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God is a girl — Dragonveil Fold 
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Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

Jenny put some thought into her answer before it peeped out as "Sellwin!" Ahhh. Lyanna reasoned that her inference had been a lucky guess. But now what? Which Selwyn did Jenny belong to? Were they relatives of Askan's known or unknown? Her sense of responsibility deepened then, seeing as she officially couldn't let anything happen to her tiny friend, and she faced the fact that if no one came to collect Jenny, she'd need to be the one to bring her home - sooner than later. Which, in all honesty, she wasn't really up to despite that she'd was nearly all healed up. The last thing she needed was another run-in with another disgruntled stranger, or to be discovered by coyotes or anything else of the sort.

Still, she would try her best to do the right thing, one way or another.

"I see. Selwyn sounds like a name to be proud of." She thought of mentioning that she knew a Selwyn, too, but chances were that Jenny was likely too young to have much of an appreciation for that as she seemed intent on enjoying her escape. The cub hadn't answered her question about where her own home was. From her friendship with Daesamar, Lyanna knew the scent they shared was of a pack on the mountain, but she had no idea where it was located. If nothing else, perhaps Jenny would remember the way she'd came? Or Lyanna would be spending more time away from the Edge than she wanted to, searching.

"Well, what adventures do you suppose we have in store for us now, little bird?" she offered with a hint of excitement in her lighthearted tone.

Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Jenny wasn't sure about that, but she liked the idea of having a name to be proud of. Even if everyone just called her Jenny, or Nessie, it felt good to be part of a' cool club.' It made her feel special, real important, and who wouldn't want that? She puffed up her chest as she stood up on her tippy toes, trying to seem as tall as possible. Wasn't she impressive! Amazing!

Then Ly asked her another question, what was going to happen next? That was a very good question, for a moment the pup took a moment to consider it as she tipped her head a little to the side. Her ears flicked forward and back as she focused intently. She ought to head home, lest an adult come looking for her, but it was such a long journey...She was maybe a little tired. And she knew her Ma must have noticed that she was gone by now, Ma was pretty...nice most of the time but she wasn't stupid.

"Dunno." Came her answer, paired with a coy shrug. "We coooould...play tag?"

That was always fun, even if her legs were a little achey Jenny was certain she was up for it. Maybe she could sit down and rest after, for now she wanted to play play play!

Bring the Ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

Tag was Jenny's proposal, and it was a good one, she supposed. Having healed well and generally experiencing little pain from her skirmish, Lyanna felt like she could keep up with the energetic pup. Hopefully, anyway. "Hmmm," she pretended to contemplate for a moment.

She smiled mischievously at her newest, tiny friend before reaching out to touch Jenny's chest with the tip of her nose before bouncing up to her feet. "You're it!" she exclaimed, turning on her heels to bound off like a deer leaping through a meadow of tall grass. Her tail waved playfully behind her as she looked over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't going too far - she didn't want to wear the kid out, especially after her impressive solitary descent down the mountain. Wheeling around to stretch her forelegs out before her with her rear end up in the air, a fun-filled giggle escaped her as she prepared to be intercepted by the vivacious Selwyn girl.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She'd finally returned to the tarn after being away for what seemed forever. She wasn't upset about it though feeling it was a trip she maybe needed to make. It had been a long time since she had been on a scouting mission and even then this one had been much longer than that one. Now that she was home and had reported back to Piety she wanted to take a little time to rest before doing anymore scouting.

She'd done a patrol that morning but had laid near the tarn afterward. After a short nap she went for a walk, it was then she discovered that Jenny had crossed the border. There weren't any other scents around hers or leading out into the forest. This was a problem so instead of calling for her packmates the tawny woman just left.

She would go after the child and bring her home. Cheedo followed Jenny's trail further up the mountain. Thankfully she soon found her with another wolf, a female. The tawny woman moved in quickly a low growl of warning escaping her to let the other know she meant business. “What's going on here?”

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Ahhh! Jenny did not see that coming! Ly was a sneaky one, but rather than be annoyed Jenny couldn't help but grin so wide her face hurt. See, this was what she needed. The wolves at the Tarn were nice, but maybe a little too nice. It wasn't a lot of fun pranking wolves who didn't deserve it, it felt like she was being mean. But wolves like Ly could no doubt withstand Jenny's peskiness, they would maybe even enjoy it.

Before Jenny could even bound after her new friend Cheedo appeared on the scene, all gruff and grumpy like they were doing something wrong. Maybe they were. Whoops.The little Selwyn skidded to a stop and offered Cheedo the cutest, most innocent smile she could offer. Her little tail flicked from side to side as she stared up with her big yellow eyes, it had worked on Ly so surely it would work on Cheedo too.

"Playing tag, wanna play too?"

It seemed like an innocent enough offer, little did Jenny know the reasoning behind Cheedo's suspicion. She was too young, too naive to know the danger that strangers posed to little pups, how easy it would have been to snatch her away from the mountain.

bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

In the midst of enjoying her time playing with Jenny, Lyanna had forgotten for a moment that the pup was overdue in being discovered missing by someone from her pack up on the mountain. Before the little Selwyn could even get a round of her tag in, a tawny woman had lumbered her way down the mountainside and right over to the scene of lighthearted shenanigans. She resigned from her playful stance to stand neutrally in attention as their new arrival drew near. "What's going on here?" she'd questioned, rightfully so.

Before Lyanna could address her, Jenny beat her to the punch. The girl laid it on thick, regarding her pack mate with those big, pretty yellow eyes before inviting her to play, too. She was a smart thing, wasn't she, honing her manipulatory skills already? And doing an adorable job with it to boot.

She cleared her throat softly before addressing the wolf. "It seems that Jenny here had managed to find herself far from home - an accident, from what I've gathered," she added in defense of her new friend. It wasn't like Jenny was up to no good, or so she preferred to look at the situation. "We've been playing to pass the time," she smiled warmly at her tiny dark counterpart for a moment, her eyes returning to the dutiful woman who'd no doubt come to collect her. "I'm Lyanna of Shallow's Edge," she offered some information as a gesture of good faith, "led by Askan Selwyn and his mate."

Perhaps it would do she and Jenny some good if the Tarn wolf was aware of her loyalty to a Selwyn (or the Selwyn, as far as Lyanna was concerned). She obviously had only good intentions by the girl, a relative of her Leader though she didn't know in what way.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Cheedo noted when she came on the scene that the Jenny didn't seem to be in distress, that was good for the woman. In fact they seemed to be having a fun and while Jenny shouldn't be interacting with wolves she didn't know just yet the tawny woman understood. She was only a child and had a growing curiosity about the world and its inhabitants.

Cheedo went to Jenny and checked her over in a motherly fashion before she acknowledged what was being said to her. Unfortunately for the young Selwyn Cheedo was expecting the innocent charm the pup was trying to portray. “You’ll need that look when we tell your mother where you've been,” she stated. She did smile down at Jenny, “I'm glad you're alright though.”

The tawny woman then turned her attention to the stranger, “Pups will be pups,” she stated in acknowledgement of what was said. As for them playing well, “I should thank you for looking after her in that case.” Cheedo couldn't see that any harm had been done so there wasn't any reason to be angry at that point. “I'm Cheedo of Clearwater Tarn. It's nice to meet you Lyanna.” Shallows Edge was a pack she knew very little about but perhaps she needed to make a journey there.

“I'm afraid I haven't made the acquaintance of your alphas.” Though Cheedo did have to wonder if Askan was any relation to Lenae and Jenny. Cheedo turned to the pup, “So what's this about a game of tag?” She asked knowing the girl had been rather excited about it.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you
Played by Alice who has 102 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jenessa Kay Selwyn

Bring the noise

Cheedo had a point...but Jenny didn't care. She believed that she could wiggle out of anything, that even her Ma wouldn't be able to stay mad for long. It wasn't as if she'd done anything super bad anyway, all she had done was play. It was just in a different place, somewhere she wasn't really supposed to be. But close enough right? And now that Cheedo was here she wouldn't have to go back alone, so everything was completely and utterly fine!

"Mmm." Jenny nodded along eagerly, anything to smoothen things over.

And then the adults began to talk, and Jenny was convinced she was in the clear, that everything had more or less gone to plan. Heheheheh. Wasn't she awesome? Her ears flicked forward as the women passed names back and forth, nothing that really caught the pup's attention. Adult stuff might be important but maaaan, was it boring. Were they even enjoying talking to one another, or were they just doing it because they had to? Because it was the mature, proper thing to do? Jenny, being the bored little sod she was began to blow raspberries till her tongue tickled. She shook her head and giggled despite herself, it was so silly but fun! Why didn't the adults ditch what they were doing and join in.

But no, the talk turned back to playing tag. Yes!

Bowing down, Jenny wiggled her butt in the air like she just didn't care, then charged forward till she ran right into Cheedo's front legs.

"You're it! Ruuuuuun!"She bellowed, turning tail and galloping along the shore as fast as her puppy legs would take her.

Bring the ruckus

[Image: teamselwyn_1_by_marthypie-dcq9d88.gif]
Played by Allie who has 208 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Lyanna Tainn

Unfortunately, Jenny's air of charm didn't quite seem to work on the woman who'd tracked her down. But to Lyanna's relief, the woman was warm and kind to both she and the little spitfire of a child as she looked her over in a motherly sort of way before introducing herself.

"Indeed they will. It's nice to meet you as well, Cheedo, and no thanks needed - I would have done the same for any pup, given the situation." She regarded the lady with a polite smile. "That's quite alright - our Leaders rarely come this way unless need be, I believe. I'm rather unfamiliar with your pack, Clearwater Tarn. Though I have a friend who I believe belongs to you all - Daesamar?" It was certainly possible that there wasn't any relation there, but she thought she'd recognized the scent Jenny and Cheedo carried.

To her surprise and delight, it seemed as though she'd get a little more time to spend playing with Jenny before the pair headed back up the mountain. She watched contently as the pup ambled over to Cheedo like the little bundle of lightning that she was, gleefully 'tagging' her before taking off up the bank of the stream.

Played by Kai who has 341 posts.
Inactive No Rank

Cheedo hoped that Lenae wasn't going crazy with worry over where her daughter might be. After making sure that Jenny was okay she had turned her attention on the woman. Introductions were quickly made which also calmed the tawny woman and allow her to learn a little more. She'd found out some useful information that she would certainly share with Piety.

She listened smiling as Lyanna agreed with her about puppies and assured her that she would do the same with any. “I'm just happy that she ran into someone who would look after her, there are plenty of bad wolves out there and the coyotes.” Cheedo felt the latter posed a greater danger these days. “Perhaps I will make a visit to them then. We are a relatively new pack on the mountain,” she explained, “Daes is one of us, I had no idea that the two of you had met.” She hadn't had the chance to really speak with the young male since she'd only just returned to the tarn.

Through the talk with Lyanna Jenny had seemed rather bored which Cheedo expected. It too seemed to be a puppy thing, it made the tawny woman smile. Not wanting to take all of the pups fun she decided to allow a little more playtime before they would have to head home. That was maybe a mistake, next thing she knew the little Selwyn was charging at her and tagging her before running off. Cheedo's first instinct was to run after Jenny but at the last moment she turned on Lyanna and charged her, tagging her, “Your it now,” she declared with a giggle before running after Jenny.

[Image: nM576Fd.png]
Please see Kajika's OOC profile for OOC preferences, thank you