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Are you ready for some hurt? — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver hasn't really had contact with other wolves before.~

<b>"Can't a wolf offer a free meal to another?"</b> Silver huffed. Silver bowed her head, "He wasn't thankful of it? Did I do something wrong? Wolves where so hard to understand!" she thought.<b>"So what are you even doing here?"</b> she asked. Silver shifted her weight and whimpered a bit. She sat staring at her splayed paw and lifted it putting her weight on her hurt shoulder. She bit her lip and put the foot down. She looked up watching the male's expression. "Why was he so taken a back by the food?" she thought, "Well maybe I'll ask him, but what if its a touchy subject like her's. Oh well at worse he'll attack." Silver scolded herself for thinking that and watched the wolf again.<b>"What where your parents like?"</b> she asked tilting her head.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote><b>"Nothing in life is free."</b> He replied simply, as if it had been droned into him many times before. He wouldn't eat the rabbit, being a loner might be hard and with the loss of his hunting partner the weight he had gained was starting to slack again, but he wasn't going to touch the offering. It might be a kind gesture on her part, but to him it was so much more. As he'd said outloud, he believed nothing came for free and he never wished to owe anyone anything. He looked out for himself and never wished to be in debt to another... even if it was something as trivial as a small animal like the one cold and dead before him.

Still, she seemed to change the topic quickly and he pushed the over-thinking aside for now to reply to her. <b>"I was heading home, then I heard your call so I came to be nosy."</b> he replied truthfully. He curled his tail around his haunches at that point and shifted the weight in his front paws, the cold was biting at his toes from the hard loam he sat upon, but warmth came to his toes as his tail laid across them gently.

What he had not been expecting was her next question- his parents. He hadn't thought of them for so long. He'd remembered their lessons. He was still scared and damaged from his upbringing but he never thought of them, he wouldn't even allow himself to picture their faces. <b>"They were normal I guess."</b> he lied, though kept his tone natural to hide it. He wasn't going to spill the beans on that one any time soon. <b>"Why do you ask such a question to a complete stranger?"</b></blockquote>
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
He HAD PARENTS! Silver was jealous from the start, but now she was just mad. Though she did well to hide it. She knew from experience that you shouldn't push forward any more on parents if they said they where normal. Or else you could get clawed good and hard. She sat there for a while tell she heard the next question. -Why would you ask a question like that to a stranger?- It rang in her ears and she stumbled backwards as memories of her fox mother, and Firefox flooded back. She regained her composer and said queitly,<b>"I never had any,"</b> Silver intently went into defense and curled her lip up in a snarl. Then she remembered where she was and shook herself riding herself of the feeling.<b>"What happened to your family?"</b> she asked.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote> His ear twitched at her response. She didn't have parents? Then who raised her? Though he hated every molecule of his parents he had to thank them for bringing him into this world- without them he wouldn't have been the glorious specimen he was. He may wish to murder them in cold blood, but at least he had known them. <b>”If you never knew them… how did you survive?”</b> he asked with another tilt of her head.

It wasn’t a subject he’d ever wondered. He’d simply assumed that all childhoods were the same, you were beaten from the day you could walk until you were chased away. It was simple, but obviously her upbringing had been very different. Whilst he parents had loathed him at the end, they had always provided food for him, kept him safe and warm as he grew, who had done that for her he wondered.
Still, she took the conversation back to his family and other then his sister, he didn’t want to discuss it any further. <b>”I dunno what happened to them. I left a long time ago.”</b> he added bluntly, making it clear in his tone he wasn’t going to explain further.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was surprised,"He wants to know yet he doesn't except her gift? What?!" she thought. Still Silver for some reason liked the company she had found. She answered a little unwillingly,<b>"I was rasied by a fox. She was about to kit when she found me so she took me in. Though I couldn't stay for as long as you probably could have. I grew to fast and I was way to big,"</b> she chuckled half heartily. Then, she looked down again and pawed at the snow. She hadn't any idea why she told him and was very mad at herself for doing so. Silver rose to her feet and looked at him,<b>"So how is this going to go?"</b>she asked angrily. She took a strong step forward towards Rhysis. Making even herself feel scared, but she felt like being dominate here.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow
Played by Tyrant who has 526 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Rhysis Aquila
<blockquote>Raised by a fox? He’d never heard of anything so absurd. He decided then that she was a crack pot and he was going to quickly make his leave- that was until she suddenly turned angry and took a step towards him. Her entire body language had changed it appeared and he wasn’t even sure what he had done or said to make her turn so quickly. Yup, he was convinced she was a bit dumb.

With a raised brow he took his all fours and lowered his head slightly. If she wanted to challenge him then go ahead, he had plenty of pent up rage still inside him that tearing apart a hare just couldn’t quite kill. <b>”How’s what going to go exactly? First you ask about my family, so I ask about yours, and now you wanna be dumb enough to try to take me on? You’re all sorts of crazy, right?”</b> He added before he pulled back his rubbery black lips and flashed his pearly white teeth. Hackles raised and muscles bunched in his back legs, ready to move if he had to.
She’d be a fool to take him on; he’d been raised by a blood thirsty pack of warriors and she had apparently been raised by a fox- yes this was going to a quick death if she didn’t back down at this point, especially with that injury to her shoulder; she wouldn’t have a chance. She might weight more then him, but he was taller- he’d have easy access to that damaged joint so she’d better watch her step. <b>”You should back down now if you know what’s good for you. Take your rabbit and vanish before I change my mind.”</b> he snarled.
[Image: winteriscoming-mg.png]
Played by Hope who has 110 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silver Wintercoat
Silver was taken back to what was happening with Rhysis. "What am I doing?" she yelled in her mind, "Are you so tempted to chase off your only company for ever now?" Silver quickly laid down and battered her head with her legs. <b>"What am I doing? Why am I doing?"</b> she howled frustrated. "He probably thinks I'm crazy," Silver thought. Then, she looked up at him and saw the menace in his eyes. Silver got up and ran. She didn't care where or how far. "How did this wolf have this effect on me!" she yelled in her mind. Silver stopped and slid on her bell across the snow. "What just happened?" she asked herself.
"If I had to chose between you and me, well it depends on my reason."
Grizzly Hollow