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A rock and a hard place — White Fir Notch 
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Played by Silvia who has 28 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Ambrosia Hellebore
The bull was slowing down with all the attacks from several wolves successfully landing on it, his own included. The blood loss coupled with there being five wolves after it, it would be over soon surely. But it would still take time because bison were so big and powerful. Even if one of them managed to latch onto any of its soft parts like its throat, it could still prove to be a danger to everyone as it bleed out.

But Emrys was right, they weren’t about to let this one go! The bull could feed them for weeks if only they could down the creature first. Even a small gash in the right spot on its throat would weaken it further, even if it still took some time to take it down.

Making a quick decision, Ambrosia took another chanced leap at the bison’s throat as the bison let out a loud bellow as one of the other’s- Nauja - bit down harshly on its leg. With luck, as the bull swung its head at one of the others, Ambrosia managed to sink his teeth into it’s throat and stayed latched there as it roared in pain, trying to shake him off. Yet his luck seemed to escape him then, as a stray hoof managed to strike out and land a hit squarely on his chest. The sudden hit shocked Ambrosia into letting go of his grip and breathlessly tumble to the ground below. White noise rang in his ear as his legs tried to work under him because even with little breath in his lungs, part of him knew being this close to an angry bison’s hooves was not a good idea.
Played by Brian who has 259 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Sylva Riverflow
The small medic found her fangs meeting flesh as she connected with the Bison’s thick pelt, a snarling growl rumbled through the ebony healer as she tasted blood, unable to stay on long though, the thrashing and wild shaking of the beast caused her to end up letting go and falling to the ground with a soft thump as she scrambled to stand and move out of stomping hoof range. She watched as Jynx moved away, putting herself between the pack and the den of her children and nodded quietly in understanding as Emrys spoke. With the Bison’s large size and all of the new mouths to feed, it was a blessing in disguise.

Lips drawn back in a snarl as she prepared to rejoin in the frey, hackles rising as she moved forward, but she froze when Ambrosa fell. Dread rose within Sylva at the thought of one of her packmates dying at the hooves of the beast, she scrambled toward the red and brown furred male, her heart racing as she hesitated briefly detecting his breathing, he was alive! Before she sank her teeth into his scruff, trying to pull him away from the danger, regards for her own safety forgotten when someone had been injured like this.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Assuming Ishtar has now fled the scene.


Her searing yellow eyes widened in horror as she saw her mate, her love get tossed to the side and cry out with a yelp. She stepped forward, hackles bristling, torn between helping him and defending their infant pups. But thankfully, the other wolves were enough of a distraction for the bison, and it's head toss didn't seem to inflict any serious damage on Emrys. He got up, no worse for wear.

But where was Ishtar? Her jet black form had been there in the mix a moment ago, but now she was nowhere to be seen. Had she chickened out, or worse, gotten injured during the fray? No matter. They were now down one wolf, and if they were to take the bison down for good, and earn a meal for their efforts, she would need to jump in. With one last worrisome glance back towards the den, she charged forwards. Ears pinned flat to her skull, teeth flashing in a defensive motherly snarl. 

Anger boiled in her chest as a hoof struck yet another of her pack mates, this time Ambrosia. Her eyes narrowed upon the bucking, bleeding form of the bull. It would pay. Pay for endangering her own life, that of her children and extended family. Attempting to finish off what he had started, she took a well timed lunge to it's throat, seeking to deepen the existing wound. With luck, her teeth would slice deep enough and the animal would slowly bleed out. 
Played by Kai who has 482 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Emrys Myrddin

It didn't matter that he'd been injured in the fight with the bison, his children, his mate, and his pack mates were in danger from the brute. He needed to get up and continue defending everyone he loved from the creature. Emrys got to his feet and in a moment took notice of the fact that Ishtar was nowhere to be found, that bothered him but it could be dealt with later. Ambrosia was injured, Emrys would look him over as soon as they had the bison under control or dead. That was the only option for the animal now as he had done too much damage and put his family in danger. He would pay for his crimes by providing many meals for the pack from this day forward.

Then he saw it, his mate trying to go in for the kill. He wanted to stop her but it was too late as she moved into bite at the brute's throat. The pale leader did the only thing he could think of to give her the opening she needed and hopefully keep her from getting hurt. He ran at the beast and clamped his jaws around its ear in hopes of pulling its head around away from Jynx. A distraction and it was dangerous to be so close to the horns. That didn't matter either it was for his family and his mate.

Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you.