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Another Dark Day — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
As soon as the words lefther mouth the black male started laughing, it wasn't a nice laugh, but for some reason it seemed to calm her slightly, making the tension she was feeling quickly leave her body. As the male spoke of how he had gotten the small bitch a good yank in her tail the golden lady started wagging her tail. Hearing this made her exceptionally happy. The small white lady had rammed her in her leg, doing something that Niara had told her about, but she had currently forgotten. And then came the part about Rhysis, of how his part in his little plan would come soon enough. As soon as the golden-eyed male spoke of this, the words that came out of the smaller wolf's mouth shocked even Nina.

"I wouldn't mind helping with that when you get the chance. If you ever need any help, involving healing or fighting the Poison Pack wolves I wouldn't mind. I'm usually hanging around here, or traveling, but word can get around fast around here." The female's soft voice held a slight hint of a sneer in it. She didn't exactly favor Rhysis, and she knew if this wolf. What pack did he smell of? Was it River? Most probably was, that was what they had said at the small meeting with all the wolves. She wouldn't mind helping the River wolves. She had small paws. . .but they could come in high handy when it involved healing.

She didn't know why she offered this wolf her alliance. Not for the fact that she just absolutely dispised the Poison wolves or the fact that she felt the urge to help these wolves. . .she didn't know. Opening her mouth again she said quietly, "I'm glad you got Athena. . .she got what she was asking for." Nina wasn't trying to sound like a bitch. In general she usually was one of the nicest wolves anyone would ever meet, but it depended on how they interpreted the way she worked and acted.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
horrible, you can reply or archive Light. Whatever ya feel like ;)
    If I go crazy then will you stillcall me superman?

The slow ticking minutes of the invisible clock worked with him, instead of against him. Nina was to a point believing he was no demon, and how he had personally hurt Athena. Why her and Athena did not get along he could only guess, or assume it was just one of those things best left unexplained. He wasn't sure he should know, he already had his own reasons for not liking them, and the Poison Pack in general. He was sure if he saw Athena again she would probably try to rip into him without cause. If only to see Naira, but he doubted the scuffle had bothered her. She loved Rhysis after all.

He tipped his head, a brow quirked, totally surprised by her offer. The same time, it was good news to his ears to think someone willing to help him, and he did start to ponder what else the white wolf had done to Nina, or Rhysis for that matter. He took a moment to contemplating things. He not sure if he should be in a rush to accept her help. Though, he was certain Copper Rock Creek would be involved in whatever things would come too. "Thank you, since Naira took off with them, Swift River doesn't really have a healer. She's promised to teach me, but I doubt she'll have means to." He let out a rough sigh, his ears twitching in aggravation. It would never end. "So that means a lot Nina. I would like to count you as an ally. I actually wouldn't have it out for them so much if it wasn't for Volkan," he half smiled if only because of the thought of her. They had likely met being pack mates. With another grumble of thunder, he shifted, letting his eyes hold the sky as if to keep it from falling. He was tired of the spring storms, and craved summer.

He chuckled at her last words, finding them most amusing, and picking up her vibe of dislike. "Well, for whatever she did to you, I guess she got her Karma to a point."

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are you with me through it all?
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