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one [little] miracle — Bramble Falls 
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Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The larger golden male smiled at the yearlings obvious enthusiasm, and the clear maternal instincts of the pale female. There was a sadness about her he couldn't quiet sniff out and it frustrated his curiosity, but that would have to wait.

He hadn't spent much time in this area so he couldn't just pinpoint a hunting location but the scent of caribou and deer were heavy on the wind. Kano could also pick out the scent of a wolverine, but provided they kept their distance, it shouldn't cause them too many worries. <b>"So what's on the menu?"</b> he asked Anyu with a smile. Nothing drew him in like the thrill of the chase and his heart skipped a beat in anticipation. He didn't mind either way, but the two herds were in opposite directions and he clearly needed it less than the two in front of him.
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

She couldn't help but smile at the youngster's reaction to the idea. Despite the sadness in her heart, Anyu always felt lighter when she was with younger wolves. They were still so full of life and energy - even when they were as small and hungry as this one. She wagged her tail, the first real sign of happiness that she had shown yet.

When Kanosak spoke she turned her head. She could smell both caribou and deer in the air, not far from where they were, just as he could, and she already had an idea as to what would be good for them to hunt. “I was thinking deer,” she responded. “Caribou would be more difficult. Me and Scrap here need more strength before we're ready to hunt caribou.”

She didn't think to ask if the youngster minded if she called him Scrap. It was all meant in a good way, and in some sense he really was a scrap of a wolf. She had heard his name, of course, but she continued with the nickname without really thinking about it.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi's mouth had watered at the thought of having deer. He had some of the large antler beast before when he was in the pack of course he always got the last pickings because of his size. But those small scraps of flesh were much better than that of small game. The hole reason he had left the pack was because of how much he got pushed around by the larger wolves. He left to prove them wrong that he could make something of himself and not be the small whelp of a wolf he was. Driven by this desire he left but it was not as easy as it seemed in thought. His attempts at deer had all been utter failures, he could keep up to them but didnt have the weight to take them down. He didnt mind the nickname the female had given him but it still reminded him of how he had been cheated by fate in being born as the runt of the litter. "i can keep up with the deer but im afraid im not large enough to drag them down" he finally decided to answer.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kanosak smiled knowingly at the young wolf. He had been a runt, but had filled out about half way through his second year. Once he had put on some weight Kashikoi would be better suited to pulling down prey like deer. <b>"Don't worry Scrap."</b> he said playfully, adopting Anyu's nickname for the small wolf, beginning to pick his way towards the scent of the deer <b>"You'll fill out eventually. You just need to eat more. I was actually a bit smaller than you at your age."</b> he said reassuringly.

He drew his body closer to the ground and began to watch carefully where he was placing his paws. They were getting closer, and it didn't take long for the deer to come into sight. He was happy to pull one one of them down but he wanted to see which they wanted to hunt and what the others wanted to do first. Kashikoi would clearly be better suited as a chaser, but he wanted to see what position Anyu would take before he set his aim on the throat of one of the large well fed deer.
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Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Anyu waited until Kanosak began to move before she picked herself up and started to head toward the scent of deer. She motioned for Kashikoi to follow her. “Don't worry,” she said to him reassuringly. “There's three of us. We'll do it together.” She followed Kanosak towards the scent of deer; it didn't take all that long to reach them.

She looked over the herd closely, hiding in the bushes among the trees. The herd was small and the deer were thinner than usual, but they were good enough to eat. Her goal was to see one that would be easier for Kashikoi to catch, so that he could participate in the hunt as much as possible. Still, she felt that his main role would have to involve chasing the deer towards herself and the other male.

It did not take her long to spot a deer that was suitable. He was younger and his antlers were smaller. He seemed to be straggling along behind the other members of the herd. He seemed tired, and so she thought that he might be sick or injured in some way, though he appeared fine. Anyu signaled to Kashikoi and Kanosak, pointing towards the deer at the back. He wasn't the smallest, but he wasn't terribly large either. She whispered instructions to Kashikoi. “Go around quietly and scare him towards me and Kanosak,” she instructed softly. “If you can keep up with him, bite at his haunches. When he is close enough, we'll attack.”

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashi followed the two wolves to where they were watching the herd. He watched the two in anticipation to see which deer they would chase down. As he settled down into a crouch to wait he couldnt help himself to keep shifting his paws in excitement to run. After hearing the females instructions he nods his head in understanding and starts to move quietly around the deer. All his hunts for small game had made him quite enough to catch them. When he made his way to the other side of the deer his heart started beating faster. He watched as the deer raised their heads to smell for potential threats it was at this time he sprinted out of cover as fast as he could manage toward the small deer. Time seemed to slow down as the herd saw him and started to run but he kept his concentration on the one that would feed him running it to the two managing to get a bite or to in its rump making it stumble a little before tossing kashi off. After being shook off he continued his pursuit of it leading it ever closer to the two.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by becuffin who has 195 posts.
Inactive Deceased
The scrap had speed, he couldn't deny that. As he drove the deer towards them the panicked animal picked up their scent just in time to change its course and dart to the side. Kano growled in frustration and launched himself from his position trying to steer it back towards Anyu. He managed to get a few solid bites on the deers flank and judging by the blood that was pouring from one just below its shoulder, down towards its belly. It was starting to stumble back towards Anyu and Kano hoped she was ready. He continued to bite and nip at the deers legs and flanks, doing all he could to weaken the deer further with bloodloss and stress.
(This post was last modified: Jan 26, 2012, 05:22 AM by Kanosak.)
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Played by Aeolkis who has 7 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Dejia Kalihi
Dejia smelled blood. Meat, fresh meat, was nearby. She was really hungry, as she hadn't eaaten a thing for a few of days now. She walked a little farther, following the scent of the meat, and then picked up another scent. Wolves. 'Oh, boy.' She thought. She wasn't really hungry enough to fight for the meal. Even if she was, she knew she would lose the fight anyways. She smelled multiple wolves. Three, to be exact. She definitely could not win a fight against three other wolves that may or may not be as hungry as she was. Trotting faster, she realized that the meat was a deer. 'Maybe it's herd is nearby, and I can hunt one of those deer without disturbing those wolves and getting in to a fight.' She spoke softly to herself. 'One was always better off when one talks to oneself. Haha.' She snickered. Hurridly, she padded around the wolves to where she smelled the herd. Bursting out of the trees, she headed for it. Her target was already fleeing from the other wolves, but she was an exceptional hunter. Catching up to the deer, she quickly singled one out and - SNAP - a miss. Growling deep in her throat, she tried again. Run, circle, single, snap. Fail. Fail. Frustration. Fall. Her thoughts came in flashes as she ran at top speed, then suddenly tripped. Howling in pain, she glanced down and suddenly screeched to a stop. Blood, everywhere. It was her leg. She must have cut it up on that sharp rock she had tripped over. Sucking in deep breaths, she forced her breathing to calm and slow. 'Aw, crap.' She thought as she smelled the wolves. They were closer than she thought. She had been so focused on chasing down the herd that she must have circled back to where the others were. Starting to get dizzy, she wobbled over to a soft patch of grass and started licking her wound. Whining softly in the back of her throat, she cleaned and cleaned. But the world was getting fuzzier and...fuzzier...and... She blacked out from blood loss.
(This post was last modified: Jan 27, 2012, 03:31 AM by Dejia.)
Played by anyu who has 66 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anyu Sol
you come to me with scars on your wrist
you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this

Kashikoi did as he was told, and soon the lone deer was sprinting towards them, it's eyes wide with fear. Anyu remained in her hiding spot, waiting for it to come nearer so that she might leap out and hit a vulnerable spot before the deer even knew what had happened. Suddenly, however, it changed course and for a moment Anyu panicked, afraid that it would escape. She almost gave away her hiding place, but then she saw that Kanosak had already leaped at the deer, driving it back on course - which was straight for her position.

The deer was already beginning to weaken, she saw. He had already appeared tired and weak compared to the others, and his stamina was not quite up to par. She waited as Kashikoi and Kanosak drove the deer closer and closer to where she stood. The deer, still mad with fear and confused by Kanosak's appearance, was coming closer and closer to where she was hiding.

Finally, with a mighty leap, she lunged towards the deer's throat, just before it trampled her where she had been hiding. She hit her mark - which would have been difficult to miss - and latched on tight to the neck. She could already taste blood in her mouth, but it wasn't enough to mean that she had pierced a major artery. She put more force behind her jaws, sinking her teeth as deep as she could while still hanging on. The skin around the throat was thin and it gave way beneath her teeth easily. A gush of blood told her that the carotid artery had been pierced. It would not be long before the deer died now.

She chomped down a little more for good measure and then she dropped from the deer, moving out of the way of it's flying hooves as quickly as she could. Even so, she felt a hoof scrape her flank and she winced in pain. It wasn't a serious injury, but it hurt. As she turned, the deer was already faltering as it ran. This would be a successful hunt.

i just came to say goodbye
didn't want you to see me cry, i'm fine
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Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi could taste the blood of the deer as he and kano bit continuesly at the deer he watched in awh as the female lunged forward biting at its neck and making it gush blood but he stumbled midstep as he heard a pained yelp that was definitely female. He slowed to a trot knowing the deer would soon drop and looked around in search of the wolf. With his tail erect he saw another female laying in bloody snow. He then went over to the wolf figuring he wasnt going to get first picks anyways. With his tail still erect he nudged the form with his snout cautiously hoping to wake her.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.