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There's no beaty, only the beast — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
OOC: *reliefed*

He was an easy piece of cake, little coward. Not being able to handle more than few attacks. Kainda didn't attack on him again when he backed away, she stood still, keeping defensive pose and growling. <i>'Blood, drew blood, kill him, KILL! His heart, take his heart!'</i> But she wasn't going to. New life, in new place.

Sneering in pretty friendly way, giving out her defensive pose. He had tried ot be nice, though manners seemed to be pretty lost. Snarling in disgust to her weakness, her hearts desire to be loved, the scarred wolf wagged her tail shortly. Head was kept an neutral height, ears moving around. Beast, you have a sharp diamond inside you, it wants to show itself. But you won't allow it, will you?

<i>'I thought you was something more... But you're not, just another coward. My fairy, kill him and proof your worth'</i> No, bloody past was ment to be past, those dead wolves were not emnt to increase in amounts. Shut up, you stupid voice, leave her alone.

Stepping one step away from him, blood slowly running down her left front leg and coming through her thick, ragged fur. But the cold winter air quickly dried them up and only the pain was left. Pain, something so familair to Kainda, no matter in which form it was. <b>"Ka-ind-a Whe'eat-e'ear"</b> the bloody lady struggled to introduve herself, lips moving slowly to form the words she had practised.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
Rios was relieved that she stopped attacking. He tried to put pressure on his injured leg and it continued to give out on him. The pain he could handle.

She was trying to speak again. Rios could make out words this time. Her name? "Kainda." He repeated it over and over in his head. Rios began to feel ashamed of himself for attacking her. "I apologize for hurting you. I lost control." He limped forward and licked her leg where he had wounded her. He knew nothing he did could make up for harming her, he had even told her earlier that he wouldn't hurt her.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
He seemed to have somekind of an controlling issues over himself. Nothing Kainda was blaiming him for, she wasn't sane herself either. How many times she had given up for the evil voice in her head, the voice that never let in peace? Too many times, too many lives had been lost due her desire to fill the wishes of the voice inside her.

Nodding to his explanation, stiffing when he came closer. Head rised high as he reached to lick her leg, lips rised in snarl, but she didn't attack on him again. Maybe he didn't know manners or respected personal space, but at least he was trying to be friendly. Kaid struggled to appreciate it. She failed, but at least didn't attack, that was something anyway!

But had he been injured already? At least the limp spoke for it, had she really hurted him that much or was there something older on his shoulder that made ihm feel painy? Kainda really didn't care, it was his problems, not hers. Slightly lowering her head, lowering her lips, her sticking canine being the only thing making her to look angry. There was nothing she was going to do for him, Kaid didn't even know his name yet.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
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Rios Haima
He realized she wasn't happy with him being so close. He backed up and sat down. "Kainda, I'm Rios Haima." He looked her over again, smiling at her.

Rios wanted to do something for her to help with the pain, but he didn't know what he could do. He knew she couldn't speak ver well and didn't like to either and he didn't want to force her and make her uncomfortable.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Rios, ha? Well, this <i>Riot</i> definitely didn't light her up. But at least he tried to be friendly, though Kainda would've rather just fought him right here and there. If this wasn't going to be the great beginning of her new life, she would've just torn that injured male apart, without giving any mercy. <i>'Blood, you can... Blood!'</i> Yeah, yeah, it was all about red, juicy, warm blood.

Nodding to his introduction, wondering did he keep her some kind of an idiot. Repeating her name like that... Or was he just showing off that he had understood her name? Anyway, it made her irritated, though she tried to control it. But... Was it really any use to control it?

Sitting down, keeping her muscles tightened just in case he would attack again, letting her wounds be in peace, Kaid wasn't going to show any kind of weakness in front of him, and licking wounds was weakness. That was something the tawny monster was going to do privately. Lowering her head, rising her lips, but not snarling. He would need to do the talking, she wasn't planning to say any more words from her pitiful mouth.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
He stepped away from her, trying to show he didn't want to harm her. Rios hoped she would open up to him, but it didn't seem like that would ever happen. He watched her carefully, making sure she wouldn't attack. Kainda, he had grown fond of her, but it was clear she hadn't and more than likely never would.

Rios wasn't sure what he should do. Should he leave her be, or maybe even invite her to stay in his den and he could get her a hare or something tomorrow. She probably wouldn't go for it though. His mind kept going back to the thought. Maybe it was at least worth a try.

Rios looked Kainda in her yellow-green eyes as he spoke. "Kainda do you have somewhere to stay tonight?" He paused for a brief moment before he continued. "Would you like to come stay with me for the night?"
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Was he just an idiot or did he want to die? Kainda's suprisement by his question was visible, soon followed by frown and snarling. Why would she go with him? It would be a greta opportunity to kill him, though... No, no, not any more killing! Shaking her head, trying to get that idea go away, attempting to figure out why he had offered something like that. Wanted to show that he was better than her? Wanted to kill her? Tried to get her trust to kill her later on, abuse her? No, that wasn't going to happen!

<i>'Go with him, kill him, see the life fading from his eyes, see the blood draining from his wounds!'</i> Oh, that would've been the best option in Kaid's head, killing was simple and fun way to get rid of irritating wolves. But she wasn't here to kill everyone, no, she was trying to change her life. With frown and growling she nodded, wanting to make sure he would understand that this lady didn't need any kind of help or protection. The tawny wolf stood up, keepid muscles tight. Hard eyes were pointed directly to him, waiting.
Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
At first it seemed like she might attack again. She snarled at his and Rios started to back up, not wanting another fight. He assumed this would happen but he thought it was worth a try, he liked Kainda. He wasn't planning on attacking her or anything like that, he simply enjoyed her company.

He was surprised when she stopped growling. It surprised him even more when she nodded. She accepted his invitation. Rios was stunned, he never thought she would accept. He watched as she stood up, she was still ready to attack if anything happened. Rios simply nodded and led her to his small den. "It's a little small but it works."
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Kainda followed him, snarling time after time, her voice starting a real orchestra inside her mind. Talking about killing, blood and death like always, bringing bloody skeletons to her vision and all that kind of stuff. Eyes focused straight forward, the brutal form followed Rios, head low, tail stiff, evry single muscle in her body tightened, ready to attack or defense, kill if needed. Oh no, Kainda wasn't going to be surprised.

Played by Hannah who has 29 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rios Haima
Kainda was obviously still nervous around Rios, which was understandable. He did attack her not too long ago. He hoped she would warm up to him at least a little, it didn't seem likely. Although, she had agreed to stay with him for the night so it was a start. Rios laid down and drifted off to sleep with Kainda next to him. She still didn't trust him and wouldn't get too close.
