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slaying a dragon — Hearthwood River 
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Played by Mimi who has 32 posts.
Inactive Pup
Atropos Stark
Super quick because I was awful and replied late ;;

The pale girl had arrived, of course, but she had been silent and slipped under the radar. Atropos found that she often felt overwhelmed in groups, and much preferred to be left to her own devices, chasing imaginary critters and rolling in the flower beds that dotted Hearthwood. So she had sneaked into the gathering silently, tucked herself next to Kyrios. It was enough for her to be at his side in quiet, as her outspoken brother often did a lot of talking -- more than enough for both the Stark siblings. His presence was the loud one, after all.

She bumped her shoulder to her brother's and offered a weary glance. What had been so important that everyone was summoned? She would not be kept from her answer for long, and her mouth dried up at the reason. It felt as though the footholds she had on socialising in the pack just crumbled beneath her. Kjors was gone.

Kisla spoke of trust, and it shook Atropos to her very core. Trust. That was an important thing to have with family. If you did not trust, then what did you have? And Kjors had always seemed very trustworthy -- at least, as far as a young cub's innocence could handle -- so to know the one-eyed male had done something wrong, to break that trust ... well, it most certainly felt like a slap in the face. "Guh-gone?" She gulped, glanced at her adoptive mother. Surely she would have answers -- surely she would know! A mother always knew everything, after all.

[Image: hr_by_euphoriclies-d8zepbl.png]
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
The hope that she would soon see @Kjors trotting into the meeting circle morphed into a cold, sinking feeling as Kisla rushed to begin the meeting.  The Baranski princess craned her neck this way and that, cloudy eyes searching for some sign of her swarthy protector. Kisla wouldn’t begin a meeting without her adviser… Karina’s heart leaped as her eye caught a flurry of movement, but it was only @Atropos arriving late-- though in Atropos’s defense, she hadn’t arrived late so much as the meeting was begun early. The young mother’s tongue lapped over the top of her adoptive daughter’s head in greeting. 
It was soon evident why Kisla had been in such a rush. If they had waiting for Atropos’s arrival, wolves would have certainly begun noticing the absence of Kjors.  They would have whispered, and conjectured.  And if there was one thing her mother didn’t like, it was for wolves to have their own ideas and opinions… that had been obvious from the very first pack meeting Karina had attended. They had all been expected to just accept the decisions of the alphas, always, with no opportunity for discussion.  Karina couldn’t even recall a meeting when her parents had ever solicited opinions or advice from the pack as a whole. Meetings were held so that the pack could be informed of decisions that had already been made behind closed doors.  And they were all expected to just be okay with that, every single time. Well, not anymore.
Not anymore.
Had Karina been younger and stupider, she would have spoken up, like she had in so many pack meetings before. Of course, she knew from making this mistake over and over that her words held no sway over the alphas in a meeting such as this.  Meeting was not really a good word to describe these gatherings; that word implies that everyone would be contributing.  The River alphas did not hold meetings—they merely made announcements.
Karina nodded to her children who looked to her for confirmation, the motion feeling mechanical.  “We are rocks,” she whispered to @Bennet in reminder.  Karina herself had never felt more like a cold, hard stone in her entire life.  Unspoken and unacted upon, her hot anger had frozen in her chest, leaving her feeling heavy and numb.  Maybe this was why @Kisla was always so emotionless.. so cold. She had stuffed her emotions so many times that all her insides were frozen hard, and no amount of warmth could melt them.
If Karina’s packmates were expecting her usual outburst, they were to be disappointed. Kisla’s decision had been made, and there was nothing Karina could say that would help.  Karina’s decision had been made as well, and there was nothing Kisla could say to her that would help. To say this this was the straw that broke the camel’s back would be a gross understatement. This was the pile of boulders that buried the camel in a massive landslide-- the camel which had already been carrying quite a lot of straw!  Karina was royalty, she was a Baranski—a princess!  No.. scratch that. She was a Sorenson—a queen.  She would not stand to be part of a pack that needed to contrive ridiculous excuses (he “took advantage of the River’s mourning,”  what did that even mean?!) to pluck out a hair that wouldn’t lay completely flat.  A pack that cast a loyal member aside like garbage, when he was only doing what was best for his family (the River of course did not know of Kjors’s motivation to better provide for Bennet, but Karina was beyond caring at this point). Weren’t they all supposed to be family?
All that talk of Hearthwood River being a family—it was all bullshit.  Just another manipulation to get everyone to fall in line: we’re family, we all love each other, so do what I say. The Baranskis were a family; that was true enough—Karina had bent, broken and stomped on pack law time and time again, and she was never penalized. And yet, Kjors puts one toe out of line here or there—e.g. his challenge for leadership is arbitrarily considered a moon or so too early--  and he’s gone. Out. Like he was never family to begin with.  Now that was hypocrisy at its finest right there, and it was enough to make Karina wanted to turn to @Lilya and scream, “Get out while you can!”  She did no such thing though; Lilya would just have to realize for herself how little she meant to the alphas, especially when compared to their own flesh and blood families. It pained Karina that she could not speak to Lilya and warn her, since as a Priestess she was committed to acting tin the best interest of all the Mother’s children. It was just one more item added to the long list of treasonous actions in Hearthwood River that were in actuality, the right thing to do. No longer would Karina have to choose between doing the right thing, and doing what her parents say.  She would make no more choices between spreading Goodness and the evil of inaction. Not anymore.
Not anymore. 
 [Image: KjorinaB.png]   
 [Image: JeWBS4.png]
Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

The meeting was starting swiftly, without everyone present it would seem. Perhaps the dragon had gone on some sort of mission for the King and Queen? Even that hypothesis was shot down swiftly as Kisla began her explanation as to why they were all gathered and what had happened. It was simple – Kjors was no longer a part of Hearthwood River because of his ill-timed challenge… Lilya had not been around when Naia died, but Karina had told her about it, and she’d pieced together the departure of Maksim as well… if anything, a bit of anger flared in her heart that the man would be so bold as to challenge so soon after such a tragedy as the others had faced.

It’d made sense, but still she cast a glance at Karina… the woman had spoken of the wolf with such adoration, she couldn’t help but wonder how the mother was going to take the news. She’d remained silent, and so did Lilya, apart from a simple nod of understanding. She understood the reasons, because one ambitious wolf could drag an entire pack down. She knew that, and she’d witnessed it on more than one occasion. They were stronger when they were looking out for each other, not when they were looking out for themselves and using each other.

Besides, Lachesis and Kisla had both proven fair in the past, and she’d trust their judgement until given a reason not to.

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

After reciting her mother's greeting Inna had settled in to wait for the others to arrive for the meeting. Lately Inna had felt like the death of Naia and her father as well as Lekalta and Orren’s absence had brought a melancholy over the pack. Some days it was almost suffocating and as the rest of the pack started to gather around her this was slowly becoming one of those days.

The ebony girl watched as her other sister Karina and the pups appeared and took their places. They were followed by the newest pack member, Inna hadn't met her formerly. There wasn't any time to dwell on that because her mother didn't waste any time in starting the meeting. She immediately gave her full attention to her mother and Lachesis to hear the announcement that was surely coming.

To say she was a little shocked to hear that Kjors was no longer in Hearthwood River and considered a threat was a little understatement. Her gaze drifted to Karina who she didn't think would take the news well but her older sister did say anything. Then in the moment when Lachesis mentioned recruiting Inna took note of how small their numbers had become. To her it felt as if her home had changed so much it was becoming unrecognizable.

(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2016, 04:26 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by PuppyThief who has 144 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kyrios Aegina Stark

Ky snapped back playfully at his little sister, though he made no real attempt to actually connect with his teeth. Instead he grinned, letting his own tail wag next to hers. Then a bump at his opposite shoulder announced Atropos' arrival, and he turned to give his other sister a smile as well, nose reaching out to give her muzzle a reassuring tap. Barely had she sat down before Kisla began to speak, drawing the pale boys full attention, perked ears and focused eyes – his father was watching after all. But as the alphess relayed the news, all care of Lachesis' gaze vanished, a cold shock running through Kyrios' body. His smile faded, eyes widening with the realization that echoed from both his siblings. The lad turned first to Bennet, whining softly and following her gaze up to their mother, surely she would know, she would explain, they had simply misunderstood.

But Karina's only words were even more cryptic than the message of Kjors' banishment, expression stiff as stone as she silently stared straight ahead. Ky's lips parted, a silent question on his tongue. He turned to Atty, seeing the confusion as clear on her face as he know it was on his own. Wanting nothing more than to comfort his sisters, the boy pressed his side into Atropos' and his rump against Bennet's, looking up front to where their dad was now explaining Kjors' threat status. He was lost for words. How could this be true? How could the Dragon have done something so wrong that they'd send him away? Say that he was a bad wolf, that this was the right thing and something that would make them stronger! Clenching his teeth, Kyrios looked at his father, eyes suddenly cold and accusing; How could you? He thought bitterly, feeling the shock of both his sisters and mother by his side. For all his love, XIX had torn a rift in their family.

Word count: 324

”Speech” Thoughts

Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark
sorry for the delay in this round -- it will be the last round unless anyone has any questions for lach&kisla <3


Lachesis held his breath as he watched the reactions of the river wolves before him. Most were confused by the news—clearly hoping for more of an explanation. There were a few shocked faces, and even some that held an angry fire behind their stoic expressions. It was sudden and unexplained, so the confusion and anger did not surprise him. Most of them had pleasant encounters with the one-eyed dragon, especially since he proved himself to be an asset to Hearthwood in the past. However, his intentions had been made clear when he challenged Lachesis. A challenge that would have been fine if had not been strategically orchestrated so close to the multiple tragedies the ghost had endured. Unfortunately for the dragon, the recent losses had only fuelled his desire to win. 

His pear gaze lingered on Karina as he studied her longer than the others. Her expression was alarmingly calm, which concerned the ghost. If she followed him, with Bennet at her side, it would not surprise him. She clung to the old reptile as though her life depended on it. However, she was an adult; he could not stop her. XIX worried for his children, of course—especially with Kyrios’ cold gaze burning a hole in the side of his head. His mouth grew dry suddenly as he searched for words to spit into the silence that engulfed the pack. “If you have any questions you know where to find us. But this decision is final. If you don't agree with it, that’s your choice, but we did what we felt was best for the pack.” With his shoulders pulled back he dismissed the pack with a flick of his nose: “This meeting is over.” 

He would wait for his packmates to disappear before he retreated to the forest to collect his thoughts. Then he would seek out his children and explain to them what had happened, for he wanted them to understand he did this to protect them.
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 786 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inna Baranski

So that was it Kjors was out, Lachesis and her mother had made the decision which they thought was for the best interest of the pack. Inna remembered meeting him as a pup and speaking with him when she was older and he hadn't seemed so bad. She had been gone though and a lot had happened lately so she couldn't say for sure what kind of man Kjors had shown himself to be. She did not think that her mother or Lachesis would make him leave if he had not proven himself untrustworthy. Inna trusted their judgement and wouldn't question it though she couldn't help but worry some.

Her gaze went back to her sister, it was no secret that Karina was close to the man. That knowledge caused her to wonder what would become of her sister and Bennet. Inna could not tell by looking at Karina how she felt about the news but she hoped that her sister wouldn't be too upset by it. The other thing that worried her was would Kjors retaliate on the pack, her mind traveled back to the story that Lachesis had told her when she had returned. Would something like that happen again? Would they have to fight after all that had happened already? Inna hoped that didn't happen, that despite whatever anger Kjors might have he would leave them in peace.

Finally Lachesis announced the meeting was over and that they could chose to accept that Kjors was no longer with them or not. The decision had been made and it was final, she didn't have any questions then. If she did she knew she could go to either her mother or Lachesis at any time. Inna didn't have any difficulty in accepting what had happened, if Kjors had proven himself untrustworthy he needed to go and that was that. With the meeting over Inna rose from her place and slipped into the forest, there wasn't any reason to linger on this. She felt Lachesis had made that very clear.

(This post was last modified: Dec 20, 2016, 05:25 AM by Inna.)
[Image: 2wrks2e.jpg]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Kisla held herself steady as the wave of shock seemed to blanket upon the expressions of those before them. More pained was the surprise and questions of the packs cubs -- the ones who Kjors, for all of his indiscretions and the dangers he had placed the pack in the past before, he had doted upon them. Of course they would not understand. And as Kisla's sharp green eyes fell upon her eldest daughter, and noted the wave of calm upon her features, the honeyed Baranski knew her daughter would not be staying with them.

It clenched at her heart -- but she had known the risk of her decision, and she had still stood by it. The silver Baranski was delusional when it came to the one-eyed dragon -- the wolf who had become her mentor.  But Karina would do as she seen fit -- again and again she had proven so, once even by leaving the River for months at a time.. and returning pregnant. But no more -- Hearthwood River was not the door matt for her children to come and go as they pleased, and silently, as she considered this, she knew that if Karina walked past those borders with the intent of leaving, she would not be welcomed back.

And so the Baranski line had come to devastation. And so Kisla had failed as a mother. And yet vigilant as ever in her stoicism, the woman cupped her ears forward, offering only a nod as Lachesis finalized the meeting. There was nothing left to say.

sparking up my heart

Played by Tasha (Inactive) who has 328 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lilya Valrorys

Kisla and Lachesis were very clear with the fact that it was their final decision. There was no changing that, and Lilya respected that, agreed with it even. What kind of wolf did it take to take advantage of the grief that a pack was feeling? It honestly boiled her blood but she refused to let it physically show. She was angry, but anger and violence didn’t answer things – she’d learned that over her time. Lachesis called that the meeting was over, and Lilya dipped her head respectfully. There was work to be done. She wanted to check the borders over to make sure he wasn’t lingering nearby…

That and being a wolf down and winter approaching in just a few months, she figured preparation could not begin soon enough… two months, at most, until the first snows were upon them if she had figured that out in her head correctly. There was nothing to say, only things to do. She also needed to remind herself to talk to one of them about a pack role as a hunter when she found a moment. Of course, everything needed work, but hunting was where she felt most confident in her skills. Even if she could fight, she preferred not to so she figured guardian wasn’t the best job for her… there was a lot going through the tawny girl’s head when she left the scene.

-Exit Lilya-

[Image: 7N0QCvu.png][Image: lilyapix_by_euphoriclies-datc4vp.png]
Played by Alace who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Karina Baranski
Karina barely heard Lachesis dismiss the meeting, though if she had the finality of his tone would have irked her. He spoke as if they were all children, being told what to do and think because mommy and daddy know what’s best. The girl’s thoughts were swimming and everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion, though before she knew it only she and her daughter remained with the alphas. “Bennet, find your brother and sister and wait for me; I need to talk with all of you.” The words were robotic. Once her daughter was out of sight, Karina became the child, eyes filling with tears. It’s not right, she wanted to pout to her mother, but she could only stare at Kisla wordlessly. 

She had known how much this would devastate Karina, losing her mentor so soon after losing her father. She knew! Yet, when Karina did finally find the words to speak they would not be accusing but profoundly sad. She was unable to stand behind the decisions her alphas made as a subordinate—that had be proven over and over-- so it was time she took charge of her own destiny. She was to be a queen in her own right, and yes, she would seek out Kjors to rule beside her. 
It seemed that the strong-willed Baranski women were both destined to make decisions that broke the other’s heart, over and over again. Perhaps if they didn’t love one another so much, it wouldn’t be so difficult. But that was also why Karina knew that she would see her mother again.  Perhaps after all this blew over, once the sting wore off... “Mom, you will have a place with me, in my home, if you want it.” Karina would promise. As much as living under Kjors’s rule might dismay Kisla, it was important for her to know that as long as Karina was still breathing, she need never be alone. “I love you.”  Family would always live on; it was all that lived on, and it was time of Karina to track down the rest of hers.
EDIT: Hey HR, I re-wrote the last paragraph of the fade here. I just want to be clear that Kisla did NOT tell Karina to never come back, as I originally wrote. Thanks for clearing that up, Rachel! So long, HR! Don’t worry though, I’ll be back.
(This post was last modified: Jan 12, 2017, 04:34 PM by Karina.)
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