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calling all teenagers — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Ace who has 377 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyna Argyris Archer

By some sheer luck, Kyna was not the very last to arrive at the meeting spot.  Alastor was offered a shy smile and a bob of her delicate head, clearly appreciating his attempt to soothe any frazzled mind on her behalf.  Unfortunately, she’d not the time to thank him out loud, for once the silver yearling arrived, the alpha began to lay out his plan.  Golden ears flicked forward as her fire bright eyes settled on Triell, listening raptly as he explained the mechanics of hunting an elk from the herd.

This was all a great deal of information, she thought, eyes wide as she glanced around at the other young wolves. 

But no questions came to mind, and Serach called the attention of his small group.  She did not know the beta terribly well, but the punctilio witch which he delivered his instructions left little room for argument.  The yearling bobbed her head once.  “I understand,” she murmured softly, collecting her lanky frame to follow after the male.  “Just tell me where to go.”

Chasing, she could do that.  Serach or Triell would take the kill, and--  Yes.  Inhaling deeply, she fell into line behind the leader of their hunting party as they snuck down the hill, confident she would be able to play out her role, at the very least.

Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Sorry my reply is late! I didn't think my weekend would be as busy as it was U^U

Soon after his own arrival, other faces began to make an appearance. It was exciting to see so many wolves motivated  toward the task of the hunt, however a bit unsettling at the same time. He knew none of these faces. None, other than Ruenna of course. The raven shot his cousin a genuine smile, glad that she'd found her place in the Bend so soon, though under a more thorough examination.. Was something bothering the fae?

Darrah quickly dismissed the thought as his father's voice began to speak up, there'd be time to tranquilize Ruenna later. Thankfully, Triell decided to take matters into his own hands and introduce the prince to those oddly unfamiliar faces, leaving the boy feeling a sense of ease for the time being. The instructions that came after were quite clear, and then everyone was assigned to their proper groups. It was still a bit scary, being placed with those he'd only just met, though at the very least Serach was charged as their leader. "I won't let you down." He smiled, waiting patiently for their next commands.

It hadn't taken long before Serach greeted his group, advising them to be careful while they were out on the field. Darrah nodded at the request. If elk were anything like that moose was a while back, well, they were sure in for some fun. "Ready." The male woofed, following close behind his leader.

Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh

Kyna seemed to be glad that he’d joined them, something he was vaguely surprised by but all the same happy about. He could see the thanks in her fiery eyes, and even if she didn’t get the chance to vocalize it he didn’t need a thank you at all. He listened attentively as Triell explained how the process would go to them, the boy just realizing that the group was comprised also solely of younger members. Even if he didn’t have experience in hunting large animals other than the one time with the alpha male, he knew that having so much inexperience was likely not a good thing. Still, the dark man seemed to be confident in the situation so he thought to have some too.

Kino knew all but Ruenna, something he was pleased with himself for. Slowly he was getting to know all the wolves in the Bend after only four months in their borders. He focused in on Sahalie’s father as he began to explain how everything worked, a faint nod bobbing his head in understanding as he broke it down for them. It all made a decent amount of logical sense to him, and he hoped that it would help him help to make things run smoother in the long run. They were given their official orders, finally, and then sorted into groups. Again, he was surprised by the outcome that he would be with Triell and that Triell also had the smaller group. He figured that the man might take the most of them, but it seemed that he trusted Serach to handle things nicely. Serach himself began to speak, warning them of the actual seriousness of the hunt and to this Kino gave an affirming nod to assure them he understood. Getting to his paws he moved to stand a little behind Triell, waiting for him to lead them into the hunt.

Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Though she was a little nervous about having a hunt with the rest of the pack she had comfort in the fact that she had some experience. The hunt she had with Triell had helped her to gain experience with hunting larger prey. With that and her determination to be just as good as the rest of her pack mates Leotie felt she could do this. Since she hadn't ever hunted with the pack before she was curious how it would all work and what her role might be. These thoughts went through her mind while waiting for the others to arrive, she wasn't sure who all was going to come but soon enough it seemed everyone was there when Triell started his instruction.

When he pointed out the bull they had their eye on Leotie made sure she saw him so she wouldn't become confused later. She also took note of all that their leader said in his instructions. It was important to her to understand everything so that she didn't make a detrimental mistake. Finally her assignment was given, she was to work with Serach. Though she didn't know him well she felt it was important to learn from multiple teachers. When Serach spoke Leotie was sure to heed his words. They were just as important as Triell's. "As I'll ever be," she said with a nod when asked if she was ready.

(This post was last modified: Jul 07, 2016, 06:07 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ruenna Tainn
sorry for holding everyone up! back to @Triell now?

Three more arrived after her, two yearlings and an age-mate to herself. Rue smiled and bobbed her head in greeting to each one, eager to became fast friends with each. Triell got to business by first introducing none other than her fine self, prompting another broad grin and glance around the group in case they weren't sure who they were talking about. She didn't miss the implication that this probably made her the newest of new newcomers - they all likely knew each other already. She looked to each in term as Triell spoke their names, immortalising them in her memory. There were an awful lot of them in this Bend... somehow both more and less than she had expected - more wolves, less Tainns. She was still getting to grips with how her expectations didn't quite line up with reality.

The quill she'd taken out to jot down her packmates' names was held tight as her uncle went on to explain, in exceptional detail, scribbling furiously with every new scrap of wisdom. She'd never hunted anything that big before, ever, and was silently grateful to Triell for his teaching. It wouldn't just be for her benefit, for the lot of them - save Triell and Serach - could only boast one or two years of age. They were all comparatively inexperienced, but none of them would have any idea just how out-of-her-depth Rue was.

When Triell mentioned the bull, her soft brown eyes went to find him out, and the sheer size of it nearly knocked the wind out of her. That was the kind of fellow living creature she was usually very good at leaving the hell alone! Sure, sometimes she would play with larger prey animals, harmless games of chicken and chase, but usually because they quickly realised she was no threat at all... and deer were rather less hostile than bobcats or bears or badgers. She swallowed.

Attention snapping back into focus as Triell continued, she fixated back on him, trying to pick up where she had left off with her notes and pretend that the prospect of hunting that bull didn't scare her at all. Triell's reassurances helped a little, but she was more effectively distracted when roles were finally dished out - and she glanced to the side to see Alastor, who would be joining herself and Triell. She liked Serach and all, but was glad she was with Triell. The guy was huge, and nothing like her dad in terms of a go-getting attitude, but everything like him in compassion - she knew he'd guide her right. As the young wolves began to move to their respective leaders, Rue trotted happily towards her uncle, shooting a wide smile at Alastor. "Nice to meet you," she chirped, her nerves presenting far more like excitement, and waited to follow after Triell.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
Sorry for my own delay. <3  Going to try to start next round around July 25th. Let me know if you need longer, no biggie.

@Serach @Leotie @Kino @Kyna @Darrah @Ruenna

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me
Serach shared his own advice to the mix, which Triell appreciated. There was little to be said by the young ones in the group. That wasn't all bad, they would find out soon enough, and the Tainn would figure out if they would simply have to try again. Burning energy now wasn't as bad as in the winter. If the herd stuck around it might be their only option. He hoped they could get it right the first time rather than take risk after risk. This was already anxiety inducing. But, as part of his nature, and all those looking upon him was going with total confidence of a veteran. Believing everything would be fine in the end.

As Serach called to his three, Triell looked upon Ruenna and Alastor. This was as 'even' as things were going to get. In numbers they were not the same, but he had felt Leotie and Darrah would be less of a worry given their age, and partial practice. A steady breath, and a smooth grin he began his eased lope to the herd. He circled to the west, his dark ears tipped back, keeping track of his hunting partners, bright eyes upon their prey. The bull was no dummy, he could tell what was already coming. There was a snort that passed his nose, and he reluctantly stepped forward, if only to hope that would be enough to persuade them to leave. The Tainn tipped his head, looking for the stark white form of Serach. Ready or not....

A look was given over his shoulder to the silver lad, and partially brown clad girl. "Just hang back a sec, but if he starts running keep up to keep him in place."  Striding forward with ease, he was about to test their target.  Would he fight now or run? The bull had his eyes on him for a moment, but did not falter in moving away. He kept walking quickly, pretending these wolves would go away. Triell speed up, a rough bark falling from his mouth, he urged the bull on. So far so good, because the bull was now trotting. All they had to do was steer him south to the creek. Piece of cake.

[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Shadow who has 410 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Serach Donata
[Image: 2tPxKjr.png] Map of hunt layout (as I have understood it).

Darrah, Leotie, and Kyna were quick to follow, and he was grateful for their own reassurances that they would listen and follow. Serach had taught other wolves how to hunt before, but that had only ever been small game animals - certainly nothing as large as the bull elk they were going to be pursuing today. As they headed down the hill, he led his group east while Triell and his charges went west. There was no surprise to be had though - the elk herd roused to their presence. "They know we're here, so be careful. We have to make it clear to them that we have our target already so the others don't panic," he explained, turning his head to look over his shoulder to make sure the three younger wolves following him were listening.

The bull was certainly aware of their presence. He stared Triell down for a moment before continuing to walk along, choosing to ignore what was happening as the wolves began to gather behind him. As Triell barked, though, the bull began to move faster. "Okay, we're going to try and get between him and the others. We want him to go straight, to the creek, and not try and rejoin the group," Serach woofed at his companions before picking up speed to keep pace along side the bull's left side, physically separating him from the rest of his herd. Warning the bull with a threatening snap of his teeth and a snarl, Serach forced the bull to return to the center as he attempted to veer to the left as the rest of the Bend wolves emerged and took up the chase.
[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Siki who has 80 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ruenna Tainn
Fake it 'til you make it, right? With a spring in her step (which could have been seen as more jumpy than excited, but only by those who knew her very well - which was nobody here) Rue trotted after her uncle, and for a moment she felt like a younger child again, going out with her dad to learn how to take care of herself. Triell made for a very different walking partner than her father, but she was hardly a stranger to pretences, and it was all-too easily to slip into a reality where she was Darrah's sister and they were going out to learn to hunt like a normal family in a normal pack, like normal wolves.

She just had to ignore the actual reality that hunting wasn't some safe game to play in her headspace, she knew it could be dangerous - and they were literally making a target out of one of the types of animal she'd been warned to always avoid. But then, she'd expected to live and hunt practically on her own forever, and that wasn't the case any more, so... maybe that advice didn't count now?

Just keep following Triell, just keep in line and do what he does - then everything would be okay, he knew what he was doing. But then he told them to hang back and that fool-proof plan went straight out the window. She swallowed and nodded a little too vigorously, wide-eyed, letting the man move ahead before skipping in line behind him, her eyes slipping up to see that large elk with his large shoulders and long legs and tall horns and wide hooves and - this was going against all of her instincts.

Nothing went wrong immediately; Triell moved towards the bull with a bark, and it trotted away almost obediantly, almost like they were dancing, and then Serach was at its left, all teeth, and Rue was too busy trying to imagine how to possibly eat all that meat anyway. Just keep following Triell. Presenting barely half of the aggression of the two leading men, Rue came to run at her uncle's heels, feeling more like she was hiding from the bull than chasing it. But he wasn't paying attention to her anyway so - she was just another body to add to the pack, right? To make it seem more intimidating? Those hooves were SO big. She could just imagine the shape they would leave in a wolf's forehead...
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Serach would be leading her and two others in the hunt. Leotie could feel the nervousness rising up from her stomach but she knew she couldn’t let that get in the way. She had to do well during this pack hunt not only for herself but for the pack too. Bringing down the buck would be very helpful for the pack especially now. She knew a big buck like that would feed the pack well for awhile so it was that much more important that they were successful in the hunt. When Serach stated that the herd knew they were there she worried that it might make it more difficult for them to catch their prey. Though he seemed certain that if they knew the hunting party wasn’t after them they wouldn’t panic and run. Leotie was careful to follow Serach’s lead and followed closely behind so that she could hear all of his instructions as they made their way into the positions they needed to be in.

From her spot behind Leotie could see Triell and the others that weren’t in her group and she could also see that the bull didn’t seem too happy about their presence. This too worried her, she feared tht if they waited too long they might lose their chance. She was also very aware of her inexperience In this sort of situation and knew that she had to trust Triell and Serach’s instructions. Her group leader spoke once more telling them exactly what their plan was to bring the bull down after that he sped up and Leotie followed not wanting to miss a beat. Soon they were on the bulls tail and chasing him in the direction they wanted. Leotie did her best to do her part to keep the bull on the right path as the others joined in.

(This post was last modified: Jul 26, 2016, 12:09 AM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Maeby who has 207 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Darrah Tainn
Don't be afraid to skip me if I'm late :(! I've been getting super sidetracked lately, I'd definitely understand xD!

Trotting close behind Serach, Darrah made sure to hang on to his leader's every word. Nodding as if to show the grey wolf he was able to comprehend, the raven couldn't help but take just a moment to ponder over how weird this all was. 'Make our target clear.. so the rest of 'em can rest assured? Shouldn't they still be freaking out? I mean, we're killing one of their members.. Or do their heads not work the same as ours...' Curious, he'd always assumed every species thought alike! However was now really the time to go in depth about it? The boy lightly shook his head, ridding the impression for another day.

The directions were clear, however being the pessimist he's always been Darrah could foresee a thousand ways he alone could screw this up if he wasn't extremely careful. He followed behind the others, watching them carefully and mimicking their every move. If something were to go sour it sure wasn't going to be his fault. However he trusted his father, along with Serach. They were experienced with this sort of thing, so everything would surely work out according to plan so long as he followed the given instructions to a T.

Celebrate the way the night hides scars.

Darrah Tainn

At some point,

I started looking at the ground more than the sky

It’s hard even to breathe.