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ignited bones — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Just as she finished, did the man buckle, folding before her into a lay until he rolled, belly-up before her, his eyes shifting away in a clear sign of his submission- he dare not challenge her, for surely she was nothing but right! Her stance remained strong, head hanging low and scrunched back slightly between her shoulders and forelimbs, her tail raised high behind her. She listened to his words and all the meaning which filled them, though she would but snort in response. “Sorry does not bring our boys back.” She spoke smoothly, a slow hiss at her curled tongue, as her pale gaze may shift to Jaysyek as she moved closer, a clear signal that she met her own and her leadess' children, the pack's kin. For he was no longer the ruler of these lands, no longer welcome, according to her, and did not have the right to consider himself a father to those children remaining in the lands. Would they even remember him? Would they even know what their father looked like? He had missed so much of their youth, their growth and development already! If he was a father to them still, he was a poor one at best.
Now her leadess was at her side, offering her a gentle nudge to her cheek in support, which Elettra would allow though in her anger, did not offer the same affection in return. She would only watch Borden with a narrowed, pale gaze before another voice struck the air, turning her attentions for but a moment. ”SILENCE!” Her jaws would snap into Aisling's direction as she looked towards the small creamy woman, her demand sealed with a click of her jaws. She knew the small girl to be a kind, gentle creature with a pure soul and soft heart (or as far as she knew however) though she would not have her rights here be questioned, nor her authority mocked.
After which, her attention moved back towards Borden, who had not at all been far from her watch to begin with. A paw would lift, hesitant to allow Jaysyek to walk close to him, as though he could easily be a danger to her well-being. However, she would keep herself back, allowing Jaysyek to move to him, to question him of his return. After all, it would be her decision in the long run, whether he stayed or went, but secretly, Elettra Archer already knew she would not stand to live under the same roof as he.
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote>Another white lady appeared on the scene but Borden did not dare to look, especially after the Second hissed that his apology did nothing for them... for his lost sons. His eyes were trained on the forest floor and he simply listened as Aisling begged her superiors to stop whatever they were doing. She even questioned what they were doing, but by the sound of it, she was merely brushed aside with the snap of Elettra's jaws. He shivered, nervous now about what was coming for him.

<i>"Get up,"</i> Jaysyek ordered, her tone flat and cold. The renegade's eyes flickered to her only for a brief moment before glancing back to the ground. With some difficulty he righted himself but once his balance as stable, he took a feeble step back and took Jaysyek's question into serious consideration.

<i>...why had he come back?</i>

His mind spun as he kept his nose pointed to the ground and his ears folded back. Whether or not they would comprehend his next actions as <span class='word'>knavery</span> or genuine integrity, he didn't even bother to think of it. It was now... or never. <b>"Why?"</b> he echoed, blinking a few times. A whirl of emotions sloshed about in his ribcage, interchanging between distress, anger, and hopelessness. It took several seconds for him to decide what emotion to ultimately manifest. If they wouldn't see to him as a lowly ranked wolf might have acted towards them, then perhaps they would listen now. He looked to Jaysyek, focusing only on her now.

<b>"I came back because I <i>dared</i> to return,"</b> he declared. <b>"When I left I knew you'd be fine... With Elettra and Raigo, you could handle <i>all this</i>. I <i>looked</i> for our son. After his previous attempts of wandering off, how could I not? I have hurt just as much as you all have; did you think I didn't even care? I took it upon myself to look for him so that you wouldn't starve on your own as I had. You have your family - <i>our</i> family - whereas I had no one to rely on but myself out there."</b> A pained growl vibrated in his throat; it ebbed away as he continued. <b>"I realized so many things while I was gone and that alone drove me home. So Prosper never made it home okay, and I left for his sake, but that doesn't mean that I don't love Hocus or Trisden or Arlette or Theo just as much. Why would I miss out on so much more with our other children because he didn't live? It was wrong of me to leave, but as a troubled parent, what choice did I have? If given the opportunity to find him, wouldn't you have taken it also?"</b>

His muzzle wrinkled for a few seconds before smoothing out; his chest hurt and his throat burned, and he fiercely hoped all of his words were coming out right. He looked at the Hollow leader in a pleading manner, stepping forward just slightly, <b>"I love you, Jaysyek; if I hadn't I would have been gone... vanished... but I'm here now."</b> He bit back his tongue before he could mention Vlarindara and how he could have easily run off with her, but the opportunity to draw parallels to it and how he had loyally returned home had long since past during the proclamation of his leave. His eyes briefly went to Elettra and Aisling, fully acknowledging them as a pack now. His voice had mellowed but his tone stil carried a grave note as he accepted his standing as a rogue to the pack he had established, <b>"Do, say, take what you wish... if you send me away or deny me my privileges as a father or a spouse and I won't ever come back."</b> He then looked back to the mismatched eyes of his beloved, <b>"Your choice."</b></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2011, 10:45 PM by Borden.)
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Aisling flinched back at Elettra's reaction to her, her hackles raising again, along with her jowls, but the second had already turned herself back towards Borden. Her eyes shifted to Jayse as well, but her reaction was nearly the same, just without words. To her core, Aisling hurt. How could they treat him like this? Why so much hatred? Of course, things had happened in his absense that Aisling was only faintly aware of, but she couldn't begin to understand why Borden, Jayse's mate, was being treated in such a horrible fashion, and by Jaysyek herself!

She wanted to speak up, defend the wolf, but he'd begun to speak, and Aisling did not look away from him, her tail tucking slowly between her legs, moisture welling up along the edge of her eyes. But she couldn't move, and merely shook her head slowly instead, finally tearing her eyes away to see how her superiors would react. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<blockquote><i>Song-White Blank Page -Mumford & Sons........this was the hardest post I swear, but I think it covers all Jayse wanted to say. Sorry for the wait. :X</i>

She payed no further attention to Aisling or Elettra, it was if they did not exist as he took moment to stand. Her eyes were glued to the all familiar liquids of golden with hints of verdant hue. She was sure her words were nothing what he had expected her to say in the least, as the last time he'd returned home she had been thrilled to see him. How much he'd forgotten from that first departure, how much she had missed him then, and how she had not done well in his short absence. But most important thing, how he had promised not to leave her again. She had asked to hear his side of the story, and her visage was a clear mask listening as he explained, why for four months he had been gone, and why he wanted to home. She did understand his search for Prosper, and believing she was capable. It did not explain why he didn't speak of his intentions. Upon his own hurt she knew the time had not done him well either, but he had left by his own means. She could not help but think if he had not left no one, not even him would have went through all this. She held her tongue, ears drawn to his voice.

The pain inside own heart throbbed, much like the ache in her throat. She badly wanted to believe his words, but they did not help vanquish the wrong. More so his proclamation of his love, if he hadn't loved her he would be gone? Past tense. His step forward she was tempted to move back, but she stood her ground.

<b>"We all looked for Propser, but then we all had to look for you in addtion because you never said you left. I was out hoping to find you both alive, but when I realized you had left Relic Lore without a whisper as so much to why I believed you were gone on your own accord. Besides you weren't the only one to leave either. Kiche, Aisling, and Vlar, disappeared soon after,"</b> she growled more of Vlar's name then said it, but she she looked to him cooly, <b>"Raigo, Elettra, and I had to attend to the needs of our remaining children instead of going on a wild goose chase. If not for them or the children I dare say you might have come home to more grave stones. As for the children I will not deny them to know you, but neither will I force them to see you if they don't want too. Do you even know the days you've been gone? One-hundred and twenty three nights I have waited wondering what the hell I did. Why you would go, and those pups are half grown up. You were not here, having to hear them ask day after day, When's daddy coming home? Why did he leave?"</b> Eyes were clear with moisture, and she took a step so his nose was but a breath from hers. <b>" Did you think things wouldn't change, that I would would only miss you, and welcome you back with a warm embrace like once before?"</b> Jaws set tight, she had to force her hair not to bristle because she was so angry, so hurt.

<b>"The world has not been kind in your absence to you or me I know that. For love I want to believe you, but it's hard especially when I can smell Vlar on <i>you</i>,"</b> once more she snarled because she was so digusted, but it was short lived,<b>"Not to mention I find it extremely strange after all hell I've been through she returns, daring to challenge me, then you magicly appear here days after. What do you want me to think Borden? Your heart was always mine? That you never meant to go? I wish I could take it all back, and let you in without this torment. But the trust I had for you is broken, and I do not want to live in fear wondering if you'll once more put me as second on your list. No, it is not my choice. You can stay prove what you say is true, have the place beside me in time, or you can leave now if that's what you really want because I will not hold you to your past promises if they will only end up ripping my soul again, and I will not suffer the same fate as my mother once did."</b> She let out a rough press of air, nostrils flaring, and she looked at the man she had fallen in love with, but who had hurt her far worse then anyone had ever done

<i>apperently i didn't reread this enough..</i></blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2011, 07:06 AM by Jaysyek.)
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Vami who has 1,026 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Elettra Archer
Elettra Archer was magically silent through this all, listening as Borden spoke his peace and listening as her leadess spoke in turn. She would keep her quiet (as she had already done her own shouting) but she would take a step forward, her lip quivering in warning as the rogue male took a step towards her leader. Protectively, would she block his way further into their home, where still young children would wander freely. Surely, he could not do harm to his own children, but the protective woman and obsessively so by this, could take no chances. Her stance was strong, body stiff as it may quiver as it readied an action should Jaysyek demand it from her. But for the time she would await the decision in which Jays would allow Borden- would he stay and try his best to literally kiss their ass to prove himself, or did he not hold the ability to lay low as the beating post, and turn to leave and nare return as he promised?
Played by Grey who has 512 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Borden Lyall
<blockquote><i>Lessons learned and bridges burned to the ground, and it's too late now to put out the fire. Tables turned and I'm the one who's burning now. well I'm doing all right till I close my eyes and then I see your face and it's no surprise. Just like that I'm crawling back to you, just like you said I would... Swallowed my pride now I'm crawling back to you. I'm out of my head, can't wait any longer; I'm down on my knees I thought I was stronger. Just like that, just like you said I'd do, I'm crawling back to you. Time can heal, but the scars only hide the way you feel and it's hard to forget how I left you hanging holding by a thread...
-- Daughtry, "Crawling Back to You"</i>
- ♠ -

The leader's words bit back and he could only keep his eyes on her for so long before his gaze dropped to the ground. He knew Kiche, Vlarindara, and Aisling had disappeared, but that as besides the point, really... Raigo and Elettra had pulled their own weight and then some in his absence. Perhaps he had been foolish to leave; he didn't realize that until now. She had counted the days, the nights actually. All <i>123</i> of them... and she had blamed herself, thinking she had done something to spark his wanderlust. Their children had also questioned his disappearance, constantly wondering when he would return home or why he had gone; and, she could not give them an answer. He opened his mouth to say something, but he kept quiet, listening eagerly instead.

Jaysyek stepped forward, closing the distance between them. <i>"Did you think things wouldn't change, that I would would only miss you, and welcome you back with a warm embrace like once before?"</i> she questioned. He grimaced; he had actually thought things wouldn't change. <i>Idiot,</i> he scolded himself. <i>Imbecile... Jerk.</i> How stupid of him to expect Jaysyek to just take him back with open arms. She mentioned she could scent Vlar on him, but he kept silent out of respect, not wanting to interrupt. He simply shuddered, but he was relieved when her growl quieted.

When she had finished, he nodded quietly. He no longer had her trust, he could accept that for now; and, if he had to spend his whole life trying to repair the damage he had done, he would do it. A soft whimper answered her and, after looking at Elettra and Aisling, he lowered his frame respectfully. Ever so gently, he raised his muzzle and nudged the bridge of his nose to her chin like any subordinate under her lead would.</blockquote>
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
<i>hope it's okay i skipped you frankie :| Jayse is taking her leave, and you guys can post more if you'd like.</i>

She felt the breath of Elettra at her side knowing she was there in case worse came to worse. Jaysyek knew Borden would not hurt her...not with his teeth. The pale leader, she hoped Aisling's heart would not sink at her mention of her. She had forgiven her departure because she'd been a friend, who a the time Jayse believed had left because of Kiche. She was lightly suprised by his silence. He said nothing, but maybe that was for the best. She was close to coming undone, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt him from all the tidal wave of emotion she had done her best to trap inside. No, small nod, quiet whimper, lowered frame, and touch to her chin was enough. Now she had to walk away because she would not fall apart....it seemed like an injustice for her to break down now. Who would comfort her?

She swallowed a lump in her throat, wishing the tightness of it would loosen. Her gaze lingered upon him, but then she turned around unable to meet his eyes. She looked to El if only briefly, and then to Aisling but she did not say anything further to either of them. She slowly walked away, letting the darkness consume her.

[Image: 9Py9751.png]