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What am I doing here? — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
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Silver Wintercoat
Silver looked at the white feamale and gained her courage, "Was it time," she thought. Then she felt an nag in her heart and lowered herself into a submission position. Silver said with curage,<b>"I was asking because I was hopeing you had room for one more. I am a good hunter and know my way with plants, kinda."</b> Silver had to admit she wasn't the best with plants, but could heal wounds. Silver was feeling a bit nervous about what the feamale would say. Her lonelyness would be solved or she would live life as a loner for longer.

She could deal, but she hoped that the wolf would say yes, that Jaysyek would say yes. Silver corrected her self and the words she had said echoed in her mind. "What will Jaysyek say? Will she say no will she say yes? Will she chase me off?" many posibilites passed through Silver's head and she hoped that at worse she would only be chased off. Silver took a deep breath and hoped for the best. She would not back down when she came so far. She would not be scared away, this was her moment. Good or bad.
(This post was last modified: Feb 10, 2012, 11:40 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

A change overtook the wolf, it was not fear bending her body down it was submission to Jayse, as a leader wolf. A warmth lingered in her gaze at the reponse she got. It was a home she wanted after all. She was not only a decent hunter, but possibly could know some remedies. She seemed promising, she even wondered if Elettra might take her under her wing to further her knowledge. A thought for later. "Good to know," She stated, and now she had to decide. Did Silver have a new home, or should she be sent away?

It wasn't a hard choice to pick. In fact it was one of the easiest ones she had made. The silence claimed the air, and she skimmed over numbers of her pack in her mind. Another female would help balance things out, and she appeared a collected sort. Everyone deserved a chance...

Producing a smile quite genuine, she stepped forward. "It seems Grizzly Hollow will have one more." She swept closer, brushing her thick nape along the side of the wolf to mix their scents together. "There," she said, standing back so she could have her space. Everyone would know Jaysyek had accepted her, and she was a new pack wolf. "Now any questions? Or you want to see where we stay?"

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was almost put down when the wolf said good to know. Then, Silver listened as she saw the wolf linger.When Jaysyek said those words she almost jumped with glee. But containing her self she listened to what the wolf asked.<b>"I have one question. What was it like when you first where in a pack?"</b>Silver asked. Silver stood there not frightened but proud. She had been accepted! Then, she realized,"What about Rolu?" She had told him that she was looking for a pack, but."Oh well he would under stand. When I meet him next I'll tell him."she thought.

Silver was to tempted and added quietly to her first question,<b>"I meet a wolf named Rolu not to long ago and he was looking for a pack. If you would not mind if you meet him some where could you tell me?"</b>Silver was exited but she must not forget about him. Silver said a silent prayer to herself."If I had to chose between you or me, it would have to be you," she thought.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

The question asked was quite unexpected, but her expression did not waver. She had been in four packs, counting the one she lead now. She didn't have anyone ask her about her past, not in that matter. She took a second to collect her thought, decide what she did want to share with the newest member of Grizzly Hollow. Her mind seemed to question why Silver would want to know. Had she never been apart of a pack? A lone wolf for her whole life? Or was she merely curious to how Jayse may have felt in her place. Before she could utter a single reply, another statement was spoken with yet another question. A quick clearing of her throat, she titled her head, signaling for Silver to come walk with her.

She started her pace slowly until the she-wolf was by her side. "Well, Rolu will have to meet me at the borders of the forest. He can call for me, and I'll come meet him and we'll see what happens. As for my first pack, the one I wasn't born into, it was different. I was a yearling by than, and the Leader actually didn't want to accept my siblings and I. He did by the good grace of his sone, and I struggled making my way through the ranks. But it's a long story from then to my life now." She shifted her gaze to Silver, a thin smile on her face, a hint she did not plan on sharing more in this moment.

"Have you never been in a pack before?"

[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was wary of her new leader and listened to her new leader. As they began to walk Silver rushed to her side and listened. She saw the Jaysyek smile at her after words and new what she meant. Her next question hit her like a strong cold wind. Silver shivered and her happiness was washed away, replaced with sudden fear."Should I tell her? She is my leader, and I would think she wouldn't think badly of me. But what if she changes her mind about it?" Silver asked her self,"She wouldn't do that. She is a nice wolf, like Rolu." Silver gained her courage again and said,<b>"No I was abandoned at birth. A kitting fox near by found where I was abandoned and took me in. I know it sounds quirky, but its true. And I wouldn't trade in the moments with mother fox and my other adopted sisters and brothers for anything in the world." </b>

Just thinking about it made her happy again and her fear replaced again with courage and hope for a new life. Silver looked at Jaysyek to see her reaction. Then, picked up her splayed paw as the walked, she walked more slowly with it of the ground, but kept up with Jaysyek.<b>"And this, I was born with,"</b>Silver said looking at it. She looked at Jaysyek again as she put the paw down again and regained her normal walking pattern. Silver, right now, didn't care what happened next.
(This post was last modified: Feb 11, 2012, 10:13 PM by SilverWintercoat.)
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
    i don't want this. i don't need this. i don't feel this.

Face lit with surprise. No mother, no father? She was left without a care? It was quite a sad tale, she couldn't imagine parents giving up their child. Nor letting they're fate be death. It was strange a fox would take her in, but she was here now proving the possibility. "You're quite a wolf, for all that's happened to you," she remarked with a kind smile. She wasn't sure what else to say, as it seemed the girl was proud of where she had come from, and that was all that mattered.

Jaysyek continued walking, soon picking up Silver's gaze upon her own forelimb. Head cocked slightly, she paused noticing then how her own paw seemed different than the rest. It didn't seem to hinder her movement too bad. It was just in a different position. It was not an injury, just the way she was made. She nodded, continuing her walk to the center of the hollow. "It doesn't seem to slow you down, she offered. If it didn't bother Silver it didn't bother Jayse.

<i>you ready to end the thread after you post?</i>
[Image: 9Py9751.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
-Sure but how do you do that?PM me how lol.

Silver was relieved and when Jaysyek seemed to accept her. She listened and answered,<b>"Thanks,"</b> she said. Silver seemed was proud of what was happening. She was proud of how it had happened, "I'm joining a pack yay!" she thought. Silver giggled as she looked over at Jaysyek. Silver was for the fist time actually happy.

Silver was relaxed and listened to the forest as the walked to the center of the hollow.<b>"At first it was a burden and now its stronger than the rest,"</b>Silver commented. She glanced around her then back at Jaysyek, what she saw in her now was a proud huntress, and leader. Silver had to admit Jaysyek was beautiful. and seemed to be very powerful. Even with her mismatched eyes she was mysterious, and beautiful. Silver than vowed, "I will be her always with a helping hand in every way to help my new pack grow, our pack grow." Silver lifted her head high as she walked beside the light grey wolf,her name Jaysyek, her leader.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow