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New boy in town — Fireweed Rise 
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Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
Back towards the rocky heights. It was the last place the male wanted to head, but he doggedly kept on the trail of the black she-wolf, he would show her who was a coward and who wasn't. A short way up the rocky incline he stopped, his ears swivelling to try and catch the small sound he thought he heard. There it was again. A peep. Not only was the wolf ahead of him stupid, she was also ignorant. He poked around looking for what he knew would be nearby. The scent thickened until he was almost choking on the stench, and the small spotted cub foolishly stumbled from its den, its eyes still blue with blindness, mistaking the sound of the approaching wolf for the sound of its mother returning.

Never one to pass up an opportunity, large powerful jaws closed around the spotted lump of fur. The cub screeched until its cries were cut short by the bone crushing force of the large wolfs jaws. He dropped the cub as its blood filled his mouth and he quickly made his get away, wanting to be far from the den when the mother returned.

The further he followed the tracks of the female the fainter the scent of the feline got, or so it seemed to him, but the black female was still darting across the boulder riddled landscape with her nose to the ground and tail held high. Just as he was about to call out that they had lost it a feral snarl ripped through the air ahead.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Finally! <b>"Where have you been, kitty?"</b> Rebecca's pirky, but threathning voice cut throguh the air between ehr and the cougar. Head lowered, pure pleasure filled her blue eyes, tail wagged with increasing speed. Grin lightened her face as the big kitty hissed to her, giving back an playful growl. This was dangerous, and the more dangerous, the better she felt. The more insane she got. The closer to death she was.

Scent of blood squirmed through the cold winter air. Her nose started to sniff it, but she couldn't recognize what animal had made it. But it seemed the cougar had. It's pupils largened, and with a hiss it jumped off the rock it had been sitting on and rushed to somewhere. What the... Why? <b>"Hey!"</b> the ebony girl growled after it. There went her danger, leaving only emptyness behind. <b>"Come back you traitor!"</b> she yelled after the feline taht made it's way quickly across the landscape. Faintly Reba noticed the brute, but payed no attention to him. Running after the cougar, marveling where was it heading. And hurried, that cat was not going to firget her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino
Valiant watched as the sandy coloured cat tore across the rocky landscape with the black wolf on her tail. A smirk crossed his face as the pained and angered scream of the big cat echoed across the landscape. He should check on the wolf to make sure she was ok, shouldn't he? But going that close to an angered mother cougar was not on his list of things that sounded like fun. <i>Coward.</i> Even now her taunt echoed through his head and with a frustrated growl he turned back towards where he had dropped the corpse of the little cat. It had been the only one there so he could only assume she had already lost the rest. <i>Clearly a bad mother...</i> he thought as he continued his purposeful but not overly exhausting pace.
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
When Rebecca reached the cougar that was pushing something that layed on the ground, she halted and growled. The cougar turned and hissed and not Reba was the dead cub laying on the ground. She felt sorry for them both and knew who to blame. But that was not her problem, she just wanted to make that big momma angry. <b>"Yes, come on. Blame me. Come on. Attack!"</b> she started with growling lowly, the final word yelled to the irritated cat. And it did charge, for Rebecca's joy.

Laughing th ebony wolf ran away, feling it's claws causing minor wounds on her back thigh. Oh, that would make it harder to have fun in some time, but that was fine. Runnign away, looking over her shoulder to see did the cougar follow. It didn't. <b>"Stupid! Come on!"</b> she tried to irritate it, but suddenly the cougar hissed and disappeared.<b> "You gotta be kidding!"</b> she snorted. Why did it leave? Why it didn't chase her? Stupid!

Following the cat, trotting but keeping all her sences wide open. She didn't want to get surprised. Then she aw the coward brute. He was still following her. And then the cougar. It was laying on large boulder, ready to attack when the other wolf would walk by. Why? It wasn't smart enough to wan't revenge, was it? <b>"Hey, coward! Look up!"</b> Reba yelled to the brute with insanity filling her body and voice.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino

Valiant was reluctant to pass between the towering boulders, they made prefect ambush locations for big cats. Almost in unison with this thought came the slightly maddened cry from the dark she-wolf warning him to look up.

He managed to catch sight of the sandy coloured blurr and jump to the side, it narrowly missing where his face had just been. He laughed, half in shock, half in gratitude. "Thanks Crazy!" he called out with a smile, slowly backing away from the cat and closer to his saviour.

When he finally had enough room he spun and ran at the black wolf and past her, she was much faster than he was, she was bound to get away... but she did have some twisted fascination with danger... He was about to slow and look, but the cats growl was enough to keep him moving. Hopefully she was following him and getting her fix while the cat tried to catch him.

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
She felt like fire would've been burning on her fur. And it felt awesome! This was something she enjoyed greatly, but it seemed that the brute wasn't thinking exactly the same. And she envied him. He had got the cat's attention, the cougar was now after him. Stupid cougar. She wanted danger more than he did! When the brute ran past her, she didn't move, when teh cougar sprinted closer she didn't move.

Only when the big kitty was few feet away, the ebony wolf jumped to side. Just in time to miss the cougar's deadly claws. Then, what most might think to be a deadwish, she turned and bit the cougars back leg as it was running by. That caused teh growl. Reba held on for a moment adn when the kitty turned again she finally let go. Blood drained down the cougar's leg, and it truly did look furious now. Oh no.

Attempting to run after the brute, Reba dodged to her left, away from the irritated cat. Not too soon, she felt it's claws digging painfully to her neck. her luck that it didn't get a good grib. Tearing her skin as she escaped, the black girl ran off wiht full speed. Head high in the clouds, eyes shining form joy as she ran after the brute, slowing down just to look behind. The cougar had got after her, but it didn't want to waist powers. Now it stood there roaring in irritation. Reba halted and let out an loud, victorious howl.

Then she ran after the wolf again. Maybe he wasn't as big coward as she had thought, he ahd killed the cub, but nor he was as insane as she was. Maybe it was just good thing. Sprinting over the land to catch the other, attempting to halt near him if he would've stopped.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
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Valiant Morino

Valiant was relieved when the cougars scream was some distance away and the thud of following paws on his tail. He slowed to check the damage over. While he had escaped with little more than shaken nerves, he could smell blood.

The first thing he noted was the gash on her throat. It seemed to miss anything vital but it would still have to be looked after. The dark she-wolf also had some nasty scratches on the backs of her legs. "You got a name Crazy?" He said as he continued to inspect her. She smelled of pack, he just hoped they had a healer. Cougar wounds could get nasty if left unattended.


OOC: Just noticed up til my last post Val hadn't actually spoken :p
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Quiet boy XD
Well, Reba had done a lot of shoutin' and talking, so at least this haven't been an quiet thread ;D

The shine in her eyes. What was it? Joy. She had enjoyed that. Neck and back leg were little soar, but they would heal with time. At least they should. Grinning to the coward who wasn't coward in her eyes anymore, Reba answered: <b>"My name is Rebecca Wheatear. But you can just call me Crazy if you want, it fits better. You?"</b> she chuckled to him, the insane shine from her eyes slowly fading away. Slowly.

Turning to lick the wounds on her back leg, tail still wagging and sniffing excitedly. Neck felt on fire, the back leg's wounds were shallower, but not painless either. Who cares? Those seemed ot be her favourite word nowdays. Who cares? Who cares if she would die, get injured, or something like that? She really couldn't answer to that question, not that she would even think about the answer. Glancing at the brute again, smiling in more normal way now.
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2012, 01:08 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

He finally had a chance to fully appreciate the wolf in front of him. "Valiant." He replied with his most charming tone. Rich honey yellow eyes met light blue and he had to smile again. Blue eyes were different, and stood out in stark contrast against her black and now blood matted fur. He wondered how her pack would react when she returned.

"So am I trespassing?" he asked teasingly. He knew there was no pack scent around here which made him question what brought her to this far flung field, but he held his tongue for now, keeping an eye out for signs of bloodloss or of some injury he hadn't yet caught sight of.

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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
Valiant. Was he really that? Who knows? Rebecca didn't know enough about him to say it, but she knew no one could say that from her. She was just one crazy bitch, there was nothing valiant in her. But Reba didn't mind at all, playing wiht all kind of danger was fine to her. Sometimes, like this time, she couldn't run away without wounds, but it was just anotehr danger to be beaten.

<b>"Oh, no, you're not. Otherwise I would've already made an alarm or be dead."</b> Reba teased back. But in her teasing, she held truth. Her relations with packs were... Poor. Except the one she was in. Smiling to him, she shook her head to get rid of the pain on her neck. Not the best way to do it, and it didn't work. Well, nothing could be done to that. What a shame.
(This post was last modified: Feb 02, 2012, 01:09 PM by Rebecca.)
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">