ash, his former leader. He had never really met the male – having found him rather obscure in his own lands, but it had mattered little.. it had only made it easier for Nios to continue to seek his family out.

He remained in the background, not aiming to draw attention to himself. Offering a nod to the regal pair, the dark wolf swept to his haunches, awaiting to hear what it was that Nina had called them together for, completely oblivious that leadership was about to transition – and his reason to stay within the Woodlands was about to crumble even further.

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The Hervok woman watched as her pack mates gathered a final time to her summons. She greeted each of them with a smile, hoping to put their minds at ease and relieve any tension she was feeling about what she was about to tell them. Nina knew that a leadership shift was always something major that could change multiple views within the pack. However, the golden brown woman hoped that they would be able to see that it would be in the best interest of Secret Woodlands and for her health for her to step down. The past year had been hard on her and it was not hard to tell if one scrutinized her closely enough.

She raised her chin proudly, her smile beaming at the gathered as her voice rose, pleased to have Miccah and Aideen by her side, "Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for arriving in such a timely manner... As you all know, spring is upon us! Most of you are accustomed to the pack law…that only alphas breed during this time. In light of this and majorly my decline in health and increase in age…I will be stepping down." She remained silent for a moment, letting this sink in. Her single emerald eye traveled her pack before continuing, "I ask that you think of this as a positive change. Aideen…" the Hervok woman mentioned towards the smaller lady next to her, "has stuck with Secret Woodlands through it all and will make a wonderful Queen for the Thickets." Her voice rose at this, and she dipped her head slightly at her friend, a smile evident on her lips. However, her single gaze was quick to revert back to the pack, eager to know what their thoughts were.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Siki who has 208 posts.
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Belladonna Calor
Hope it's okay to post, wasn't sure if we should wait for Miccah and Aideen :)

A few others appeared after them, Korrin, Inali, then Nios - known by names and faces, if not intimately so. Bella watched them as they came out of nothing more than idle interest, a place for her gaze to lie as she waited for the meeting to start. Her eyes lingered a little longer on Nios, the sight of him prompting memories of his brother even though they looked so little alike - but she cast them off with a smile, and turned her head to Nina, for now they were all here the purpose of the gathering would surely become clear.

Her ears perked up as the leader began to speak, dutiful attention paid fully to the woman with authority. It began with gratitude, for which Bella could not help but smile again, for it was truly so pleasant to serve under a gracious and kind leadership. It was far better than any alternative, one of which she knew all to well. As she watched Nina, Bella wished that it could have been her, that under different circumstances her home in the mountains so far away could have been such a place of peace and goodwill and respect. But there was no poison to be found among the members here, and certainly not in Miccah, who Bella liked well enough. The woodlands would not come to that fate.

Though even as she thought that, Nina was speaking of her retirement, and Bella's mouth opened a fraction as she processed it - but then Aideen's name was mentioned, and Bella's eyes went straight to the small woman next to Nina, as undoubtedly many others would at the same time. The young woman's relationship with Miccah had always been clear, and the implication of this change was just as obvious, and as she understood it, Bella beamed at the new leader, glancing between her and her mate. Surely this would mean the next generation was assured! What a wonderful time for the pack. Heart warmed, she inclined her head at Nina, then at the woodland's newest leader. "Congratulations, Aideen."
[Image: sw_by_euphoriclies-d8zep8c.png]
Played by Siki who has 139 posts.
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Duckweed Calor
As he sat there, feeling both conspicuous and almost at home at the same time, Duck glanced shyly about at the others gathered, making sure to jerk his gaze to someone else in case he thought someone would notice. There was a contentment about the group which he was still getting used to, but he tried to let himself channel it; they were calm, and were both unbothered and undisturbed by his presence. This was an entirely different kind of being ignored, and one which he had taken a while to get used to. It wasn't malicious, wasn't meant to torment - it was just that he wasn't the focus of events, so why should anyone pay him special mind? It wasn't like he was their son who desperately needed validation and support. Here, Duck was just one of many, one of a group assembled to hear something beyond and apart of themselves. Their lack of acknowledgement wasn't out of cruelty, just common sense. It was natural, and the longer he surrounded himself with wolves of stable mind, the more he was beginning to understand that.

Feeling a little calmer, he pressed his side against his mother's for a moment, and let himself just watch the higher-ranked wolves who had reason to be the centre of attention. Thank everything that was merciful that that would never be him. Once all the pack was gathered, the short speech was given, and just like that the ranks were swapped. It was so neatly done, so clean and painless. His father would never have handed his power over to anyone else, not for any reason. Except maybe to Staleek, or some other asshole heir. He'd never have done it for Duck. Aideen wasn't even related to Nina, and look what had just happened - that was family. Blood meant nothing. The bonds of choice were strongest of all.

As his mother offered her soft-spoken support, Duck could only manage a small smile in Aideen's direction, which she probably didn't even see. He wasn't important to her. But he was, because he was of her pack, and that was what mattered. But he wasn't, at the same time.

It was a little confusing to internalise and make sense of, and redefining one's life-view wasn't exactly a trivial business.
[Image: SWpride5.png]
Played by Rachel who has 119 posts.
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Nios Tainn
The news was certainly surprising, and the dark wolf cast his bright eyes upon the she-wolf mentioned. He had yet to meet her – he had yet to meet anyone, really, and Nios felt the familiar twist of uncertainty in his gut. Why was he here if Mirren was no longer around? Should he not be looking for his brother, rather than dealing with pack politics that left him uncertain?
Nina was the only reason he stayed now – but he held a very different view from her as his brother did. Nina was like family to Mirren, and while Nios had been fond of the she-wolf, she had no part in his life after he was only a few months old. If he was truthful, he barely remembered her – only that they had chosen to stay behind when Ruiko had swept him and his siblings away.
If she was no longer the dominant female, what would that mean now? His gaze drifted from the pair, his muzzle tipping downward as he withheld comment. His eyes instead drifted to Belladonna – the dark woman he had briefly met not long ago. He caught her studying him for a moment, and his brows arched upwards – but he had missed most of it, and she was now congratulating Aideen on her promotion.
(This post was last modified: Mar 14, 2016, 07:09 PM by Nios.)

'cause its home, but it's gone

Played by Lightning who has 584 posts.
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Ash Hervok

It should not have been a surprise to him, how quickly his sister’s pack assembled. A warm feeling gathered in his chest as his children, both blood and adopted gathered around him, though he was once again reminded of his missing daughter. It was slightly odd that his son was not first in attendance but the fact that he was present counted the most. Ash remained silent for the most part, giving his affections where there were due and kept his attention on his dear sister, years flicking attentively forward when she finally began to speak. He could not hide the small, satisfied smirk on his lips at his sister’s opening statement, despite what followed. Of course, it was like Nina to keep a firm grasp on the pack’s proceedings no matter what her position. After all, the Hervok man was no stranger to what happened last year during spring time.

His sister’s next bit of news should have not been a surprise to him. He should have been able to see the signs. The way that her body seemed to be wearing itself down, the weary smiles, the casual way in which the held herself, and perhaps the fact that the woman next to her, her second in command, was sitting right next to her. Ash did not say anything but moved his mossy green eyes to look at their new woman in command. From their first encounter, she appeared kind, happy – just like everyone else within Secret Woodlands and much like his sister. She had reeked of herbs, something he had learned to become use to when it came to Nina and had learned to stop complain about. If his sister felt that this was the best decision, then he was in no position to doubt her. Belladonna spoke up and a smile broke through the brute’s mask. In a valiant act of kindness, Ash bowed his head to his new Queen in respect before bringing his head back up, his face once more in its relaxed mask.

I think I've finally seen the light..in you.
Played by PuppyThief who has 418 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aideen Smoke-Athesila
<3 I was deliberately waiting with Aideen so she could respond to the reactions

Her heart beat so loudly, she was afraid the others might hear it as they gathered in response to Nina's call. They were quick, as always, quietly greeting their leaders before taking their seats, waiting to hear why they had been summoned. For the most part Aideen went unnoticed, and she was thankful as she breathed deeply to try and settle her nerves. This was not such a big thing, over the past months she had already taken on more and more of Nina's duties, and she felt certain she could handle the responsibility. However today would show whether the rest of the pack agreed. Copper eyes watched each one as they paid Nina and Miccah their respects: Bane, a silent shadow as always; Belladonna and her son, a quiet boy who still seemed to be adjusting to life in the Woodlands; Ash's children, the bubbling Rose who of course came with a mouth full of questions, and stoic Korrin, both taking a seat at their father's side; Inali, less perky than normal, though no doubt annoyed by being late; And lastly Nios, still mostly a mystery to the new queen, as he seemed to keep to himself a lot, Mirren's brother, though not as close with Nina it seemed.

Once everyone had finished their greetings and taken seat, their queen straightened up, head held proudly as she thanked them for their speedy answer, and gave a short speech that, though it wasn't exactly what Aideen had imagined, still conveyed the change swiftly and smoothly. The younger woman took a moment to note everything about their, now former, leader, from her stance to her tone, and the light in her eye; It's a lot to aspire to. She mused, but she would so. Then that emerald gaze met hers, a smile on the matriarch's lips as she passed her crown. Aideen straightened her back, posture perking marginally to illustrate her new rank; It's done. What had essentially been a practical fact for some time now, had become official, and the new alphess' head turned to observe the reactions of her pack.

The men's faces were unreadable as their eyes shifted to her, all the attention that had lacked at their arrival now hitting her full force. A small shudder ran down the rusty lass' spine, but she forced herself to stay calm, allowing them time to take in the news. Bella was the first to show her favor, a broad smile on the sepia woman's face as she congratulated the new regent. Aideen smiled back, eternally grateful to the young mother, and happy that at least one member was taking the change so nicely. Ash soon followed though, a soft, rare, smile on his lips as he nodded, acceptant. Her heart clenched, the worst of the nerves wearing off as she saw there was no uproar; Of course. It was silly thinking otherwise, Nina had made the decision after all, and she had done so for both her own, and the packs best. Still smiling, Aideen looked at her mentor and friend, voice surprisingly steady as she said: "Thank you." She turned back to the other's, her thanks directed at them as well; "Nina has kept our family strong for many years, and Miccah and I will work to do the same. While I fully take on the responsibilities of leadership, please know that Nina will always be held in highest regard, and be able to help guide us all forwards as she has before. Her retirement will simply help ensure that she can do so with less strain."

When she paused to breath, reminding herself not to slip into that old habit of rushing her words, the new queen glanced at her mentor again, affection clear in her eyes. It would take the rest of her life to be able to handle herself and her pack as Nina had, but with the continued support of the matriarch, she was sure she'd get there. Her voice was lighter when she continued, again directed at all the gathered wolves; "Secret Woodlands will continue to grow, and with your help we will thrive. I'm so very happy, and honored, to stand before you all, and I hope you can trust me to guard our family in the future." She halted, a faint heat burning in her cheeks. But she'd managed to speak to them without tying her tongue in knots, even formulating her thoughts and feelings in a manner that wasn't entirely unintelligible. Now she would wait, to see if any of them had something to say or ask. Her eyes drifted to her mate, joy bright on her face, once everyone had absorbed the change, they would add what was needed; And then… The future.

Word count: 794

Thoughts ”Speech”
new-horizon-stock @DA & Dawnthieves.de
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha

Nina wasted no time in jumping into things, and Inali couldn't say she was completely surprised at the news. Nina was getting on in age, and there always came a time when a king and queen needed to step down and let a new legacy begin. In this case, Nina was stepping down and giving her crown to Aideen. The woman's blue gaze turned towards the equally petite new queen. Smiling at the woman, her tail wagged slightly. But how would Bane take the news? She believed he would take it in good stride, but just in case, the woman looked up at the dark man beside her. Concern for him flashed briefly in her two orbs before she lightly pressed her muzzle against his side and turned her attention back on a speaking Aideen.  

The words that her new queen spoke encouraged Inali, and already the woman was eager to see what this change would bring to the pack. She had full faith that Aideen and Miccah would make a smooth transition for the pack, and all would be well in their paws. After all, Aideen herself had mentioned that Nina would aid in guiding them and Nina was one of the most powerful and wisest women Inali knew.

HermitCrabStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Mily who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Korrin Hervok

Most of the time the green eyed boy took his cues from his father in pack functions such as these. So as his aunt spoke of her retirement, the growing pup immediately looked up at his father. Aideen had seemed like a nice enough woman when they had met her and the boy couldnt deny that her smile made his heart squeeze weirdly in his chest, but was she leader material? As his father's form relaxed and he gave Aideen one of his rare smiles, the boy too relaxed and turned his attention back onto the woman he already towered over.

As she finished speaking, Korrin nodded his russet head at her and bestowed her with a slight grin of his own. Yes, he was happy with this change. He could get used to it. He then looked at her counterpart, who was king of the thickets. He had been quiet this whole time, but that wasn't unusual for him. Korrin almost never saw the dark man actually speaking. The boy wondered if he would grunt out a few words and then dismiss them. Would he even speak at all during this meeting? Curiously, the boy stared at him. If Korrin was up there, being king, he didn't know if he would speak at all. He preferred silence, for there was peace in silence. But that was just him.

[Image: korrin-greypixel01.gif]