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sleepwalking — Panorama Peak 
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Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

He watched as a glint came to play in her pumpkin eyes and a brow raised in curiosity. She simply confirmed his name, giving no offering of her own and he thought for a moment to ask, but then she was stalking forward and he felt his grin grow a little bigger. Head tilted down to watch her and her tiny form draw near and he felt his cheeks grow warm as she stretched up to meet him, making up for their height differences. Her maw brushed against him, leaving a warm feeling where she touched. “Catch me if you can,” she enticed, then turned and ran. A boyish laugh came from his jaws and for a moment it crossed his mind that last time something like this had happened he’d gotten his ass chewed by Hal. But it was gone in a flash and he was racing forward to catch her, shortening his massive strides to make sure that he wouldn’t catch her too fast.

Still, he fell alongside her inevitably and reached down to place a playful nip along her scruff. Surging forward with a playful bark he turned and barred her path, bending low into a bow with narrowed eyes. His tail waved behind him and another deep bark came from his jaws. If she wanted to play, he could play.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume

Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Over her shoulder she saw him laugh, saw the twitch of his muscles beneath his silver-painted pelt - the very inclination that he was going to give. She couldn't help the satisfied grin that blossomed across her muzzle at the reciprocation, and wore the same smile even as turned her head back forward and she continued running. For a few moments she got a thrill off the wind running through her winter-thick coat and the emerald and violet lights shifting through the peak - then Alastor's considerable strides brought him alongside her and with his appearance he returned to the forefront of her mind.

His teeth brushed against the scruff of her neck, and as he withdrew she turned her head to bump him in the jaw with her nose - a playful how dare you - but he was gone too quickly, sprinting up ahead. He swung his body around to block her, effectively bringing Iyes to a halt. She stood tall on her dark legs, watching with an anticipatory smirk as he lowered his chest. There was a challenge in his topaz stare, eyes narrowed while a bark beckoned her into his game. Iyes lifted her chin almost arrogantly, as if she were considering it - but really she was concocting a super amazing plan

She reared up on her hind legs, pulled her forelegs in, and with as much power as she could muster she pounced forward straight toward him, stretching the length of her body to close the gap between them. As she landed close to his chest, she pulled a classic spin move. Circling her body a full 180 degrees to feint quickly to his left, Iyes reached out to nip him in the side just past his elbow. As soon as she made contact, she spin-moved again, dancing sloppily toward his rear to avoid retaliation. 

she intends to tickle him into submission lolol
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

His movement effectively brought the girl to a halt, his topaz gaze watching her as she lifted her chin playfully. She watched plotting something in that dark-hued head of hers, thinking of something behind those pumpkin eyes. Just as he was about to leap forward she beat him to it, rearing up on her hind legs before shooting forward. His head snaked forward to snip at her but missed as she whirled, a nip being placed against the underside of his chest. Then she was dancing away as he spun his large body in a much less graceful fashion than her smaller frame could muster. His legs got tangled making such a sharp turn and he found himself falling over, landing with a thud enough to make the snow fluff up from underneath.

He laid on his back, topaz gaze staring up in shock for a moment at the colorful sky. It’s twirling ribbons of color seemed to be laughing at him and his head turned to eye her with a breathy chuckle. “Hey! Fight fair here!” he grinned, thick tail thumping the ground behind his silver frame.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Whatever facade of an impish maven she'd been wearing broke as she unraveled in time to watch him trip over his own pale paws and splay leg-up against the ground, with enough force to dust himself with the snow that had been laying peacefully across the peak in the moments prior. Confronted with just how funny it was, she launched into a loud and physical laugh, her jaws parted wide with a grin as she shook her head and bounced up and down on her paws.

Fight fair, he insisted as he turned to look at her with what appeared to be a healthy grin. "Whaaatt?" Iyes drew out the word, leaning back on her hind legs and touching her paw against her chest as though he'd just slandered her family. "That's not something I agreed to." As though she'd parlayed any terms with him before she'd involved him in her aurora borealis-inspired game.

He didn't make a move to roll off of his back so she trotted forward, still donning a phantom grin across her maw as the moment he fell replayed in her head. Reaching down with her dark snout she sniffed about the length of his body, testing the scent for injuries. She didn't find any, but he was a big guy with a big fall - Iyes hadn't necessarily anticipated that. "But you're alright, right, Alastor?" she asked him, standing vulnerably close, with a hopeful wag of her tail.
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
lol when they already have way over required posts so you just chuck something out. crappy post is crappy

If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

The girl laughed at his expense, something he didn’t really mind. It surely had to be funny seeing a wolf of his stature flop to the ground like a puppy just learning to walk, he sure thought it was. He chuckled at her playful reply, rolling to his stomach and giving his shoulders a roll. His nudged at her as she gave him a once over, amusement in his topaz gaze. She was worried about him, which was sweet, but it would take much more than a little tumble to really hurt him.

“Yeah I’m good, just a clutz apparently.”He turned his attention back on her with playfully narrowed eyes. “You know, I don’t think I ever got your name,” he said, bringing to light that he hadn’t overlooked the little fact. He didn’t want a last name, but a first name like he’d given in case they were ever to meet in the future wouldn’t be too bad.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
She danced away from the silver wolf as he gave a push of his shoulders and rolled to face upright again, avoiding getting her dainty black toes caught under his sturdy form, only to dance back when he was belly on the ground. His muzzle waved in her direction to call her off the chase as she sniffed and snuffed for blood. Iyes didn't trust much or easily but she figured he would know whether he was injured or not. Satisfied, the dark yearling bounced to face him directly, sliding her dark legs down toward his and allowing her chest, then hindquarters, to fall as gracelessly as he had.

The mischief instilled into her usually distrusting soul remained rampant as the colors in the sky danced across them, but the wolf wasn't one to let her get away with her hijinks and pressed again for her name. "Don't give up so easy?" she teased him with a harmless whap of her paw as if she were going to bop him on the cheek. She didn't, though, instead letting her head come to rest against her inky legs. She sought his bright blue eyes, the color of a sea she'd never seen, the color of a sea she wanted to swim in. For a moment, she forgot what they were talking about.

Clouds slowly forming overhead began to disrupt that night's light show, causing breaks in the painted colors that illuminated the peak. Blinking her orange eyes slowly, she let a crooked grin creep on to her mug. This interaction had an expiration date. She might as well tell him - though the flame-flicker in her bright eyes and the twitch of her tail suggested she might not be giving him the truth. "Iyes."
Played by Kristen who has 363 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alastor Leigh
If I ever leave I could learn to miss you

Iyes more or less slid onto the ground before him, matching his sphinx-like position. "Don't give up so easy?" she teased and his grin turned to a smirk. He shook his head, nipping at her paw as she batted at him. “Unfortunately no, some might say I’m a little stubborn, he mused. Then, for what seemed like a heavy minute she stared at him. Pumpkin eyes bore into him and he stared back, unyielding to that insistent gaze. Then, for a split second, they flickered into gold and from her blackened face a tint of chocolatey brown came. As soon as the image came by it was gone but a bit of guilt circled in his chest.

He broke the contact as the clouds began to form in the sky, topaz gaze traveling up as the universe seemed to be telling them their interaction was indeed coming to a close. “Iyes,” she said and he looked back at her. There mischief was strong in the crinkle of her eyes and as she had danced around the topic he wondered if that was truly her name. But, even if it wasn’t he couldn’t blame her. After all, Alastor wasn’t his true name either. But, what was really in a name anyways?

“Iyes,” he repeated, following it with a deep hum. “It’s a nice name,” he added. Then he was pushing himself to an upright position. “I’m sorry to say I have to go. I have friends that might worry if I’m gone much longer,” he said, brows furrowing and head tilting in a way that suggested genuine apology. Iyes was fun, she was excitable and energetic. He liked her. “But, in a few months we’re planning on making a pack. Somewhere way down south. Find us and join if you want, at least come visit if you don’t,” he said. His comment was light, giving her the option of what she wanted to do. Kino was never one to force anyone into anything.

With sentimental boy as my nom de plume
Played by Riley who has 102 posts.
Inactive IV. Yearling
Her black lips pursed together and pushed forward slightly in an amused expression, imagining what fun his stubbornness might have afforded them on an endless night. Even as he looked away, glancing up toward the sky at the gathering clouds, she kept her gaze upon him. Under the alien-like northern lights Iyes didn't question why she seemed to really like this wolf; she just recognized the fact and kept it to herself with only the smallest smile hanging upon her jaw to suggest she was thinking about anything at all. In the end, this was an encounter of limited engagement, so she remained present in the moment instead of disappearing into her own head.

As the lights became less frequent Alastor pushed himself upright and Iyes mirrored the motion, straightening her front legs and adjusting her seat to prepare for a farewell. His compliment set a happy beat in her heart and almost forgave that what he said next came tso quickly. I have to go. Yes, she knew it had been coming, but the inky yearling was still sad to see him off - though somewhat grateful he made the move to rjp the bandaid first. Instead of up and taking off right away, he divulged a valuable tidbit of information which sparked a curious glimmer in her eyes as her dark ears perked forward to listen.

Somewhere far south of here, he said, him and his friends would be starting a pack. A soft-cornered grin spread across her muzzle, uniquely flattered by his invitation to visit if she liked, or even better, join. A streak of bright purple light flashed across her face and she nearly said yes, just to keep his company close. But quickly the light wandered away and left them in the darkness of a pale moon, and she thought better to give the idea consideration in the daylight as well.

"Let me think about it?" She proposed softly, standing on her lanky limbs. A wide cloud had rolled in over head, bringing with it a cold winter wind as though to send them to their respective homes. Not to keep him away from those friends any longer, she strolled past the silvery male close enough to let her shoulder brush against his as she moved, a friendly goodbye. "Good night, Alastor," Iyes bid him, pulling away to lope down the hillside and wearing a soft smile. Into the night she disappeared, certain he'd hang over her head like the moon until the morning came.

Exit Iyes - feel free to post an exit or archive!