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Fury — Lost Lake 
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Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Thanatos realized she thought he was mocking her when she grew angry when he called her beautiful, even more so when he mentioned her eyes. He backed up, not wanting to fight her. He held his head high and his tail stayed level with his spine. "I w-ill rot fi-ght roo K-aid."

Why couldn't she just take his compliments when he meant them? He never lied to a girl, he always spoke what was on his mind. "I w-ill rot fi-ght roo ror spreaking ry mi-nd. I re-ruse roo fi-ght a fe-mme." He was larger than she was and with his head held up that way, she could easily go for his throat. He hoped she would't, it was already difficult to speak from the last wolf that did that.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
He was an racist! Refusing to fight her! Lips curled even higher, head went lower, pushing forward. No one would refuse to fight her, they would pay with their lives if they did. Growling, not showing any signs of mercy towards Thanatos, head steadily towatds him. Shoulders were rolled forwrad, tail stiffly hanging behind her, clearly challenging her male comapnion into battle.

<b>"Fi'gh't o, r d'i-e."</b> she muttered to him, snarling and growling, still heading forward. Two options. Kainda didn't expect a furious fight, but she was going to fight this brute, no matter what. If he would flee, she would hunt him down. There was no escape. Even if he ment those words, he needed to prove his value to her. Scars didn't speak the language of victory, they only told about battles. Not the result.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
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Thanatos Rua
Fight or die huh? This was his one exception to his rule, if she challenged him and gave him the choice to fight or she would kill him. He glared daggers at Kaid. He would not go down easily. A low growl began in his throat as his lips parted, baring his teeth. He snapped his teeth together right next to Kaids face, a warning. If she did not back off she would leave wounded.

Thanatos snarled at her. "Roo do n-ot wan-t roo ch-alle-nge me K-aid!" He was furious at this point. There was no chance he would flee but if she kept going with her challenge he would attack and she would be hurt.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
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Kainda Wheatear
Kainda did not back down when Thanatos changed his mood. She had challenged to death many times, and this wasn't even a death match. Her snarl turned more like an grin when the black brute spoke, taking one more step towards him. Kaid wasn't going to back away, she had thrown her challenge and was ready to find out was Thanatos worthy enough to praise her.

Kainda's ways were cruel and brutal, true, but it really didn't disturb her. Those ways and manners were learnt in very young age, and Kainda had kept her quidelines throughout her life: fighting was the only way to see how good you are.

He had accepted her challenge. Sorta. She started. Charging forward, trying to take his muzzle between her jaws, and keep them there with tight and painful grib. Kainda wasn't going to be gentle. Her right front paw moved forward, claws attempting to scratch Thanato's leg. Kaid tightened her neck to be able to push him backward if her muzzle attack would succeed.
(This post was last modified: Feb 18, 2012, 06:32 PM by Kainda.)
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos knew she would go for his muzzle first and quickly jumped to the side. She succeeded in scratching his leg, but it didn't even faze him, he was used to pain much worse than that. Kaid would have to do much more than that if she wanted to bring down Thanatos. He was blind but he knew how to fight even with his blind spot, he's done it for years.

Thanatos attempted to clamp down on he shoulder. He had a very strong grip even with a lot of muscle damage on his muzzle. If he succeeded in getting a grip on her, he wasn't going to let go. He brought his paw up to dig his claws into her side, hoping to rip open the flesh.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
His teeth sank in her shoulder, but the mottled fur protected the area a little. Though it did cause damage quite a lot, he wouldn't be able to pull any flesh off if he would attempt that. Blood filled her skin from that area, slowly heading through her messy fur. Quickly turning her back body to left, Thanato's claws only causing minor damage on her side before she slipped away. Quick wolf might've been able to fully dodge that attack, but Kainda was everything but quick. Her fur had been ripped from that area by Rios earlier and it wasn't as good protection anymore, so scratches were formed.

Kainda's attempted attack was to get her jaws around Thanato's head, right side, so that lower fangs would end up close to his throat and upper canine's closer to his temple. That would be done by turning her head to right. Then a tight squeeze with her jaws to not make him escape. Right front leg tried to scracth his chest.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos ducked as she went for his head, and attempted to clamp her jaws down on her throat. Kaid managed to scratch his shoulder. She was aiming for his chest but missed as he ducked. His shoulder was fine, nothing to worry about only a little blood.

He used all of his strength to try to push her over. It would have been easier if he had managed to get a hold on her throat. He didn't want to kill her, just injure her enough to prove he was not one to mess with.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Kainda's jaws missed his head, but because her head was relatively low, he couldn't quite reach her throat, but instead her neck. Still his teeth were in place where they could cause sevear damage and Kaid was very unhappy for the situation. Blood drained down from her wounds, coloring her tawny fur to red. <i>'Kill him, KILL him!'</i> No, this wasn't death match.

Even though he had grib from her neck and he was strong, Kainda was stronger than him and was able to keep herself up as he pushed, simply leaning towards him. Her head did turn to bad direction and down, though. Right front paw headed to his neck or ear, maybe even eye, from the left side of his head, in attempt to force him release his grib.
Played by Jake who has 116 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Thanatos Rua
Thanatos had her right where he wanted her. He had a strong grip on her neck, he could injure her pretty bad but he wouldn't kill her. She was leaning against him, trying to keep him from pushing her over. An idea flashed through his mind and as she attempted to claw at his eye she missed and only grazed the side of his head.

Thanatos tightened his grip, not enough to choke her just enough to hold on better. He tried to use her strength against her and pull her to the ground headfirst in the direction she was leaning. He brought his leg in the direction of her belly, hoping to scratch her if she didn't go down.
Played by Dark who has 42 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kainda Wheatear
Kainda had no option but to go down, though she doubted he would actually kill her. But the monster wasn't going to gice up just like that. She layed to the ground, but as her last, little desperate attemp, Kaid attempted to kick Thanatos with her hind legs. She was laying on the ground on her side, bringing her back legs towards Thanato's side and shoulder. This attack would work better if he would release his grib and with her strength might send Thanatos to ground. But the fight was either loss or drew for Kainda anyway.