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I kissed a girl - and I liked it?? — Cold Water Creek 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
The other woman moved deeper into the frigid waters as well. They would regret it once out and their wet fur was subjected to the winter winds, but in the moment the contrast felt good and she did not retract her choice. And really, they didn't have to be cold once out of the water... they could dry off together. Somewhere sheltered, somewhere warm...

All the talk of men doused those hopes swiftly. Not that it meant she couldn't also lean Woya's way, but that final sentence seemed to all but seal it.  Damn. It was a shame, really. Given she lived with her cousin, she might've been able to actually get to know the woman...

(Woya also was thankful that husband passed was shortly followed by a few years ago, otherwise she would've felt like a total ass opening a fresh wound.)

"Hmm," she hummed, letting her muzzle sink into the water once more. She kept just her leathery nose and honey eyes above the surface, briefly thinking over what to say now. Maybe she should just ask for tales about her family, but every time she looked at the other wolf she couldn't help the fluttering that unfailingly rose up in her chest.

"Never did find a man that could satisfy. I've found women know far better what they're doing."
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Love this!

Her mercury orbs hid behind dark lids as Moon focused on the relief of the icy waters. She hadn't ever considered relieving the insufferable itch of the season with another woman. So when Woya spoke how she found that women know what they were doing more than men Moon's curiosity was peaked. Opening her pale eyes she looked to the other woman. Her ears pressed forwards as her head cocked slightly to the side. "Have ya?" The inky woman was very curious about how that would work. She had only ever found that time or drunken love with her husband had relieved her heat. Was there really another way? Hormones raged through her, causing a familiar ache of finding comfort in another to rear its head. The first season after Tagg had passed was difficult for her. That ache paired with heartbreak was all but unbearable. Which is why the previous season and this season the onyx woman had made sure to keep herself distracted the best she could.

With this new notion Moon studied her companion a little more closely. Noticing the pale brown hue of her eyes resembled pale fall leaves. Her coat was woven with white and silver hairs among the cream that floated in the gentle river. The younger female was certainly beautiful but that didnt help remove the foreignness of the concept.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Woya was pleasantly surprised to find that her claim seemed to spark the other wolf's interest. She lowered her head once more, hiding the smile that crept over her lips under the water's surface. A fresh flock of butterflies burst into activity at the notion of possibility. She nodded, sending lazy ripples along as her head bobbed.

Her legs began to paddle, idly dragging her along through the water toward Moonshadow. She came to rest between the other woman and the shore, and her pale paws touched the muddy river bottom. Rising, water poured from her fur as it attempted to fluff back up against biting air.

"I think we'll catch cold if we stay much longer. Wanna dry off together?"

It was the smart thing to do, even if Woya didn't have ulterior motives driving her.
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Pale colored eyes watched her companion bob her head in the water while she still contemplated the new concept offered to her. Surely it was no different than with any man, right? The cream colored woman stood, her pale fur clinging to her frame as it dripped back into the river. Moon's tail swished in the water once more at the offer. Winter still held an icy grip on the world and they both had waded into the river too far, having soaked their entire pelts. Having someone to help get the hard to reach places seemed to be the smart thing to do.

Moonshadow stood where she had laid. The frigid air blew straight to her skin, though she didnt mind. It was reliving just as much as the water first was when he first waded in. But the older woman knew it would be short lived. "That sounds like a lovely idea" Moon agreed making her way to the shore. Making sure she was a good distance from her companion she gave her inky pelt a good shake, sending frigid water flying in all directions. Her pelt felt lighter after shedding most of the water. Her gaze fell once more on her companion realizing how much smaller the other woman was. Though the Eastfall woman was used to standing taller than most wolves she met. After a moment she looked at the forest around them, searching for somewhere they could hunker down. "Do ya know anywhere that isnt in the open?" Moon asked with a hopeful smile looking back towards Woya.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
She didn't hesitate to take Woya up on her offer. The younger wolf's smile grew and her tail wagged lazily as she watched Moonshadow retreat from the current as well. She shook out her pelt in sync with her company, and chose to mull over the question before answering it.

"Umm," she hummed, bright eyes scanning the forest while the wind's nipping drove her closer to the darker woman's side. At this point, she was feeling comfortable enough to lean into Moonshadow's larger frame, and the heat that emanated from the other wolf's wet skin was only bolstered by her rapidly developing crush.

Woya was pretty sure she was creeping over that dangerously-blurry line where rejection might actually sting. Maybe it really was just hormones, but the tipping point had been reached; she really wanted Moonshadow to feel the way she did.

"Oh, I know," her gilded gaze lit as it hit her; there'd been a toppled tree, roots and all, not too far back that she'd sniffed around, checking for easy prey. It had been very clearly abandoned, not a scent to be found.

"Follow me!" Woya threw Moon a grin before setting off at a trot. It'd be wise to get out of the wind as quickly as possible, after all.

It would take only a few scant minutes to retrace their way back to the storm-crafted shelter. The oak had rooted deeply, and pulled a vast chunk of earth up with it, creating an earthy cave-like dwelling. It was large enough for them both, and would adequately enclose them away from the elements.
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2021, 01:38 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The breeze was gentle and actually warmer than it had been in previous weeks, but with icy soaked fur...it was biting. When the younger moved in and pressed against her a strange yet familiar sensation rushed through her along with the comforting warmth of sharing body heat. Silver dusted ears perked when the cream woman exclaimed she knew of a place and threw a smile her way. Moon nearly recoiled when her companion moved from her side to lead them to shelter. Moonshadow followed, easily catching up and falling in line next to her companion's shoulder.

"I'm Moonshadow by the way." The Eastfall woman offered realizing that her manners must have been washed away river as they trotted through the trees. Her gaze briefly moved from the path to her companion as her mind briefly wandered. She pondered what she was feeling inside. Was it just the heat and hormones? The now years of loneliness she has endured. Sure having found her children brought her more joy than ever but, there was only so much they could do for her.  Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of an upturned oak. Its twisted system of roots had had a deep hold upon the earth and when it fell it took the earth with it. Leaving a cave like hold in the ground, clearly large enough to fit both women.

Large inky paws slowed and eventually coming to a stop. She surveyed the cave and its surroundings taking in the fact that there were no lingering scents. Looks like this would be a good place to settle down. The aging woman also noted that sun had begun to set. She really shouldn't make her way back up the mountain in the dark.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
Moonshadow. She looked sideways toward the larger woman, and those molten silver eyes nestled within suck darkness, and saw how it fit her. With a smile, the smaller wolf responded.

"Woya," then after a beat, "means 'dove'."

They'd both been given names that reflected their looks, whether intentionally or not. Woya liked coincidences like that, felt like they were signs pointing wolves in the right direction. Of course, here she was lost in the middle of nowhere chasing after her vanished brother's cold trail... so maybe she didn't really know anything.

The Shadow waited when they reached the impromptu sanctuary, and so Woya took the lead, stepping into the hollow of earth almost daintily. Her nose worked the air, ensuring that it was indeed still abandoned and a safe place to rest before she curled up as squarely in the middle as she could manage, leaving plenty of room for the other woman to lay where she please. Looking up at those silver eyes, Woya felt her heart pick up pace and had to avert her gaze.
(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2021, 12:13 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

Moon smiled as her companion also offered her name and the meaning behind it. Her mind also drifted to how their names reflected their appearances. Had their parents done it on purpose or had the universe put it into motion? Either way it didnt matter, it was just a fun little thought to ponder. "That's beautiful." the Eastfall woman complimented her companion and felt the heat rush to her cheeks. She felt as if she was a yearling with a child's crush. It made her want to giggle and cover her face. She held her composure best she could, thankful for her dark fur.

They arrived and Woya took the lead and laid within the middle of the abandoned den. Pale metallic met honey brown for a moment as the onyx woman hesitated to join her companion. Her heart skipped a beat and she adverted her gaze while a half laugh escaped her maw. She totally wasnt embarrassed or nervous.

Inky paws gingerly made their way into the den careful to not step on the pale dove. She walked around her pale companion fully before settling in. Moonshadow laid with her back to the entrance and facing the pale woman. She gave her a sheepish smile before looking to her paws...why was she so nervous?

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 379 posts.
Woya Macieo
In just the short time it took them to settle in, the hollow already felt considerably warmer than the outside air. It was relative, of course, but made a remarkable difference to sheltering wolves. She yearned to snuggle into Moonshadow's larger frame, but held back, still very much unsure if any of the things she wanted to do were desired in kind by the other woman or not.

When her light brown eyes looked up, she saw that her companion didn't appear as open and relaxed as before. Woya tried not to let her mind wonder, lest she drive herself crazy, but she did inch her paws forward, feigning the need to stretch her legs a little. Their limbs mingled, and her tail wagged lazily at her hind paws. Quiet settled over them as she mustered up the courage to say something.

"So... " her voice came out soft, as though the peace around them were fragile, "no one around, to remind you of how beautiful you are?"

Stunning was the first word to come to mind, but she could only be so bold.

"That's not right..."
(This post was last modified: Aug 14, 2021, 12:40 AM by Woya.)
[Image: X2QzmxY.png]
Played by Grae who has 898 posts.
Lone Wolf No Rank
Moonshadow Eastfall
I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

The little den was significantly warmed than the early spring air. Having shielded her companion from it meant that every once and a while the cooler air drifted in against her back. A shiver ran down her spine, though she didnt know if it was from the outside air or the pale woman's words. Mercury pools stayed on her paws for a moment as the heat in her cheeks rose. "uhh -" She laughed nervously and finally gathered the courage to look at the other woman. Metallic pools met warm honey pools with a shy smile. Her heart pitter pattered at her flirting. It had been so long since she had had any sort of romantic attention. So long since...since Tagg.

Sadness and slight guilt made their way into her thoughts. Guilt for flirting with someone else but also guilt for letting her thoughts get away from her. Blinking her vision came back into focus and she realized her smile had fallen. Pulling her lips back up again in a smile she apologized sheepishly, "S-sorry. I - its just been so long." She admitted quietly. "Though I guess I have ya now" the greying woman replied with her best attempt at flirting back...she was so out of practice.

Word Count: 000
[Image: ftc_sig_by_becuffin-dax4amo.png][Image: moonshadowtagg_sig_by_becuffin-daxixpd.png]