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Just Like Old Times — Kingsfall 
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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“I suppose not,” he responded in an amused tone, his left ear falling to the side as he studied his pale friend. Although they stood behind different borders and were marked by different scents, the pair spoke as though they were packmates. Which was one of the many reasons why he got along with the blue-eyed healer so well. They were cut from the same stone, both sharing the same wanderlust that was now tamed by obligations. He did not mind. Hearthwood gave him purpose. “I wouldn’t say okay,” he retorted quickly, a youthful grin tugging at his lips. XIX was certainly trying to keep both himself and the pack together.

His features relaxed as his pale counterpart mentioned that Jynx had not spoken of her time with the river wolves. XIX was not surprised. Her stay had been short, but her brief presence had been appreciated. She had helped the river wolves during their move north and etablish Hearthwood before disappearing. So, for that, he was grateful even though she had left them shortly after. “Jynx was with us during the move and the claiming of Hearthwood, but she left shortly after. To seek out the Notch, I presume,” he mused softly, his peridot’s focused on the pale wolf before him.

Lachesis chuckled at the younger wolf’s words. It appeared that his alabaster friend was doing much better than his nephew had done in romanticizing the agouti. Perhaps the Notch was a better fit for the former river wolf. “No, I’m afraid not,” he answered after a brief pause, his lips curling in a soft frown. “It appears I repel females.” The ghost had not been so lucky during his years in the Lore. Every female he had gotten close to had left him without an explanation, so he had closed himself off to possibility of getting close to another. 

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

The notch healer liked that he had a friend in Lachesis whom he felt a greater friendship than he had with others.  Though they had different backgrounds he felt the Hearthwood leader understood him in the same way Jynx did.  To him there differing packs didn't matter, they had been friends before the notch and he hoped long into the future. His head tilted in reaction to his friends words, “Are things not going well in Hearthwood?” He asked concerned for his friend and what might be going on within the pack.  He of course would do what he could to help Lachesis but things being as they were he worried he might not be able to do enough.

Jynx had become their topic of conversation allowing him to learn she had at one point been a member of Hearthwood.  Lachesis went on to tell him she’d only been a member for a short time and helped with the move and claiming. “I can't imagine her leaving before you had gotten settled here, she's a hard worker.  I can't imagine why she would have left.” Emrys knew some of what had happened to her and he was sure he would eventually learn more but he could not say for certain where she'd ended up after leaving.

It was sad news to hear that Lachesis hadn't been as lucky as he had in finding someone he cared deeply for. “I'm sorry to hear that my friend though I can't imagine why you would repel them.” He thought Lachesis was a good man any woman would be lucky to have.  “I would like to tell you I'm sure you will find someone but I am not sure it is much of a comfort.” The truth was Emrys couldn't be sure of the future even if he did read the signs the universe sent. “I can however offer you my hope that you will find someone.” If anyone deserved to find someone it was the pale healer in front of him.

(This post was last modified: Mar 25, 2017, 02:17 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
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Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“Things are going well,” he responded with a soft curl of his lips, his peridot’s focused on his pale companion. “I did not earn my position and I never intended to pursue it. When I was younger I was the exact opposite of what a leader should be. But after the previous leader’s passing I couldn’t allow it to fall apart,” he admitted as he exhaled sharply through his nose, ears twitching. Despite being the leader of the river wolves for over a year Lachesis still felt uncomfortable at times. He was still adjusting—still trying to make good choices and do the right thing for the pack. It was a constant process and sometimes he did not feel as though he was making any progress at all. “Hearthwood is my home. I couldn’t watch anyone else lead it.” Aside from another Baranski, perhaps, but that was because the pack had been built on Baranski’s. Lachesis was just along for the ride.

“She did not leave on purpose,” he corrected after the healer’s comment, recalling his recent conversation with the russet female. “She sought out the north once more after getting into an uncomfortable, but necessary, situation. The Notch came after.” He nodded to confirm his own words, hoping that he had summarized Jynx’s lengthy story enough for the blue-eyed healer. It had taken Lachesis some time, as well, to find a place where he belonged. He was not angry at the tawny she-wolf for not returning to the river wolves, for he was not sure he would have done the same if she had been in her position.

The ghost could not stifle the laugh that dripped off his tongue, his eyes crinkling in amusement. “It does not matter,” he answered light heartedly with an exaggerated roll of his shoulders. “I am content on being on my own.” Another shrug. Lachesis had chased after enough females to know that he was no longer interested in connecting with another or settling down. His first priority was Hearthwood and it would always be that way.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

“I'm glad to hear things are going well in Hearthwood,” he said with a smile.  Emrys himself didn't have any hard feelings toward the pack.  The only member he met was Lachesis and he got along well with the leader.  However, it became clear what was bothering his friend as Lachesis spoke of his position.  “It was a brave thing to take over the leadership position and despite not pursuing it I feel you have done well,” he didn't know when the previous leader had passed. “You have kept the pack going this long.  That has to say something about your leadership skills and I wouldn't say you haven't earned it.” He felt Lachesis had to have done something to have been in a position to be able to move onto the leadership after the previous alpha passed. Emrys nodded understanding, “I think I would feel the same about the Notch if I were in the same position.” Though he'd only been in the pack a short time he felt like it was his home.

Lachesis was quick to make sure Emrys knew Jynx had not left of her own accord from Hearthwood River. “That sounds more like her,” he commented.  What the healer said next put some things into place for the notch beta, “I believe she has told me about that situation,” if they were talking about what had happened in the pack she had spoken to him about.  Emrys still didn't know which pack it had been but he still had his own anger with how she'd been treated. That however was one of those things he would keep to himself. “She does seem happy in the Notch,” though lately he knew she was stressed with the lack of prey.

Emrys hoped that Lachesis could be as lucky to find someone as he had been though was thrown a little when the healer started to laugh.  He admitted it didn't matter  and that he was content being on his own. “That is important, being content,” the notch beta commented with a smile. “I used to think the same thing and then I met Jynx but to each their own, right?” The russet female had changed everything for Emrys and now he couldn't imagine not seeing her everyday.

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

“They’re certainly getting a lot better now,” he mused with a soft twist of his lips. And they were. The river wolves were adjusting and persevering like they always had; rolling with the punches and ending up on top. They had encountered many misfortunes along the way to their current home in the north. If Maksim’s death had not caused the group the fall apart nothing would. With spring slowly creeping into the lands of Lore he was curious as to what the future held for Hearthwood. If there would be any litters this year—so far it looked unlikely, but one could never be too certain—and if the warmer weather would attract more wolves from beyond Lore. “The river wolves have already endured enough, unfortunately,” he started with a sigh, his ears twitching as he spoke, “I couldn’t allow anything else to bring them down.” Lachesis had to dismiss his own grief to take the helm of Hearthwood and steer the pack in the right direction. No matter how much it ate away at him XIX could not allow it effect his performance as leader.

He would have liked to see Jynx stay, for he felt she had been a valuable asset to the pack, but he knew that Hearthwood had not been where she was meant to be. From their conversation in the fall it seemed that the russet wolf was happy in her new home—as Emrys expressed, as well—and he was truly happy for her. At least she was not too far, like the pale healer before him, so if he ever wanted to bother the former river wolf he could pay her a visit. And she met Emrys, who was obviously quite taken to her. Things always happened for a reason. “She spoke highly of the Notch when we spoke. I’m glad that she found somewhere that’s suited for her,” he responded honestly, his words dripping with genuine respect for the russet she-wolf.

A gentle chuckle rumbled his chest at the healer’s words, his eyes crinkling in amusement. “I thought the same with three others; they had all played a role in my life at some point, but it did not take long for them to disappear. I am happy that you and Jynx found each other and I do hope things work out between you two.” He flashed another smile, his tail wagging slowly behind him. “You will have to come back to update me on your progress,” he mused with a single brow raised.

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

“I'm glad to hear that, hopefully they will continue to get better.” It was really all that could be hoped for even in the notch things had gotten bad over the winter.  With the scarceness of food and Raela becoming ill Emrys had been worried for the future of the wolves in the pack.  However they had made it through without any deaths and with spring on the way the hope that the notch would survive to grow strong again was there. “Maybe things are looking up for you and the other river wolves, this could be a good year for Hearthwood.  However, I can't speak for the notch but if you need anything that I could personally help with all you need to do is ask,” he offered to his friend.  Lachesis spoke about not being able to allow anything else bring Hearthwood down, “It's clear that you care very much what happens here, they are lucky to have you as their alpha.”

There were still things about Jynx that he didn't know and hoped she would one day share but he knew she would do it on her time.  She always had in the past and he was a patient man but he also knew he had to share with her about himself.  Which he had every intention of doing, perhaps once spring had officially arrived and the notch was doing better they could find some time to get away. “I am as well, she truly deserves to find a place that makes her happy and she can feel that he belongs.” After what had happened to her before, what she had endured Emrys was glad that she didn't have to worry about any of that in the notch.

Lachesis seemed okay with having not found someone to share his life with like the healer had with Jynx.  If the Hearthwood healer was happy then Emrys felt that was really all that mattered, “Perhaps they had a reason to be in your life and when that was done they left so the next could come.” Emrys didn't know if that was the way of it but to him and his beliefs it did make sense.  He smiled when Lachesis offered him and Jynx his well wishes, “Thank you, I hope they do as well.  Sometimes I worry I will mess something up but I haven't yet,” he said with a chuckle.  “I most certainly will and maybe I can tear her away long enough for a visit as well.” 

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Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

He offered his pale companion a soft smile. “Thank you, Emrys,” he started with a slow wag of his tail, his peridots focused on the blue-eyed healer. “I hope so, too.” Things were looking like they were on the mend; Lachesis just hoped they would continue on that path. The river wolves could only endure so much before they would fall apart, and he did not know if he would be able to repair them once more. “How are things in the Notch? How have you been handling all this snow?” He chuckled at his own words, eyes crinkling in amusement as he motioned to the white substance surrounding them. In his four years in Relic Lore it had been the most snow he’d seen since leaving the Arctic Circle. Even with his plush undercoat and Arctic roots he as struggling—the warmer seasons had softened the ghost.

Eventually he would have to make his way south-west to visit Jynx and the blue-eyed healer at the White Fir borders. It had been quite some time since he had ventured that way and despite relations being good with the pack’s healer, he was unsure of where he (and Hearthwood) stood with their southern neighbours. Once the snow eased up Lachesis would be sure to pay them a visit. He was also curious as to what would happen between Emrys and Jynx once the pale healer returned to the Notch—perhaps good news would come out of Lachesis’ lacklustre pep talk.

“I suppose so,” he chuckled in amusement, although he was not entirely convinced. Their disappearances only made him bitter and unable to trust, but perhaps that was a good thing. “I’m sure you won’t mess anything up, Emrys,” he assured his pale friend with a crooked grin. “The more you overthink it the worse the outcome will be. Just do, and say, what comes naturally.” It had sort of worked for Lachesis. Until everyone left. “I would like that,” he mused with a slow wag of his tail: “I’d like to come visit you, as well. I have not seen much of the territories surrounding the Notch.”

[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

The healer offered a nod to the leader, “You don't have to thank me.” Things in Hearthwood seemed better as did the things in the notch but with the harsh winter came the promise of stronger members.  Emrys also hoped their numbers would grow especially since they had lost some.  He offered Lachesis a smile, “Its all we can do, hope.” Maybe there was something else  but Emrys had yet to find it.  “They have certainly been better.  The winter has taken it's toll on the pack.  After the period we had of no prey some are finally starting to return giving us renewed hope.”  That was exactly what had  happened and then they all realized that the famine seemed to be over they were all so happy.

With spring arriving he hoped he would have more time with Jynx, he’d thought about dragging her away for a few hours every so often.  It would he his chance to get to know what he didn't know or just spend a peaceful afternoon with her lying amongst the wildflowers or next to the spring. However, once the plants came back to life he would be off collecting him so he could be gone for days or a few hours depending on the plant.

Lachesis seemed to agree with his theory, Emrys believed that people and even animals come into his life for a reason. The relationship he had with Jynx was different then any he'd had before and he worried that he was so stuck in his ways he might mess up what he had with her. However, Lachesis seemed confident he wouldn't. “Thank you for your faith in me, it might just be what I need.” He nodded at the healer's advice, ”I will keep that in mind for future reference when I start over thinking things.” Lachesis did have a point that by overthinking it you didn't at then it could lead him to do something that would mess it up. “I would love to have you and I am sure Jynx would love to see you again and then you can see more at the border," it would be better then when all of the plants were in full bloom for those that flowered.

(This post was last modified: Apr 19, 2017, 09:10 PM by Emrys.)
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.
Played by Arla who has 1,399 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lachesis "XIX" Stark

The ghost nodded soft in agreement, returning the smile that tugged at Emrys’ lips. The river wolves had already struggled enough; Lachesis wanted nothing but success for them, but with long winters and troublesome members, his hope dwindled down into nothing but a small ember. His brow furrowed as the pale healer spoke, explaining that the winter had been hard for the wolves of the Notch as well. At least Hearthwood had not been alone in their struggles. “I’m happy to hear the Notch is pulling through,” he responded with a slow wag of his tail, his words dripping with honesty. “This winter has been much harsher than the last,” he noted with a grim expression, ears twitching in annoyance: “and it refuses to leave.” By now the snow typically turned to rain and the remnants were washed away, bringing fresh growth to the Lore and an abundance of both prey and plants. “I do worry it may have an effect on finding stock for my infirmary,” he added absently, speaking his previous thoughts aloud. He enjoyed meeting with Emrys to collect herbs and would like to do so again once the snow had dissipated.

The uncertainty and nerves that rolled his pale companion reminded Lachesis of his own experiences with females; he just hoped that, unlike him, Emrys was successful. Notably, the two were different when it came to personalities. Emrys was calm and calculated, choosing his words carefully and speaking with honesty. The russet wolf had been slowly coming out of her shell, her tongue much quicker than the pale healer’s, and could often be impulsive. Despite their differences, they appeared suited for each other, for opposites often attracted. It made Lachesis happy that two wolves he was well acquainted were getting along swimmingly. Perhaps, when he visited in the spring, there would be little Myrddin’s running around the Notch. “It’s been awhile since I ventured that far west,” he mused, a soft smile reappearing as he spoke. “I’ll come once the snow lessens and we could look for some herbs while you give me a tour?” He suggested, muzzle canted as his tail swayed gently behind him. 

(This post was last modified: Apr 24, 2017, 04:07 PM by Lachesis.)
[Image: ds_by_a_yellow_bird-dc337jk.png]
stick with those who stick with you
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
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Emrys Myrddin

The winter had been harsh on everyone, even with a den that was full of his pack mates instead of alone in a meadow he had known. It wasn't just the weather that had been hard on them but the disappearance of prey most of all their alphess falling ill.  With it all Emrys had done his best not to lose hope that the pack would pull through. “Thank you, I'm not sure we could have done it if everyone hadn't done their part.”  Emrys gave a nod in agreement to the leaders next words, “I have wondered once or twice if I would have made it until spring with how harsh it became.” It wasn't something he liked to think about but he did worry about some of the loners that he'd run into. Emrys' chuckled a little, “No, it doesn't.  I'm starting to wonder if it ever will leave.” His features took on a more serious expression, “I too am worried about restocking my supplies if the weather doesn't break soon.” It wasn't only that, he enjoyed collecting the plants and was ready to go in search of them.

The Notch second didn't know what was in store for he and Jynx but he did care deeply for her.  He thought she felt the same but he didn't want to make assumptions about her feelings.  He did feel certain that on time he would know but he didn't want to rush anything. He enjoyed their friendship and wanted to let it progress into more of that was what it was meant to do. “Well then you should certainly venture our way again of this weather ever breaks.  I will be looking forward to your visit, it's much too long since we last collected herbs together, Jynx may even join us as she's taken an interest in the healing arts.” Emrys felt the russet female made a good student, he hoped in the spring they would be able to get away so she could have the opportunity to learn more.

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