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who we are — The Wildwood 
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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

Maera was mildly amused as they all filtered in – first Leotie and then the children before Naira caught up with them, her tail waving softly as she put a wolfish grin on her features. Food. Food had always been her priority, even in summer – the work never stopped, after all. She felt content in that moment, simply following along silently for the journey to see what Triell was up to, and the possibility of a hunt burning at her paws. She was always ready. The draw didn’t look too familiar, but Maera reminded herself that it was a big forest, and there was a lot she surely had yet to discover about it.

She swiftly followed after the pup that was bounding ahead, sticking close to the others as her nose followed the tantalizing scent. It was a good morning for a hunt and she felt like she could already taste the meat. She couldn’t help it – when she caught the scent her instincts and lessons kicked in and all she could think about was food – not trees, or the pups or even what had gotten Triell out and about in the first place (she would have been more curious of Triell’s inability to fall asleep had it not been for the deer itself)… wait… why were they so concerned about trees? She didn’t pose a question, content with being a silent companion on this trip.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
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Leotie Rhys

Triell's voice carried to her as she came upon the three who'd already left the group, she could only guess the question was what had gotten him up as his answer was that he couldn't sleep. A moment after that she came upon their two newest members standing with Triell. While waiting for Triell to answer she took in the scenery around them finding some of of trees had their trunks charred and new trees had started their journey to the sky but we're still small yet. The scent of deer also became obvious bringing her back to the hunts she had participated in at the bend. Naira and the children had joined them by this time and Triell suggested going up the draw and perhaps a hunt. Leotie was eager for the exploring and the food in her belly.

Naira exchanged words about the trees which brought her attention to them, she hadn't ever seen trees like them before. Treyah seemed to have started the hint so when Triell and the others moved to follow Leotie was right behind. She still had some reservations about group hunts but the were starting to dissipate the more they went on them without anything bad happening.

(This post was last modified: Jan 19, 2017, 09:37 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn

When the girl finally thought to look up she realised just how far ahead she had pulled. She slowed her steps to allow the grown ups a chance to catch up while keeping on the narrow trail of the deer that had seemingly broken away from her herd. Up and up the ground gradually sloped, the trees not crowding like they did in the grove but not leaving her feeling exposed like the rise had. It was... nice, dare she say it. The cutting wind was buffered by the snow banks rising on either side, perhaps the herd had chosen to take shelter here for the night? Perhaps tonight, they should do the same.

As her eyes scanned ahead the deer finally came into sight, her steps frantic enough to indicate she knew she had company. A bellow ahead alerted the girl to the rest of the herd, amber eyes falling on a rather large beast that had begun to shed his antlers, though one remained stubbornly in place. She ceased her pursuit in that moment, knowing better than to take on a formidable beast on her own (even if he was partially unarmed). "Maybe we should stop for a bit, and find them later? There might be easier pickings with the rest of his herd..." It was a given that he would return to them, and no matter how round about his route, eventually they would find them now they had his scent. The question was aimed at her father, and while she waited for an answer she allowed herself to finally take in their surroundings.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]
Played by Nova who has 108 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Reiko Tainn
He he had caught wind of his parents' conversation. Why any other time he would have been interested, eager to learn, his friend nudged him. So he turned his head to Kerb, and a grinned inched across his muzzle. So, he had been on to something. No way was he going to let her have all the fun. Eagerly, he kept pace with the older male, trying to keep Trey in his sights. Why did she have to be faster? He half wished Dad would tell her to hold back.

Thankfully, she paused for a second, and they were all strung out more evenly. The young Tainn simply kept behind the silver figure of Kerb, knowing Leotie, and Naira were behind them, and now he wasn't necessarily missing out.  A strange sound from the deer rang out, and he turned round to look to the ladies behind him. What did it say? He couldn't decipher if it was simply alarm or something more. He felt ready to move quick should he be told.

The sound seemed to cause the line to stop. For a second time Treyah froze, and he pushed forward to see for himself why. Like his sister he was staring at the trees, and the snow until he spotted the one antlered buck. Now what? In surprise he cast his eyes to his sister at her suggestion. But, he was glad for it. He had no want to go after the deer right then, no matter how good it would taste. Especially, that one. It looked mean and they hadn't even tried to touch it. But, his eyes landed on his father who would likely make the final choice. Then again, he looked back enough to see if his mom had an opinion.
(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 09:12 PM by Reiko.)
Played by becuffin who has 860 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Naira Tainn
up on the mountain, down in the king's lair

Content to bring up the rear, knowing herself no longer good for much more than adding her weight and bite to finish off the job on larger hunts she allowed her eyes to continue to drift over their surroundings. The flicker of movement ahead drew her attention to the doe fleeing back to her single antlered keeper. No doubt he would soon drop the remaining one like so many others they had passed littering the ground on their journey across. New horns would sprout in the spring, but even with the threat of goring limited, the stags were known to lash out with quite a kick when cornered. They'd need something smaller and weakened by the cold for it to be really worth their while.

"That's right." she praised her daughter with a smile. "If he was just here looking for his straggler, chances are there are more with the rest of his does and not all of them will be as well off as this one." But look at where they had been led. The air even felt a few degrees warmer for the lack of wind chill and the gentle slope of the ground, while far from the steep-sided pass, seemed to call to her none the less. She threw a questioning glance at Triell, wondering what he thought of their current location. For all they had been looking, this place appealed to her most so far.

[Image: chase.gif]
[Image: naira_by_becuffin-dawj8rp.png]

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
I'll be the bright, and black, that's making you run

It was no surprise no one seemed to mind, and they all continued the hike. He had a steady smile with company like this. Treyah in the lead, until she noticed just how much of a head start she had. It was nice to see her more mindful of others, but he had little trouble keeping on her tail.

While the Tainn kept the deer in mind, he found himself more often looking to the background.  Marveled how after six years after the fire how much the dead woods had come back to life. This place particular was buffered by the spines of hills. Tucked away.  It wasn't exactly without fault, but cold wasn't as harsh here. The deer seemed to like it. Preferring it for shelter. He liked how different it was. The new and old.

At the sound of the deer he froze. Eyes quickly landing on the buck. A few long strands of his dark hair raised on his shoulders, ready to intervene. Everyone had stopped, and it took him a second to realize Treyah and Naira's conversation. He let out the breath he was holding"Better odds sound good to me," he murmured. Forcing himself to relax as they deer continued. It wouldn't be hard to find them. Briefly, he cast his gaze around, but found Naira's with question. They knew each other too well. So, he voiced his opinion, letting his gaze once more turn to those of their little group. "You know, this place has me thinking. It seems like a place for a pack to live. Doesn't it?" They'd never quite decided to be that, but as the days went on that's what they had become.

Triell Tainn
(This post was last modified: Jan 22, 2017, 05:37 PM by Triell.)
[Image: triellpix_by_euphoriclies-d98abbc.png]
are you with me through it all?
[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by Kai who has 589 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Leotie Rhys

Leotie wasn't really surprised when Treyah ran ahead of them because she seemed rather eager for the hunt. The longer she ran along with the others she found herself become eager for the hunt as well but then Treyah stopped. At first Leotie wasn't really sure why until she heard the stag and then saw him with his one horn. Leotie didn't disagree with the young Tainn and Naira as she voiced her opinion on the matter. It was a new lesson for the agouti woman but an important one too. This was how they would keep any of them from getting hurt, she wasn't sure she would deal well with one of them getting hurt again.

Everyone else had also stopped and was gathered waiting to either continue the hunt or instructions from Triell. Like the young Tainn Leotie looked to him for further instruction about what they were going to do about the deer. When he finally spoke agreeing with Treyah and Naira though eager for the hunt Leotie felt some relief. She was however surprised but what Triell said next because she hadn't thought about a pack since they left the bend. The more she thought about it she could see that that was what they already where, weren't they just about to have a pack hunt with the Deer? She looked around taking more of their surroundings and seeing what he meant. “I think it's a really great place for us,” she said putting in her opinion which was something she was trying out more.

(This post was last modified: Jan 20, 2017, 11:24 PM by Leotie.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

There was an atrocious sound that came from the buck (a rather ugly one antlered thing) that had them all halting. The Rigel listened with interest at what Treyah said. He nodded and offered a smile to her. Kerberos hadn't spent as much time with her as he did Reiko but she seemed just as capable. Maybe it was because Kerb was sheltered as a child that had him so amazed with how these children were.

He simply stood still and kept his eyes on @Maera for a moment. She hadn't talked much this whole time. He figured she was still sleepy, or nervous. Both of those things seemed to fit his newfound mate lately. He nodded his head softly as if asking her to come closer to him. The tawny male still made sure to listen to what was being discussed, though. Talk of going after the herd later. Well, that didn't sound like an awful idea.

Pale yellow eyes looked around the place they had been led too. Triell spoke first and his words caused a grin to spread on his face. Before Kerberos spoke his opinion the blue eyed Leotie spoke hers. He agreed with everyone so far. "I have to agree. Prey come through, not too chilly, beautiful scenery." His head turned backward and forward to get a better view. He liked it here. "Mae?" He asked her name to try and get her opinion. Kerberos was aware this was all new for her but surely everyone wouldn't mind hearing her thoughts. Especially if they were about to become something more official.

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Played by Namara who has 184 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Maera Slayer

He might doubt himself, or at least tarnish his self-esteem with the idea that she was better than him, but she trusted him to make decisions for them, and if she had a problem with it, she’d step up and tell him so. She kept herself silent for the most part because of this, her chocolate brown eyes spotting the surroundings as her ears perked; listening curiously to what Triell had to say. Pack. That was the word that had made her so nervous all of these years. Leotie was the first to step up with her agreement, and then Kerb, who spoke only for himself, indicated by him asking for her opinion as a soft smile found her features.

She considered it for a couple seconds, her head turning as she analyzed her surroundings more clearly, taking note of small things she thought she saw. She’d walked the Wildwoods many times over the past month and a half… she knew her answer before she thought about it, but she wanted to take one last look before things changed permanently – even if she didn’t know if it was for better or if it was for worse before her crown tipped up. She howled, her eyes closing for a few seconds – she was fairly sure her answer ran clear in her steady voice that projected itself… hoping the others joined in… that was… that was what pack wolves did, right? They did stuff like this together?

Either way, she was in.

[Image: cad_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amr.png]
Played by becuffin who has 309 posts.
Inactive I. Leader
Treyah Tainn

Treyah had only been half listening to the adults, still watching as the stag escorted his woman away from the encroaching danger of the soon to be pack. He seemed to offer a final snort in her direction as if to warn her to give up now and the challenge alone was enough to get her blood up. She'd show him! It was only her father's words that dragged her back to their little gathering, brows drawing down as she considered just what he was implying. Her nose told her they had stumbled on a gold mine (probably because of the lack of packs in this particular neck of the woods), but once they settled there was little doubt the herd would find somewhere else to shelter from the cold.

And yet... One by one the others agreed and Maera voiced her agreeance with a howl and it was against the girls nature to not join in. She might not have felt completely at home among these trees yet, but she would make do with what they had. She sauntered over to her brother, pressing her flank into his as the chorus continued around them. Well, at least now they had a place to stay. All they had to do was keep themselves fed until spring finally got here.

[Image: treyah_by_loccian_love-dc7mu4q.png]
[Image: treyberossig_by_becuffin-dc8ufez.png]