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Can you hear the whisper? — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Was she insane? Well, Rebecca was fine with that, insanes usually don't go to mick other that are insane... Not that Rebecca would go mocking her anyway. She seemed fragale in some way. But when the female opened ehr mouth and pretended to speake, then shook her head, Rebecca started to form a picture in her head. Talking, bla bla, blaa bla blaa, okay, then shaking head, no talking. Equal as mute? Perhaps...

<b>"You're mute?"</b> Reba offered, sitting down as well. Confusion still in her eyes, but positive answer would clear things up a lot. Then there would be next problem to solve: what was her name?

Eyes swiping over the girl several times, trying to find some positive signs,a nodd or something. Then the wave... Maybe she tried to say hello or something? Or 'stay away'? No, she had smiled, stay away was mosyt likely not the correct answer... Brains heating up as Rebecca used them to solve this strange situation.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
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Silence Adeni
<blockquote>Oh thank goodness. Why couldn’t they all understand so quickly! Silence started to nod eagerly and couldn’t resist a big toothy smile as the black girl hit the nail on the head. Obviously, she wasn’t pleased with the fact she was a mute but it was just such a nice change to be understood so quickly.

She seemed almost excited at the prospect that this girl might understand her. It was quite a rare condition of course, but she seemed to understand it quite quickly. Perhaps she had known another who was unable to speak in her lifetime? It was a long shot and not something that mattered.

<b>Oh thank goodness! Than you for understanding. Now how the heck do I tell her my name?</b> she mused. The harsh truth was that she had been given her name of ‘Silence’ because that is what she was. Obviously within her pack her mother told everyone her name, but it now made perfect sense to her as to why she had been named so. She couldn’t tell you her name, she could only speak in Silence. It all fitted together so perfectly. For her at least. Unable to think of another way to say it, she simply looked at the wolf and smiled politely, hoping she would be the one to start up the conversation… if you could call it that between one speaker and one nodder.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Positive answer, she was mute. Relief rushed in Rebecca and on her face, she had came up wiht that pretty quickly. Well, then, what shall we do with mute wolf? Talk? That was hard... Play? Not before talking. Be friends? Not before talking and playing. So she had to talk. With questions, that might be the best way. So that she could answer yes or no. <b>"I don't really know how to get your name in my knowledge, but I'm Rebecca. Can you somehow give me hints about your name or something? I'd like to know it."</b> Reba asked, head tilting mildly, friendly smile on her face. She didn't want to seem like she was treating her differently just because she was mute, but it was pretty hard to know what to do or say...

And so Rebecca onyl sat there, wondering what to say, waiting for her next movements. The first thing in her mind from that wolf was silent. Maybe she would let her call herself as that if she couldn't figure out anything that was close to her real name. Surely she had one, right?
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
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Silence Adeni
<blockquote>She sat there thoughtful for a moment, trying to think of the best way to tell the other her name. It dawned on her during that think that maybe Silence wasn’t even her name, just something they called her because it’s what she was? Did that make it her name? Or just a lable? My, that was some deep thinking and she shook her head to clear the thoughts. She didn’t like to dwell on such things and often moved her thoughts onto happier times.

Still, she ahd the dilemma of trying to tell this wolf her name. She could repeat the mouth action but that might cause her to think her name was mute, and that was worse then Silence. Her pale brow furrowed as her mind rushed through a series of actions, trying to find one which work the best.

In the end, she lowered her head slightly and began to move her mouth again like she was talking, but then quickly slapped her paw across her lips, as if she was making herself be quiet. <b>Right, so if you talk and slap your paw across your mouth, you become…</b> she thought to herself, trying to imagine how strange she must look to the other. Still, she had made an effort to talk to her. Rebecca was a lovely wolf, she had already decided.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
More quessing... Okay, so you are talking again, bla bla, blaah bla blahhh, then you shut your mouth adn you are.... Quiet? Mute wasn't a good name, but maybe quiet, or quietness or quietly or silently or silent... Njaah, this would leave to nowhere. Off to asking! <b>"Quiet? Mute? Silent? Shutted?"</b> Rebecca repeaded some of her thoguhts, leaving a break after every suggestion, giving her the chance to nodd or shake her head, wheter it was right or not.

Even then, Reba already wondered ahead, in the case none of her suggestions hit the correct spot. But no better words came to her mind, just hopefully she would be able to find out her name. Rebecca wanted to know. Tilting her head once again, ears forward, concentarted, serious look on her face.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
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Silence Adeni
<blockquote>She felt a little hopeless as the female began to spout out a bunch of random names. She’d already given up doing the action and was sitting quietly and somewhat still as the onyx girl ran through a bunch of names. They were along the right track, but it was like a step backwards for her. It wasn’t Rebecca’s fault she didn’t understand her, but Silence had been excited at the quick understanding and now they were playing a guessing game. She suddenly missed home.

Her ears lowered to her skull at the thought, and sadness took over her posture. If her mother was here, she’d be doing the talking. This female would know her name and she would be able to communicate without looking like an idiot. What a fool she felt for running away. Yes, the freedom was great, doing what and going where she pleased, but it was still a mistake.

She gave a brief nod at the word ‘Silent’. It was the closest they were going to get and to accompany it she gave a flick of her tail and a small smile. That would do, she wasn't too <span class='word'>persnickety</span> about it.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca noticed the nodd and smile on the word 'Silent'. Still, it was somehow sad, so she had the feeling that it wasn't exactly the right one. But something close to it... Looking the silent field, only wind was humming quietly while it crossed it, two wolves, white and black sitting quietly in silence. <i>Silence.</i> Wait a moment... It was close to 'Silent'... And it could fit the pantomim the girl had made. Thoughtful look in her eyes, Rebecca turned them back to the still nameless girl.

<b>"Silence."</b> One word, one steady, simple word came from her mouth. Open look on her face, could this be the right word? Silence. It would be beatiful name if it was her name.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
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Silence Adeni
The world rolled right out of the other females mouth and took her by surprise. Her honey eyes were drew to the others face in a mixture of shock and glee and a warm, hearty smile spread across her leathery muzzle. Her name was Silence. It was so refreshing to hear someone speak it at last! She felt like she had a part of her back, silly though it was.

With her tail lashing from side to side she was unable to stay seated and rose to her four paws. She danced upon the front two, back and forwards in an excited manner as her beaming grin remained plastered on her face.

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
It was right? It was right! Now she ahd a name: Silence. Slowly a wide grin rised on Rebecca's face as she realized it was the right word. She hadn't <i>truly </i>believe in it,but the surprise just felt good! tail rising, waggin, she could not hold all her excitment in her. Rising on her four legs, then jumping straight up in the air. A strange, happy squaking, barking sound escaped from her mouth during the jump. But... It was supposed to be a straight up jump, but unfortunately it hadn't exactly been. The landing place was little... Not so good. It was again the hole she had dag.

And so she humped in her hole again, in poor position again, feeling like a fool again. But the smile from her face didn't go away. To her names were rather important, she wanted to call her friends to something. And as she stood up, she wondered that it would be the same if she would continue digging, she was already in the hole anyway. Soon snow started to fly from the hole.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Tyrant who has 29 posts.
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Silence Adeni
She was glad the black girl was happy with her detective skills, it benefitted them both greatly and she too felt like leaping in the air; however restrained herself as her manners had taught her. Such public displays were frowned upon where she hailed from, she should be proper and lady like… seen and not heard.

Though she didn’t really have time to try to say anything else, the female had decided to leap into the air, land a little awkwardly and then started digging? She was certainly a little odd. Confused by what she was meant to be doing, Silence merely sat there with a tilted head watching. Should she be joining in or something? This wasn’t behaviour she had witnessed before and felt a little lost.