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let's go get high — Paradise Falls 
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Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

Flair. Micaden. Addison. Chan. Finley. Atara. Ryder. Marigold. Colette. As he named them all off, she noted the different dynamics. His co-lead was not his wife, which was strange to her but if that was what Paradise had decreed then she was not one to argue with stranger social dynamics. His wife also had a son who was apparently not his own. That was strange to her as well, used to being surrounded by wolves who mated for life and never strayed, at least not knowingly.

Still, it was not her place to pass judgement. She was the one to be judged in the coming weeks. “I am certain I will meet them all and they will be wonderful.” She stated, her tail wagging back and forth as she considered it all, a gleam in her eyes as she said it. “Thank you. I will not let you or anyone else here down.” She was already formulating her plan to salvation, a plan to prove herself so she might continue to stay rather than be cast out to the fires of hell.

Played by Molo who has 474 posts.
Inactive XII. Subordinate
Jethrᴏ Kane
She was certain that they’d all be wonderful, a level of optimism that brought a smile to Jet’s countenance and prompted another dip of his head. ”We’re.. a bit of a ragtag bunch. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” For one reason or another, they’d all come together - a blended family of sorts, far exceeding what he’d ever imagined it would become when he’d first started out.

A place of belonging for anyone that wanted it.

”Welcome, again. And I’m here, if ya need anything. Questions, concerns, or just to talk.” He always tried to be present and available for everyone. That’d be all the more true for any newcomers.  

”First, let me show ya your new home,” he spoke, beckoning Miriam to follow with a motion of his nose.

-free to fade or reply, if you want! & also welcome!
Played by Tasha who has 60 posts.
Paradise Falls V. Subordinate
Miriam Faith

She didn’t fully believe him when he said that they were a ragtag bunch. It might appear that way from the outside, but to her from how he described it they were more organized than just a band who banded together. There was more to the story there, of that he was certain.

“Thank you, Sir!” She would offer up with a chipper tone, following him as he proceeded to show her around. There was that faint twinkle in her eye all the same, still viewing the lands through the lens of it being heaven rather than normal pack lands of normal wolves.
