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Ballet for One — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
She had apologised again and Silence wished she didn’t keep feeling the need for it. It made her feel awkward because the white girl hadn’t done anything wrong, in fact she was most kind for having stayed and tried to interpret what she was saying; it’s more then most would do. She offered another smile, she couldn’t do much else to offer comfort, it wasn’t like she could simply say <i>’Oh don’t worry about it. You’re not an idiot, it’s my fault for being such a defect.</i> but that wasn’t likely to happen anytime soon. Still, she wasn’t going to give up. The snowy female had asked her to repeat the actions and so she would, though a little slower.

Her lips began to move again as she simply gestured to the other wolf with her paw. She allowed it to hover a moment in the air as her mouth accompanied the gesture with the movement for the word <b>You</b>. Her leather pad dropped back down to the cold floor as she kept her head raised and looking at the other female. Regrettably, she didn’t really have a way to gesture the word name, so she tried to say it once more, slowly and preciously. <b>Name</b> with a questioning head tilt.

She repeated the action twice, with a slight pause in-between, but then she could do nothing more then wait and hope that her efforts were understood. Still, if not a name wasn’t important, perhaps they’d find other things to <i>chat</i> about.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
OOC// it was so tempting to have her think something entirely different and be like, "Oh! You want to know where I'm from," or something equally random/ridiculous, but the message was pretty obvious and I didn't want to be cruel xD

you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu had to watch hard to try and pick up the meaning of the female's gestures. Unfortunately, reading lips just wasn't something she knew how to do and so she was unable to pick that up, but she began to understand the message with the slower movements the female was making. When the female was pointing towards Anyu it was clear that she was was saying you{i}. She understood that.

The second part was more difficult to understand. She knew that the female was mouthing something, but Anyu just couldn't quite figure out what she was mouthing. Instead, she focused on the female's movements (after having tried to understand the word she was mouthing). The head tilt had to mean something like curiosity or a question of some sort, she was sure. But what?

{i}Let's see...first
you and then curiosity... She had to think about it for a moment, as was clear by the focused expression on her face. Finally it was like a light lit up in her brain. Suddenly certain that she knew what the female was trying to say, she looked up with a smile. “My name?.” she asked, though her voice sounded certain. “I'm Anyu,” she answered, a little bit of pride in her voice after having figured things out. After all, she had never tried to communicate like this before.

Suddenly she frowned a bit. She could give the female her name, but did the female have a way to communicate what her name was? It couldn't hurt to ask, but she doubted that it was possible to gesture a name. She couldn't even imagine trying to communicate her own name without sound. “Um...” she started, not wanting to sound rude. “I suppose you don't have a way to tell me your name?”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
user posted image
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni
xD I wouldn’t have minded! I can see communication being an issue for her no matter what.

As the female made the connection between her strange actions and what she was actually trying to say, she couldn’t help but give off a beaming smile! She hadn’t quite expected to find someone who understood her so well- of course, her mother had been able to understand her since day one, she would speak as any normal wolf and whilst no sound would come from her, her mother always understood just what she was saying. She doubted she’d ever find that again, but this lovely white female was doing really well so far.

Silence gave an eager nod as the spoke her name. It was a pretty name, it suited her really well she decided with a tilt of her head. She liked it very much but had to think up a way to connect the name with an action, there wasn’t much of a gesture she could make so instead she repeated the word silently with her mouth. <b>Anyu.</b> It felt good knowing someone’s name.

Her second question threw her a little, she hadn’t really thought of a way to say her name. Her mother generally introduced her so she never needed to tell anyone what she was called. She figured her mother had done her best with naming her, her name being both a label and a warning. She pondered a moment, her entire expression was thoughtful as she gazed off into the distance a moment. All she could think of was to repeat her first action, talking and then making herself silent. Here comes another odd gesture.

She began moving her lips whilst looking at the other, she then lowered her head to her paw as if she was forcing herself to stop talking. She didn’t repeat the action, but looked questioning towards the other, unsure of whether to repeat it or just give up and let her call her whatever she wished. It wouldn’t be all bad, changing your name… at least then maybe this other wolf could introduce her as a someone, rather then just another wolf.
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu smiled shyly at back at the female, pleased that she had made someone happy in some way. In the back of her mind she wished that she could have done better for this female. It was embarrassing to need repetition of the gestures that she was making and Anyu believed that a better wolf than her could have had an easier time understanding the female. Anyu simply wasn’t adept at learning new ways of communication.

It would have been nice to know the female’s name, but Anyu couldn’t imagine her having a way to communicate a name via gesture. Did this girl even have a name? Surely her mother had given her one, but it seemed that she had also left the young wolf without a way to communicate it herself.

The female started to move her lips again and Anyu watched, trying to make sense of what was going on. It was a similar gesture to her very first one, when she had been trying to explain that she was mute. After a moment of moving her lips she covered her mouth with her paw and stopped moving them.

If this same gesture had meant that she couldn’t talk, then perhaps her name was a word related to that. What were some words that described a wolf that couldn’t talk? A few popped into mind, including quiet, silent, and mute. From there she tried to use a process of elimination. If she were to name her own child a word that was a label for the wolf’s condition – for that was what it seemed that the female was trying to gesture to her – then she would choose a name that sounded beautiful while also acting as a label. Mute seemed a cruel name to use, and so Anyu pushed that one from her mind. But Quiet and Silent didn’t sound very good either. What else was there?

She hadn’t spoken for quite some time. She was clearly trying to concentrate and make sense of what the female had told her. It wasn’t so much that she had been unable to understand the message as it was that she simply wasn’t sure what exact word was the name. It was several minutes before she realized that the silence had stretched on between them for too long and it was time that she say something.

Looking up apologetically, she was about to give it a go when she suddenly had an idea. When she had realized that she hadn’t responded to the female for quite some time she had been thinking about the silence between them. It was a long shot, but it was another form of Silent and sounded more elegant than some of the other words she had been shifting through in her head. She smiled tentatively at the female and cautiously asked, “Silence?”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
user posted image
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silence Adeni

She was speechless. Obviously she was speechless but even her babbling mind was silenced for a moment. She’d gotten her name. Just like that. Was her gesture that clear? Had it all slotted into place that quickly? Like a fool, she just stood there, dumbfounded, unable to quite believe she had got it. Though the stillness in her didn’t last long, slowly but surely a heart warming grin spread across her snowy maw and unable to contain herself she ran forwards towards the other wolf, tail wagging from side to side as she drew closer. She nodded frantically. <b>Yes, that’s my name. My name is Silence. Oh Anyu you’re so very clever!</b> her mind screamed but it would never be heard.

She had been about to playfully bump shoulders with the other, she wanted nothing more then to play and jump, dance and spin with the female when a familier sound entered the air above her. It was a howl. A solitary wolf how but it made her heart sore- she knew that sound better then her own heartbeat; it was her mother calling.
With her heart in her mouth, she took a glance over her shoulder and in the direction the sound come from, it was the mountains where she had entered- had her mother travelled this far to find her? Though there was little doubt in her mind, that was her mother calling.
She looked back to Anyu, the already big smile on her face seemed to grow larger at the sound. She mouthed the word <b>My Mother…</b> before she tipped her maw, turned on the spot and broke into her swift run within the blink of an eye.

Silence was going home.
