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prayin' [for] daylight — The Wildwood 
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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
The quick sprint had his heart racing in seconds. As he worked his muscles he could feel the blood pumping through his veins and the adrenaline racing through his body. It worked to calm his nerves and sooth some of the powerful emotions that he had been feeling since reuniting with Rainuh. Perhaps all he had needed was some good physical activity to tire him out a bit. In the back of his mind he thought that a nice fight - possibly with this stranger - would be good, but he didn't want to get injured when he had Rainuh to think about as well.

He adjusted his pace to match the silver male's, slowing to something that he could maintain for a longer period of time with his good stamina. It had more of a rhythm to it than the sprinting that he had been doing moments ago. He didn't miss a beat as the other wolf altered his course, and he followed less than a step behind the other. With the change in direction he was brought back to reality. As Rainuh had never been in any danger, despite the wolf's intent, he had not grown any angrier than he had been before. If anything, he was indeed calmer now.

Caught up in sorting through what had just happened and trying to figure out what to do next, Sabre didn't quite notice that the male had stopped running all of a sudden. Sabre nearly slammed into the lighter colored male, but managed to stop just in time. He was about to reprimand the male for getting in his way, but he noticed the tracks and the scent of deer and he kept silent.

Sabre dropped low and followed the male quietly. His only response to the male's question was a glance that clearly said yes. There was hunger in his eyes. Everything about his posture said that he was ready for a hunt and a good meal.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Rhysis had been dreaming. Dreams of blood, guts and gore. Dreams of victory, death and decay. He dreamt of himself, standing tall upon a pile of corpses. His usual grey eyes shone blood red as his ivory white teeth grinned in a monstrous manner. He felt truly fearsome and all those faceless bodies who bowed down to him howled to call, called for him to recognise them, they wanted so much to please him but he had no interest- he wanted more death, more destruction and with a bloody curdling howl he dispersed his followers to hunt down more, be it prey or wolf, he wanted it dead at his paws. He wasn’t the type of leader to be above the dirty work though, within the blink of an eye he too was racing alongside the faceless wolves, on the heels of a mammoth elk. The animal was screaming, tears of red streamed from it’s eyes as it bolted for it’s life. Rhysis could only laugh at the animals panic… but the thundering of the animals hooves got louder and louder, so much so it pulled him from his deep slumber within the belly of the hollow log he currently called home and back into reality.

Without hesitation his dead eyes snapped opened and looked to the mouth of the log, just in time to catch two wolves in chase through the door to his home. He felt outraged, those two bumbling idiots had torn him from what had been a decent nights sleep (for once) and he was not about to let their petty play go un-noticed. Within moments he was on all fours and escaping the warmth and darkness of him home, his direction set in the one the two wolves had headed in. Though pissed, he was ever cautious and took a sniff of the ground where their paw prints had marked the terrain… one of those scents was familiar. <b>”Valiant… that idiot!”</b> he snarled, allowing a low rumble to escape from his large chest cavity and into the cold air. Valiant shouldn’t have been here yet. He hadn’t even found his sister, let alone made any preparations for their little arrangement. Why hadn’t he waited as he’d been instructed?! No doubt his dick had lead him here… the male never could hold himself back from a female. Perhaps that is why he was with another. Damn him, he could ruin everything.

No longer was he determined to moan about his disturbed rest, instead he had to know why he was here... and who he had met along the way. Without wasting any time he darted off in their direction, slowing only to a trot when the large, fuzzy male came into view. He was so set on the familiar male that he didn’t even give the dark male a second glance. <b>”What the fuck are you doing here? You were told to wait at the borders!”</b> came the strong southern tones from the black male as he emerged from behind the pair.

[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

He heard a familiar curse and he turned with a huge smile plastered across his face to spot the wolf he had been searching for. "Shhh! Later..." he whispered, motioning with his head over the snow bank. Dinner had looked up startled at the sound of a wolf close by and attemped to hobble off, but it merely wobbled and slipped again, bellowing out in pain. Maybe this would be easier than he thought. Maybe it didn't require a chase after all.

He had the feeling his dismissal would piss the black wolf off even more but the pangs in his stomach had to be dealt with first. He hated being hungry and refused to let a sure thing go, especially when it meant he could eat fresh instead of frozen. He began to stalk around to the flank of the fallen doe.

He wasn't entirely sure stealth was needed, but better to be safe than sorry, she could have been faking her inability to walk in an attempt to draw the wolves out but something about the bulge in its lower leg told him she really wouldn't get far.

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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OOC//I apologize if Sabre ends up overreacting. I'm pissed, so he is too <_<

prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre was intent on the deer, limping heavily through the snow and ice. It would be an easy kill for two large wolves. Even one wolf might have been able to take the weakened deer down, though with more of a struggle. However, the entire hunt, which was already short lived and impulse driven, was put in jeopardy when a sharp voice, swearing, cut through the air and breaking the still of the silence. He watched as the deer startled, worried for a moment, but she only slipped again. The injury on her leg was extremely visible; it looked as if it might be broken. Clearly the creature would be going nowhere any time soon.

Sabre flipped around angrily to face the stranger who, surprisingly, was similar in color to himself, though darker. That did nothing to dispel his anger and, without realizing that the silver wolf was acquainted with the black wolf, he began to berate the new stranger.

"Fuck off, asshole!" he growled, his head and tail held high, exerting his dominance over both of the other wolves. "You're interrupting, and you're not about to get a share in this hunt." Sabre's teeth were drawn back in a snarl, his fangs bared. He wasn't about to take any shit from anyone; not the silver wolf and not the black wolf.

As he spoke he realized that the other male was doing nothing to apprehend the wolf that had almost chased away their prey. If it weren't for the injury, that deer would be long gone. In fact, the silver male was stalking said deer. Sabre gave the other stranger one last hostile glance and then leaped over to where the male was stalking the deer. He leaned in close to the silver male's ear. "You know that bastard?" he whispered quietly while watching the deer and also stalking closer. "Sounded like he was ordering you around. You always take orders from wolves that are barely full grown?" Sabre was able to tell that there was nearly a two year difference between himself and the other black male. From what he could tell the wolf by his side was near his age - three going on four.

"If you ever get sick of the little bastard talking to you like that," Sabre offered, still whispering, "you can join up with me. I'm working my way up to starting a pack." His offer was not made because he liked the silver male. Rather, it was made out of necessity. He could easily use this wolf in order to reach his goal of starting a pack with Rainuh. Of course, there would always be others, and he was sure that Rainuh would aid in finding a few other wolves to start a pack with.

He gave a sly smile to the wolf beside him. He decided that the deer, now in extra pain from falling a second time, would be unable to run or even really fight back. She was having trouble just taking a step or two now; perhaps two of her legs were injured now. As an added bonus, it was a doe, which meant that there were no antlers that she could stab him with. Optimistic, he lunged without warning, breaking out into the open where the deer could see him clear as day. As he suspected, it was unable to run and, upon trying, simply fell again. Down on the ground and without a way to run, the doe was now vulnerable.

He didn't waste time with sneaking up and attacking the haunches. He was headed straight for the throat.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
I'm keeping him neutral for now, else we'll never get on to discussing things if they have a fight. xD

Movement caught his attention from the corner of his eye; not too far from there a lone doe hobbled. It was obvious her herd had left her to fend for herself- the poor animal must have been terrified to be left alone, out in the cold and just waiting for someone to come and eat you. Some might feel sorry for the animal, but not Rhysis, but his gaze upon the animal was short lived as Valiant told him to shut up. A snarl escaped from his lips as he bared his teeth at the snub but then a secondary voice piped up- from the one he had assumed was the floozy of a female, but was in fact a male and he had quite the foul mouth it appeared.

Rhysis turned to face the onyx male full on, his hackles raised whilst he raised himself up to his tall height- he might not yet be two, but he was only a few months off and had pretty much filled out into his adult weight. Yet even at his full height he was still an inch or so shorter then the giant before him, but that didn’t put him off. Not many had to suffer his up-bringing and with their similar sizes and weights, he was pretty sure he had the advantage with his tactical training (or so he thinks!)… but he wouldn’t let onto that. It appeared many were laughing at him due to his age- he was only two months off adulthood it seemed and he was hardly a little scrap of a wolf anymore; he was glorious in all ways and he knew it. Rather then retaliation, he merely raised one brow at the dark wolf, looked him up and down, smirked and sorted with a shake of his head- he was laughing inwardly at him but he simply couldn’t be bothered to converse with morons. He turned his attention fully back to Valiant… his attention, not his back, he wasn’t a fool.

Rhysis was about to speak to Valiant again, but instead he bolted, followed by the other male and within a blink of an eye they were running. How very inconsiderate. He could see how hungry Valiant was, he’d lost a little weight since he’d last left him but that was hardly an excuse to dismiss him so easily. Still, the brute didn’t usually do much thinking with his head, and that’s why Rhysis appreciated him so.

Rhysis joined in the charge and kept his pace a foot or two behind the other black brute, who was following Valiant. Though it wasn’t long before the dark male took his move, he hadn’t waited to assess the situation with the fallen doe but had just thrust himself into the thick of it all- unlike Rhysis he didn’t waste time analyzing things but that could be his downfall. There may have been more ice on the floor to slip and injure oneself or the herd leader may still be in the area with a mean set of antlers waiting to strike… He’d <span class='word'>excogitate</span> it later.. Though that was all he did, aside from watch as they took their hunt- he didn’t want any part of it, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to just take the abuse either. He wanted to know why Valiant had come here so early and what part the other male had to play in it all.

He sat at the sidelines, simply watching and waiting for Valiant to take his fill so he could steal him back… he wasn’t keen on sharing.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

His ear flicked in acknowlegemnt of the dark wolf's question but they could worry about talking once his stomach was full. The other male made for the throat so he decided to aim for the back end, helping to knock it down.

Once the deer was off it's feet, his hunger overtook every other need and he began to tear its flesh open before it was completely dead. He knew Rhysis was pissed, and the other dark wolf probably wasn't so happy with him either so he decided to eat what he could while he could, blood staining his white and silver fur.

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre would have to teach the black male a lesson after his belly was full. In the meantime, as he ran he was able to excogitate the situation. The deer had fallen again, but this time it was not because of ice but because of the injury that it had already sustained. There appeared to be no ice in front of him, and if there was it was covered in snow. The doe was flailing wildly, it's hooves flashing in a random sequence that was completely unpredictable. In an attempt to avoid those hooves he arched his path away from them. As he finally arched back in towards the neck he was certain that he would hit his mark.

He slammed into the deer's neck and instantly sank his teeth into the thin flesh there. She tried to reach him with her hooves, but they couldn't quite get back far enough for that. His teeth sank deeper until he felt the gush of blood that meant he had managed to puncture the carotid artery that ran through the neck. As he pulled away some of the blood spurted out onto his face and chest, but he didn't seem to notice. Not waiting for the doe to die completely - death had not been instantaneous and he was impatient - he leaped over the deer's neck and turned to sink his teeth into her shoulder. Despite the wound in her neck, she managed a bellow of pain as he tore away a hunk of flesh from her still-thrashing body.

By the time he went back for a second bite she was nearly gone. A shudder went through her body as he bit down again, and as he tore away more meat it was as though he could feel the life leaving her body. While the death might have been painful for her, it was still quicker than starving to death would have been - and that was what would have happened to her with her injury. Eventually it would have gotten to the point where she would not be able to walk and she would have faced a slow, painful death. In some ways this was an act of mercy - and it was how nature worked.

As he ate he kept an eye on the black male, almost daring him to come and try to take a bite of the fresh meat. Sabre would have attacked as soon as the male came near, as the look on his face clearly said. He wouldn't let this male have even a scrap from the deer. It was his, and he clearly thought he was the dominant one in this situation.
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
Sorry it’s so short!

<blockquote>Rhysis kept his eyes on the dark male- though he could see Valiant in his peripheral vision, it was the other who was posing a threat. It was fortunate that Rhysis wasn’t hungry, else he would have been quite happy to get in on the hunt and help himself but for now he was content at staring at the fellow black male, with a smirk plastered on his face. He wasn’t threatened, he was fearless afterall and he had dealt with much more violent characters.

<b>”Don’t fret mate… I wouldn’t eat anything your mouth has touched.”</b> He then said as the two began to dine. He then curled his thick tail around his torso upon the floor and waited, it was fortunate he was patient and had an alliance in Valiant, else this would be playing out very differently, he was certain.

<b>”When you’ve finished up mate, we need to have a little talk.”</b> He then said, briefly glancing at the fluffy light male, but quickly set his gaze back to the other… even if it was just to cause a little reaction</blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by becuffin who has 233 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Valiant Morino

Valiant's eyes rolled at Rhysis like a child who knew he was about to be chastised. He still didn't know the other wolf's name, but he felt no need to find it out before wandering over to the waiting wolf. He had sated his hunger pangs, and he was full to a comfortable level, not gorged to the point of being unmanouverable, he wasn't a fool, he knew Rhysis was dangerous, and besides, there was plenty of meat there, and it wasn't going anywhere in a hurry.

"Waiting got boring...and hungry and cold." he said almost mopingly. He hadn't found a single willing female since he got here but there were only so many packs within range that he could bother without crossing borders, and honestly, the youngster should have know better, tell a wolf like him not to go somewhere and it's going to be the first place he pokes his nose. "Could be worse, I could be tied down to a bitch like that one..." he said motioning over his shoulder to the other dark wolf who was still eating ravenously.

He was tensed, ready for the younger wolf to lash out. Yes he'd been an ignorant shit and done exactly what he was told not to, and yes it was originally the opportunity to persue fresh tail that drew him here but he didn't have to thell the younger wolf that, or anything for that matter. Game was also scarce on the other side of the mountains, so food was a motivating factor, that and the need to escape from a particularly clingy young female and her rather burley brothers. He didn't know how it would end if they ended up fighting but he had seen his fair share and survived to tell the story. He had a few tricks under his overly fluffy coat if needed.

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Played by anyu who has 34 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sabretache Ashur
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prayin' for daylight, waitin' for that morning sun
so i can act like my whole life ain't goin' wrong
Sabre smirked at the black male in response to his comment. His temper was eased slightly by the hunt and his full belly. "Good to hear, love," he said in a sweet voice. "Because I have a disease. It's called intelligence and we wouldn't want you catching that now, would we kiddo?" With that he tore of one last bite of meat and chewed it swiftly, swallowing it within a second or two. The silver male had already finished, so Sabre leaped over the dear again and followed, curious about the two strangers he had met.

Sabre listened to the dialogue between the two strangers briefly, then grinned when the silver wolf brought up the fact that he had a mate. "Ah, but don't you see?" he said with a sly smile and his best "sophisticated" voice. "Having a partner is the first step to having a pack and producing heirs." He wanted the two of them to think - at least for now - that he was only with the female because he needed her and could use her. He really did love Rainuh, but these two would never understand what love was. He fully intended to start a pack with Rainuh - it was the best way to raise a family, and if he was in charge then it wouldn't be a problem.

The question was, could these two become a part of his scheme?
baby come back to me, i swear I'll make it right
don't make me spend another lonely night prayin' for daylight
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