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THe Journey Continues — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The smaller wolf heaitated before she decided to speak. She could easily help the other wolf to relieve some stress, it wasn't the most common thing to do, but when it came to helping other wolves she just simply couldn't refuse. Holding her stance over her herbs she casually nosed some of the herbs towards the female wolf.<b> "These...could help you," </b>the softspoken wolf spoke slowly, "They can relieve you of some of your stress...it's enlightened emperor and lavender."

Nina spoke with a gentle voice not sounding at all hostile. She was just trying to help the other wolf. She just hoped she wouldn't take it the wrong way. Speaking quietly to the other wolf she said pointing to each herb,<b> "This one is enlightened emperor, you can take it by mouth, it will help even out the chemical levels in your brain, and if that isn't the problem no harm will be done. The lavendar, this one,"</b> Nina paused pointing to the purple plant, <b>"is lavender, all you have to do is breath in its scent for about five minutes everyday. Then you should be fine."</b>
(This post was last modified: Mar 07, 2012, 09:23 PM by Nina.)
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

A black nose cautiously sniffed the odd herbs in front of her. With her experience with Naira and her willow twig, she was beginning to become less cautious of strange plants and start to welcome the plants when she needed them. Her leg has healed up quite nicely, but she still possesses the slight limb to it when it was broken a few years ago by her father. Since she’s had it for so long, she doesn’t even notice her weird gait or the limp in her walk anymore. It feels normal to her now.

But still, Athena was cautious of what plants to ingest, just in case someone decides to give her deadly plant instead of what they alleged it was. The sight of the lavender soothed her suspicions, though. She’s seen this plant before, in the meadows and sometimes in the forest and knew what it was called from her teachings with Hope when she was younger. She was still uneasy about ingesting the “enlightened emperor”, if that was truly what it was. Athena didn’t want to take her chances on it being some sort of deadly plant; so deciding not to eat it was her plan. Anyway, how could she really trust this wolf when this is the first time they’ve meet? Plus, they started off on the wrong foot. So yeah, no enlightened emperor for this gal.

Umm….thanks she said glancing back up at the wolf in front of her. Trying to be polite, she scooped the lavender towards her with her paw. She still had her guard up around her and didn’t know if she’d really use the plant. The only wolf that she’s actually become closer with had been Fallen. Athena felt comfortable around him and her guard went down pretty fast. But now with her new “companions”, if you want to call them that, she’s had her guard up twice as much. Some wolves aren’t what they say they are and she doesn’t want to be the fool that finds that out.

My name’s Athena, she told the other female. She felt it was getting a little awkward, so breaking the silence with introducing herself was the only thing she could think of. She never really liked telling others her last name for some reason. She liked to keep that part a secret. Like many other things about herself.
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
The female nodded her head to Athena looking around cautiously. <b> "My name is Nina. Nice to meet you."</b> The small female wolf spoke softly and formally while talking to the other wolf. Wrapping her tail around her paws she flattened her ears on her head. Watching the other wolf carefully she blinked her eyes quickly, <b>"I hope you get better soon. Being ill in the mind is one of the most unpleasent feelings you can have." </b>Nina had experience with this casually.

When another wolf was mentally ill, they tended to have...illusions of what they wish would be reality. When a wolf got stressed enough they could have an anxiety attack which could quickly register in their brain and kill them quickly. This would be Athena's case if things didn't get better for her. The only thing bad about the anxiety attack is it wouldn't be quick and painless, it would be very long and painful. Not just regular pain, but a wolf could easily lay in a place for hours just in pain from having the unknown attack.

Looking at the wolf carefully she could easily tell that the wolf was pretty healthy. She looked strong, and she was definitely bigger than Nina, which was probably a good sign. Flicking her ears she scanned the trees for any other prey. <b>"Are you hungry? I'm sure we could find something for you to sink your teeth into."</b> Nina spoke softly and gently watching the other wolf's reaction to the help she was offering.
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon

”My name is Nina. Nice to meet you.” As the other female told her, her name, Athena gave a slight nod in return. Well at least she knew her name finally. I wonder if Rhysis or Valiant know of her? she thought to herself. ”I hope you get better soon. Being ill in the mind is one of the most unpleasant feelings you can have.” Athena instantly was offended. Even though she was trying to be nice and friendly, this woman crossed the line. {I}Mentally ill?{I} Yeah, maybe she was a bit stressed, but she wasn’t ill.

”What the hell? I’m not ill in the mind! What kind of shit are you on?” She couldn’t contain herself with this insult. No way was she going to be nice and just let her say she was mentally ill just because of a little stress. This idiot had no idea what has happened to her. What she’s been through in life.

It was time to leave. Even when Nina offered to hunt together, she was no way going to accompany her. She needed to get away from this psycho wolf, get back on her way. She turned herself slightly towards the trees, ready to get away from this wolf. This woman no way intimated Athena, even if she was a bit larger than herself. She’s had lots of experience training with Hope in her younger years. Though, she didn’t think it would come down to a fight again, but she had to be ready if the crazy woman decided to attack her because of her words. Head down, posture ready for any oncoming hit, ears pricked forward and eyes pinned on the woman she’d be ready for anything at this point.

OOC: Sorry for her rudeness hahaXD
|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
OOC: Haha, it's totally fine, though I have to admit that post made my jaw drop! :P

Pinning her ears back on her head to appear less threatening Nina collected her herbs back towards her in a calm matter watching the other wolf with close eyes. <b> "Very well then. Farewell, maybe if we meet again, we may be able to meet on better terms."</b> With a calm and collective manner Nina swept up her herbs and padded away from the other wolf and out of the meadow. She wasn't going to dare test the other wolf, much less get into a fight with the other wolf. Tilting her head up slightly into the sky she watched it closely. The night was obviously clear, which was a good thing, giving Nina plenty of time to travel.

She couldn't really smell at the moment though. He nose was filled with the sense of herbs, and she wouldn't dare sneak a sniff of the mind healing remedies. Now Nina's main concern would be finding out where she would travel to next. Being a lone wolf definitely had its advantages, but she would have to be sure that she didn't run into any pack wolves. Though she had heard about Copper Rock Creek pack and she was curious as to how the process with them worked. Deciding to check it out she made her way to the territory. It would be a few days journey, but Nina didn't mind.

OOC: exit!
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Arya who has 547 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Athena Moon
Haha, she has that affect at times:D

A snort was the only response to the she-wolf's words. It was very unlikely they'd ever be able to meet again and be on good terms. Athena would have a hard time resiting the temptation of attacking her. Nina was wise to not antagonize the white lady further and she soon took her leave. Another wise move.

The Moon lady decided it was also her time to take her leave. She thought it might be good time to go hunting again without any interruptions from the crazy female. Standing up straight, she padded her way back to the welcoming trees. Night was beginning to set, giving the land a ghostly shadow. Maybe this time, she'll actually be able to get that hare.

|| Ash is welcome to make an appearance in any thread. ||